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1 /*
2  * Copyright 2020 Cypress Semiconductor Corporation
3  * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
4  *
5  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
8  *
9  * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10  *
11  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15  * limitations under the License.
16  */
18 /** @file
19  * Prototypes of functions for controlling the Wi-Fi system
20  *
21  * This file provides prototypes for end-user functions which allow
22  * actions such as scanning for Wi-Fi networks, joining Wi-Fi
23  * networks, getting the MAC address, etc
24  *
25  */
27 #include "whd.h"
28 #include "whd_types.h"
33 #ifdef __cplusplus
34 extern "C"
35 {
36 #endif
38 /******************************************************
39 * Function declarations
40 ******************************************************/
42 /** @addtogroup wifi WHD Wi-Fi API
43  * APIs for controlling the Wi-Fi system
44  * @{
45  */
47 /** @addtogroup wifimanagement WHD Wi-Fi Management API
48  * @ingroup wifi
49  * Initialisation and other management functions for WHD system
50  * @{
51  */
53 /** Initialize an instance of the WHD driver
54  *
55  * @param whd_driver_ptr Pointer to Pointer to handle instance of the driver
56  * @param whd_init_config Pointer to configuration data that controls how the driver is initialized
57  * @param resource_ops Pointer to resource interface to provide resources to the driver initialization process
58  * @param buffer_ops Pointer to a buffer interface to provide buffer related services to the driver instance
59  * @param network_ops Pointer to a whd_netif_funcs_t to provide network stack services to the driver instance
60  *
61  * @return WHD_SUCCESS or Error code
62  */
63 extern uint32_t whd_init(whd_driver_t *whd_driver_ptr, whd_init_config_t *whd_init_config,
64  whd_resource_source_t *resource_ops, whd_buffer_funcs_t *buffer_ops,
65  whd_netif_funcs_t *network_ops);
66 /* @} */
67 /* @} */
69 /** @addtogroup busapi WHD Bus API
70  * Allows WHD to operate with specific SDIO/SPI bus
71  * @{
72  */
74 /** Attach the WLAN Device to a specific SDIO bus
75  *
76  * @param whd_driver Pointer to handle instance of the driver
77  * @param whd_config Configuration for SDIO bus
78  * @param sdio_obj The SDHC hardware interface, from the Level 3 CY HW APIs
79  *
80  * @return WHD_SUCCESS or Error code
81  */
82 extern uint32_t whd_bus_sdio_attach(whd_driver_t whd_driver, whd_sdio_config_t *whd_config, cyhal_sdio_t *sdio_obj);
84 /** Detach the WLAN Device to a specific SDIO bus
85  *
86  * @param whd_driver Pointer to handle instance of the driver
87  */
90 /** Attach the WLAN Device to a specific SPI bus
91  *
92  * @param whd_driver Pointer to handle instance of the driver
93  * @param whd_config Configuration for SPI bus
94  * @param spi_obj The SPI hardware interface, from the Level 3 CY HW APIs
95  *
96  * @return WHD_SUCCESS or Error code
97  */
98 extern uint32_t whd_bus_spi_attach(whd_driver_t whd_driver, whd_spi_config_t *whd_config, cyhal_spi_t *spi_obj);
100 /** Detach the WLAN Device to a specific SPI bus
101  *
102  * @param whd_driver Pointer to handle instance of the driver
103  */
106 /* @} */
108 /** @addtogroup wifi WHD Wi-Fi API
109  * APIs for controlling the Wi-Fi system
110  * @{
111  */
113 /** @addtogroup wifimanagement WHD Wi-Fi Management API
114  * @ingroup wifi
115  * Initialisation and other management functions for WHD system
116  * @{
117  */
119 /**
120  * Turn on the Wi-Fi device
121  *
122  * Initialise Wi-Fi platform
123  * Program various WiFi parameters and modes
124  *
125  * @param whd_driver Pointer to handle instance of the driver
126  * @param ifpp Pointer to Pointer to handle instance of whd interface
127  *
128  * @return WHD_SUCCESS if initialization is successful, error code otherwise
129  */
130 extern uint32_t whd_wifi_on(whd_driver_t whd_driver, whd_interface_t *ifpp);
132 /**
133  * Turn off the Wi-Fi device
134  *
135  * - De-Initialises the required parts of the hardware platform
136  * i.e. pins for SDIO/SPI, interrupt, reset, power etc.
137  *
138  * - De-Initialises the whd thread which arbitrates access
139  * to the SDIO/SPI bus
140  *
141  * @param ifp Pointer to handle instance of whd interface
142  *
143  * @return WHD_SUCCESS if deinitialization is successful, Error code otherwise
144  */
145 extern uint32_t whd_wifi_off(whd_interface_t ifp);
147 /** Shutdown this instance of the wifi driver, freeing all used resources
148  *
149  * @param ifp Pointer to handle instance of whd interface
150  *
151  * @return WHD_SUCCESS or Error code
152  */
153 extern uint32_t whd_deinit(whd_interface_t ifp);
155 /** Brings up the Wi-Fi core
156  *
157  * @param ifp Pointer to handle instance of whd interface
158  *
159  * @return WHD_SUCCESS or Error code
160  */
161 extern uint32_t whd_wifi_set_up(whd_interface_t ifp);
163 /** Bring down the Wi-Fi core
164  *
165  * WARNING / NOTE:
166  * This brings down the Wi-Fi core and existing network connections will be lost.
