Mbed Studio 0.6.0 on MacOS - fuzzywuzzy error

16 Sep 2019


Just upgraded mbed Studio from 0.5.3 to 0.6.0 on MacOS, and gotten this error:

error code

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/lauleehong/Documents/mbed_workspace/stack-manuca-os/mbed-os/tools/make.py", line 40, in <module>
from tools.options import get_default_options_parser
File "/Users/lauleehong/Documents/mbed_workspace/stack-manuca-os/mbed-os/tools/options.py", line 24, in <module>
from .toolchains import TOOLCHAINS
File "/Users/lauleehong/Documents/mbed_workspace/stack-manuca-os/mbed-os/tools/toolchains/__init__.py", line 43, in <module>
from ..config import (ConfigException, RAM_ALL_MEMORIES, ROM_ALL_MEMORIES)
File "/Users/lauleehong/Documents/mbed_workspace/stack-manuca-os/mbed-os/tools/config/__init__.py", line 37, in <module>
from ..arm_pack_manager import Cache
File "/Users/lauleehong/Documents/mbed_workspace/stack-manuca-os/mbed-os/tools/arm_pack_manager/__init__.py", line 28, in <module>
from fuzzywuzzy import process
ImportError: No module named fuzzywuzzy

pip list

$ pip list
DEPRECATION: Python 2.7 will reach the end of its life on January 1st, 2020. Please upgrade your Python as Python 2.7 won't be maintained after that date. A future version of pip will drop support for Python 2.7.
Package          Version      
---------------- -------------
appdirs          1.4.3        
asn1ate          0.6.0        
asn1crypto       0.24.0       
beautifulsoup4   4.6.3        
bs4              0.0.1        
certifi          2019.6.16    
cffi             1.12.3       
chardet          3.0.4        
colorama         0.3.9        
cryptography     2.7          
ecdsa            0.13.2       
enum34           1.1.6        
fasteners        0.15         
functools32      3.2.3.post2  
future           0.16.0       
futures          3.3.0        
fuzzywuzzy       0.17.0       
hidapi           0.7.99.post21
icetea           1.0.2        
idna             2.7          
intelhex         2.2.1        
intervaltree     2.1.0        
ipaddress        1.0.22       
Jinja2           2.10         
jsonmerge        1.6.1        
jsonschema       2.6.0        
junit-xml        1.8          
lockfile         0.12.2       
Logbook          1.4.3        
lxml             4.4.1        
manifest-tool    1.4.6        
MarkupSafe       1.1.1        
mbed-cli         1.10.0       
mbed-cloud-sdk   2.0.1        
mbed-flasher     0.9.2        
mbed-greentea    1.7.2        
mbed-host-tests  1.5.8        
mbed-ls          1.7.8        
mbed-os-tools    0.0.9        
mercurial        4.9          
monotonic        1.5          
pip              19.0.3       
prettytable      0.7.2        
protobuf         3.5.2.post1  
py               1.8.0        
pyasn1           0.2.3        
pycparser        2.19         
pyelftools       0.25         
pyocd            0.14.3       
pyOpenSSL        19.0.0       
pyparsing        2.4.2        
pyserial         3.4          
pyshark-legacy   0.3.8        
python-dateutil  2.8.0        
python-dotenv    0.10.3       
pyusb            1.0.2        
PyYAML           4.2b1        
requests         2.20.1       
semver           2.8.1        
setuptools       40.8.0       
six              1.11.0       
sortedcontainers 2.1.0        
trollius         1.0.4        
typing           3.7.4        
urllib3          1.23         
websocket-client 0.56.0       
wheel            0.33.1       
yattag           1.12.2       

My source code was able to be compiled before upgrading the IDE. I've tested it on 2 MacOS machines. The repository uses mbed-os 5.11.4. Thoughts?

17 Sep 2019

A quick fix was to commend out line 28 in mbed-os/tools/arm-pack-manager/init.py:

#from fuzzywuzzy import process
26 Sep 2019

Very helpful. Thank you!