How to debug idDHTLib?

28 Jan 2014

Hi, I have just published my test code

This code uses the idDHTLib but the output is not right. Kamil (author of idDHTLib) thinks there might be a problem with a pull-up resistor but I dont have a clue... I think there is missing some bits.

The old DHTLib often resulted in checksum error, and I have not been able to find the error in this one as well.

Output from test-program (endless loop)

Status is 0
Temperature is -3.00 C
Humidity is -3.00
Status is 0
Temperature is -3.00 C
Humidity is -3.00

Do you have any ideas what can be wrong here?

28 Jan 2014


This may help. At least you know the history reading from the DHT devices.


29 Jan 2014

Thanks Kevin, I have actually been trying to grasp you post from that thread, without luck. I still think there is an error somewhere, and now the question is: where?

29 Jan 2014

Since only odd returned numbers from the DHT generate checksum errors (23, 25, 27, etc) and even returned numbers do not, I spent a little time looking at the code. From what I could tell, the very first bit read from the DHT gets missed. I thought I could see where the the driver's author then shifted the data by one bit to try to compensate for the missed bit. I could be wrong, but that's what I thought I saw.
