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2 /** \addtogroup hal */
3 /** @{*/
4 /* mbed Microcontroller Library
5  * Copyright (c) 2006-2013 ARM Limited
6  * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
7  *
8  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
9  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
10  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
11  *
12  * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
13  *
14  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
15  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
16  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
17  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
18  * limitations under the License.
19  */
20 #ifndef MBED_SERIAL_API_H
21 #define MBED_SERIAL_API_H
23 #include "device.h"
24 #include "pinmap.h"
25 #include "hal/buffer.h"
26 #include "hal/dma_api.h"
30 #define SERIAL_EVENT_TX_SHIFT (2)
31 #define SERIAL_EVENT_RX_SHIFT (8)
33 #define SERIAL_EVENT_TX_MASK (0x00FC)
34 #define SERIAL_EVENT_RX_MASK (0x3F00)
36 #define SERIAL_EVENT_ERROR (1 << 1)
38 /**
39  * @defgroup SerialTXEvents Serial TX Events Macros
40  *
41  * @{
42  */
45 /**@}*/
47 /**
48  * @defgroup SerialRXEvents Serial RX Events Macros
49  *
50  * @{
51  */
61 /**@}*/
65 typedef enum {
66  ParityNone = 0,
67  ParityOdd = 1,
68  ParityEven = 2,
69  ParityForced1 = 3,
70  ParityForced0 = 4
71 } SerialParity;
73 /** Serial interrupt sources
74  */
75 typedef enum {
76  RxIrq, /**< Receive Data Register Full */
77  TxIrq /**< Transmit Data Register Empty */
78 } SerialIrq;
80 typedef enum {
81  FlowControlNone,
82  FlowControlRTS,
83  FlowControlCTS,
84  FlowControlRTSCTS
85 } FlowControl;
87 typedef void (*uart_irq_handler)(uint32_t id, SerialIrq event);
90 /** Asynch serial HAL structure
91  */
92 typedef struct {
93  struct serial_s serial; /**< Target specific serial structure */
94  struct buffer_s tx_buff; /**< TX buffer */
95  struct buffer_s rx_buff; /**< RX buffer */
96  uint8_t char_match; /**< Character to be matched */
97  uint8_t char_found; /**< State of the matched character */
98 } serial_t;
100 #else
101 /** Non-asynch serial HAL structure
102  */
103 typedef struct serial_s serial_t;
105 #endif
107 #ifdef __cplusplus
108 extern "C" {
109 #endif
111 /**
112  * \defgroup hal_GeneralSerial Serial Configuration Functions
113  *
114  * # Defined behavior
115  * * ::serial_init initializes the ::serial_t
116  * * ::serial_init sets the default parameters for serial peripheral (9600 bps, 8N1 format)
117  * * ::serial_init configures the specified pins
118  * * ::serial_free releases the serial peripheral
119  * * ::serial_baud configures the baud rate
120  * * at least 9600 bps the baud rate must be supported
121  * * ::serial_format configures the transmission format (number of bits, parity and the number of stop bits)
122  * * at least 8N1 format must be supported
123  * * ::serial_irq_handler registers the interrupt handler which will be invoked when the interrupt fires.
124  * * ::serial_irq_set enables or disables the serial RX or TX IRQ.
125  * * If `RxIrq` is enabled by ::serial_irq_set, ::serial_irq_handler will be invoked whenever
126  * Receive Data Register Full IRQ is generated.
127  * * If `TxIrq` is enabled by ::serial_irq_set, ::serial_irq_handler will be invoked whenever
128  * Transmit Data Register Empty IRQ is generated.
129  * * If the interrupt condition holds true, when the interrupt is enabled with ::serial_irq_set,
130  * the ::serial_irq_handler is called instantly.
131  * * ::serial_getc returns the character from serial buffer.
132  * * ::serial_getc is a blocking call (waits for the character).
133  * * ::serial_putc sends a character.
134  * * ::serial_putc is a blocking call (waits for a peripheral to be available).
135  * * ::serial_readable returns non-zero value if a character can be read, 0 otherwise.
136  * * ::serial_writable returns non-zero value if a character can be written, 0 otherwise.
137  * * ::serial_clear clears the ::serial_t RX/TX buffers
138  * * ::serial_break_set sets the break signal.
139  * * ::serial_break_clear clears the break signal.
140  * * ::serial_pinout_tx configures the TX pin as an output (to be used in half-duplex mode).
141  * * ::serial_set_flow_control configures serial flow control.
142  * * ::serial_set_flow_control sets flow control in the hardware if a serial peripheral supports it,
143  * otherwise software emulation is used.
144  * * ::serial_tx_asynch starts the serial asynchronous transfer.
