I'm working with Tensy 3.2 and working now with SPI Master and Slave. The SPI Slave is not working properly :
Master is Teensy 3.2 and Slave also with same pin SPI : MOSI=PTD2 MISO=PTD3 SCLK=PTD1 SSEL=PTD0
SPI MODE=0 for both and frequency=1MHz. What's wrong is : When Master drive SSEL low, the pin MOSI from Slave is running low. The signals MISO_S_Fil and MOSI_S_FIL are only connected to the Logic analyser and coming from SPI Slave. What's coming from SPI Master and is connected to SPI Slave is CS/, SCLK.
The same C code is working well when I swap each teensy with two LPC1768.
Thanks in advance to have a look, and hope to see Teensy working with SPI slave.
Dear Mercury Waters,
Could you send to me@ikravets.com your `".pioenvs/teensy31/firmware.hex"`? Or share somewhere... Thanks.
Regards, Ivan Kravets