167  *
168  * @param ifp Pointer to handle instance of whd interface
169  *
170  * @return WHD_SUCCESS or Error code
171  */
172 extern uint32_t whd_wifi_set_down(whd_interface_t ifp);
174 /** Creates a secondary interface
175  *
176  * @param whd_drv Pointer to handle instance of the driver
177  * @param mac_addr MAC address for the interface
178  * @param ifpp Pointer to the whd interface pointer
179  *
180  * @return WHD_SUCCESS or Error code
181  */
182 extern uint32_t whd_add_secondary_interface(whd_driver_t whd_drv, whd_mac_t *mac_addr, whd_interface_t *ifpp);
183 /* @} */
185 /** @addtogroup wifijoin WHD Wi-Fi Join, Scan and Halt API
186  * @ingroup wifi
187  * Wi-Fi APIs for join, scan & leave
188  * @{
189  */
191 /** Scan result callback function pointer type
192  *
193  * @param result_ptr A pointer to the pointer that indicates where to put the next scan result
194  * @param user_data User provided data
195  * @param status Status of scan process
196  */
197 typedef void (*whd_scan_result_callback_t)(whd_scan_result_t **result_ptr, void *user_data, whd_scan_status_t status);
199 /** Initiates a scan to search for 802.11 networks.
200  *
201  * This functions returns the scan results with limited sets of parameter in a buffer provided by the caller.
202  * It is also a blocking call. It is an simplified version of the whd_wifi_scan().
203  *
204  * @param ifp Pointer to handle instance of whd interface
205  * @param scan_result pointer to user requested records buffer.
206  * @param count No of records user is interested in.
207  * If 0 return the total record count.
208  *
209  * @note When scanning specific channels, devices with a strong signal strength on nearby channels may be detected
210  *
211  * @return record count or Error code
212  */
213 extern uint32_t whd_wifi_scan_synch(whd_interface_t ifp,
214  whd_sync_scan_result_t *scan_result,
215  uint32_t count
216  );
218 /** Initiates a scan to search for 802.11 networks.
219  *
220  * The scan progressively accumulates results over time, and may take between 1 and 10 seconds to complete.
221  * The results of the scan will be individually provided to the callback function.
222  * Note: The callback function will be executed in the context of the WHD thread and so must not perform any
223  * actions that may cause a bus transaction.
224  *
225  * @param ifp Pointer to handle instance of whd interface
226  * @param scan_type Specifies whether the scan should be Active, Passive or scan Prohibited channels
227  * @param bss_type Specifies whether the scan should search for Infrastructure networks (those using
228  * an Access Point), Ad-hoc networks, or both types.
229  * @param optional_ssid If this is non-Null, then the scan will only search for networks using the specified SSID.
230  * @param optional_mac If this is non-Null, then the scan will only search for networks where
231  * the BSSID (MAC address of the Access Point) matches the specified MAC address.
232  * @param optional_channel_list If this is non-Null, then the scan will only search for networks on the
233  * specified channels - array of channel numbers to search, terminated with a zero
234  * @param optional_extended_params If this is non-Null, then the scan will obey the specifications about
235  * dwell times and number of probes.
236  * @param callback The callback function which will receive and process the result data.
237  * @param result_ptr Pointer to a pointer to a result storage structure.
238  * @param user_data user specific data that will be passed directly to the callback function
239  *
240  * @note - When scanning specific channels, devices with a strong signal strength on nearby channels may be detected
241  * - Callback must not use blocking functions, nor use WHD functions, since it is called from the context of the
242  * WHD thread.
243  * - The callback, result_ptr and user_data variables will be referenced after the function returns.
244  * Those variables must remain valid until the scan is complete.
245  *
246  * @return WHD_SUCCESS or Error code
247  */
248 extern uint32_t whd_wifi_scan(whd_interface_t ifp,
249  whd_scan_type_t scan_type,
250  whd_bss_type_t bss_type,
251  const whd_ssid_t *optional_ssid,
252  const whd_mac_t *optional_mac,
253  const uint16_t *optional_channel_list,
254  const whd_scan_extended_params_t *optional_extended_params,
256  whd_scan_result_t *result_ptr,
257  void *user_data);
259 /** Abort a previously issued scan
260  *
261  * @param ifp Pointer to handle instance of whd interface
262  *
263  * @return WHD_SUCCESS or Error code
264  */
265 extern uint32_t whd_wifi_stop_scan(whd_interface_t ifp);
267 /** Joins a Wi-Fi network
268  *
269  * Scans for, associates and authenticates with a Wi-Fi network.
270  * On successful return, the system is ready to send data packets.
271  *
272  * @param ifp Pointer to handle instance of whd interface
273  * @param ssid A null terminated string containing the SSID name of the network to join
274  * @param auth_type Authentication type
275  * @param security_key A byte array containing either the cleartext security key for WPA/WPA2/WPA3 secured networks
276  * @param key_length The length of the security_key in bytes.
277  *
278  * @note In case of WPA3/WPA2 transition mode, the security_key value is WPA3 password.
279  *
280  * @return WHD_SUCCESS when the system is joined and ready to send data packets
281  * Error code if an error occurred
282  */
283 extern uint32_t whd_wifi_join(whd_interface_t ifp, const whd_ssid_t *ssid, whd_security_t auth_type,
284  const uint8_t *security_key, uint8_t key_length);
286 /** Joins a specific Wi-Fi network
287  *
288  * Associates and authenticates with a specific Wi-Fi access point.
289  * On successful return, the system is ready to send data packets.
290  *
291  * @param ifp Pointer to handle instance of whd interface
292  * @param ap A pointer to a whd_scan_result_t structure containing AP details and
293  * set ap.channel to 0 for unspecificed channel
294  * @param security_key A byte array containing either the cleartext security key for WPA/WPA2
295  * secured networks
296  * @param key_length The length of the security_key in bytes.
