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1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 2016 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.
3  * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License); you may
5  * not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS, WITHOUT
12  * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
17 /**
18  * \file ns_cmdline.h
19  *
20  * Command line library - mbedOS shell
21  *
22  * Usage example:
23  *
24  * \code
25  * //simple print function
26  * void myprint(const char* fmt, va_list ap){ vprintf(fmt, ap); }
27  * // simple ready cb, which call next command to be execute
28  * void cmd_ready_cb(int retcode) { cmd_next( retcode ); }
29  *
30  * // dummy command with some option
31  * int cmd_dummy(int argc, char *argv[]){
32  * if( cmd_has_option(argc, argv, "o") ) {
33  * cmd_printf("This is o option");
34  * } else {
36  * }
38  *}
39  * // timer cb ( pseudo-timer-code )
40  * void timer_ready_cb(void) {
42  * }
43  * // long command, which need e.g. some events to finalize command execution
44  * int cmd_long(int argc, char *argv[] ) {
45  timer_start( 5000, timer_ready_cb );
47  * }
48  * void main(void) {
49  * cmd_init( &myprint ); // initialize cmdline with print function
50  * cmd_set_ready_cb( cmd_ready_cb ); // configure ready cb
51  * cmd_add("dummy", cmd_dummy, 0, 0); // add one dummy command
52  * cmd_add("long", cmd_long, 0, 0); // add one dummy command
53  * //execute dummy and long commands
54  * cmd_exe( "dymmy;long" );
55  * }
56  * \endcode
57  */
58 #ifndef _CMDLINE_H_
59 #define _CMDLINE_H_
61 #ifdef __cplusplus
62 extern "C" {
63 #endif
65 #include <stdarg.h>
66 #include <stdint.h>
67 #include <stddef.h>
68 #include <stdbool.h>
70 #define CMDLINE_RETCODE_COMMAND_BUSY 2 //!< Command Busy
71 #define CMDLINE_RETCODE_EXCUTING_CONTINUE 1 //!< Execution continue in background
72 #define CMDLINE_RETCODE_SUCCESS 0 //!< Execution Success
73 #define CMDLINE_RETCODE_FAIL -1 //!< Execution Fail
74 #define CMDLINE_RETCODE_INVALID_PARAMETERS -2 //!< Command parameters was incorrect
75 #define CMDLINE_RETCODE_COMMAND_NOT_IMPLEMENTED -3 //!< Command not implemented
76 #define CMDLINE_RETCODE_COMMAND_CB_MISSING -4 //!< Command callback function missing
77 #define CMDLINE_RETCODE_COMMAND_NOT_FOUND -5 //!< Command not found
79 /**
80  * typedef for print functions
81  */
82 typedef void (cmd_print_t)(const char *, va_list);
83 /**
84  * Initialize cmdline class.
85  * This is command line editor without any commands. Application
86  * needs to add commands that should be enabled.
87  * usage e.g.
88  * \code
89  cmd_init( &default_cmd_response_out );
90  * \endcode
91  * \param outf console printing function (like vprintf)
92  */
93 void cmd_init(cmd_print_t *outf);
94 /** Command ready function for __special__ cases.
95  * This need to be call if command implementation return CMDLINE_RETCODE_EXECUTING_CONTINUE
96  * because there is some background stuff ongoing before command is finally completed.
97  * Normally there is some event, which call cmd_ready().
98  * \param retcode return code for command
99  */
100 void cmd_ready(int retcode);
101 /** typedef for ready cb function */
102 typedef void (cmd_ready_cb_f)(int);
103 /**
104  * Configure cb which will be called after commands are executed
105  * or cmd_ready is called
106  * \param cb callback function for command ready
107  */
109 /**
110  * execute next command if any
111  * \param retcode last command return value
112  */
113 void cmd_next(int retcode);
114 /** Free cmd class */
115 void cmd_free(void);
116 /** Reset cmdline to default values
117  * detach external commands, delete all variables and aliases
118  */
119 void cmd_reset(void);
120 /** Configure command history size (default 32)
121  * \param max maximum history size
122  * max > 0 -> configure new value
123  * max = 0 -> just return current value
124  * \return current history max-size
125  */
126 uint8_t cmd_history_size(uint8_t max);
127 /** command line print function
128  * This function should be used when user want to print something to the console
129  * \param fmt console print function (like printf)
130  */
131 #if defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__CC_ARM)
132 void cmd_printf(const char *fmt, ...) __attribute__((__format__(__printf__, 1, 2)));
133 #else
134 void cmd_printf(const char *fmt, ...);
135 #endif
136 /** command line print function
137  * This function should be used when user want to print something to the console with vprintf functionality
138  * \param fmt The format string is a character string, beginning and ending in its initial shift state, if any. The format string is composed of zero or more directives.
