146 struct Bb154Data_tag;
void(* BbBodCompCback_t)(void)
BOD completion event callback signature.
void BbTerminateBod(void)
Terminate a BOD immediately.
uint32_t BbGetBbTimerBoundaryUs(void)
Get BB timer boundary before wraparound.
uint16_t BbGetClockAccuracy(void)
Get BB clock accuracy.
BB runtime configuration parameters.
struct Bb154Data_tag * p154
uint16_t BbGetSchSetupDelayUs(void)
Get scheduler setup delay.
bool_t BbGetBodTerminateFlag(void)
Get termination state of current executing BOD.
struct BbOpDesc_tag * pNext
void(* BbProtCback_t)(void)
Protocol event callback signature.
void BbStart(PalBbProt_t protId)
Start BB processing of given protocol.
uint8_t BbGetActiveProtocol(void)
Returns the ID of the active protocol.
MAC system configuration.
BOD rescheduling policy (listed in priority order).
struct BbOpDesc_tag * pPrev
BbOpDesc_t * BbGetCurrentBod(void)
Get the currently-executing BOD.
Bluetooth Low Energy protocol specific operation parameters.
void BbInitRunTimeCfg(const BbRtCfg_t *pCfg)
Initialize runtime configuration.
union BbOpDesc_tag::@244 prot
void(* BbBodCback_t)(struct BbOpDesc_tag *pBod)
BOD event callback signature.
uint32_t BbAdjustTime(uint32_t dueUsec)
Adjust new time tick with wraparound.
Platform-independent data types.
void BbRegisterProtLowPower(PalBbProt_t protId, BbLowPowerCback_t lowPowerOpCback)
Register protocol handlers for low power.
void BbCancelBod(void)
Cancel current executing BOD.
void BbRegister(BbBodCompCback_t eventCback)
Register operation completion handler.
uint32_t BbGetTargetTimeDelta(uint32_t targetUsec, uint32_t refUsec)
Get Delta between target and reference time. Only valid if target time is in the future.
Protocol types.
void BbSetBodTerminateFlag(void)
Set termination flag of current executing BOD.
uint32_t BbTimerBoundaryUs
Baseband operation descriptor (BOD).
void BbExecuteBod(BbOpDesc_t *pBod)
Execute BOD.
void BbRegisterProt(PalBbProt_t protId, BbBodCback_t execOpCback, BbBodCback_t cancelOpCback, BbProtCback_t startProtCback, BbProtCback_t stopProtCback)
Register protocol handlers.
void(* BbLowPowerCback_t)(void)
Low power callback.
void BbStop(PalBbProt_t protId)
Stop BB processing of given protocol.
struct BbOpDesc_tag BbOpDesc_t
Baseband operation descriptor (BOD).
void BbInit(void)
Initialize the BB.
struct BbBleData_tag * pBle