145  * * ::serial_tx_asynch writes `tx_length` bytes from the `tx` to the bus.
146  * * ::serial_tx_asynch must support 8 data bits
147  * * The callback given to ::serial_tx_asynch is invoked when the transfer completes.
148  * * ::serial_tx_asynch specifies the logical OR of events to be registered.
149  * * The ::serial_tx_asynch function may use the `DMAUsage` hint to select the appropriate async algorithm.
150  * * ::serial_rx_asynch starts the serial asynchronous transfer.
151  * * ::serial_rx_asynch reads `rx_length` bytes to the `rx` buffer.
152  * * ::serial_rx_asynch must support 8 data bits
153  * * The callback given to ::serial_rx_asynch is invoked when the transfer completes.
154  * * ::serial_rx_asynch specifies the logical OR of events to be registered.
155  * * The ::serial_rx_asynch function may use the `DMAUsage` hint to select the appropriate async algorithm.
156  * * ::serial_rx_asynch specifies a character in range 0-254 to be matched, 255 is a reserved value.
157  * * If SERIAL_EVENT_RX_CHARACTER_MATCH event is not registered, the `char_match` is ignored.
158  * * The SERIAL_EVENT_RX_CHARACTER_MATCH event is set in the callback when SERIAL_EVENT_RX_CHARACTER_MATCH event is
159  * registered AND `char_match` is present in the received data.
160  * * ::serial_tx_active returns non-zero if the TX transaction is ongoing, 0 otherwise.
161  * * ::serial_rx_active returns non-zero if the RX transaction is ongoing, 0 otherwise.
162  * * ::serial_irq_handler_asynch returns event flags if a transfer termination condition was met, otherwise returns 0.
163  * * ::serial_irq_handler_asynch takes no longer than one packet transfer time (packet_bits / baudrate) to execute.
164  * * ::serial_tx_abort_asynch aborts the ongoing TX transaction.
165  * * ::serial_tx_abort_asynch disables the enabled interupt for TX.
166  * * ::serial_tx_abort_asynch flushes the TX hardware buffer if TX FIFO is used.
167  * * ::serial_rx_abort_asynch aborts the ongoing RX transaction.
168  * * ::serial_rx_abort_asynch disables the enabled interupt for RX.
169  * * ::serial_rx_abort_asynch flushes the TX hardware buffer if RX FIFO is used.
170  * * Correct operation guaranteed when interrupt latency is shorter than one packet transfer time (packet_bits / baudrate)
171  * if the flow control is not used.
172  * * Correct operation guaranteed regardless of interrupt latency if the flow control is used.
173  *
174  * # Undefined behavior
175  * * Calling ::serial_init multiple times on the same `serial_t` without ::serial_free.
176  * * Passing invalid pin to ::serial_init, ::serial_pinout_tx.
177  * * Calling any function other than ::serial_init on am uninitialized or freed `serial_t`.
178  * * Passing an invalid pointer as `obj` to any function.
179  * * Passing an invalid pointer as `handler` to ::serial_irq_handler, ::serial_tx_asynch, ::serial_rx_asynch.
180  * * Calling ::serial_tx_abort while no async TX transfer is being processed.
181  * * Calling ::serial_rx_abort while no async RX transfer is being processed.
182  * * Devices behavior is undefined when the interrupt latency is longer than one packet transfer time
183  * (packet_bits / baudrate) if the flow control is not used.
184  * @{
185  */
187 /**
188  * \defgroup hal_GeneralSerial_tests Serial hal tests
189  * The Serial HAL tests ensure driver conformance to defined behavior.
190  *
191  * To run the Serial hal tests use the command:
192  *
193  * mbed test -t <toolchain> -m <target> -n tests-mbed_hal_fpga_ci_test_shield-uart
194  *
195  */
197 /** Initialize the serial peripheral. It sets the default parameters for serial
198  * peripheral, and configures its specifieds pins.
199  *
200  * @param obj The serial object
201  * @param tx The TX pin name
202  * @param rx The RX pin name
203  */
204 void serial_init(serial_t *obj, PinName tx, PinName rx);
206 /** Release the serial peripheral, not currently invoked. It requires further
207  * resource management.
