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1 /* mbed Microcontroller Library
2  * Copyright (c) 2006-2018 ARM Limited
3  * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
4  *
5  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
8  *
9  * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10  *
11  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15  * limitations under the License.
16  */
18 #ifndef __SHAREDPTR_H__
19 #define __SHAREDPTR_H__
21 #include <stdlib.h>
23 #include <stdint.h>
24 #include <stddef.h>
26 #include "platform/mbed_atomic.h"
28 namespace mbed {
30 /** Shared pointer class.
31  *
32  * A shared pointer is a "smart" pointer that retains ownership of an object using
33  * reference counting across all smart pointers referencing that object.
34  *
35  * @code
36  * #include "platform/SharedPtr.h"
37  *
38  * void test() {
39  * struct MyStruct { int a; };
40  *
41  * // Create shared pointer
42  * SharedPtr<MyStruct> ptr( new MyStruct );
43  *
44  * // Increase reference count
45  * SharedPtr<MyStruct> ptr2( ptr );
46  *
47  * ptr = nullptr; // Reference to the struct instance is still held by ptr2
48  *
49  * ptr2 = nullptr; // The raw pointer is freed
50  * }
51  * @endcode
52  *
53  *
54  * It is similar to the std::shared_ptr class introduced in C++11;
55  * however, this is not a compatible implementation (no weak pointer, no make_shared, no custom deleters and so on.)
56  *
57  * Usage: SharedPtr<Class> ptr(new Class())
58  *
59  * When ptr is passed around by value, the copy constructor and
60  * destructor manages the reference count of the raw pointer.
61  * If the counter reaches zero, delete is called on the raw pointer.
62  *
63  * To avoid loops, use "weak" references by calling the original
64  * pointer directly through ptr.get().
65  */
67 template <class T>
68 class SharedPtr {
69 public:
70  /**
71  * @brief Create empty SharedPtr not pointing to anything.
72  * @details Used for variable declaration.
73  */
74  constexpr SharedPtr(): _ptr(), _counter()
75  {
76  }
78  /**
79  * @brief Create empty SharedPtr not pointing to anything.
80  */
81  constexpr SharedPtr(std::nullptr_t) : SharedPtr()
82  {
83  }
85  /**
86  * @brief Create new SharedPtr
87  * @param ptr Pointer to take control over
88  */
89  SharedPtr(T *ptr): _ptr(ptr), _counter()
90  {
91  // Allocate counter on the heap, so it can be shared
92  if (_ptr != nullptr) {
93  _counter = new uint32_t(1);
94  }
95  }
97  /**
98  * @brief Destructor.
99  * @details Decrement reference counter, and delete object if no longer pointed to.
100  */
102  {
103  decrement_counter();
104  }
106  /**
107  * @brief Copy constructor.
108  * @details Create new SharedPtr from other SharedPtr by
109  * copying pointer to original object and pointer to counter.
110  * @param source Object being copied from.
111  */
112  SharedPtr(const SharedPtr &source): _ptr(source._ptr), _counter(source._counter)
113  {
114  // Increment reference counter
115  if (_ptr != nullptr) {
116  core_util_atomic_incr_u32(_counter, 1);
117  }
118  }
120  /**
121  * @brief Move constructor.
122  * @details Create new SharedPtr from other SharedPtr by
123  * moving pointer to original object and pointer to counter.
124  * @param source Object being copied from.
125  */
126  SharedPtr(SharedPtr &&source): _ptr(source._ptr), _counter(source._counter)
127  {
128  source._ptr = nullptr;
129  source._counter = nullptr;
130  }
132  /**
133  * @brief Copy assignment operator.
134  * @details Cleanup previous reference and assign new pointer and counter.
135  * @param source Object being assigned from.
136  * @return Object being assigned.
137  */
139  {
140  if (this != &source) {
141  // Clean up by decrementing counter
142  decrement_counter();
144  // Assign new values
145  _ptr = source.get();
146  _counter = source.get_counter();
148  // Increment new counter
149  if (_ptr != nullptr) {
150  core_util_atomic_incr_u32(_counter, 1);
151  }
152  }
154  return *this;
155  }
157  /**
158  * @brief Move assignment operator.
159  * @details Cleanup previous reference and assign new pointer and counter.
160  * @param source Object being assigned from.
161  * @return Object being assigned.
162  */
164  {
165  if (this != &source) {
166  // Clean up by decrementing counter
167  decrement_counter();
169  // Assign new values
170  _ptr = source._ptr;
171  _counter = source._counter;
173  source._ptr = nullptr;
174  source._counter = nullptr;
175  }
177  return *this;
178  }
180  /**
181  * @brief Replaces the managed pointer with a new unmanaged pointer.
182  * @param[in] ptr the new raw pointer to manage.
183  */
184  void reset(T *ptr)
185  {
186  // Clean up by decrementing counter
187  decrement_counter();
189  _ptr = ptr;
190  if (ptr != nullptr) {
191  // Allocate counter on the heap, so it can be shared
192  _counter = new uint32_t(1);
193  } else {
194  _counter = nullptr;
195  }
196  }
198  /**
199  * @brief Replace the managed pointer with a null pointer.
200  */
201  void reset()
202  {
203  // Clean up by decrementing counter
204  decrement_counter();
206  _ptr = nullptr;
207  _counter = nullptr;
208  }
210  /**
211  * @brief Raw pointer accessor.