139  * \param ap list of parameters needed by format string. This must correspond properly with the conversion specifier.
140  */
141 #if defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__CC_ARM)
142 void cmd_vprintf(const char *fmt, va_list ap) __attribute__((__format__(__printf__, 1, 0)));
143 #else
144 void cmd_vprintf(const char *fmt, va_list ap);
145 #endif
146 /** Reconfigure default cmdline out function (cmd_printf)
147  * \param outf select console print function
148  */
149 void cmd_out_func(cmd_print_t *outf);
150 /** Configure function, which will be called when Ctrl+A is pressed
151  * \param sohf control function which called every time when user input control keys
152  */
153 void cmd_ctrl_func(void (*sohf)(uint8_t c));
154 /**
155  * Configure mutex wait function
156  * By default, cmd_printf calls may not be thread safe, depending on the implementation of the used output.
157  * This can be used to set a callback function that will be called before each cmd_printf call.
158  * The specific implementation is up to the application developer, but simple mutex locking is assumed.
159  */
160 void cmd_mutex_wait_func(void (*mutex_wait_f)(void));
161 /**
162  * Configure mutex wait function
163  * By default, cmd_printf calls may not be thread safe, depending on the implementation of the used output.
164  * This can be used to set a callback function that will be called after each cmd_printf call.
165  * The specific implementation is up to the application developer, but simple mutex locking is assumed.
166  */
167 void cmd_mutex_release_func(void (*mutex_release_f)(void));
168 /**
169  * Retrieve output mutex lock
170  * This can be used to retrieve the output mutex when multiple cmd_printf/cmd_vprintf calls must be
171  * guaranteed to be grouped together in a thread safe manner. Must be released by a following call to
172  * cmd_mutex_unlock()
173  * For example:
174  * * \code
175  * cmd_mutex_lock();
176  for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
177  cmd_printf("%02x ", i);
178  }
179  // without locking a print from another thread could happen here
180  cmd_printf("\r\n);
181  cmd_mutex_unlock();
182  * \endcode
183  * Exact behaviour depends on the implementation of the configured mutex,
184  * but counting mutexes are required.
185  */
186 void cmd_mutex_lock(void);
187 /**
188  * Release output mutex lock
189  * This can be used to release the output mutex once it has been retrieved with cmd_mutex_lock()
190  * Exact behaviour depends on the implementation of the configured mutex,
191  * but counting mutexes are required.
192  */
193 void cmd_mutex_unlock(void);
194 /** Refresh output */
195 void cmd_output(void);
196 /** default cmd response function, use stdout
197  * \param fmt The format string is a character string, beginning and ending in its initial shift state, if any. The format string is composed of zero or more directives.
198  * \param ap list of parameters needed by format string. This must correspond properly with the conversion specifier.
199  */
200 void default_cmd_response_out(const char *fmt, va_list ap);
201 /** Initialize screen */
202 void cmd_init_screen(void);
203 /** Get echo state
204  * \return true if echo is on otherwise false
205  */
206 bool cmd_echo_state(void);
207 /** Echo off */
208 void cmd_echo_off(void);
209 /** Echo on */
210 void cmd_echo_on(void);
211 /** Enter character to console.
212  * insert key pressess to cmdline called from main loop of application
213  * \param u_data char to be added to console
214  */
215 void cmd_char_input(int16_t u_data);
216 /*
217  * Set the passthrough mode callback function. In passthrough mode normal command input handling is skipped and any
218  * received characters are passed to the passthrough callback function. Setting this to null will disable passthrough mode.
219  * \param passthrough_fnc The passthrough callback function
220  */
221 typedef void (*input_passthrough_func_t)(uint8_t c);
222 void cmd_input_passthrough_func(input_passthrough_func_t passthrough_fnc);
224 /* Methods used for adding and handling of commands and aliases
225  */
227 /** Callback called when your command is run.
228  * \param argc argc is the count of arguments given in argv pointer list. value begins from 1 and this means that the 0 item in list argv is a string to name of command.
229  * \param argv argv is list of arguments. List size is given in argc parameter. Value in argv[0] is string to name of command.
