Valid user code in LPC11U24

17 Dec 2012

I have made a simple pcb for the lpc11u24, and can copy a firmware file to it via USB MSC, but the code never runs. From trying different combinations of high and low on P0_1 and P0_3, it would seem that the processor is finding my user code to be invalid. Specifically, if P0_1 and P0_3 are both high at reset, the device shows up as a USB drive instead of running my code.

Section 20.7 of the user's manual says that user code is valid if the 32-bit sum of the first eight 32-bit words of memory is zero. The mbed compiler seems to put the proper checksum into location 7 to make this true, so I am baffled about why my code isn't running. The first eight words are these: 10001000 00000219 00000233 00000221 00000223 00000225 00000227 e324efff

Does anybody have any other ideas for me to check?

Thanks, Ralph

19 Dec 2012

Well, that didn't seem to generate any ideas. Can somebody take a look at my schematic, then, and see if any problems jump out? It looks to me like everybody elses, but my blinky code that runs on the mbed isn't running on my test pcb, and it behaves as if the processor isn't seeing a valid checksum. USB firmware load appears to work. I haven't tried serial load.


Thanks, Ralph

19 Dec 2012

Hello Ralph, I had similar problem due to VUC, but with the bin file generated from Keil compiler. If this is a VUC problem the Flash Magic programming via serial, will solve your problem.

I had made a bare matal pcb for Lpc11u24 but with 64pin device.

Regards Thanassis Mavrogeorgiadis

31 Dec 2012

Problem turned out to be Linux vs. Windows. USB MSD bootloader seems to work incorrectly with Linux, and image gets loaded at the wrong address (starts at 0x400 instead of 0). When I get a chance I'll do some experimenting and see if I can trick it into putting it in the right place.

- Ralph

12 Feb 2013

NXP Recently posted this application note to deal with the problem.