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1 /****************************************************************************
2  * Copyright (c) 2015, ARM Limited, All Rights Reserved
3  * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
4  *
5  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
6  * not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
8  *
9  * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10  *
11  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
13  * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15  * limitations under the License.
16  ****************************************************************************
17  */
19 #ifndef UTEST_TYPES_H
20 #define UTEST_TYPES_H
22 #include <stdint.h>
23 #include <stdbool.h>
24 #include <stdio.h>
25 #include "utest/utest_shim.h"
26 #include "SingletonPtr.h"
28 namespace utest {
29 /** \addtogroup frameworks */
30 /** @{*/
31 namespace v1 {
33  /// repeat_t
34  enum repeat_t {
36  REPEAT_NONE = 1, ///< continue with the next test case
45  REPEAT_ALL_ON_TIMEOUT = REPEAT_SETUP_TEARDOWN | REPEAT_ON_TIMEOUT, ///< repeat the handler with setup and teardown on timeout
46  REPEAT_HANDLER_ON_TIMEOUT = REPEAT_CASE_ONLY | REPEAT_ON_TIMEOUT, ///< repeat only the handler on timeout
47  REPEAT_ALL = REPEAT_SETUP_TEARDOWN | REPEAT_ON_VALIDATE, ///< repeat the handler with setup and teardown
48  REPEAT_HANDLER = REPEAT_CASE_ONLY | REPEAT_ON_VALIDATE ///< repeat only the handler
49  };
51  /// status_t
52  enum status_t {
53  STATUS_CONTINUE = -1, ///< continues testing
54  STATUS_IGNORE = -2, ///< ignores failure and continues testing
55  STATUS_ABORT = -3 ///< stops testing
56  };
58  /// failure_reason_t
60  REASON_NONE = 0, ///< No failure occurred
62  REASON_UNKNOWN = (1 << 0), ///< An unknown failure occurred
63  REASON_CASES = (1 << 1), ///< A failure occurred in at least one test case
64  REASON_EMPTY_CASE = (1 << 2), ///< The test case contains only empty handlers
65  REASON_TIMEOUT = (1 << 3), ///< An expected asynchronous call timed out
66  REASON_ASSERTION = (1 << 4), ///< An assertion failed
68  REASON_TEST_SETUP = (1 << 5), ///< Test setup failed
69  REASON_TEST_TEARDOWN = (1 << 6), ///< Test teardown failed
70  REASON_CASE_SETUP = (1 << 7), ///< Case setup failed
71  REASON_CASE_HANDLER = (1 << 8), ///< Case handler failed
72  REASON_CASE_TEARDOWN = (1 << 9), ///< Case teardown failed
74  REASON_CASE_INDEX = (1 << 10), ///< Case index out-of-range
75  REASON_SCHEDULER = (1 << 11), ///< Asynchronous callback scheduling failed
77  REASON_IGNORE = 0x8000 ///< The failure may be ignored
78  };
80  /// location_t
81  enum location_t {
82  LOCATION_NONE = 0, ///< No location information
83  LOCATION_TEST_SETUP, ///< A failure occurred in the test setup
84  LOCATION_TEST_TEARDOWN, ///< A failure occurred in the test teardown
85  LOCATION_CASE_SETUP, ///< A failure occurred in the case setup
86  LOCATION_CASE_HANDLER, ///< A failure occurred in the case handler
87  LOCATION_CASE_TEARDOWN, ///< A failure occurred in the case teardown
88  LOCATION_UNKNOWN ///< A failure occurred in an unknown location
89  };
91  /// Contains the reason and location of the failure.
92  struct failure_t {
93  failure_t() : reason(REASON_NONE), location(LOCATION_NONE) {}
94  failure_t(failure_reason_t reason) : reason(reason), location(LOCATION_NONE) {}
95  failure_t(location_t location) : reason(REASON_NONE), location(location) {}
96  failure_t(failure_reason_t reason, location_t location) : reason(reason), location(location) {}
98  /// Copy constructor
99  failure_t(const failure_t &obj){
100  reason = obj.reason;
101  location = obj.location;
102  }
104  /// @returns a copy of the failure with the reason ignored.
