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1 /* mbed Microcontroller Library
2  * Copyright (c) 2018 ARM Limited
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
19 #include "QSPI.h"
20 #include "BlockDevice.h"
22 /** Enum qspif standard error codes
23  *
24  * @enum qspif_bd_error
25  */
26 enum qspif_bd_error {
27  QSPIF_BD_ERROR_OK = 0, /*!< no error */
28  QSPIF_BD_ERROR_DEVICE_ERROR = BD_ERROR_DEVICE_ERROR, /*!< device specific error -4001 */
29  QSPIF_BD_ERROR_PARSING_FAILED = -4002, /* SFDP Parsing failed */
30  QSPIF_BD_ERROR_READY_FAILED = -4003, /* Wait for Mem Ready failed */
31  QSPIF_BD_ERROR_WREN_FAILED = -4004, /* Write Enable Failed */
32  QSPIF_BD_ERROR_INVALID_ERASE_PARAMS = -4005, /* Erase command not on sector aligned addresses or exceeds device size */
33  QSPIF_BD_ERROR_DEVICE_NOT_UNIQE = -4006, /* Only one instance per csel is allowed */
34  QSPIF_BD_ERROR_DEVICE_MAX_EXCEED = -4007 /* Max active QSPIF devices exceeded */
35 };
37 /** Enum qspif polarity mode
38  *
39  * @enum qspif_polarity_mode
40  */
41 enum qspif_polarity_mode {
42  QSPIF_POLARITY_MODE_0 = 0, /* CPOL=0, CPHA=0 */
44 };
46 #define QSPIF_MAX_REGIONS 10
50 /** BlockDevice for SFDP based flash devices over QSPI bus
51  *
52  * @code
53  * // Here's an example using QSPI flash device on DISCO_L476VG target
54  * #include "mbed.h"
55  * #include "QSPIFBlockDevice.h"
56  *
57  * QSPIFBlockDevice block_device(QSPI_FLASH1_IO0, QSPI_FLASH1_IO1, QSPI_FLASH1_IO2, QSPI_FLASH1_IO3,
59  *
60  * int main()
61  * {
62  * printf("QSPI SFDP Flash Block Device example\n");
63  *
64  * // Initialize the SPI flash device and print the memory layout
65  * block_device.init();
66  * bd_size_t sector_size_at_address_0 = block_device.get_erase_size(0);
67  *
68  * printf("QSPIF BD size: %llu\n", block_device.size());
69  * printf("QSPIF BD read size: %llu\n", block_device.get_read_size());
70  * printf("QSPIF BD program size: %llu\n", block_device.get_program_size());
71  * printf("QSPIF BD erase size (at address 0): %llu\n", sector_size_at_address_0);
72  *
73  * // Write "Hello World!" to the first block
74  * char *buffer = (char *) malloc(sector_size_at_address_0);
75  * sprintf(buffer, "Hello World!\n");
76  * block_device.erase(0, sector_size_at_address_0);
77  * block_device.program(buffer, 0, sector_size_at_address_0);
78  *
79  * // Read back what was stored
80  * block_device.read(buffer, 0, sector_size_at_address_0);
81  * printf("%s", buffer);
82  *
83  * // Deinitialize the device
84  * block_device.deinit();
85  * }
86  * @endcode
87  */
89 public:
90  /** Create QSPIFBlockDevice - An SFDP based Flash Block Device over QSPI bus
91  *
92  * @param io0 1st IO pin used for sending/receiving data during data phase of a transaction
93  * @param io1 2nd IO pin used for sending/receiving data during data phase of a transaction
94  * @param io2 3rd IO pin used for sending/receiving data during data phase of a transaction
95  * @param io3 4th IO pin used for sending/receiving data during data phase of a transaction
96  * @param sclk QSPI Clock pin
97  * @param csel QSPI chip select pin
98  * @param clock_mode specifies the QSPI Clock Polarity mode (QSPIF_POLARITY_MODE_0/QSPIF_POLARITY_MODE_1)
99  * default value = 0
100  * @param freq Clock frequency of the QSPI bus (defaults to 40MHz)
101  *
102  */
103  QSPIFBlockDevice(PinName io0, PinName io1, PinName io2, PinName io3, PinName sclk, PinName csel,
104  int clock_mode, int freq = MBED_CONF_QSPIF_QSPI_FREQ);
106  /** Initialize a block device
107  *
108  * @return QSPIF_BD_ERROR_OK(0) - success
109  * QSPIF_BD_ERROR_DEVICE_ERROR - device driver transaction failed
110  * QSPIF_BD_ERROR_READY_FAILED - Waiting for Memory ready failed or timedout
111  * QSPIF_BD_ERROR_PARSING_FAILED - unexpected format or values in one of the SFDP tables
112  */
113  virtual int init();
115  /** Deinitialize a block device
116  *
117  * @return QSPIF_BD_ERROR_OK(0) - success
118  * QSPIF_BD_ERROR_DEVICE_ERROR - device driver transaction failed
119  */
120  virtual int deinit();
