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1 /* mbed Microcontroller Library
2  * Copyright (c) 2006-2013 ARM Limited
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
20 #warning ble/services/EddystoneConfigService.h is deprecated. Please use the example in 'github.com/ARMmbed/ble-examples/tree/master/BLE_EddystoneService'.
24 #include "ble/BLE.h"
25 #include "ble/services/EddystoneService.h"
26 #include "Timer.h"
27 #include "Ticker.h"
30  0xee, 0x0c, FIRST, SECOND, 0x87, 0x86, 0x40, 0xba, \
31  0xab, 0x96, 0x99, 0xb9, 0x1a, 0xc9, 0x81, 0xd8, \
32 }
34 static const uint8_t UUID_URI_BEACON_SERVICE[] = UUID_URI_BEACON(0x20, 0x80);
35 static const uint8_t UUID_LOCK_STATE_CHAR[] = UUID_URI_BEACON(0x20, 0x81);
36 static const uint8_t UUID_LOCK_CHAR[] = UUID_URI_BEACON(0x20, 0x82);
37 static const uint8_t UUID_UNLOCK_CHAR[] = UUID_URI_BEACON(0x20, 0x83);
38 static const uint8_t UUID_URI_DATA_CHAR[] = UUID_URI_BEACON(0x20, 0x84);
39 static const uint8_t UUID_FLAGS_CHAR[] = UUID_URI_BEACON(0x20, 0x85);
40 static const uint8_t UUID_ADV_POWER_LEVELS_CHAR[] = UUID_URI_BEACON(0x20, 0x86);
41 static const uint8_t UUID_TX_POWER_MODE_CHAR[] = UUID_URI_BEACON(0x20, 0x87);
42 static const uint8_t UUID_BEACON_PERIOD_CHAR[] = UUID_URI_BEACON(0x20, 0x88);
43 static const uint8_t UUID_RESET_CHAR[] = UUID_URI_BEACON(0x20, 0x89);
44 extern const uint8_t BEACON_EDDYSTONE[2];
46 /**
47 * @class EddystoneConfigService
48 * @brief Eddystone Configuration Service. Used to set URL, adjust power levels, and set flags.
49 * See https://github.com/google/eddystone
50 *
51 */
53 {
54 public:
55  /**
56  * @brief Transmission Power Modes for UriBeacon
57  */
58  enum {
64  };
66  static const unsigned ADVERTISING_INTERVAL_MSEC = 1000; // Advertising interval for config service.
67  static const unsigned SERVICE_DATA_MAX = 31; // Maximum size of service data in ADV packets.
69  typedef uint8_t Lock_t[16]; /* 128 bits. */
70  typedef int8_t PowerLevels_t[NUM_POWER_MODES];
72  // There are currently three subframes defined: URI, UID, and TLM.
74  static const unsigned URI_DATA_MAX = 18;
75  typedef uint8_t UriData_t[URI_DATA_MAX];
77  // UID Frame Type subfields.
78  static const size_t UID_NAMESPACEID_SIZE = 10;
79  typedef uint8_t UIDNamespaceID_t[UID_NAMESPACEID_SIZE];
80  static const size_t UID_INSTANCEID_SIZE = 6;
81  typedef uint8_t UIDInstanceID_t[UID_INSTANCEID_SIZE];
83  // Eddystone Frame Type ID.
84  static const uint8_t FRAME_TYPE_UID = 0x00;
85  static const uint8_t FRAME_TYPE_URL = 0x10;
86  static const uint8_t FRAME_TYPE_TLM = 0x20;
88  static const uint8_t FRAME_SIZE_TLM = 14; // TLM frame is a constant 14B.
89  static const uint8_t FRAME_SIZE_UID = 20; // includes RFU bytes.
91  struct Params_t {
92  // Config Data
93  bool isConfigured; // Flag for configuration being complete:
94  // True = configured, False = not configured. Reset at instantiation, used for external callbacks.
95  uint8_t lockedState;
96  Lock_t lock;
97  uint8_t flags;
98  PowerLevels_t advPowerLevels; // Current value of AdvertisedPowerLevels.
99  uint8_t txPowerMode; // Firmware power levels used with setTxPower().
100  uint16_t beaconPeriod;
101  // TLM Frame Data
102  uint8_t tlmVersion; // Version of TLM packet.
103  bool tlmEnabled;
104  float tlmBeaconPeriod; // How often to broadcat TLM frame, in seconds.
