Difference between Online Compilation and offline using GCC Make

30 Apr 2019

Hi, I'm trying to use an adafruit neopixel library. I have a problem with compilation. If I use online compiler, everithing is fine.(i.e the LEDS ar well displayed)


If I take exactly the same code and I use CLI, there is a bug (number of LEDS and colors are false) .


If I choose to export project from compiler to GCC ARM there is still an other problem


I use mbed os 5.12.2

I think the difference is cause big a specific compilation flags but can't find which one...

You will find the code attached below






Thanks for your help

17 Jun 2019

Try older version of MBED-os .. see if that fix your problem? I have a similar problem with the newer version of MBED-os.. changing back the mbed-os version fix temporary my problem .. Unfortunately, mbed forum is not so impressive.. Bugs reported by me for long time ago .... still the problem is there .. no one care.