Online IDE Could not create new file in sub-sub directory

29 May 2012

At the moment, the IDE only allow creating new file by right-click the mouse on an "empty space" in the workspace.


However, if the directory is 2 level deep, there is no "empty space". So it is not possible to create new file into existing workspace.


The workaround is to create the file in upper directory and then drag it to deeper directory.

29 May 2012

Alternatively, you can right-click on the folder or project in the tree you wish to create the file in.


29 May 2012

/media/uploads/yoonghm/ide2.jpg Do you mean the project tree on the left? There is no context menu when I right-click on it. I am using chrome.


29 May 2012


Okay, it works. Thank.

29 May 2012

Is it possible to prevent a source file in an existing file from being compiled? I tried to rename it to other name, online IDE prevents it.
