Strange behaviour with Nokia LCD

27 Jul 2011

I've connected up a Spark Fun colour LCD breakout board (from here:, the PCB itself is red and the display has a silver elliptical sticker with "GE" on it. I've tried it with the test program here: It seems to work, once I set the display type to "LCD6610", but it has a number of problems. The first is a two pixel wide vertical white bar on the far left of the display and a similar blue bar along the bottom of the display. The sine wave is rendered using black (0x000000), but around a third of the pixels are rendered red. I added a section to the program that waits five seconds and then clears the display (to 0x0000FF), and this results in a green bar every third column of the display. I can't find much information, but I would guess this is because of either bad configuration at reset, or invalid formatting for the colour data. I've tweaked the program and tested the connections on the board without any success. Any ideas, anyone?

08 Oct 2011

There are a couple of notes about 2 minor code patches in the Cookbook NokiaLCD comments 1 and 2 - not sure if the cookbook code has them now, but I had to add them a few months back. As I recall, the problems without them sound a bit like yours.

01 Aug 2011

Yup, that sorted it. Thanks! I made the assumption that the patches had been added to the library, it seems they weren't.

08 Oct 2011

Someone recently posted a fix for the thin blue line on the edge on the NokiaLCD - 130 vs 132 comment near the end in response to first comment. It works! - so you need all 3 patches.

18 Oct 2011

That seemed to work, but now (although unrelated) the inductor on my board seems to be packing up, it's hot to the touch! (At 5v input for the backlight)

19 Oct 2011

Try 3.3V for the backlight - ours run a lot cooler and don't seem too dim.