230  */
231 typedef int (cmd_run_cb)(int argc, char *argv[]);
232 /** Add command to intepreter
233  * \param name command string
234  * \param callback This function is called when command line start executing
235  * \param info Command short description which is visible in help command, or null if not in use
236  * \param man Help page for this command. This is shown when executing command with invalid parameters or command with --help parameter. Can be null if not in use.
237  */
238 void cmd_add(const char *name, cmd_run_cb *callback, const char *info, const char *man);
240 /** delete command from intepreter
241  * \param name command to be delete
242  */
243 void cmd_delete(const char *name);
244 /** Command executer.
245  * Command executer, which split&push command(s) to the buffer and
246  * start executing commands in cmd tasklet.
247  * if not, execute command directly.
248  * If command implementation returns CMDLINE_RETCODE_EXCUTING_CONTINUE,
249  * executor will wait for cmd_ready() before continue to next command.
250  * \param str command string, e.g. "help"
251  */
252 void cmd_exe(char *str);
253 /** Add alias to interpreter.
254  * Aliases are replaced with values before executing a command. All aliases must be started from beginning of line.
255  * null or empty value deletes alias.
256  * \code
257  cmd_alias_add("print", "echo");
258  cmd_exe("print \"hello world!\""); // this is now same as "echo \"hello world!\"" .
259  * \endcode
260  * \param alias alias name
261  * \param value value for alias. Values can be any visible ASCII -characters.
262  */
263 void cmd_alias_add(const char *alias, const char *value);
264 /** Add Variable to interpreter.
265  * Variables are replaced with values before executing a command.
266  * To use variables from cli, use dollar ($) -character so that interpreter knows user want to use variable in that place.
267  * null or empty value deletes variable.
268  * \code
269  cmd_variable_add("world", "hello world!");
270  cmd_exe("echo $world"); // this is now same as echo "hello world!" .
271  * \endcode
272  * \param variable Variable name, which will be replaced in interpreter.
273  * \param value Value for variable. Values can contains white spaces and '"' or '"' characters.
274  */
275 void cmd_variable_add(char *variable, char *value);
276 /**
277  * Add integer variable to interpreter.
278  * Variables are replaced with values before executing a command.
279  * \code
280  cmd_variable_add_int("world", 2);
281  cmd_exe("echo $world"); // this is now same as 'echo 2' .
282  * \endcode
283  * \param variable Variable name, which will be replaced in interpreter.
284  * \param value Value for variable
286  */
287 void cmd_variable_add_int(char *variable, int value);
288 /**
289  * Request screen size from host
290  * Response are stored to variables:
291  * COLUMNS and LINES - as integer values.
292  * Note: Require terminal that handle request codes, like screen.
293  */
294 void cmd_request_screen_size(void);
297 /** find command parameter index by key.
298  * e.g.
299  * \code
300  int main(void){
301  //..init cmd..
302  //..
303  cmd_exe("mycmd enable")
304  }
305  int mycmd_command(int argc, char *argv[]) {
306  bool found = cmd_parameter_index( argc, argv, "enable" ) > 0;
307  }
308  * \endcode
309  * \param argc argc is the count of arguments given in argv pointer list. value begins from 1 and this means that the 0 item in list argv is a string to name of command.
310  * \param argv is list of arguments. List size is given in argc parameter. Value in argv[0] is string to name of command.
311  * \param key option key, which index you want to find out.
312  * \return index where parameter was or -1 when not found
313  */
314 int cmd_parameter_index(int argc, char *argv[], const char *key);
315 /** check if command option is present.
316  * e.g. cmd: "mycmd -c"
317  * \code
318  * bool on = cmd_has_option( argc, argv, "p" );
319  * \endcode
320  * \param argc argc is the count of arguments given in argv pointer list. value begins from 1 and this means that the 0 item in list argv is a string to name of command.
321  * \param argv is list of arguments. List size is given in argc parameter. Value in argv[0] is string to name of command.
322  * \param key option key to be find
323  * \return true if option found otherwise false
324  */
325 bool cmd_has_option(int argc, char *argv[], const char *key);
326 /** find command parameter by key.
327  * if exists, return true, otherwise false.
328  * e.g. cmd: "mycmd enable 1"
329  * \code
330  int mycmd_command(int argc, char *argv[]) {
331  bool value;
332  bool found = cmd_parameter_bool( argc, argv, "mykey", &value );
333  if( found ) return CMDLINE_RETCODE_SUCCESS;
334  else return CMDLINE_RETCODE_FAIL;
335  }
336  * \endcode
337  * \param argc argc is the count of arguments given in argv pointer list. value begins from 1 and this means that the 0 item in list argv is a string to name of command.
