Suggestion: LED colour.

Those blue LED's -- while that may have been a hot thing last century - would love to see the next version have a green, red, yellow and blue one (or whatever - as long as the 4 have different colours). That makes them imminently more usable ! And likewise something a bit more key on  the power LED would be good.



21 Jul 2010

Hi Dirk,

While we were doing the mbed alpha, we did have a bunch of mbeds with all sorts of LED colours; yellow, green, red, even white. But blue definitely just worked best, so we stuck with that. But we never thought of mixing them on one board :)

Perhaps we should do a special edition run, or even someone could start doing an after-market mod kit :)


I am sure your target audience/customers know how to handle a soldering iron :) But more seriously - if is useful to have different colours - you can then signal with it at ease - and even 'read out' the signals from across the room, etc.