212  * @details Get raw pointer to object pointed to.
213  * @return Pointer.
214  */
215  T *get() const
216  {
217  return _ptr;
218  }
220  /**
221  * @brief Reference count accessor.
222  * @return Reference count.
223  */
224  uint32_t use_count() const
225  {
226  if (_ptr != nullptr) {
227  return core_util_atomic_load_u32(_counter);
228  } else {
229  return 0;
230  }
231  }
233  /**
234  * @brief Dereference object operator.
235  * @details Override to return the object pointed to.
236  */
237  T &operator*() const
238  {
239  return *_ptr;
240  }
242  /**
243  * @brief Dereference object member operator.
244  * @details Override to return return member in object pointed to.
245  */
246  T *operator->() const
247  {
248  return _ptr;
249  }
251  /**
252  * @brief Boolean conversion operator.
253  * @return Whether or not the pointer is null.
254  */
255  operator bool() const
256  {
257  return _ptr != nullptr;
258  }
260 private:
261  /**
262  * @brief Get pointer to reference counter.
263  * @return Pointer to reference counter.
264  */
265  uint32_t *get_counter() const
266  {
267  return _counter;
268  }
270  /**
271  * @brief Decrement reference counter.
272  * @details If count reaches zero, free counter and delete object pointed to.
273  * Does not modify our own pointers - assumption is they will be overwritten
274  * or destroyed immediately afterwards.
275  */
276  void decrement_counter()
277  {
278  if (_ptr != nullptr) {
279  if (core_util_atomic_decr_u32(_counter, 1) == 0) {
280  delete _counter;
281  delete _ptr;
282  }
283  }
284  }
286 private:
287  // Pointer to shared object
288  T *_ptr;
290  // Pointer to shared reference counter
291  uint32_t *_counter;
292 };
294 /** Non-member relational operators.
295  */
296 template <class T, class U>
297 bool operator== (const SharedPtr<T> &lhs, const SharedPtr<U> &rhs)
298 {
299  return (lhs.get() == rhs.get());
300 }
302 template <class T, typename U>
303 bool operator== (const SharedPtr<T> &lhs, U rhs)
304 {
305  return (lhs.get() == (T *) rhs);
306 }
308 template <class T, typename U>
309 bool operator== (U lhs, const SharedPtr<T> &rhs)
310 {
311  return ((T *) lhs == rhs.get());
312 }
314 /** Non-member relational operators.
315  */
316 template <class T, class U>
317 bool operator!= (const SharedPtr<T> &lhs, const SharedPtr<U> &rhs)
318 {
319  return (lhs.get() != rhs.get());
320 }
322 template <class T, typename U>
323 bool operator!= (const SharedPtr<T> &lhs, U rhs)
324 {
325  return (lhs.get() != (T *) rhs);
326 }
328 template <class T, typename U>
329 bool operator!= (U lhs, const SharedPtr<T> &rhs)
330 {
331  return ((T *) lhs != rhs.get());
332 }
334 } /* namespace mbed */
337 using mbed::SharedPtr;
338 #endif
340 #endif // __SHAREDPTR_H__
uint32_t use_count() const
Reference count accessor.
Definition: SharedPtr.h:224
T * operator->() const
Dereference object member operator.
Definition: SharedPtr.h:246
SharedPtr operator=(const SharedPtr &source)
Copy assignment operator.
Definition: SharedPtr.h:138
Definition: SharedPtr.h:101
uint32_t core_util_atomic_decr_u32(volatile uint32_t *valuePtr, uint32_t delta)
Atomic decrement.
Shared pointer class.
Definition: SharedPtr.h:68
SharedPtr(T *ptr)
Create new SharedPtr.
Definition: SharedPtr.h:89
constexpr SharedPtr(std::nullptr_t)
Create empty SharedPtr not pointing to anything.
Definition: SharedPtr.h:81
constexpr SharedPtr()
Create empty SharedPtr not pointing to anything.
Definition: SharedPtr.h:74
SharedPtr(SharedPtr &&source)
Move constructor.
Definition: SharedPtr.h:126
void operator!=(const SafeBool< T > &lhs, const SafeBool< U > &rhs)
Avoid conversion to bool between different classes.
void reset(T *ptr)
Replaces the managed pointer with a new unmanaged pointer.
Definition: SharedPtr.h:184
T * get() const
Raw pointer accessor.
Definition: SharedPtr.h:215
SharedPtr(const SharedPtr &source)
Copy constructor.
Definition: SharedPtr.h:112
void operator==(const SafeBool< T > &lhs, const SafeBool< U > &rhs)
Avoid conversion to bool between different classes.
uint32_t core_util_atomic_incr_u32(volatile uint32_t *valuePtr, uint32_t delta)
Atomic increment.
T & operator*() const
Dereference object operator.
Definition: SharedPtr.h:237
void reset()
Replace the managed pointer with a null pointer.
Definition: SharedPtr.h:201
MBED_FORCEINLINE uint32_t core_util_atomic_load_u32(const volatile uint32_t *valuePtr)
Atomic load.
Definition: ATHandler.h:46
SharedPtr operator=(SharedPtr &&source)
Move assignment operator.
Definition: SharedPtr.h:163
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