105  // URI Frame Data
106  uint8_t uriDataLength;
107  UriData_t uriData;
108  bool uriEnabled;
109  float uriBeaconPeriod; // How often to broadcast URIFrame, in seconds.
110  // UID Frame Data
111  UIDNamespaceID_t uidNamespaceID; // UUID type, Namespace ID, 10B.
112  UIDInstanceID_t uidInstanceID; // UUID type, Instance ID, 6B.
113  bool uidEnabled;
114  float uidBeaconPeriod; // How often to broadcast UID Frame, in seconds.
115  };
117  /**
118  * @param[in] bleIn
119  * BLEDevice object for the underlying controller.
120  * @param[in,out] paramsIn
121  * Reference to application-visible beacon state, loaded
122  * from persistent storage at startup.
123  * @param[in] defaultAdvPowerLevelsIn
124  * Default power-levels array; applies only if resetToDefaultsFlag is true.
125  *
126  * @param[in] radioPowerLevelsIn
127  * Transmission power-levels to use in TX.
128  */
130  Params_t &paramsIn,
131  PowerLevels_t &defaultAdvPowerLevelsIn,
132  PowerLevels_t &radioPowerLevelsIn) :
133  ble(bleIn),
134  params(paramsIn), // Initialize URL data.
135  defaultAdvPowerLevels(defaultAdvPowerLevelsIn),
136  radioPowerLevels(radioPowerLevelsIn),
137  initSucceeded(false),
138  resetFlag(),
139  defaultUidNamespaceID(), // Initialize UID data.
140  defaultUidInstanceID(),
141  defaultUidPower(defaultAdvPowerLevelsIn[params.txPowerMode]),
142  uidIsSet(false),
143  defaultUriDataLength(),
144  defaultUriData(),
145  defaultUrlPower(defaultAdvPowerLevelsIn[params.txPowerMode]),
146  urlIsSet(false),
147  tlmIsSet(false),
148  lockedStateChar(UUID_LOCK_STATE_CHAR, &params.lockedState),
149  lockChar(UUID_LOCK_CHAR, &params.lock),
150  uriDataChar(UUID_URI_DATA_CHAR, params.uriData, 0, URI_DATA_MAX,
152  unlockChar(UUID_UNLOCK_CHAR, &params.lock),
153  flagsChar(UUID_FLAGS_CHAR, &params.flags),
154  advPowerLevelsChar(UUID_ADV_POWER_LEVELS_CHAR, &params.advPowerLevels),
155  txPowerModeChar(UUID_TX_POWER_MODE_CHAR, &params.txPowerMode),
156  beaconPeriodChar(UUID_BEACON_PERIOD_CHAR, &params.beaconPeriod),
157  resetChar(UUID_RESET_CHAR, &resetFlag) {
158  // Set Eddystone as not configured yet. Used to exit config before timeout if GATT services are written to.
159  params.isConfigured = false;
161  lockChar.setWriteAuthorizationCallback(this, &EddystoneConfigService::lockAuthorizationCallback);
162  unlockChar.setWriteAuthorizationCallback(this, &EddystoneConfigService::unlockAuthorizationCallback);
163  uriDataChar.setWriteAuthorizationCallback(this, &EddystoneConfigService::uriDataWriteAuthorizationCallback);
164  flagsChar.setWriteAuthorizationCallback(this, &EddystoneConfigService::basicAuthorizationCallback<uint8_t>);
165  advPowerLevelsChar.setWriteAuthorizationCallback(this, &EddystoneConfigService::basicAuthorizationCallback<PowerLevels_t>);
166  txPowerModeChar.setWriteAuthorizationCallback(this, &EddystoneConfigService::powerModeAuthorizationCallback);
167  beaconPeriodChar.setWriteAuthorizationCallback(this, &EddystoneConfigService::basicAuthorizationCallback<uint16_t>);
168  resetChar.setWriteAuthorizationCallback(this, &EddystoneConfigService::basicAuthorizationCallback<uint8_t>);
170  static GattCharacteristic *charTable[] = {
171  &lockedStateChar, &lockChar, &unlockChar, &uriDataChar,
172  &flagsChar, &advPowerLevelsChar, &txPowerModeChar, &beaconPeriodChar, &resetChar
173  };
175  GattService configService(UUID_URI_BEACON_SERVICE, charTable, sizeof(charTable) / sizeof(GattCharacteristic *));
177  ble.addService(configService);
178  ble.onDataWritten(this, &EddystoneConfigService::onDataWrittenCallback);
179  }
181  /**
182  * @brief Start EddystoneConfig advertising. This function should be called
183  * after the EddystoneConfig constructor and after all the frames have been added.