122  /** Desctruct QSPIFBlockDevie
123  */
125  {
126  deinit();
127  }
129  /** Read blocks from a block device
130  *
131  * @param buffer Buffer to write blocks to
132  * @param addr Address of block to begin reading from
133  * @param size Size to read in bytes, must be a multiple of read block size
134  * @return QSPIF_BD_ERROR_OK(0) - success
135  * QSPIF_BD_ERROR_DEVICE_ERROR - device driver transaction failed
136  */
137  virtual int read(void *buffer, mbed::bd_addr_t addr, mbed::bd_size_t size);
139  /** Program blocks to a block device
140  *
141  * The blocks must have been erased prior to being programmed
142  *
143  * @param buffer Buffer of data to write to blocks
144  * @param addr Address of block to begin writing to
145  * @param size Size to write in bytes, must be a multiple of program block size
146  * @return QSPIF_BD_ERROR_OK(0) - success
147  * QSPIF_BD_ERROR_DEVICE_ERROR - device driver transaction failed
148  * QSPIF_BD_ERROR_READY_FAILED - Waiting for Memory ready failed or timed out
149  * QSPIF_BD_ERROR_WREN_FAILED - Write Enable failed
150  * QSPIF_BD_ERROR_PARSING_FAILED - unexpected format or values in one of the SFDP tables
151  */
152  virtual int program(const void *buffer, mbed::bd_addr_t addr, mbed::bd_size_t size);
154  /** Erase blocks on a block device
155  *
156  * The state of an erased block is undefined until it has been programmed
157  *
158  * @param addr Address of block to begin erasing
159  * @param size Size to erase in bytes, must be a multiple of erase block size
160  * @return QSPIF_BD_ERROR_OK(0) - success
161  * QSPIF_BD_ERROR_DEVICE_ERROR - device driver transaction failed
162  * QSPIF_BD_ERROR_READY_FAILED - Waiting for Memory ready failed or timed out
163  * QSPIF_BD_ERROR_WREN_FAILED - Write Enable failed
164  * QSPIF_BD_ERROR_PARSING_FAILED - unexpected format or values in one of the SFDP tables
165  * QSPIF_BD_ERROR_INVALID_ERASE_PARAMS - Trying to erase unaligned address or size
166  */
167  virtual int erase(mbed::bd_addr_t addr, mbed::bd_size_t size);
169  /** Get the size of a readable block
170  *
171  * @return Size of a readable block in bytes
172  */
173  virtual mbed::bd_size_t get_read_size() const;
175  /** Get the size of a programable block
176  *
177  * @return Size of a program block size in bytes
178  * @note Must be a multiple of the read size
179  */
180  virtual mbed::bd_size_t get_program_size() const;
182  /** Get the size of a eraseable block
183  *
184  * @return Size of a minimal erase block, common to all regions, in bytes
185  * @note Must be a multiple of the program size
186  */
187  virtual mbed::bd_size_t get_erase_size() const;
189  /** Get the size of minimal eraseable sector size of given address
190  *
191  * @param addr Any address within block queried for erase sector size (can be any address within flash size offset)
192  * @return Size of minimal erase sector size, in given address region, in bytes
193  * @note Must be a multiple of the program size
194  */
195  virtual mbed::bd_size_t get_erase_size(mbed::bd_addr_t addr);
197  /** Get the value of storage byte after it was erased
198  *
199  * If get_erase_value returns a non-negative byte value, the underlying
200  * storage is set to that value when erased, and storage containing
201  * that value can be programmed without another erase.
202  *
203  * @return The value of storage when erased, or -1 if you can't
204  * rely on the value of erased storage
205  */
206  virtual int get_erase_value() const;
208  /** Get the total size of the underlying device
209  *
210  * @return Size of the underlying device in bytes
211  */
212  virtual mbed::bd_size_t size() const;
214  /** Get the BlockDevice class type.
215  *
216  * @return A string represent the BlockDevice class type.
217  */
218  virtual const char *get_type() const;
220 private:
221  // Internal functions
224  /********************************/
225  /* Different Device Csel Mgmt */
226  /********************************/
227  // Add a new QSPI device CS to existing devices list.