297  *
298  * @return WHD_SUCCESS when the system is joined and ready to send data packets
299  * Error code if an error occurred
300  */
301 extern uint32_t whd_wifi_join_specific(whd_interface_t ifp, const whd_scan_result_t *ap, const uint8_t *security_key,
302  uint8_t key_length);
304 /* @} */
306 /** @addtogroup wifiutilities WHD Wi-Fi Utility API
307  * @ingroup wifi
308  * Allows WHD to perform utility operations
309  * @{
310  */
312 /** Set the current channel on the WLAN radio
313  *
314  * @note On most WLAN devices this will set the channel for both AP *AND* STA
315  * (since there is only one radio - it cannot be on two channels simulaneously)
316  *
317  * @param ifp Pointer to handle instance of whd interface
318  * @param channel The desired channel
319  *
320  * @return WHD_SUCCESS if the channel was successfully set
321  * Error code if the channel was not successfully set
322  */
323 extern uint32_t whd_wifi_set_channel(whd_interface_t ifp, uint32_t channel);
325 /** Get the current channel on the WLAN radio
326  *
327  * @note On most WLAN devices this will get the channel for both AP *AND* STA
328  * (since there is only one radio - it cannot be on two channels simulaneously)
329  *
330  * @param ifp Pointer to handle instance of whd interface
331  * @param channel Pointer to receive the current channel
332  *
333  * @return WHD_SUCCESS if the channel was successfully retrieved
334  * Error code if the channel was not successfully retrieved
335  */
336 extern uint32_t whd_wifi_get_channel(whd_interface_t ifp, uint32_t *channel);
338 /** Set the passphrase
339  *
340  * @param ifp Pointer to handle instance of whd interface
341  * @param security_key The security key (passphrase) which is to be set
342  * @param key_length length of the key
343  *
344  * @return WHD_SUCCESS when the key is set
345  * Error code if an error occurred
346  */
347 extern uint32_t whd_wifi_set_passphrase(whd_interface_t ifp, const uint8_t *security_key, uint8_t key_length);
349 /** Set the SAE password
350  *
351  * @param ifp Pointer to handle instance of whd interface
352  * @param security_key The security key (password) which is to be set
353  * @param key_length length of the key
354  *
355  * @return WHD_SUCCESS when the key is set
356  * Error code if an error occurred
357  */
358 extern uint32_t whd_wifi_sae_password(whd_interface_t ifp, const uint8_t *security_key, uint8_t key_length);
360 /** Enable WHD internal supplicant and set WPA2 passphrase in case of WPA3/WPA2 transition mode
361  *
362  * @param ifp Pointer to handle instance of whd interface
363  * @param security_key_psk The security key (passphrase) which is to be set
364  * @param psk_length length of the key
365  * @param auth_type Authentication type: @ref WHD_SECURITY_WPA3_WPA2_PSK
366  *
367  * @return WHD_SUCCESS when the supplicant variable and wpa2 passphrase is set
368  * Error code if an error occurred
369  */
370 extern uint32_t whd_wifi_enable_sup_set_passphrase(whd_interface_t ifp, const uint8_t *security_key_psk,
371  uint8_t psk_length, whd_security_t auth_type);
374 /** Enable WHD internal supplicant
375  *
376  * @param ifp Pointer to handle instance of whd interface
377  * @param auth_type Authentication type
378  *
379  * @return WHD_SUCCESS when the supplicant variable is set
380  * Error code if an error occurred
381  */
382 extern uint32_t whd_wifi_enable_supplicant(whd_interface_t ifp, whd_security_t auth_type);
384 /** Retrieve the latest RSSI value
385  *
386  * @param ifp Pointer to handle instance of whd interface
387  * @param rssi The location where the RSSI value will be stored
388  *
389  * @return WHD_SUCCESS if the RSSI was successfully retrieved
390  * Error code if the RSSI was not retrieved
391  */
392 extern uint32_t whd_wifi_get_rssi(whd_interface_t ifp, int32_t *rssi);
394 /** Retrieve the associated STA's RSSI value
395  *
396  * @param ifp : Pointer to handle instance of whd interface
397  * @param rssi : The location where the RSSI value will be stored
398  * @param client_mac : Pointer to associated client's MAC address
399  *
400  * @return WHD_SUCCESS : if the RSSI was successfully retrieved
401  * Error code : if the RSSI was not retrieved
402  */
403 extern uint32_t whd_wifi_get_ap_client_rssi(whd_interface_t ifp, int32_t *rssi, const whd_mac_t *client_mac);
406 /* @} */
408 /** @addtogroup wifijoin WHD Wi-Fi Join, Scan and Halt API
409  * @ingroup wifi
410  * Wi-Fi APIs for join, scan & leave
411  * @{
412  */
413 /** Disassociates from a Wi-Fi network.
414  * Applicable only for STA role
415  *
416  * @param ifp Pointer to handle instance of whd interface.
417  *
418  * @return WHD_SUCCESS On successful disassociation from the AP
419  * Error code If an error occurred
420  */
421 extern uint32_t whd_wifi_leave(whd_interface_t ifp);
422 /* @} */
424 /** @addtogroup wifiutilities WHD Wi-Fi Utility API
425  * @ingroup wifi
426  * Allows WHD to perform utility operations
427  * @{
428  */
430 /** Retrieves the current Media Access Control (MAC) address
431  * (or Ethernet hardware address) of the 802.11 device
432  *
433  * @param ifp Pointer to handle instance of whd interface
434  * @param mac Pointer to a variable that the current MAC address will be written to
435  *
436  * @return WHD_SUCCESS or Error code
437  */
438 extern uint32_t whd_wifi_get_mac_address(whd_interface_t ifp, whd_mac_t *mac);
440 /** Get the BSSID of the interface
441  *
442  * @param ifp Pointer to the whd_interface_t
443  * @param bssid Returns the BSSID address (mac address) if associated
444  *
445  * @return WHD_SUCCESS or Error code
446  */
447 extern uint32_t whd_wifi_get_bssid(whd_interface_t ifp, whd_mac_t *bssid);
448 /* @} */
450 /** @addtogroup wifisoftap WHD Wi-Fi SoftAP API
451  * @ingroup wifi
452  * Wi-Fi APIs to perform SoftAP related functionalities
453  * @{
454  */
456 /** Initialises an infrastructure WiFi network (SoftAP)
457  *
458  * @param ifp Pointer to handle instance of whd interface
459  * @param ssid A null terminated string containing the SSID name of the network to join
460  * @param auth_type Authentication type
461  * @param security_key A byte array containing the cleartext security key for the network
462  * @param key_length The length of the security_key in bytes.