208  *
209  * @param obj The serial object
210  */
211 void serial_free(serial_t *obj);
213 /** Configure the baud rate
214  *
215  * @param obj The serial object
216  * @param baudrate The baud rate to be configured
217  */
218 void serial_baud(serial_t *obj, int baudrate);
220 /** Configure the format. Set the number of bits, parity and the number of stop bits
221  *
222  * @param obj The serial object
223  * @param data_bits The number of data bits
224  * @param parity The parity
225  * @param stop_bits The number of stop bits
226  */
227 void serial_format(serial_t *obj, int data_bits, SerialParity parity, int stop_bits);
229 /** The serial interrupt handler registration
230  *
231  * @param obj The serial object
232  * @param handler The interrupt handler which will be invoked when the interrupt fires
233  * @param id The SerialBase object
234  */
235 void serial_irq_handler(serial_t *obj, uart_irq_handler handler, uint32_t id);
237 /** Configure serial interrupt. This function is used for word-approach
238  *
239  * @param obj The serial object
240  * @param irq The serial IRQ type (RX or TX)
241  * @param enable Set to non-zero to enable events, or zero to disable them
242  */
243 void serial_irq_set(serial_t *obj, SerialIrq irq, uint32_t enable);
245 /** Get character. This is a blocking call, waiting for a character
246  *
247  * @param obj The serial object
248  */
249 int serial_getc(serial_t *obj);
251 /** Send a character. This is a blocking call, waiting for a peripheral to be available
252  * for writing
253  *
254  * @param obj The serial object
255  * @param c The character to be sent
256  */
257 void serial_putc(serial_t *obj, int c);
259 /** Check if the serial peripheral is readable
260  *
261  * @param obj The serial object
262  * @return Non-zero value if a character can be read, 0 if nothing to read
263  */
264 int serial_readable(serial_t *obj);
266 /** Check if the serial peripheral is writable
267  *
268  * @param obj The serial object
269  * @return Non-zero value if a character can be written, 0 otherwise.
270  */
271 int serial_writable(serial_t *obj);
273 /** Clear the serial peripheral
274  *
275  * @param obj The serial object
276  */
277 void serial_clear(serial_t *obj);
279 /** Set the break
280  *
281  * @param obj The serial object
282  */
283 void serial_break_set(serial_t *obj);
285 /** Clear the break
286  *
287  * @param obj The serial object
288  */
289 void serial_break_clear(serial_t *obj);
291 /** Configure the TX pin for UART function.
292  *
293  * @param tx The pin name used for TX
294  */
295 void serial_pinout_tx(PinName tx);
298 /** Configure the serial for the flow control. It sets flow control in the hardware
299  * if a serial peripheral supports it, otherwise software emulation is used.
300  *
301  * @param obj The serial object
302  * @param type The type of the flow control. Look at the available FlowControl types.
303  * @param rxflow The TX pin name
304  * @param txflow The RX pin name
305  */
306 void serial_set_flow_control(serial_t *obj, FlowControl type, PinName rxflow, PinName txflow);
307 #endif
309 /** Get the pins that support Serial TX
310  *
311  * Return a PinMap array of pins that support Serial TX. The
312  * array is terminated with {NC, NC, 0}.
313  *
314  * @return PinMap array
315  */
316 const PinMap *serial_tx_pinmap(void);
318 /** Get the pins that support Serial RX
319  *
320  * Return a PinMap array of pins that support Serial RX. The
321  * array is terminated with {NC, NC, 0}.
322  *
323  * @return PinMap array
324  */
325 const PinMap *serial_rx_pinmap(void);
328 /** Get the pins that support Serial CTS
329  *
330  * Return a PinMap array of pins that support Serial CTS. The
331  * array is terminated with {NC, NC, 0}.
332  *
333  * @return PinMap array
334  */
335 const PinMap *serial_cts_pinmap(void);
337 /** Get the pins that support Serial RTS
338  *
339  * Return a PinMap array of pins that support Serial RTS. The
340  * array is terminated with {NC, NC, 0}.
341  *
342  * @return PinMap array
343  */
344 const PinMap *serial_rts_pinmap(void);
345 #endif
349 /**@}*/
351 /**
352  * \defgroup hal_AsynchSerial Asynchronous Serial Hardware Abstraction Layer
353  * @{
354  */
356 /** Begin asynchronous TX transfer. The used buffer is specified in the serial object,
357  * tx_buff
358  *
359  * @param obj The serial object
360  * @param tx The transmit buffer
361  * @param tx_length The number of bytes to transmit
362  * @param tx_width Deprecated argument
363  * @param handler The serial handler
364  * @param event The logical OR of events to be registered
365  * @param hint A suggestion for how to use DMA with this transfer
366  * @return Returns number of data transfered, otherwise returns 0
367  */
368 int serial_tx_asynch(serial_t *obj, const void *tx, size_t tx_length, uint8_t tx_width, uint32_t handler, uint32_t event, DMAUsage hint);
370 /** Begin asynchronous RX transfer (enable interrupt for data collecting)
371  * The used buffer is specified in the serial object - rx_buff
372  *
373  * @param obj The serial object
374  * @param rx The receive buffer
375  * @param rx_length The number of bytes to receive
376  * @param rx_width Deprecated argument
377  * @param handler The serial handler
378  * @param event The logical OR of events to be registered
379  * @param char_match A character in range 0-254 to be matched
380  * @param hint A suggestion for how to use DMA with this transfer
381  */
382 void serial_rx_asynch(serial_t *obj, void *rx, size_t rx_length, uint8_t rx_width, uint32_t handler, uint32_t event, uint8_t char_match, DMAUsage hint);
384 /** Attempts to determine if the serial peripheral is already in use for TX
385  *
386  * @param obj The serial object
387  * @return Non-zero if the RX transaction is ongoing, 0 otherwise
388  */
389 uint8_t serial_tx_active(serial_t *obj);
391 /** Attempts to determine if the serial peripheral is already in use for RX
392  *
393  * @param obj The serial object
394  * @return Non-zero if the RX transaction is ongoing, 0 otherwise
395  */
396 uint8_t serial_rx_active(serial_t *obj);
398 /** The asynchronous TX and RX handler.