228  // Only one QSPIFBlockDevice instance per CS is allowed
229  int add_new_csel_instance(PinName csel);
231  // Remove device CS from existing device list upon destroying object (last deinit is called)
232  int remove_csel_instance(PinName csel);
234  /********************************/
235  /* Calls to QSPI Driver APIs */
236  /********************************/
237  // Send Program/Write command to Driver
238  qspi_status_t _qspi_send_program_command(mbed::qspi_inst_t prog_instruction, const void *buffer,
239  mbed::bd_addr_t addr, mbed::bd_size_t *size);
241  // Send Read command to Driver
242  qspi_status_t _qspi_send_read_command(mbed::qspi_inst_t read_instruction, void *buffer, mbed::bd_addr_t addr, mbed::bd_size_t size);
244  // Send Erase Instruction using command_transfer command to Driver
245  qspi_status_t _qspi_send_erase_command(mbed::qspi_inst_t erase_instruction, mbed::bd_addr_t addr, mbed::bd_size_t size);
247  // Send Generic command_transfer command to Driver
248  qspi_status_t _qspi_send_general_command(mbed::qspi_inst_t instruction_int, mbed::bd_addr_t addr, const char *tx_buffer,
249  mbed::bd_size_t tx_length, const char *rx_buffer, mbed::bd_size_t rx_length);
251  // Send Bus configure_format command to Driver
252  qspi_status_t _qspi_configure_format(qspi_bus_width_t inst_width, qspi_bus_width_t address_width,
253  qspi_address_size_t address_size, qspi_bus_width_t alt_width, qspi_alt_size_t alt_size, qspi_bus_width_t data_width,
254  int dummy_cycles);
256  // Send set_frequency command to Driver
257  qspi_status_t _qspi_set_frequency(int freq);
259  /*********************************/
260  /* Flash Configuration Functions */
261  /*********************************/
262  // Soft Reset Flash Memory
263  int _reset_flash_mem();
265  // Configure Write Enable in Status Register
266  int _set_write_enable();
268  // Wait on status register until write not-in-progress
269  bool _is_mem_ready();
271  // Enable Fast Mode - for flash chips with low power default
272  int _enable_fast_mdoe();
274  /****************************************/
275  /* SFDP Detection and Parsing Functions */
276  /****************************************/
277  // Parse SFDP Headers and retrieve Basic Param and Sector Map Tables (if exist)
278  int _sfdp_parse_sfdp_headers(uint32_t &basic_table_addr, size_t &basic_table_size,
279  uint32_t &sector_map_table_addr, size_t &sector_map_table_size);
281  // Parse and Detect required Basic Parameters from Table
282  int _sfdp_parse_basic_param_table(uint32_t basic_table_addr, size_t basic_table_size);
284  // Parse and read information required by Regions Secotr Map
285  int _sfdp_parse_sector_map_table(uint32_t sector_map_table_addr, size_t sector_map_table_size);
287  // Detect fastest read Bus mode supported by device
288  int _sfdp_detect_best_bus_read_mode(uint8_t *basic_param_table_ptr, int basic_param_table_size, bool &set_quad_enable,
289  bool &is_qpi_mode, mbed::qspi_inst_t &read_inst);
291  // Enable Quad mode if supported (1-1-4, 1-4-4, 4-4-4 bus modes)
292  int _sfdp_set_quad_enabled(uint8_t *basic_param_table_ptr);
294  // Enable QPI mode (4-4-4) is supported
295  int _sfdp_set_qpi_enabled(uint8_t *basic_param_table_ptr);
297  // Set Page size for program
298  int _sfdp_detect_page_size(uint8_t *basic_param_table_ptr, int basic_param_table_size);
300  // Detect all supported erase types
301  int _sfdp_detect_erase_types_inst_and_size(uint8_t *basic_param_table_ptr, int basic_param_table_size,
302  mbed::qspi_inst_t &erase4k_inst,
303  mbed::qspi_inst_t *erase_type_inst_arr, unsigned int *erase_type_size_arr);
305  /***********************/
306  /* Utilities Functions */
307  /***********************/
308  // Find the region to which the given offset belong to
309  int _utils_find_addr_region(mbed::bd_size_t offset);
311  // Iterate on all supported Erase Types of the Region to which the offset belong to.