463  * @param channel 802.11 channel number
464  *
465  * @return WHD_SUCCESS if successfully initialises an AP
466  * Error code if an error occurred
467  */
468 extern uint32_t whd_wifi_init_ap(whd_interface_t ifp, whd_ssid_t *ssid, whd_security_t auth_type,
469  const uint8_t *security_key, uint8_t key_length, uint8_t channel);
471 /** Start the infrastructure WiFi network (SoftAP)
472  * using the parameter set by whd_wifi_init_ap() and optionaly by whd_wifi_manage_custom_ie()
473  *
474  * @return WHD_SUCCESS if successfully creates an AP
475  * Error code if an error occurred
476  */
477 extern uint32_t whd_wifi_start_ap(whd_interface_t ifp);
479 /** Stops an existing infrastructure WiFi network
480  *
481  * @param ifp Pointer to handle instance of whd interface
482  *
483  * @return WHD_SUCCESS if the AP is successfully stopped or if the AP has not yet been brought up
484  * Error code if an error occurred
485  */
486 extern uint32_t whd_wifi_stop_ap(whd_interface_t ifp);
489 /** Get the maximum number of associations supported by AP interfaces
490  *
491  * @param ifp Pointer to handle instance of whd interface
492  * @param max_assoc The maximum number of associations supported by Soft AP interfaces.
493  *
494  * @return WHD_SUCCESS if the maximum number of associated clients was successfully read
495  * WHD_ERROR if the maximum number of associated clients was not successfully read
496  */
497 extern uint32_t whd_wifi_ap_get_max_assoc(whd_interface_t ifp, uint32_t *max_assoc);
499 /** Gets the current number of active connections
500  *
501  * @param ifp Pointer to handle instance of whd interface
502  * @param client_list_buffer Buffer to store list of associated clients
503  * @param buffer_length Length of client list buffer
504  *
505  * @return WHD_SUCCESS if the active connections was successfully read
506  * WHD_ERROR if the active connections was not successfully read
507  */
508 extern uint32_t whd_wifi_get_associated_client_list(whd_interface_t ifp, void *client_list_buffer,
509  uint16_t buffer_length);
511 /** Deauthenticates a STA which may or may not be associated to SoftAP
512  *
513  * @param ifp Pointer to handle instance of whd interface
514  * @param mac Pointer to a variable containing the MAC address to which the deauthentication will be sent
515  * NULL mac address will deauthenticate all the associated STAs
516  *
517  * @param reason Deauthentication reason code
518  *
519  * @return WHD_SUCCESS On successful deauthentication of the other STA
520  * WHD_ERROR If an error occurred
521  */
522 extern uint32_t whd_wifi_deauth_sta(whd_interface_t ifp, whd_mac_t *mac, whd_dot11_reason_code_t reason);
524 /** Retrieves AP information
525  *
526  * @param ifp Pointer to handle instance of whd interface
527  * @param ap_info Returns a whd_bss_info_t structure containing AP details
528  * @param security Authentication type
529  *
530  * @return WHD_SUCCESS if the AP info was successfully retrieved
531  * Error code if the AP info was not successfully retrieved
532  */
533 extern uint32_t whd_wifi_get_ap_info(whd_interface_t ifp, whd_bss_info_t *ap_info, whd_security_t *security);
535 /** Set the beacon interval.
536  *
537  * Note that the value needs to be set before ap_start in order to beacon interval to take effect.
538  *
539  * @param ifp Pointer to handle instance of whd interface
540  * @param interval Beacon interval in time units (Default: 100 time units = 102.4 ms)
541  *
542  * @return WHD_SUCCESS or Error code
543  */
544 extern uint32_t whd_wifi_ap_set_beacon_interval(whd_interface_t ifp, uint16_t interval);
546 /** Set the DTIM interval.
547  *
548  * Note that the value needs to be set before ap_start in order to DTIM interval to take effect.
549  *
550  * @param ifp Pointer to handle instance of whd interface
551  * @param interval DTIM interval, in unit of beacon interval
552  *
553  * @return WHD_SUCCESS or Error code
554  */
555 extern uint32_t whd_wifi_ap_set_dtim_interval(whd_interface_t ifp, uint16_t interval);
556 /* @} */
559 /** @addtogroup wifipowersave WHD Wi-Fi Power Save API
560  * @ingroup wifi
561  * Wi-Fi functions for WLAN low power modes
562  * @{
563  */
565 /** Enables powersave mode on specified interface without regard for throughput reduction
566  *
567  * This function enables (legacy) 802.11 PS-Poll mode and should be used
568  * to achieve the lowest power consumption possible when the Wi-Fi device
569  * is primarily passively listening to the network
570  *
571  * @param ifp Pointer to handle instance of whd interface
572  *
573  * @return WHD_SUCCESS or Error code
574  */
575 extern uint32_t whd_wifi_enable_powersave(whd_interface_t ifp);
577 /** Enables powersave mode on specified interface while attempting to maximise throughput
578  *
579  *
580  * Network traffic is typically bursty. Reception of a packet often means that another
581  * packet will be received shortly afterwards (and vice versa for transmit).
582  *
583  * In high throughput powersave mode, rather then entering powersave mode immediately
584  * after receiving or sending a packet, the WLAN chip waits for a timeout period before
585  * returning to sleep.
586  *
587  * @param ifp Pointer to handle instance of whd interface
588  * @param return_to_sleep_delay The variable to set return to sleep delay.
589  * return to sleep delay must be set to a multiple of 10 and not equal to zero.
