Another option to solve the CRLF and the saving to file problem in some cases is possibly just to use cat on the stream:
cat /dev/tty.usbXXX // stream to screen
cat /dev/tty.usbXXX > file.txt // stream to file
Works fine, although i'm not sure how you should exit to cleanly release the serial port. On the mac I just tested on, it seemed once you ht ctrl-c or ctrl-\ to exit, running the command again didn't work and had to release the serial port (e.g. unplug/replug)
Someone may know a way to release/exit cat cleanly, or a way to easily release the serial port without resorting to physical unplugging :)
Information on how to set Screen /dev/tty.usbmodem1d2f to translate /n to CR LF Please.