105  failure_t ignored() const {
106  return failure_t(failure_reason_t(reason | REASON_IGNORE), location);
107  }
109  failure_reason_t reason;
110  location_t location;
111  };
114  enum {
115  TIMEOUT_NONE = uint32_t(-1), ///< Do not use a timeout
116  TIMEOUT_UNDECLR = uint32_t(-2), ///< Timeout not explicitly specified, defaults to NONE
117  TIMEOUT_FOREVER = uint32_t(-3) ///< Never time out
118  };
120  /// Stringifies a failure reason for understandable error messages.
121  const char* stringify(failure_reason_t reason);
122  /// Stringifies a failure for understandable error messages.
123  const char* stringify(failure_t failure);
124  /// Stringifies a location.
125  const char* stringify(location_t location);
126  /// Stringifies a status.
127  const char* stringify(utest::v1::status_t status);
129  /** POD version of the class control_t.
130  * It is used to instantiate const control_t objects as PODs
131  * and prevent them to be included in the final binary.
132  * @note: control_pod_t can be converted to control_t by copy construction.
133  */
134  struct base_control_t {
135  repeat_t repeat;
136  uint32_t timeout;
138  repeat_t inline get_repeat() const {
139  return repeat;
140  }
141  uint32_t inline get_timeout() const {
142  return timeout;
143  }
144  };
146  /** Control class for specifying test case attributes
147  *
148  * This class encapsulated control information about test cases which, when returned from
149  * a test case influences the behavior of the test harness.
150  * Instead of using this class directly it is recommended to use the aliases for clearer
151  * semantics:
152  * @code
153  * control_t test_case(const size_t call_count) {
154  * // repeat 5 times for a total of 6 calls
155  * return (call_count < 6) ? CaseRepeatHandler : CaseNext;
156  * }
157  * @endcode
158  *
159  * This class overloads the `+` operator to implement something similiar to saturated arbitration:
160  * - The lower timeout value "wins".
161  * - A more involved repeat "wins" (ie. `ALL` > 'HANDLER' > 'NONE').
162  * - Next Case always wins.
163  *
164  * You may then add timeouts and repeats together:
165  * @code
166  * control_t test_case(const size_t call_count) {
167  * // repeat 5 times for a total of 6 calls, each with a 500ms asynchronous timeout
168  * return CaseTimeout(500) + ((call_count < 6) ? CaseRepeatAll : CaseNoRepeat);
169  * }
170  * @endcode
171  *
172  * In the future, more control information may be added transparently and backwards compatible.
173  */
174  struct control_t : private base_control_t
175  {
176  control_t() : base_control_t(make_base_control_t(REPEAT_UNDECLR, TIMEOUT_UNDECLR)) {}
178  control_t(repeat_t repeat, uint32_t timeout_ms) :
179  base_control_t(make_base_control_t(repeat, timeout_ms)) {}
181  control_t(repeat_t repeat) :
182  base_control_t(make_base_control_t(repeat, TIMEOUT_UNDECLR)) {}
184  control_t(uint32_t timeout_ms) :
185  base_control_t(make_base_control_t(REPEAT_UNDECLR, timeout_ms)) {}
187  control_t(const base_control_t& other) :
188  base_control_t(other) {}
190  friend control_t operator+(const control_t& lhs, const control_t& rhs) {
191  control_t result(
192  repeat_t(lhs.repeat | rhs.repeat),
193  (rhs.timeout == TIMEOUT_NONE) ? rhs.timeout : lhs.timeout);
195  if (result.timeout != TIMEOUT_NONE && result.timeout > rhs.timeout) {
196  result.timeout = rhs.timeout;
197  }
199  if (result.repeat & REPEAT_NONE) {
200  result.repeat = REPEAT_NONE;
201  }
202  else {
203  if (result.repeat & REPEAT_SETUP_TEARDOWN) {
204  result.repeat = repeat_t(result.repeat & ~REPEAT_CASE_ONLY);
205  }
206  if (result.timeout == TIMEOUT_NONE && result.repeat & REPEAT_ON_TIMEOUT) {
207  result.repeat = repeat_t(result.repeat & ~REPEAT_ON_TIMEOUT);
208  }
209  }
211  return result;
212  }
214  repeat_t
215  inline get_repeat() const {
216  return repeat;
217  }
218  uint32_t
219  inline get_timeout() const {
220  return timeout;
221  }
223  private:
224  static base_control_t make_base_control_t(repeat_t repeat, uint32_t timeout) {
225  base_control_t result = {
226  repeat,
227  timeout
228  };
229  return result;
230  }
232  friend class Harness;
233  };
235  /// @see operator+ in control_t
236  inline control_t operator+(const base_control_t& lhs, const base_control_t& rhs) {
237  return control_t(lhs) + control_t(rhs);
238  }
240  /// @see operator+ in control_t