590  *
591  * @return WHD_SUCCESS if power save mode was successfully enabled
592  * Error code if power save mode was not successfully enabled
593  *
594  */
595 extern uint32_t whd_wifi_enable_powersave_with_throughput(whd_interface_t ifp, uint16_t return_to_sleep_delay);
597 /** Get powersave mode on specified interface
598  *
599  * @param ifp Pointer to handle instance of whd interface
600  * @param value Value of the current powersave state
602  *
603  * @return WHD_SUCCESS or Error code
604  */
605 extern uint32_t whd_wifi_get_powersave_mode(whd_interface_t ifp, uint32_t *value);
607 /** Disables 802.11 power save mode on specified interface
608  *
609  * @param ifp Pointer to handle instance of whd interface
610  *
611  * @return WHD_SUCCESS if power save mode was successfully disabled
612  * Error code if power save mode was not successfully disabled
613  *
614  */
615 extern uint32_t whd_wifi_disable_powersave(whd_interface_t ifp);
616 /* @} */
618 /** @addtogroup wifiutilities WHD Wi-Fi Utility API
619  * @ingroup wifi
620  * Allows WHD to perform utility operations
621  * @{
622  */
623 /** Registers interest in a multicast address
624  *
625  * Once a multicast address has been registered, all packets detected on the
626  * medium destined for that address are forwarded to the host.
627  * Otherwise they are ignored.
628  *
629  * @param ifp Pointer to handle instance of whd interface
630  * @param mac Ethernet MAC address
631  *
632  * @return WHD_SUCCESS if the address was registered successfully
633  * Error code if the address was not registered
634  */
635 extern uint32_t whd_wifi_register_multicast_address(whd_interface_t ifp, const whd_mac_t *mac);
637 /** Unregisters interest in a multicast address
638  *
639  * Once a multicast address has been unregistered, all packets detected on the
640  * medium destined for that address are ignored.
641  *
642  * @param ifp Pointer to handle instance of whd interface
643  * @param mac Ethernet MAC address
644  *
645  * @return WHD_SUCCESS if the address was unregistered successfully
646  * Error code if the address was not unregistered
647  */
648 extern uint32_t whd_wifi_unregister_multicast_address(whd_interface_t ifp, const whd_mac_t *mac);
650 /** Sets the 802.11 powersave listen interval for a Wi-Fi client, and communicates
651  * the listen interval to the Access Point. The listen interval will be set to
652  * (listen_interval x time_unit) seconds.
653  *
654  * The default value for the listen interval is 0. With the default value of 0 set,
655  * the Wi-Fi device wakes to listen for AP beacons every DTIM period.
656  *
657  * If the DTIM listen interval is non-zero, the DTIM listen interval will over ride
658  * the beacon listen interval value.
659  *
660  * @param ifp Pointer to handle instance of whd interface
661  * @param listen_interval The desired beacon listen interval
662  * @param time_unit The listen interval time unit; options are beacon period or DTIM period.
663  *
664  * @return WHD_SUCCESS If the listen interval was successfully set.
665  * Error code If the listen interval was not successfully set.
666  */
667 extern uint32_t whd_wifi_set_listen_interval(whd_interface_t ifp, uint8_t listen_interval,
670 /** Gets the current value of all beacon listen interval variables
671  *
672  * @param ifp Pointer to handle instance of whd interface
673  * @param li Powersave listen interval values
674  * - listen_interval_beacon : The current value of the listen interval set as a multiple of the beacon period
675  * - listen_interval_dtim : The current value of the listen interval set as a multiple of the DTIM period
676  * - listen_interval_assoc : The current value of the listen interval sent to access points in an association request frame
677  *
678  * @return WHD_SUCCESS If all listen interval values are read successfully
679  * Error code If at least one of the listen interval values are NOT read successfully
680  */
683 /** Determines if a particular interface is ready to transceive ethernet packets
684  *
685  * @param ifp Pointer to handle instance of whd interface
686  *
687  * @return WHD_SUCCESS if the interface is ready to transceive ethernet packets
688  * WHD_NOTFOUND no AP with a matching SSID was found
689  * WHD_NOT_AUTHENTICATED Matching AP was found but it won't let you authenticate.
690  * This can occur if this device is in the block list on the AP.
691  * WHD_NOT_KEYED Device has authenticated and associated but has not completed the key exchange.
692  * This can occur if the passphrase is incorrect.
693  * Error code if the interface is not ready to transceive ethernet packets
694  */
697 /* Certification APIs */
699 /** Retrieve the latest STA EDCF AC parameters
700  *
701  * Retrieve the latest Station (STA) interface EDCF (Enhanced Distributed
702  * Coordination Function) Access Category parameters
703  *
704  * @param ifp Pointer to handle instance of whd interface
705  * @param acp The location where the array of AC parameters will be stored
706  *
707  * @return WHD_SUCCESS if the AC Parameters were successfully retrieved
708  * Error code if the AC Parameters were not retrieved
709  */
710 extern uint32_t whd_wifi_get_acparams(whd_interface_t ifp, whd_edcf_ac_param_t *acp);
712 /* Action Frames */
714 /** Manage the addition and removal of custom IEs
715  *
716  * @param ifp Pointer to handle instance of whd interface
717  * @param action the action to take (add or remove IE)
718  * @param oui the oui of the custom IE
719  * @param subtype the IE sub-type
720  * @param data a pointer to the buffer that hold the custom IE
721  * @param length the length of the buffer pointed to by 'data'
722  * @param which_packets A mask to indicate in which all packets this IE should be included. See whd_ie_packet_flag_t.
