Simon and Daniel,
Thanks much for both of your options. I spent much of Monday exploring both options and trying to figure out exactly what was going on under the hood including:
1) I first tried to simply upgrade the firmware, but it didn't fix my issue.
2) I wrote a number of test apps trying to push the full duplex rx/tx and couldn't get it to break at thruputs much higher than my original 10hz test... I tried using two seperate serial objects and that did fix the issue with printf... I also tried disabling interrupts, but doing so I could create a situation where the mbed would miss a packet that it received while interrupts were turned off... Instead of disabling interrupts, is there a way to just 'temporarily queue up interrupts' or something? hah...
3) I realized that my specific issue still occured even without the mbed sending data! So using two seperate Serial devices nor disabling interrupts even applied at this point... So after doing some more digging, I fixed the problem by adding flush() calls in the python pyserial code after EVERY byte...
For example, the mbed receives everything fine with no checksum errors if I use this call from my laptop:
usbSerialPort.write('<magic byte> <data byte 0> <data byte 1> ... <data byte n> <checksum> <magic byte>')
However, if I will frequently get checksum errors if I do the following instead:
usbSerialPort.write('<magic byte>')
usbSerialPort.write('<data byte 0>')
usbSerialPort.write('<data byte 1>')
usbSerialPort.write('<data byte n>')
usbSerialPort.write('<magic byte>')
BUT, if I do this, it works fine again:
usbSerialPort.write('<magic byte>')
usbSerialPort.write('<data byte 0>')
usbSerialPort.write('<data byte 1>')
usbSerialPort.write('<data byte n>')
usbSerialPort.write('<magic byte>')
My wild speculation is it has something to do with the latency/thruput tradeoffs involved with wrapping a serial stream over USB. My guess is that by not calling flush() after each byte, that the bytes are being buffered up and perhaps not immedeately being sent off as one group. This may be happening on the PC / linux / usb driver / pySerial side or on the mbed usb chip, I really don't know... My receive code does allow for up to 15ms between each incoming packet, so it seems more like some bytes are getting dropped but I haven't proven this...
Anyway, just an observation that stumped me for a good while that hopefully someone else might find usefull...
Sorry, I'm not sure if this is the place for this post? I checked the early post by Dan Ros that says Bugs & Suggestions is "about the development of mbed (as opposed to development on mbed)". I'm being a bit slow, but should I stick to website / IDE related things here, or can I talk about things I've noticed specific to the embedded system? I'll try anyway and ask for forgiveness later! ;p On with the show:
1) A few weeks ago Christian Lerche and I noticed an issue that caused a system hang w/ the Serial interrupts and printf() routine (both via USBserial and other ports too). It is already documented and I have a test program to reproduce the issue. I'm not sure if Simon Ford ran across it yet, as he seems busy lately with pwms, watchdogs and all his other duties too! :)
The work around I came up with was to implement a puts() function and just sprintf() my messages into a buffer before puts()ing them...
2) Just yesterday I finished up a system that does a lot of full-duplex serial I/O. I have a python GUI that sends messages to the mbed when I modify some widgets and the mbed is peridiocally sending back messages to the GUI via the USB serial link. It works okay for a while, but when I start to "hammer" the system (e.g. mbed sends to PC at ~10hz 10byte packets and the PC sends to mbed ~10hz 10 byte packets) I can get the mbed into a state where it stops receiving bytes properly. It *may* be an issue with custom usb/flash interface or perhaps my linux usb<->serial driver. I think it isn't the mbed chip itself as I can push the reset button and it still doesn't receive data properly. If I wait for a while (maybe 3-30 seconds), it will sometimes start working again. If I cycle power, it will always come up in a working state.
I haven't done extensive testing, but it seems reproducable at various baud rates (9600 and 115200)...
I also tested running the same code but on one of the non-usb serial ports. I haven't seen the issue come up yet (and its over the sparkfun blueSmirf link at the same 115200 baud rate).
Just curious if you've seen this before, otherwise I might try to put together the most simple test program to reproduce the issue if possible... Thanks, and keep up all the good work adding features and promoting this super handy system!