241  inline control_t operator+(const base_control_t& lhs, const control_t& rhs) {
242  return control_t(lhs) + rhs;
243  }
245  /// @see operator+ in control_t
246  inline control_t operator+(const control_t& lhs, const base_control_t& rhs) {
247  return lhs + control_t(rhs);
248  }
250  /// does not repeat this test case and immediately moves on to the next one without timeout
251  extern const base_control_t CaseNext;
253  /// does not repeat this test case, moves on to the next one
254  extern const base_control_t CaseNoRepeat;
255  /// repeats the test case handler with calling teardown and setup handlers
256  extern const base_control_t CaseRepeatAll;
257  /// repeats only the test case handler without calling teardown and setup handlers
258  extern const base_control_t CaseRepeatHandler;
260  /// No timeout, immediately moves on to the next case, but allows repeats
261  extern const base_control_t CaseNoTimeout;
262  /// Awaits until the callback is validated and never times out. Use with caution!
263  extern const base_control_t CaseAwait;
264  /// Alias class for asynchronous timeout control in milliseconds
265  inline control_t CaseTimeout(uint32_t ms) { return ms; }
267  /// Alias class for asynchronous timeout control in milliseconds and
268  /// repeats the test case handler with calling teardown and setup handlers
270  /// Alias class for asynchronous timeout control in milliseconds and
271  /// repeats only the test case handler without calling teardown and setup handlers
274  class Case; // forward declaration
276  /** Test setup handler.
277  *
278  * This handler is called before execution of any test case and
279  * allows you to initialize your common test environment.
280  *
281  * @param number_of_cases the total number of test cases in the test specification
282  *
283  * @returns
284  * You can return `STATUS_ABORT` if you initialization failed and the test teardown handler will
285  * then be called with the `REASON_SETUP`.
286  */
287  typedef utest::v1::status_t (*test_setup_handler_t)(const size_t number_of_cases);
289  /** Test teardown handler.
290  *
291  * This handler is called after execution of all test case or if test execution is aborted.
292  * You can use this handler to de-initialize your test environment and output test statistics.
293  * The failure argument contains the immediate reason why this handler is called.
294  * If the test completed normally without failures, this will contain `REASON_NONE`.
295  *
296  * After execution of this handler, the test harness will stop execution.
297  *
298  * @param passed the number of cases without failures
299  * @param failed the number of cases with at least one failure
300  * @param failure the reason why this handler was called
301  */
302  typedef void (*test_teardown_handler_t)(const size_t passed, const size_t failed, const failure_t failure);
304  /** Test failure handler.
305  *
306  * This handler is called anytime a failure occurs during the execution of a test speficication.
307  * The handler only allows logging of failures and cannot influence test execution.
308  *
309  * @param failure the reason why this handler was called
310  */
311  typedef void (*test_failure_handler_t)(const failure_t reason);
313  /** Test case setup handler.
314  *
315  * This handler is called before execution of each test case and
316  * allows you to modify your environment before each test case.
317  *
318  * @param source the test case to be setup
319  * @param index_of_case the current index of the test case within the specification
320  *
321  * @returns
322  * You can return `STATUS_ABORT` to indicate that your setup failed, which will call the case
323  * failure handler with `REASON_SETUP` and then the case teardown handler with `REASON_SETUP`.
324  * This gives the teardown handler a chance to clean up a failed setup.
325  */
326  typedef utest::v1::status_t (*case_setup_handler_t)(const Case *const source, const size_t index_of_case);
328  /** Primitive test case handler
329  *
330  * This handler is called only if the case setup succeeded and is followed by the test case teardown handler.
331  *
332  * @note This handler is executed only once.
333  */
334  typedef void (*case_handler_t)(void);
336  /** Complex test case handler
337  *
338  * This handler is called only if the case setup succeeded and then may be repeated or
339  * awaiting a asynchronous callback, depending on the return modifiers.
