KL25Z SPI pin connections: Only a (small) subset available to mbed SPI

19 Jul 2013

This might also for other peripherals be the case, but I only looked at SPI: The source allows for only a few SPI pins: http://mbed.org/users/mbed_official/code/mbed-src/file/f9e72c209510/vendor/Freescale/KL25Z/hal/spi_api.c. While if you look at the user manual http://cache.freescale.com/files/32bit/doc/ref_manual/KL25P80M48SF0RM.pdf (10.3.1) there are many more options that the SPI pins can be connected to.

Is there a reason they aren't available for the mbed library? As example, I am fairly certain that contrary to what the wi-go pinout page says, SPI1_SCK is not PTE2, but PTB11. They are besides each other on the board, and according to the datasheet they are both available as SPI1 clock pins, so I guess it is an easy to make mistake, but mbed library doesn't accept PTB11.

Edit: Changing the spi_api.c to:

static const PinMap PinMap_SPI_SCLK[] = {
    {PTE2, SPI_1, 2},
    {PTC5, SPI_0, 2},
    {PTD1, SPI_0, 2},
    {PTB11, SPI_1, 2},
    {NC  , NC   , 0}

static const PinMap PinMap_SPI_MOSI[] = {
    {PTE1, SPI_1, 2},
    {PTC6, SPI_0, 2},
    {PTD2, SPI_0, 2},
    {PTD6, SPI_1, 2},
    {NC  , NC   , 0}

static const PinMap PinMap_SPI_MISO[] = {
    {PTE3, SPI_1, 2},
    {PTC7, SPI_0, 2},
    {PTD3, SPI_0, 2},
    {PTD7, SPI_1, 2},
    {NC   , NC   , 0}

Indeed allows communication via those spi pins (there are many more available, but these I need).

19 Jul 2013


I did not add KL25 to mbed, thus I personally assume the same. There will be more pins available but mux options are not yet defined. I'll create a reminder, when I get back from vacation, I'll look at MUX options for KL25 and add them there.

Thank you for reporting. I'll keep you posted here.

Regards, 0xc0170

04 Aug 2013


I am back, here are new SPI definitions.

static const PinMap PinMap_SPI_SCLK[] = {
    {PTE2, SPI_1, 2},
    {PTC5, SPI_0, 2},
    {PTD1, SPI_0, 2},
    {PTB11, SPI_1, 2},
    {PTD5, SPI_1, 2},
    {NC  , NC   , 0}

static const PinMap PinMap_SPI_MOSI[] = {
    {PTE1, SPI_1, 2},
    {PTC6, SPI_0, 2},
    {PTD2, SPI_0, 2},
    {PTE3, SPI_1, 2},
    {PTD7, SPI_1, 5},
    {PTC7, SPI_0, 5},
    {PTD3, SPI_0, 5},
    {PTD6, SPI_1, 2},
    {NC  , NC   , 0}

static const PinMap PinMap_SPI_MISO[] = {
    {PTE3, SPI_1, 2},
    {PTC7, SPI_0, 2},
    {PTD3, SPI_0, 2},
    {PTE1, SPI_1, 5},
    {PTA16, SPI_0, 5},
    {PTA17, SPI_0, 5},
    {PTC5, SPI_0, 5},
    {PTD2, SPI_0, 5},
    {PTD6, SPI_1, 5},
    {PTD7, SPI_1, 2},
    {NC   , NC   , 0}

static const PinMap PinMap_SPI_SSEL[] = {
    {PTE4, SPI_1, 2},
    {PTC4, SPI_0, 2},
    {PTD0, SPI_0, 2},
    {PTB10, SPI_1, 2},
    {PTD4, SPI_1, 2},
    {NC  , NC   , 0}

Thank you for pinpointing this lack of mux options. I am going to review all drivers.



04 Aug 2013

Sounds good :). Quite an impressive list of possible pin maps.

05 Aug 2013

As I said, I have checked entire HAL, added more mux options where they were available.

They should be available when there will be the next update of the mbed src.



06 Nov 2013

I ran into a "pinmap not found" error using:

PTC7 = mosi PTC6 = miso PTC5 = sclk PTC4 = ssel

I believe both PTC6 and PTC7 can be in either MOSI or MISO modes.

Are there other limitations? Here is my example:

FlashUSB flash(PTC7, PTC6, PTC5, PTC4);     //FlashUSB(PinName mosi, PinName miso, PinName sclk, PinName cs);


06 Nov 2013

Never mind,

I was using mbed-src.lib instead of mbed.lib. All is right with the world now. Sorry for the false alarm.