338  * \param argv is list of arguments. List size is given in argc parameter. Value in argv[0] is string to name of command.
339  * \param key parameter key to be find
340  * \param value parameter value to be fetch, if key not found value are untouched. "1" and "on" and "true" and "enable" and "allow" are True -value, all others false.
341  * \return true if parameter key and value found otherwise false
342  */
343 bool cmd_parameter_bool(int argc, char *argv[], const char *key, bool *value);
344 /** find command parameter by key and return value (next parameter).
345  * if exists, return parameter pointer, otherwise null.
346  * e.g. cmd: "mycmd mykey myvalue"
347  * \code
348  int mycmd_command(int argc, char *argv[]) {
349  char *value;
350  bool found = cmd_parameter_val( argc, argv, "mykey", &value );
351  if( found ) return CMDLINE_RETCODE_SUCCESS;
352  else return CMDLINE_RETCODE_FAIL;
353  }
354  * \endcode
355  * \param argc argc is the count of arguments given in argv pointer list. value begins from 1 and this means that the 0 item in list argv is a string to name of command.
356  * \param argv is list of arguments. List size is given in argc parameter. Value in argv[0] is string to name of command.
357  * \param key parameter key to be find
358  * \param value pointer to pointer, which will point to cli input data when key and value found. if key or value not found this parameter are untouched.
359  * \return true if parameter key and value found otherwise false
360  */
361 bool cmd_parameter_val(int argc, char *argv[], const char *key, char **value);
362 /** find command parameter by key and return value (next parameter) in integer. Only whitespaces are allowed in addition to the float to be read.
363  * e.g. cmd: "mycmd mykey myvalue"
364  * \code
365  int32_t value;
366  cmd_parameter_int( argc, argv, "key", &value );
367  * \endcode
368  * \param argc argc is the count of arguments given in argv pointer list. value begins from 1 and this means that the item 0 in the list argv is a string to name of command.
369  * \param argv is list of arguments. List size is given in argc parameter. Value in argv[0] is string to name of command.
370  * \param key parameter key to be found
371  * \param value A pointer to a variable where to write the converted number. If value cannot be converted, it is not touched.
372  * \return true if parameter key and an integer is found, otherwise return false
373  */
374 bool cmd_parameter_int(int argc, char *argv[], const char *key, int32_t *value);
375 /** find command parameter by key and return value (next parameter) in float. Only whitespaces are allowed in addition to the float to be read.
376  * e.g. cmd: "mycmd mykey myvalue"
377  * \code
378  float value;
379  cmd_parameter_float( argc, argv, "key", &value );
380  * \endcode
381  * \param argc argc is the count of arguments given in argv pointer list. values begin from 1 and this means that the item 0 in the list argv is a string to name of command.
382  * \param argv is list of arguments. List size is given in argc parameter. Value in argv[0] is string to name of command.
383  * \param key parameter key to be found
384  * \param value A pointer to a variable where to write the converted number. If value cannot be converted, it is not touched.
385  * \return true if parameter key and a float found, otherwise return false
386  */
387 bool cmd_parameter_float(int argc, char *argv[], const char *key, float *value);
388 /** Get last command line parameter as string.
389  * e.g.
390  * cmd: "mycmd hello world"
391  * cmd_parameter_last -> "world"
392  * cmd: "mycmd"
393  * cmd_parameter_last() -> NULL
394  * \code
395  cmd_parameter_last(argc, argv)
396  * \endcode
397  * \param argc argc is the count of arguments given in argv pointer list. value begins from 1 and this means that the 0 item in list argv is a string to name of command.
398  * \param argv is list of arguments. List size is given in argc parameter. Value in argv[0] is string to name of command.
399  * \return pointer to last parameter or NULL when there is no any parameters.
400  */
401 char *cmd_parameter_last(int argc, char *argv[]);
403 /** find command parameter by key and return value (next parameter) in int64.
404  * e.g. cmd: "mycmd mykey myvalue"
405  * \code
406  uint32_t i;
407  cmd_parameter_timestamp( argc, argv, "mykey", &i );
408  * \endcode
409  *
410  * Supports following formats:
411  * number -> direct conversion
412  * 11:22:33:44:55:66:77:88 -> converts to number
413  * seconds,tics -> converts thread type timestamp to int64
414  *
415  * \param argc argc is the count of arguments given in argv pointer list. value begins from 1 and this means that the 0 item in list argv is a string to name of command.