312  // Iterates from highest type to lowest
313  int _utils_iterate_next_largest_erase_type(uint8_t &bitfield, int size, int offset, int boundry);
315 private:
316  // QSPI Driver Object
317  mbed::QSPI _qspi;
319  // Static List of different QSPI based Flash devices csel that already exist
320  // Each QSPI Flash device csel can have only 1 QSPIFBlockDevice instance
321  // _devices_mutex is used to lock csel list - only one QSPIFBlockDevice instance per csel is allowed
322  static SingletonPtr<PlatformMutex> _devices_mutex;
323  static int _number_of_active_qspif_flash_csel;
324  static PinName *_active_qspif_flash_csel_arr;
326  int _unique_device_status;
327  PinName _csel;
329  // Mutex is used to protect Flash device for some QSPI Driver commands that must be done sequentially with no other commands in between
330  // e.g. (1)Set Write Enable, (2)Program, (3)Wait Memory Ready
331  PlatformMutex _mutex;
333  // Command Instructions
334  mbed::qspi_inst_t _read_instruction;
335  mbed::qspi_inst_t _prog_instruction;
336  mbed::qspi_inst_t _erase_instruction;
337  mbed::qspi_inst_t _erase4k_inst; // Legacy 4K erase instruction (default 0x20h)
338  mbed::qspi_inst_t _write_register_inst; // Write status/config register instruction may vary between chips
339  mbed::qspi_inst_t _read_register_inst; // Read status/config register instruction may vary between chips
341  // Up To 4 Erase Types are supported by SFDP (each with its own command Instruction and Size)
342  mbed::qspi_inst_t _erase_type_inst_arr[MAX_NUM_OF_ERASE_TYPES];
343  unsigned int _erase_type_size_arr[MAX_NUM_OF_ERASE_TYPES];
345  // Sector Regions Map
346  int _regions_count; //number of regions
347  int _region_size_bytes[QSPIF_MAX_REGIONS]; //regions size in bytes
348  bd_size_t _region_high_boundary[QSPIF_MAX_REGIONS]; //region high address offset boundary
349  //Each Region can support a bit combination of any of the 4 Erase Types
350  uint8_t _region_erase_types_bitfield[QSPIF_MAX_REGIONS];
351  unsigned int _min_common_erase_size; // minimal common erase size for all regions (0 if none exists)
353  unsigned int _page_size_bytes; // Page size - 256 Bytes default
354  int _freq;
355  bd_size_t _device_size_bytes;
357  // Bus speed configuration
358  qspi_bus_width_t _inst_width; //Bus width for Instruction phase
359  qspi_bus_width_t _address_width; //Bus width for Address phase
360  qspi_address_size_t _address_size; //Number of bits for address
361  qspi_alt_size_t _alt_size; //Number of bits for alt
362  bool _alt_enabled; //Whether alt is enabled
363  uint8_t _dummy_cycles; //Number of Dummy cycles required by Current Bus Mode
364  qspi_bus_width_t _data_width; //Bus width for Data phase
366  uint32_t _init_ref_count;
367  bool _is_initialized;
368 };
370 #endif
virtual int program(const void *buffer, mbed::bd_addr_t addr, mbed::bd_size_t size)
Program blocks to a block device.
virtual mbed::bd_size_t get_program_size() const
Get the size of a programable block.
A hardware device capable of writing and reading blocks.
Definition: BlockDevice.h:47
virtual mbed::bd_size_t get_erase_size() const
Get the size of a eraseable block.
Desctruct QSPIFBlockDevie.
virtual int read(void *buffer, mbed::bd_addr_t addr, mbed::bd_size_t size)
Read blocks from a block device.
virtual mbed::bd_size_t size() const
Get the total size of the underlying device.
QSPIFBlockDevice(PinName io0, PinName io1, PinName io2, PinName io3, PinName sclk, PinName csel, int clock_mode, int freq=MBED_CONF_QSPIF_QSPI_FREQ)
Create QSPIFBlockDevice - An SFDP based Flash Block Device over QSPI bus.
The PlatformMutex class is used to synchronize the execution of threads.
Definition: PlatformMutex.h:47
virtual int get_erase_value() const
Get the value of storage byte after it was erased.
virtual int deinit()
Deinitialize a block device.
virtual mbed::bd_size_t get_read_size() const
Get the size of a readable block.
enum qspi_address_size qspi_address_size_t
Address size in bits.
virtual int erase(mbed::bd_addr_t addr, mbed::bd_size_t size)
Erase blocks on a block device.
virtual int init()
Initialize a block device.
int qspi_inst_t
Type representing a QSPI instruction.
Definition: QSPI.h:46
virtual const char * get_type() const
Get the BlockDevice class type.
uint8_t qspi_alt_size_t
Alternative size in bits.
Definition: qspi_api.h:63
enum qspi_bus_width qspi_bus_width_t
QSPI Bus width.
BlockDevice for SFDP based flash devices over QSPI bus.
A QSPI Driver, used for communicating with QSPI slave devices.
Definition: QSPI.h:86
enum qspi_status qspi_status_t
QSPI return status.
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