723  *
724  * @return WHD_SUCCESS if the custom IE action was successful
725  * Error code if the custom IE action failed
726  */
728  const uint8_t *oui, uint8_t subtype, const void *data,
729  uint16_t length, uint16_t which_packets);
731 /** Send a pre-prepared action frame
732  *
733  * @param ifp Pointer to handle instance of whd interface
734  * @param af_params A pointer to a pre-prepared action frame structure
735  *
736  * @return WHD_SUCCESS or Error code
737  */
738 extern uint32_t whd_wifi_send_action_frame(whd_interface_t ifp, whd_af_params_t *af_params);
740 /** Set coex configuration
741  *
742  * @param ifp Pointer to handle instance of whd interface
743  * @param coex_config Pointer to the structure whd_coex_config_t
744  *
745  * @return WHD_SUCCESS or Error code
746  */
747 extern uint32_t whd_wifi_set_coex_config(whd_interface_t ifp, whd_coex_config_t *coex_config);
749 /** Get version of Device (WLAN) Firmware
750  *
751  * @param[in] ifp : pointer to handle instance of whd interface
752  * @param[out] version : pointer to store version #
753  *
754  * @return whd_result_t
755  */
756 whd_result_t whd_arp_version(whd_interface_t ifp, uint32_t *version);
758 /** Get ARP Offload Peer Age from Device (WLAN)
759  * Length of time in seconds before aging out an entry in the WLAN processor ARP table.
760  *
761  * @param[in] ifp : pointer to handle instance of whd interface
762  * @param[out] seconds : pointer to store value
763  *
764  * @return whd_result_t
765  */
766 whd_result_t whd_arp_peerage_get(whd_interface_t ifp, uint32_t *seconds);
768 /** Set ARP Offload Peer Age in Device (WLAN)
769  * Length of time in seconds before aging out an entry in the WLAN processor ARP table.
770  *
771  * @param[in] ifp : pointer to handle instance of whd interface
772  * @param[in] seconds : Seconds to age out IP
773  *
774  * @return whd_result_t
775  */
776 whd_result_t whd_arp_peerage_set(whd_interface_t ifp, uint32_t seconds);
778 /** Get ARP Offload Agent Enable from Device (WLAN)
779  *
780  * @param[in] ifp : pointer to handle instance of whd interface
781  * @param[out] agent_enable : pointer to store value
782  *
783  * @return whd_result_t
784  */
785 whd_result_t whd_arp_arpoe_get(whd_interface_t ifp, uint32_t *agent_enable);
787 /** Set ARP Offload Agent Enable in Device (WLAN)
788  * Set Enable/Disable of ARP Offload Agent
789  *
790  * @param[in] ifp : pointer to handle instance of whd interface
791  * @param[in] agent_enable : Enable=1 / Disable=0
792  *
793  * @return whd_result_t
794  */
795 whd_result_t whd_arp_arpoe_set(whd_interface_t ifp, uint32_t agent_enable);
797 /** Clear ARP Offload cache in Device (WLAN)
798  *
799  * @param[in] ifp : pointer to handle instance of whd interface
800  *
801  * @return whd_result_t
802  */
805 /** Get ARP Offload Feature Flags from Device (WLAN)
806  *
807  * @param[in] ifp : pointer to handle instance of whd interface
808  * @param[out] features : ptr to store currently set features - bit flags CY_ARP_OL_AGENT_ENABLE, etc.
810  *
811  * @return whd_result_t
812  */
813 whd_result_t whd_arp_features_get(whd_interface_t ifp, uint32_t *features);
815 /** Set ARP Offload Feature Flags in Device (WLAN)
816  *
817  * @param[in] ifp : pointer to handle instance of whd interface
818  * @param[in] features : features to set value (you can OR ('|') multiple flags) CY_ARP_OL_AGENT_ENABLE, etc.
820  *
821  * @return whd_result_t
822  */
823 whd_result_t whd_arp_features_set(whd_interface_t ifp, uint32_t features);
825 /** Print ARP Offload Feature Flags in Human readable form to console
826  *
827  * @param[in] features : feature flags to set (you can OR '|' multiple flags) CY_ARP_OL_AGENT_ENABLE, etc.
829  * @param[in] title : Optional: Title for output (NULL == no title)
830  *
831  * @return whd_result_t
832  */
833 whd_result_t whd_arp_features_print(uint32_t features, const char *title);
835 /** Add ARP Offload Host IP Identifier(s) to HostIP List to Device (WLAN)
836  *
837  * @param[in] ifp : pointer to handle instance of whd interface
838  * @param[in] host_ipv4_list : pointer to host_ip data (IPv4, 1 uint32_t per ip addr)
839  * @param[in] count : Number of array elements in host_ip
840  *
841  * @return whd_result_t
842  */
843 whd_result_t whd_arp_hostip_list_add(whd_interface_t ifp, uint32_t *host_ipv4_list, uint32_t count);
845 /** Add One ARP Offload Host IP Identifier to HostIP List (mbed-style IP string) to Device (WLAN)
846  *
847  * @param[in] ifp : pointer to handle instance of whd interface
848  * @param[in] ip_addr : pointer to ip string (as returned from mbedos calls)
849  *
850  * @return whd_result_t
851  */
854 /** Clear One ARP Offload Host IP Identifier from Host IP List in Device (WLAN)
855  *
856  * @param[in] ifp : pointer to handle instance of whd interface
857  * @param[in] ipv4_addr : ip addr expressed as a uint32_t
858  *
859  * @return whd_result_t
860  */
863 /** Clear One ARP Offload Host IP Identifier from Host IP List (mbed-style IP string) in Device (WLAN)
864  *
865  * @param[in] ifp : pointer to handle instance of whd interface
866  * @param[in] ip_addr : pointer to ip string (as returned from mbedos calls)
867  *
868  * @return whd_result_t
869  */
872 /** Clear all ARP Offload Host IP Identifier List
873  *
874  * @param[in] ifp : pointer to handle instance of whd interface
875  *
876  * @return whd_result_t
877  */
880 /** Get ARP Offload Host IP Identifiers from Device (WLAN)
881  *
882  * @param[in] ifp : pointer to handle instance of whd interface
883  * @param[in] count : Number of array elements in host_ip
884  * @param[out] host_ipv4_list : Pointer to structure array to store host_ip data
885  * @param[out] filled : Number of array elements filled by this routine
886  *
887  * @return whd_result_t
888  */
889 whd_result_t whd_arp_hostip_list_get(whd_interface_t ifp, uint32_t count, uint32_t *host_ipv4_list, uint32_t *filled);
891 /** Clear ARP Offload statistics in Device (WLAN)
892  *
893  * @param[in] ifp : pointer to handle instance of whd interface
894  *
895  * @return whd_result_t
896  */
899 /** Get ARP Offload statistics from Device (WLAN)
900  *
901  * @param[in] ifp : pointer to handle instance of whd interface
902  * @param[out] stats : Ptr to store statistics whd_arp_stats_t
903  *
904  * @return whd_result_t
905  */
906 whd_result_t whd_arp_stats_get(whd_interface_t ifp, whd_arp_stats_t *stats);
908 /** Print ARP Offload statistics
909  * NOTE: call whd_arp_stats_get(), then print them using this function.