399  *
400  * @param obj The serial object
401  * @return Returns event flags if an RX transfer termination condition was met; otherwise returns 0
402  */
405 /** Abort the ongoing TX transaction. It disables the enabled interupt for TX and
406  * flushes the TX hardware buffer if TX FIFO is used
407  *
408  * @param obj The serial object
409  */
412 /** Abort the ongoing RX transaction. It disables the enabled interrupt for RX and
413  * flushes the RX hardware buffer if RX FIFO is used
414  *
415  * @param obj The serial object
416  */
419 /**@}*/
421 #endif
423 #ifdef __cplusplus
424 }
425 #endif
427 #endif
429 #endif
431 /** @}*/
const PinMap * serial_tx_pinmap(void)
Get the pins that support Serial TX.
void serial_baud(serial_t *obj, int baudrate)
Configure the baud rate.
Generic buffer structure.
Definition: buffer.h:27
void serial_tx_abort_asynch(serial_t *obj)
Abort the ongoing TX transaction.
Transmit Data Register Empty.
Definition: serial_api.h:77
void serial_break_clear(serial_t *obj)
Clear the break.
void serial_rx_asynch(serial_t *obj, void *rx, size_t rx_length, uint8_t rx_width, uint32_t handler, uint32_t event, uint8_t char_match, DMAUsage hint)
Begin asynchronous RX transfer (enable interrupt for data collecting) The used buffer is specified in...
int serial_writable(serial_t *obj)
Check if the serial peripheral is writable.
int serial_getc(serial_t *obj)
Get character.
const PinMap * serial_cts_pinmap(void)
Get the pins that support Serial CTS.
int serial_irq_handler_asynch(serial_t *obj)
The asynchronous TX and RX handler.
uint8_t char_match
Character to be matched.
Definition: serial_api.h:96
void serial_format(serial_t *obj, int data_bits, SerialParity parity, int stop_bits)
Configure the format.
void serial_free(serial_t *obj)
Release the serial peripheral, not currently invoked.
Serial interrupt sources.
Definition: serial_api.h:75
void serial_rx_abort_asynch(serial_t *obj)
Abort the ongoing RX transaction.
void serial_init(serial_t *obj, PinName tx, PinName rx)
Initialize the serial peripheral.
void serial_irq_handler(serial_t *obj, uart_irq_handler handler, uint32_t id)
The serial interrupt handler registration.
Receive Data Register Full.
Definition: serial_api.h:76
const PinMap * serial_rts_pinmap(void)
Get the pins that support Serial RTS.
void serial_irq_set(serial_t *obj, SerialIrq irq, uint32_t enable)
Configure serial interrupt.
const PinMap * serial_rx_pinmap(void)
Get the pins that support Serial RX.
void serial_set_flow_control(serial_t *obj, FlowControl type, PinName rxflow, PinName txflow)
Configure the serial for the flow control.
Definition: pinmap.h:30
Asynch serial HAL structure.
Definition: serial_api.h:92
uint8_t serial_rx_active(serial_t *obj)
Attempts to determine if the serial peripheral is already in use for RX.
uint8_t char_found
State of the matched character.
Definition: serial_api.h:97
int serial_tx_asynch(serial_t *obj, const void *tx, size_t tx_length, uint8_t tx_width, uint32_t handler, uint32_t event, DMAUsage hint)
Begin asynchronous TX transfer.
void serial_clear(serial_t *obj)
Clear the serial peripheral.
void serial_break_set(serial_t *obj)
Set the break.
void serial_pinout_tx(PinName tx)
Configure the TX pin for UART function.
uint8_t serial_tx_active(serial_t *obj)
Attempts to determine if the serial peripheral is already in use for TX.
void serial_putc(serial_t *obj, int c)
Send a character.
int serial_readable(serial_t *obj)
Check if the serial peripheral is readable.
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