184  *
185  * @param[in] resetToDefaultsFlag
186  * Applies to the state of the 'paramsIn' parameter.
187  * If true, it indicates that paramsIn is potentially
188  * un-initialized, and default values should be used
189  * instead. Otherwise, paramsIn overrides the defaults.
190  */
191  void start(bool resetToDefaultsFlag){
192  INFO("reset to defaults flag = %d", resetToDefaultsFlag);
193  if (!resetToDefaultsFlag && (params.uriDataLength > URI_DATA_MAX)) {
194  INFO("Reset to Defaults triggered");
195  resetToDefaultsFlag = true;
196  }
198  if (resetToDefaultsFlag) {
199  resetToDefaults();
200  } else {
201  updateCharacteristicValues();
202  }
204  setupEddystoneConfigAdvertisements(); /* Set up advertising for the config service. */
205  initSucceeded = true;
206  }
208  /*
209  * Check if Eddystone initialized successfully.
210  */
211  bool initSuccessfully(void) const {
212  return initSucceeded;
213  }
215  /*
216  * @brief Function to update the default values for the TLM frame. Only applied if Reset Defaults is applied.
217  *
218  * @param[in] tlmVersionIn Version of the TLM frame being used.
219  * @param[in] advPeriodInMin How long between TLM frames being advertised, measured in minutes.
220  *
221  */
222  void setDefaultTLMFrameData(uint8_t tlmVersionIn = 0, float advPeriodInSec = 60){
223  DBG("Setting Default TLM Data, version = %d, advPeriodInMind= %f", tlmVersionIn, advPeriodInSec);
224  defaultTlmVersion = tlmVersionIn;
225  TlmBatteryVoltage = 0;
226  TlmBeaconTemp = 0x8000;
227  TlmPduCount = 0;
228  TlmTimeSinceBoot = 0;
229  defaultTlmAdvPeriod = advPeriodInSec;
230  tlmIsSet = true; // Flag to add this to Eddystone service when config is done.
231  }
233  /*
234  * @brief Function to update the default values for the URI frame. Only applied if Reset Defaults is applied.
235  *
236  * @param[in] uriIn URL to advertise.
237  * @param[in] advPeriod How long to advertise the URL, measured in number of ADV frames.
238  *
239  */
240  void setDefaultURIFrameData(const char *uriIn, float advPeriod = 1){
241  DBG("Setting Default URI Data");
242  // Set URL Frame
243  EddystoneService::encodeURL(uriIn, defaultUriData, defaultUriDataLength); // Encode URL to URL Formatting.
244  if (defaultUriDataLength > URI_DATA_MAX) {
245  return;
246  }
247  INFO("\t URI input = %s : %d", uriIn, defaultUriDataLength);
248  INFO("\t default URI = %s : %d ", defaultUriData, defaultUriDataLength );
249  defaultUriAdvPeriod = advPeriod;
250  urlIsSet = true; // Flag to add this to Eddystone service when config is done.
251  }
253  /*
254  * @brief Function to update the default values for the UID frame. Only applied if Reset Defaults is applied.
255  *
256  * @param[in] namespaceID 10Byte Namespace ID.
257  * @param[in] instanceID 6Byte Instance ID.
258  * @param[in] advPeriod How long to advertise the URL, measured in the number of ADV frames.
259  *
260  */
261  void setDefaultUIDFrameData(UIDNamespaceID_t *namespaceID, UIDInstanceID_t *instanceID, float advPeriod = 10){
262  //Set UID frame
263  DBG("Setting default UID Data");
264  memcpy(defaultUidNamespaceID, namespaceID, UID_NAMESPACEID_SIZE);
265  memcpy(defaultUidInstanceID, instanceID, UID_INSTANCEID_SIZE);
266  defaultUidAdvPeriod = advPeriod;
267  uidIsSet = true; // Flag to add this to Eddystone service when config is done.
268  }
270  /* Start out by advertising the config service for a limited time after
271  * startup, then switch to the normal non-connectible beacon functionality.
272  */
273  void setupEddystoneConfigAdvertisements() {
274  const char DEVICE_NAME[] = "eddystone Config";
276  ble.clearAdvertisingPayload();
280  // UUID is in a different order in the ADV frame (!)