910  *
911  * @param[in] arp_stats : Ptr to ARP statistics structure
912  * @param[in] title : Optional: Title for output (NULL == no title)
913  *
914  * @return whd_result_t
915  */
916 whd_result_t whd_arp_stats_print(whd_arp_stats_t *arp_stats, const char *title);
918 /** A filter must be added (e.g. created) before it can be enabled.
919  * @param[in] ifp : pointer to handle instance of whd interface
920  * @param[in] settings : Ptr to filter settings @ref whd_packet_filter_t
921  * @return whd_result_t
922  */
925 /** Remove a previously added filter.
926  * @param[in] ifp : pointer to handle instance of whd interface
927  * @param[in] filter_id : filter to remove
928  * @return whd_result_t
929  */
932 /** After a filter has been added it can be enabled or disabled as needed.
933  * @param[in] ifp : pointer to handle instance of whd interface
934  * @param[in] filter_id : filter to enable
935  * @return whd_result_t
936  */
939 /** After a filter has been added it can be enabled or disabled as needed.
940  * @param[in] ifp : pointer to handle instance of whd interface
941  * @param[in] filter_id : filter to disable
942  * @return whd_result_t
943  */
946 /** After a filter has been added it can be enabled or disabled as needed.
947  * @param[in] ifp : pointer to handle instance of whd interface
948  * @param[in] filter_id : filter to disable/enable
949  * @param[in] enable : Enable/Disable Flag
950  * @return whd_result_t
951  */
954 /** Filters are implemented in WLAN subsystem as a bit pattern and matching bit mask that
955  * are applied to incoming packets. This API retrieves the pattern and mask.
956  * @param[in] ifp : pointer to handle instance of whd interface
957  * @param[in] filter_id : which filter to retrieve
958  * @param[in] max_size : size of both mask and pattern buffers
959  * @param[out] mask : mask for this filter
960  * @param[out] pattern : pattern for this filter
961  * @param[out] size_out : length of both mask and pattern
962  * @return whd_result_t
963  */
964 whd_result_t whd_pf_get_packet_filter_mask_and_pattern(whd_interface_t ifp, uint8_t filter_id, uint32_t max_size,
965  uint8_t *mask,
966  uint8_t *pattern, uint32_t *size_out);
968 /** Clear the packet filter stats associated with a filter id
969  * @param[in] ifp : pointer to handle instance of whd interface
970  * @param[in] filter_id : which filter
971  * @return whd_result_t
972  */
975 /** Return the stats associated with a filter
976  * @param[in] ifp : pointer to handle instance of whd interface
977  * @param[in] filter_id : which filter
978  * @param[out] stats : Ptr to store statistics wl_pkt_filter_stats_t
979  * @return whd_result_t
980  */
981 whd_result_t whd_pf_get_packet_filter_stats(whd_interface_t ifp, uint8_t filter_id, whd_pkt_filter_stats_t *stats);
983 /** Set/Get TKO retry & interval parameters
984  * @param[in] ifp : Pointer to handle instance of whd interface
985  * @param[in] whd_tko_retry : whd retry & interval parameters structure
986  * @param[in] set : Set/Get Flag
987  * @return whd_result_t
988  */
989 whd_result_t whd_tko_param(whd_interface_t ifp, whd_tko_retry_t *whd_tko_retry, int set);
991 /** Return the tko status for all indexes
992  * @param[in] ifp : Pointer to handle instance of whd interface
993  * @param[out] tko_status : Ptr to store tko_status
994  * @return whd_result_t
995  */
996 whd_result_t whd_tko_get_status(whd_interface_t ifp, whd_tko_status_t *tko_status);
998 /** Return the stats associated with a filter
999  * @param[in] ifp : Pointer to handle instance of whd interface
1000  * @param[out] max : returns Max TCP connections supported by WLAN Firmware
1001  * @return whd_result_t
1002  */
1005 /** Return the stats associated with a filter
1006  * @param[in] ifp : Pointer to handle instance of whd interface
1007  * @param[in] index : index for TCP offload connection
1008  * @param[out] whd_connect : tko_connect structure buffer from Firmware
1009  * @param[in] buflen : Buffer given for tko_connect
1010  * @return whd_result_t
1011  */
1012 whd_result_t whd_tko_get_FW_connect(whd_interface_t ifp, uint8_t index, whd_tko_connect_t *whd_connect,
1013  uint16_t buflen);
1015 /** Return the stats associated with a filter
1016  * @param[in] ifp : Pointer to handle instance of whd interface
1017  * @param[in] enable : Enable/Disable TCP Keepalive offload
1018  * @return whd_result_t
1019  */
1023 /* @} */
1025 /** @addtogroup wifiioctl WHD Wi-Fi IOCTL Set/Get API
1026  * @ingroup wifi
1027  * Set and get IOCTL values
1028  * @{
1029  */
1030 /** Sends an IOCTL command - CDC_SET IOCTL value
1031  *
1032  * @param ifp Pointer to handle instance of whd interface
1033  * @param ioctl CDC_SET - To set the I/O control
1034  * @param value Data value to be sent
1035  *
1036  * @return WHD_SUCCESS or Error code
1037  */
1038 extern uint32_t whd_wifi_set_ioctl_value(whd_interface_t ifp, uint32_t ioctl, uint32_t value);
1040 /** Sends an IOCTL command - CDC_GET IOCTL value
1041  *
1042  * @param ifp Pointer to handle instance of whd interface
1043  * @param ioctl CDC_GET - To get the I/O control
1044  * @param value Pointer to receive the data value
1045  *
1046  * @return WHD_SUCCESS or Error code
1047  */
1048 extern uint32_t whd_wifi_get_ioctl_value(whd_interface_t ifp, uint32_t ioctl, uint32_t *value);
1050 /** Sends an IOCTL command - CDC_SET IOCTL buffer
1051  *
1052  * @param ifp Pointer to handle instance of whd interface
1053  * @param ioctl CDC_SET - To set the I/O control
1054  * @param buffer Handle for a packet buffer containing the data value to be sent.
