Suggestion : Components / switching code from non-public to public

18 Aug 2013


I noticed components can be added to main categories.
Even though this option allows users to add components for which no sub-categories are present, i think the main category should only reflect the sum of all subcategories.

With the current layout, it will be quite difficult to filter out components placed in the main category when sub-categories grow large (clicking on the main category displays all components in this category and its sub-categories under the main category name).

I can think of two possible improvements:

  • When we click on the main category in the left pane, show the main category name as well as all sub-category names in the right pane and list the components under the corresponding category name.
  • Add a Other sub-category to each category. A user can add a non-categorised component here and perhaps make use of a Category request button to apply for the creation of a new (sub-)category (reviewed by the mbed staff and added if necessary).

Or perhaps, in analogy with the CookBook page, allow users to add Categories/sub-Categories.
Of course, there’s a risk the page gets bloated with too many categories (i’m not really keen on using this solution).

Switching non-public to public code

In order to indicate a new public release, would it be possible to have the Activity page also list repository pages that are switched from non-public to public.