416  * \param argv is list of arguments. List size is given in argc parameter. Value in argv[0] is string to name of command.
417  * \param key parameter key to be find
418  * \param value parameter value to be fetch, if key not found value are untouched.
419  * \return true if parameter key and value found otherwise false
420  */
421 bool cmd_parameter_timestamp(int argc, char *argv[], const char *key, int64_t *value);
423 #ifdef __cplusplus
424 }
425 #endif
426 #endif /*_CMDLINE_H_*/
bool cmd_parameter_float(int argc, char *argv[], const char *key, float *value)
find command parameter by key and return value (next parameter) in float.
uint8_t cmd_history_size(uint8_t max)
Configure command history size (default 32)
bool cmd_parameter_val(int argc, char *argv[], const char *key, char **value)
find command parameter by key and return value (next parameter).
void cmd_mutex_lock(void)
Retrieve output mutex lock This can be used to retrieve the output mutex when multiple cmd_printf/cmd...
void cmd_ready(int retcode)
Command ready function for special cases.
void cmd_output(void)
Refresh output.
void cmd_init_screen(void)
Initialize screen.
The key size.
void cmd_ctrl_func(void(*sohf)(uint8_t c))
Configure function, which will be called when Ctrl+A is pressed.
void cmd_alias_add(const char *alias, const char *value)
Add alias to interpreter.
char * cmd_parameter_last(int argc, char *argv[])
Get last command line parameter as string.
void cmd_vprintf(const char *fmt, va_list ap)
command line print function This function should be used when user want to print something to the con...
void cmd_add(const char *name, cmd_run_cb *callback, const char *info, const char *man)
Add command to intepreter.
int( cmd_run_cb)(int argc, char *argv[])
Callback called when your command is run.
Definition: ns_cmdline.h:231
void( cmd_ready_cb_f)(int)
typedef for ready cb function
Definition: ns_cmdline.h:102
int cmd_parameter_index(int argc, char *argv[], const char *key)
find command parameter index by key.
void cmd_set_ready_cb(cmd_ready_cb_f *cb)
Configure cb which will be called after commands are executed or cmd_ready is called.
void( cmd_print_t)(const char *, va_list)
typedef for print functions
Definition: ns_cmdline.h:82
bool cmd_echo_state(void)
Get echo state.
void cmd_exe(char *str)
Command executer.
void cmd_printf(const char *fmt,...)
command line print function This function should be used when user want to print something to the con...
void cmd_mutex_unlock(void)
Release output mutex lock This can be used to release the output mutex once it has been retrieved wit...
void cmd_variable_add(char *variable, char *value)
Add Variable to interpreter.
void cmd_echo_on(void)
Echo on.
bool cmd_parameter_timestamp(int argc, char *argv[], const char *key, int64_t *value)
find command parameter by key and return value (next parameter) in int64.
void cmd_next(int retcode)
execute next command if any
void cmd_char_input(int16_t u_data)
Enter character to console.
void default_cmd_response_out(const char *fmt, va_list ap)
default cmd response function, use stdout
void cmd_request_screen_size(void)
Request screen size from host Response are stored to variables: COLUMNS and LINES - as integer values...
void cmd_reset(void)
Reset cmdline to default values detach external commands, delete all variables and aliases...
Callback< R(ArgTs...)> callback(R(*func)(ArgTs...)=0)
Create a callback class with type inferred from the arguments.
Definition: Callback.h:709
bool cmd_parameter_bool(int argc, char *argv[], const char *key, bool *value)
find command parameter by key.
void cmd_mutex_release_func(void(*mutex_release_f)(void))
Configure mutex wait function By default, cmd_printf calls may not be thread safe, depending on the implementation of the used output.
void cmd_delete(const char *name)
delete command from intepreter
void cmd_out_func(cmd_print_t *outf)
Reconfigure default cmdline out function (cmd_printf)
bool cmd_parameter_int(int argc, char *argv[], const char *key, int32_t *value)
find command parameter by key and return value (next parameter) in integer.
void cmd_free(void)
Free cmd class.
void cmd_variable_add_int(char *variable, int value)
Add integer variable to interpreter.
void cmd_init(cmd_print_t *outf)
Initialize cmdline class.
void cmd_mutex_wait_func(void(*mutex_wait_f)(void))
Configure mutex wait function By default, cmd_printf calls may not be thread safe, depending on the implementation of the used output.
void cmd_echo_off(void)
Echo off.
bool cmd_has_option(int argc, char *argv[], const char *key)
check if command option is present.
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