copying binary files onto mbed

20 Mar 2012

When I go to copy a binary file or delete a file off the mbed device it hangs. It get stuck in this Copying... dialog that just says "Calculating..." and never moves on. Any ideas?

21 Mar 2012

Hi Tyler,

Are you using Windows 7 by any chance?

We have seen some issues with Woindwos 7 machines and the USB cables we ship (I know it sounds ridiculous, but its true). It is under investigation and will shortly be the subject of a blog.

Assuming you are a Windows 7 user, can I ask you to try an alternate cable (shorter, fatter and with a RF choke if you have one like that). You'll probably find this solves the problem.

Lee me know how you get on.

Thanks, Chris

19 Apr 2012

I'm having the same issue this week. It seems only one of three machines that I use to program the mbed has the problem. I've looked at several possible issues including windows file indexing, bitlocker, and it looks like it's related to a system security feature that tags files that are downloaded from the internet and can "block" them if they come from a suspect "Zone". I haven't found a fix yet.


19 Apr 2012

Update: After selecting: All Programs-> Accessories-> System Tools-> Disk Cleanup and deleting Temporary files and System restore points, my mbed seems to be working again. Strange....