281  uint8_t reversedServiceUUID[sizeof(UUID_URI_BEACON_SERVICE)];
282  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sizeof(UUID_URI_BEACON_SERVICE); i++) {
283  reversedServiceUUID[i] = UUID_URI_BEACON_SERVICE[sizeof(UUID_URI_BEACON_SERVICE) - i - 1];
284  }
285  ble.accumulateAdvertisingPayload(GapAdvertisingData::COMPLETE_LIST_128BIT_SERVICE_IDS, reversedServiceUUID, sizeof(reversedServiceUUID));
286  ble.accumulateAdvertisingPayload(GapAdvertisingData::GENERIC_TAG);
287  ble.accumulateScanResponse(GapAdvertisingData::COMPLETE_LOCAL_NAME, reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t *>(&DEVICE_NAME), sizeof(DEVICE_NAME));
288  ble.accumulateScanResponse(
290  reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(&defaultAdvPowerLevels[EddystoneConfigService::TX_POWER_MODE_LOW]),
291  sizeof(uint8_t));
293  ble.setTxPower(radioPowerLevels[params.txPowerMode]);
294  ble.setDeviceName(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t *>(&DEVICE_NAME));
296  ble.setAdvertisingInterval(ADVERTISING_INTERVAL_MSEC);
297  }
299  /*
300  * This function actually impliments the Eddystone Beacon service. It can be called with the help of the wrapper function
301  * to load saved config params, or it can be called explicitly to reset the Eddystone beacon to hardcoded values on each reset.
302  *
303  */
304  void setupEddystoneAdvertisements() {
305  DBG("Switching Config -> adv");
306  // Save params to storage.
307  extern void saveURIBeaconConfigParams(const Params_t *paramsP); /* forward declaration; necessary to avoid a circular dependency. */
308  saveURIBeaconConfigParams(&params);
309  INFO("Saved Params to Memory.")
310  // Set up Eddystone Service.
311  static EddystoneService eddyServ(ble, params.beaconPeriod, radioPowerLevels[params.txPowerMode]);
312  // Set configured frames (TLM, UID, URI and so on).
313  if (params.tlmEnabled) {
314  eddyServ.setTLMFrameData(params.tlmVersion, params.tlmBeaconPeriod);
315  }
316  if (params.uriEnabled) {
317  eddyServ.setURLFrameEncodedData(params.advPowerLevels[params.txPowerMode], (const char *) params.uriData, params.uriDataLength, params.uriBeaconPeriod);
318  }
319  if (params.uidEnabled) {
320  eddyServ.setUIDFrameData(params.advPowerLevels[params.txPowerMode],
321  (uint8_t *)params.uidNamespaceID,
322  (uint8_t *)params.uidInstanceID,
323  params.uidBeaconPeriod);
324  }
325  // Start advertising the Eddystone service.
326  eddyServ.start();
327  }
329 private:
330  /*
331  * This callback is invoked when a GATT client attempts to modify any of the
332  * characteristics of this service. Attempts to do so are also applied to
333  * the internal state of this service object.
334  */
335  void onDataWrittenCallback(const GattWriteCallbackParams *writeParams) {
336  uint16_t handle = writeParams->handle;
338  if (handle == lockChar.getValueHandle()) {
339  // Validated earlier.
340  memcpy(params.lock, writeParams->data, sizeof(Lock_t));
341  // Set the state to be locked by the lock code (note: zeros are a valid lock).
342  params.lockedState = true;
343  INFO("Device Locked");
344  } else if (handle == unlockChar.getValueHandle()) {
345  // Validated earlier.
346  params.lockedState = false;
347  INFO("Device Unlocked");
348  } else if (handle == uriDataChar.getValueHandle()) {
349  params.uriDataLength = writeParams->len;
350  memset(params.uriData, 0x00, URI_DATA_MAX); // Clear URI string.
351  memcpy(params.uriData, writeParams->data, writeParams->len); // Set URI string.
