I'm pretty new to the MCU world and whilst I'm coping OK with the software side of things my very basic understanding of electronics is making my vehicle CANBus based project slow going. Still thanks to the great resources here I'm amazed at what I have been able to achieve.
I've managed to design and have successfully tested a pcb that hosts the mbed 1768, some can controllers and a power supply amongst other things that my project requires. I'm now working on version 2 that adds some extra components and will be tested by a few more people. During the design process I noticed a potential problem and I'm wondering if there is a way to protect against it.
Finally to my question:
My project exposes the 3.3V Vout to a connector so that it can be used as a reference for some analogue sensors. On the same connector and on a neighbouring pin I have the 12V in to power the project. My concern is that if somebody (like me) accidently connects the 12V to the Vout pin then I'm assuming the mbed would be toast.
Is there a simple circuit that I could incorporate that would protect them mbed in this scenario?
Google would seem to suggest that it's more than just 1 diode that I need but I'm struggling to make sense of what google has suggested.
I'm pretty new to the MCU world and whilst I'm coping OK with the software side of things my very basic understanding of electronics is making my vehicle CANBus based project slow going. Still thanks to the great resources here I'm amazed at what I have been able to achieve.
I've managed to design and have successfully tested a pcb that hosts the mbed 1768, some can controllers and a power supply amongst other things that my project requires. I'm now working on version 2 that adds some extra components and will be tested by a few more people. During the design process I noticed a potential problem and I'm wondering if there is a way to protect against it.
Finally to my question:
My project exposes the 3.3V Vout to a connector so that it can be used as a reference for some analogue sensors. On the same connector and on a neighbouring pin I have the 12V in to power the project. My concern is that if somebody (like me) accidently connects the 12V to the Vout pin then I'm assuming the mbed would be toast.
Is there a simple circuit that I could incorporate that would protect them mbed in this scenario?
Google would seem to suggest that it's more than just 1 diode that I need but I'm struggling to make sense of what google has suggested.