Hello MBED's / is there a Debounce in InterruptIn or DigitalIn ?

26 Dec 2011


This is my first project using (e)mbed(ded) hardware, and i'm amazed how much C you can forget when not using for 25 years ;)

I want to build a remote control for a timing system, 14 keys, 6 leds, a 20x4 LCD, and hook it all up through POE ethernet using UDP.

I've started with Pehr Hovey's sample for UDP (thanks pehr!), and i'm adding my stuff along the way.

My first problem is that there seems to be no debounce on the digital in's like on Elexol's IO24.

Do i need to debounce in software?

o... and where can i find the C language ref for the MBED environment? (i really need to catch up)



27 Dec 2011

Hi Theo!

Look here for Debounce for DigitalIn : http://mbed.org/users/AjK/libraries/DebounceIn/latest

And PinDetect should do it for Interrupts: http://mbed.org/users/AjK/libraries/PinDetect/lkyxpw

Both are listed here http://mbed.org/cookbook/ .

Hope this helps - charly