352  params.uriEnabled = true;
353  INFO("URI = %s, URILen = %d", writeParams->data, writeParams->len);
354  } else if (handle == flagsChar.getValueHandle()) {
355  params.flags = *(writeParams->data);
356  INFO("flagsChar = 0x%x", params.flags);
357  } else if (handle == advPowerLevelsChar.getValueHandle()) {
358  memcpy(params.advPowerLevels, writeParams->data, sizeof(PowerLevels_t));
359  INFO("PowerLevelsChar = %4x", params.advPowerLevels);
360  } else if (handle == txPowerModeChar.getValueHandle()) {
361  params.txPowerMode = *(writeParams->data);
362  INFO("TxPowerModeChar = %d", params.txPowerMode);
363  } else if (handle == beaconPeriodChar.getValueHandle()) {
364  params.beaconPeriod = *((uint16_t *)(writeParams->data));
365  INFO("BeaconPeriod = %d", params.beaconPeriod);
367  /* Re-map beaconPeriod to within permissible bounds if necessary. */
368  if (params.beaconPeriod != 0) {
369  bool paramsUpdated = false;
370  if (params.beaconPeriod < ble.getMinAdvertisingInterval()) {
371  params.beaconPeriod = ble.getMinAdvertisingInterval();
372  paramsUpdated = true;
373  } else if (params.beaconPeriod > ble.getMaxAdvertisingInterval()) {
374  params.beaconPeriod = ble.getMaxAdvertisingInterval();
375  paramsUpdated = true;
376  }
377  if (paramsUpdated) {
378  ble.updateCharacteristicValue(beaconPeriodChar.getValueHandle(), reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(&params.beaconPeriod), sizeof(uint16_t));
379  }
380  }
381  } else if (handle == resetChar.getValueHandle()) {
382  INFO("Reset triggered from Config Service, resetting to defaults");
383  resetToDefaults();
384  }
385  updateCharacteristicValues();
386  params.isConfigured = true; // Some configuration data has been passed; on disconnect switch to advertising mode.
387  }
389  /*
390  * Reset the default values.
391  */
392  void resetToDefaults(void) {
393  INFO("Resetting to defaults");
394  // General.
395  params.lockedState = false;
396  memset(params.lock, 0, sizeof(Lock_t));
397  params.flags = 0x10;
398  memcpy(params.advPowerLevels, defaultAdvPowerLevels, sizeof(PowerLevels_t));
399  params.txPowerMode = TX_POWER_MODE_LOW;
400  params.beaconPeriod = (uint16_t) defaultUriAdvPeriod * 1000;
402  // TLM Frame.
403  params.tlmVersion = defaultTlmVersion;
404  params.tlmBeaconPeriod = defaultTlmAdvPeriod;
405  params.tlmEnabled = tlmIsSet;
407  // URL Frame.
408  memcpy(params.uriData, defaultUriData, URI_DATA_MAX);
409  params.uriDataLength = defaultUriDataLength;
410  params.uriBeaconPeriod = defaultUriAdvPeriod;
411  params.uriEnabled = urlIsSet;
413  // UID Frame.
414  memcpy(params.uidNamespaceID, defaultUidNamespaceID, UID_NAMESPACEID_SIZE);
415  memcpy(params.uidInstanceID, defaultUidInstanceID, UID_INSTANCEID_SIZE);
416  params.uidBeaconPeriod = defaultUidAdvPeriod;
417  params.uidEnabled = uidIsSet;
419  updateCharacteristicValues();
420  }
422  /*
423  * Internal helper function used to update the GATT database following any
424  * change to the internal state of the service object.
425  */
426  void updateCharacteristicValues(void) {
427  ble.updateCharacteristicValue(lockedStateChar.getValueHandle(), &params.lockedState, 1);
428  ble.updateCharacteristicValue(uriDataChar.getValueHandle(), params.uriData, params.uriDataLength);
429  ble.updateCharacteristicValue(flagsChar.getValueHandle(), &params.flags, 1);
430  ble.updateCharacteristicValue(beaconPeriodChar.getValueHandle(),
431  reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(&params.beaconPeriod), sizeof(uint16_t));
432  ble.updateCharacteristicValue(txPowerModeChar.getValueHandle(), &params.txPowerMode, 1);
433  ble.updateCharacteristicValue(advPowerLevelsChar.getValueHandle(),
434  reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(params.advPowerLevels), sizeof(PowerLevels_t));
435  }
437 private:
438  void lockAuthorizationCallback(GattWriteAuthCallbackParams *authParams) {
439  if (params.lockedState) {
441  } else if (authParams->len != sizeof(Lock_t)) {
443  } else if (authParams->offset != 0) {
445  } else {
447  }
448  }
450  void unlockAuthorizationCallback(GattWriteAuthCallbackParams *authParams) {
451  if ((!params.lockedState) && (authParams->len == sizeof(Lock_t))) {
453  } else if (authParams->len != sizeof(Lock_t)) {
455  } else if (authParams->offset != 0) {
457  } else if (memcmp(authParams->data, params.lock, sizeof(Lock_t)) != 0) {
459  } else {
461  }
462  }
464  void uriDataWriteAuthorizationCallback(GattWriteAuthCallbackParams *authParams) {
465  if (params.lockedState) {
467  } else if (authParams->offset != 0) {
469  } else {
471  }
472  }
474  void powerModeAuthorizationCallback(GattWriteAuthCallbackParams *authParams) {
475  if (params.lockedState) {
477  } else if (authParams->len != sizeof(uint8_t)) {
479  } else if (authParams->offset != 0) {
481  } else if (*((uint8_t *)authParams->data) >= NUM_POWER_MODES) {
483  } else {
485  }
486  }
488  template <typename T>
489  void basicAuthorizationCallback(GattWriteAuthCallbackParams *authParams) {
490  if (params.lockedState) {
492  } else if (authParams->len != sizeof(T)) {
494  } else if (authParams->offset != 0) {
496  } else {
498  }
499  }
501  BLEDevice &ble;
502  Params_t &params;
503  mbed::Ticker timeSinceBootTick;
504  mbed::Timeout switchFrame;
505  // Default value that is restored on reset.
