LPCXpresso Base Board

29 Jan 2010


As there was a topic on the mbed blog about this board, I am sure some people bought it (like me !). It might be a good idea to create a forum subtopic for LPCXpresso owners as there is a whole bunch of gizmos onboard that need to be programmed and that do not belong to the cookbook.

Sharing infos and programs among owners could be great without mixing with the general mbed thread for sake of clarity and search easyness.

Just my two cents (of euro...;-)

29 Jan 2010

I've been thinking of buying one but after adding EA's shipping (€22 inside EU?!) and then VAT the price is not so great...

29 Jan 2010

Yep, it's a bit pricey but when you add up all the built-in stuff and the burden of making a PCB (like BoB) and the soldering, I made the purchase.

30 Jan 2010
Stephane ROCHON wrote:

Yep, it's a bit pricey but when you add up all the built-in stuff and the burden of making a PCB (like BoB) and the soldering, I made the purchase.

I never really liked the whole board idea, its much cheaper to buy the components individually and solder them to little breakout boards ... and attach them to the breadboard when you need them...

31 Jan 2010

If you go to one of the mbed training seminars you get to take home an LPCXpresso for free I think.