TLSSocket object instantiation not working on MBED 5.12.4 (on UBLOX-ODIN-W2)

21 Jun 2019

I have an application running on UBLOX-ODIN-W2 and using MBED 5.11.3. It has been having a lot of TLS Socket stability issues and I am now trying to update to the latest version of MBED (5.12.4) which may have some fixes for tis.

Issue is that even though it compiles and runs, when it gets to the point at which in instantiate the TLSSocket object:

socket = new TLSSocket; dbg_printf(LOG, "instantiated TLSSocket object!!\n");

It seems to freeze and the printf code is never reached.

Anyone have any idea what the issue is?

Many thanks for any help.

14 Jul 2019

Hi Okundu,

Thank you for your question!

Does this issue reproduce for you on an old version of tls-socket?

I think that this might be caused because the TLSScoket base class is initialized with the class's member tcp_socket, however the member has not been initialized yet. However, the baseclass doesn't do anything with this parmaeter in its ctor, except copy its address to its own member.

Have you tried using a debugger?


Mbed TLS Support