506  PowerLevels_t &defaultAdvPowerLevels; // This goes into the advertising frames (radio power measured at 1m from device).
507  PowerLevels_t &radioPowerLevels; // This configures the power levels of the radio.
508  uint8_t lockedState;
509  bool initSucceeded;
510  uint8_t resetFlag;
511  bool switchFlag;
513  //UID default value that is restored on reset.
514  UIDNamespaceID_t defaultUidNamespaceID;
515  UIDInstanceID_t defaultUidInstanceID;
516  float defaultUidAdvPeriod;
517  int8_t defaultUidPower;
518  uint16_t uidRFU;
519  bool uidIsSet;
521  //URI default value that is restored on reset.
522  uint8_t defaultUriDataLength;
523  UriData_t defaultUriData;
524  int8_t defaultUrlPower;
525  float defaultUriAdvPeriod;
526  bool urlIsSet;
528  //TLM default value that is restored on reset.
529  uint8_t defaultTlmVersion;
530  float defaultTlmAdvPeriod;
531  volatile uint16_t TlmBatteryVoltage;
532  volatile uint16_t TlmBeaconTemp;
533  volatile uint32_t TlmPduCount;
534  volatile uint32_t TlmTimeSinceBoot;
535  bool tlmIsSet;
537  ReadOnlyGattCharacteristic<uint8_t> lockedStateChar;
539  GattCharacteristic uriDataChar;
543  ReadWriteGattCharacteristic<uint8_t> txPowerModeChar;
544  ReadWriteGattCharacteristic<uint16_t> beaconPeriodChar;
546 };
GattAuthCallbackReply_t authorizationReply
Authorization result.
const uint8_t * data
Incoming data.
const uint8_t * data
Pointer to the data to write.
Abstract away BLE-capable radio transceivers or SOCs.
Definition: BLE.h:139
GATT write authorization request event.
Peripheral device is discoverable at any moment.
ATT Error: The specified offset was past the end of the attribute.
GATT Write event definition.
uint16_t len
Length (in bytes) of the data to write.
Peripheral device is LE only and does not support Bluetooth Enhanced DataRate.
EddystoneConfigService(BLEDevice &bleIn, Params_t &paramsIn, PowerLevels_t &defaultAdvPowerLevelsIn, PowerLevels_t &radioPowerLevelsIn)
Representation of a GattServer characteristic.
void start(bool resetToDefaultsFlag)
Start EddystoneConfig advertising.
uint16_t offset
Offset for the write operation.
uint16_t len
Length of the incoming data.
GattAttribute::Handle_t handle
Handle of the attribute to which the write operation applies.
A Ticker is used to call a function at a recurring interval.
Definition: Ticker.h:67
Eddystone Configuration Service.
Representation of a GattServer service.
Definition: GattService.h:38
Device is connectable, scannable and doesn&#39;t expect connection from a specific peer.
bool setURLFrameEncodedData(int8_t power, const char *encodedUrlIn, uint8_t encodedUrlInLength, float urlAdvPeriodIn)
Set Eddystone URL Frame information.
Entry namespace for all BLE API definitions.
void setUIDFrameData(int8_t power, UIDNamespaceID_t namespaceID, UIDInstanceID_t instanceID, float uidAdvPeriodIn, uint16_t RFU=0x0000)
Set Eddystone UID Frame information.
ATT Error: Used in ATT as "insufficient authorization".
A Timeout is used to call a function at a point in the future.
Definition: Timeout.h:58
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