340  *
341  * @returns
342  * A combination of control modifiers.
343  */
346  /** Test case handler (repeatable)
347  *
348  * This handler is called only if the case setup succeeded and then may be repeated or
349  * awaiting a asynchronous callback, depending on the return modifiers.
350  *
351  * @param call_count starting at `1`, contains the number of times this handler has been called
352  *
353  * @returns
354  * A combination of control modifiers.
355  */
356  typedef control_t (*case_call_count_handler_t)(const size_t call_count);
358  /** Test case teardown handler.
359  *
360  * This handler is called after execution of each test case or all repeated test cases and
361  * allows you to reset your environment after each test case.
362  *
363  * @param source the test case to be torn down
364  * @param passed the number of cases without failures (can be >1 for repeated test cases)
365  * @param failed the number failures (can be larger than the number of (repeated) test cases)
366  * @param failure the reason why this handler was called
367  *
368  * @returns
369  * You can return `STATUS_ABORT` to indicate that your teardown failed, which will call the case
370  * failure handler with `REASON_TEARDOWN`.
371  */
372  typedef utest::v1::status_t (*case_teardown_handler_t)(const Case *const source, const size_t passed, const size_t failed, const failure_t reason);
374  /** Test case failure handler.
375  *
376  * This handler is called whenever a failure occurred during the setup, execution or teardown.
377  *
378  * @param source the test case in which the failure occurred
379  * @param reason the reason why this handler was called
380  *
381  * @returns
382  * You can return `STATUS_ABORT` to indicate that this failure is non-recoverable, which will call the case
383  * teardown handler with reason. If a failure occurs during teardown, the teardown will not be called again.
384  * You may return `STATUS_IGNORE` which will cause the harness to ignore and not count the failure.
385  */
386  typedef utest::v1::status_t (*case_failure_handler_t)(const Case *const source, const failure_t reason);
389  // deprecations
390  __deprecated_message("Use CaseRepeatAll instead.")
391  extern const base_control_t CaseRepeat;
393  __deprecated_message("Use CaseRepeatHandler instead.")
394  extern const base_control_t CaseRepeatHandlerOnly;
396  __deprecated_message("Use REASON_NONE instead.") const failure_reason_t FAILURE_NONE = REASON_NONE;
397  __deprecated_message("Use REASON_UNKNOWN instead.") const failure_reason_t FAILURE_UNKNOWN = REASON_UNKNOWN;
398  __deprecated_message("Use REASON_CASES instead.") const failure_reason_t FAILURE_CASES = REASON_CASES;
399  __deprecated_message("Use REASON_EMPTY_CASE instead.") const failure_reason_t FAILURE_EMPTY_CASE = REASON_EMPTY_CASE;
400  __deprecated_message("Use REASON_TIMEOUT instead.") const failure_reason_t FAILURE_TIMEOUT = REASON_TIMEOUT;
401  __deprecated_message("Use REASON_ASSERTION instead.") const failure_reason_t FAILURE_ASSERTION = REASON_ASSERTION;
402  __deprecated_message("Use REASON_CASE_SETUP instead.") const failure_reason_t FAILURE_SETUP = REASON_CASE_SETUP;
403  __deprecated_message("Use REASON_CASE_TEARDOWN instead.") const failure_reason_t FAILURE_TEARDOWN = REASON_CASE_TEARDOWN;
404  __deprecated_message("Use REASON_IGNORE instead.") const failure_reason_t FAILURE_IGNORE = REASON_IGNORE;
407 } // namespace v1
408 } // namespace utest
410 #endif // UTEST_TYPES_H
412 /** @}*/
Test case wrapper class.
Definition: utest_case.h:108
An assertion failed.
Definition: utest_types.h:66
stops testing
Definition: utest_types.h:55
A failure occurred in the case setup.
Definition: utest_types.h:85
Control class for specifying test case attributes.
Definition: utest_types.h:174
const base_control_t CaseAwait
Awaits until the callback is validated and never times out. Use with caution!
Definition: utest_types.h:34
const char * stringify(utest::v1::status_t status)
Stringifies a status.
Case index out-of-range.
Definition: utest_types.h:74
repeat only the handler on timeout
Definition: utest_types.h:46
const base_control_t CaseNext
does not repeat this test case and immediately moves on to the next one without timeout ...
A failure occurred in the test setup.
Definition: utest_types.h:83
const base_control_t CaseNoRepeat
does not repeat this test case, moves on to the next one
An unknown failure occurred.
Definition: utest_types.h:62
A failure occurred in an unknown location.
Definition: utest_types.h:88
Case setup failed.
Definition: utest_types.h:70
A failure occurred in at least one test case.
Definition: utest_types.h:63
POD version of the class control_t.
Definition: utest_types.h:134
utest::v1::status_t(* case_setup_handler_t)(const Case *const source, const size_t index_of_case)
Test case setup handler.
Definition: utest_types.h:326
Do not use a timeout.
Definition: utest_types.h:115
const base_control_t CaseNoTimeout
No timeout, immediately moves on to the next case, but allows repeats.
Test Harness.
Definition: utest_harness.h:46
const base_control_t CaseRepeatAll
repeats the test case handler with calling teardown and setup handlers
No failure occurred.
Definition: utest_types.h:60
Case handler failed.
Definition: utest_types.h:71
repeat the handler with setup and teardown
Definition: utest_types.h:47
utest::v1::status_t(* case_teardown_handler_t)(const Case *const source, const size_t passed, const size_t failed, const failure_t reason)
Test case teardown handler.
Definition: utest_types.h:372
A failure occurred in the test teardown.
Definition: utest_types.h:84
control_t CaseTimeout(uint32_t ms)
Alias class for asynchronous timeout control in milliseconds.
Definition: utest_types.h:265
Contains the reason and location of the failure.
Definition: utest_types.h:92
utest::v1::status_t(* test_setup_handler_t)(const size_t number_of_cases)
Test setup handler.
Definition: utest_types.h:287
continue with the next test case
Definition: utest_types.h:36
Test teardown failed.
Definition: utest_types.h:69
void(* test_teardown_handler_t)(const size_t passed, const size_t failed, const failure_t failure)
Test teardown handler.
Definition: utest_types.h:302
A failure occurred in the case handler.
Definition: utest_types.h:86
control_t CaseRepeatAllOnTimeout(uint32_t ms)
Alias class for asynchronous timeout control in milliseconds and repeats the test case handler with c...
Definition: utest_types.h:269
control_t operator+(const control_t &lhs, const base_control_t &rhs)
Definition: utest_types.h:246
Timeout not explicitly specified, defaults to NONE.
Definition: utest_types.h:116
A failure occurred in the case teardown.
Definition: utest_types.h:87
void(* test_failure_handler_t)(const failure_t reason)
Test failure handler.
Definition: utest_types.h:311
Definition: utest_types.h:59
failure_t ignored() const
Definition: utest_types.h:105
repeat only the handler
Definition: utest_types.h:48
ignores failure and continues testing
Definition: utest_types.h:54
Test setup failed.
Definition: utest_types.h:68
The test case contains only empty handlers.
Definition: utest_types.h:64
void(* case_handler_t)(void)
Primitive test case handler.
Definition: utest_types.h:334
An expected asynchronous call timed out.
Definition: utest_types.h:65
Case teardown failed.
Definition: utest_types.h:72
failure_t(const failure_t &obj)
Copy constructor.
Definition: utest_types.h:99
utest::v1::status_t(* case_failure_handler_t)(const Case *const source, const failure_t reason)
Test case failure handler.
Definition: utest_types.h:386
continues testing
Definition: utest_types.h:53
control_t(* case_call_count_handler_t)(const size_t call_count)
Test case handler (repeatable)
Definition: utest_types.h:356
const base_control_t CaseRepeatHandler
repeats only the test case handler without calling teardown and setup handlers
No location information.
Definition: utest_types.h:82
control_t CaseRepeatHandlerOnTimeout(uint32_t ms)
Alias class for asynchronous timeout control in milliseconds and repeats only the test case handler w...
Definition: utest_types.h:272
control_t(* case_control_handler_t)(void)
Complex test case handler.
Definition: utest_types.h:344
Definition: utest_types.h:81
Asynchronous callback scheduling failed.
Definition: utest_types.h:75
repeat the handler with setup and teardown on timeout
Definition: utest_types.h:45
Definition: utest_types.h:52
The failure may be ignored.
Definition: utest_types.h:77
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