1055  * @param buffer_length Length of buffer
1056  *
1057  * @return WHD_SUCCESS or Error code
1058  */
1059 extern uint32_t whd_wifi_set_ioctl_buffer(whd_interface_t ifp, uint32_t ioctl, void *buffer, uint16_t buffer_length);
1061 /** Sends an IOCTL command - CDC_GET IOCTL buffer
1062  *
1063  * @param ifp Pointer to handle instance of whd interface
1064  * @param ioctl CDC_GET - To get the I/O control
1065  * @param out_buffer Pointer to receive the handle for the packet buffer containing the response data value received
1066  * @param out_length Length of out_buffer
1067  *
1068  * @return WHD_SUCCESS or Error code
1069  */
1070 extern uint32_t whd_wifi_get_ioctl_buffer(whd_interface_t ifp, uint32_t ioctl, uint8_t *out_buffer,
1071  uint16_t out_length);
1073 /** Sends an IOVAR command
1074  *
1075  * @param ifp Pointer to handle instance of whd interface
1076  * @param iovar_name SDPCM_GET - To get the I/O Variable
1077  * @param param Paramater to be passed for the IOVAR
1078  * @param paramlen Paramter length
1079  * @param out_buffer Pointer to receive the handle for the packet buffer containing the response data value received
1080  * @param out_length Length of out_buffer
1081  *
1082  * @return WHD_SUCCESS or Error code
1083  */
1084 extern uint32_t whd_wifi_get_iovar_buffer_with_param(whd_interface_t ifp, const char *iovar_name, void *param,
1085  uint32_t paramlen, uint8_t *out_buffer, uint32_t out_length);
1087 /* @} */
1089 /** @addtogroup dbg WHD Wi-Fi Debug API
1090  * @ingroup wifi
1091  * WHD APIs which allows debugging like, printing whd log information, getting whd stats, etc.
1092  * @{
1093  */
1094 /** Retrieves the WLAN firmware version
1095  *
1096  * @param ifp Pointer to handle instance of whd interface
1097  * @param version Pointer to a buffer that version information will be written to
1098  * @param length Length of the buffer
1099  *
1100  * @return WHD_SUCCESS or Error code
1101  */
1102 extern uint32_t whd_wifi_get_wifi_version(whd_interface_t ifp, char *version, uint8_t length);
1104 /** Retrieves the WLAN CLM version
1105  *
1106  * @param ifp Pointer to handle instance of whd interface
1107  * @param version Pointer to a buffer that version information will be written to
1108  * @param length Length of the buffer
1109  *
1110  * @return WHD_SUCCESS or Error code
1111  */
1112 extern uint32_t whd_wifi_get_clm_version(whd_interface_t ifp, char *version, uint8_t length);
1114 /** To print whd log information
1115  *
1116  * @param whd_drv Pointer to handle instance of the driver
1117  * @param buffer Buffer to store read log results
1118  * @param buffer_size Variable to store size of the buffer
1119  *
1120  * @return WHD_SUCCESS or Error code
1121  */
1122 extern uint32_t whd_wifi_read_wlan_log(whd_driver_t whd_drv, char *buffer, uint32_t buffer_size);
1124 /** To print whd log information
1125  *
1126  * @param whd_drv Pointer to handle instance of the driver
1127  *
1128  * @return WHD_SUCCESS or Error code
1129  */
1130 extern uint32_t whd_wifi_print_whd_log(whd_driver_t whd_drv);
1132 /** Retrieves the ifidx from interface pointer.
1133  * ifidx is a unique value and be used to identify a instance of tcp/ip stack
1134  *
1135  * @param ifp Pointer to the whd_interface_t
1136  * @param ifidx Pointer to ifidx
1137  *
1138  * @return WHD_SUCCESS or Error code
1139  */
1140 extern uint32_t whd_network_get_ifidx_from_ifp(whd_interface_t ifp, uint8_t *ifidx);
1142 /** Retrieves the bsscfgidx from interface pointer.
1143  *
1144  * Can be used to send IOCTL with requires bsscfgidx
1145  *
1146  * @param ifp Pointer to handle instance of whd interface
1147  * @param bsscfgidx Pointer to bsscfgidx
1148  *
1149  * @return WHD_SUCCESS or Error code
1150  */
1151 extern uint32_t whd_network_get_bsscfgidx_from_ifp(whd_interface_t ifp, uint8_t *bsscfgidx);
1154 /** Retrives the bss info
1155  *
1156  * @param ifp Pointer to handle instance of whd interface
1157  * @param bi A pointer to the structure wl_bss_info_t
1158  *
1159  * @return WHD_SUCCESS or Error code
1160  */
1161 extern uint32_t whd_wifi_get_bss_info(whd_interface_t ifp, wl_bss_info_t *bi);
1163 /** Prints WHD stats
1164  *
1165  * @param whd_drv Pointer to handle instance of the driver
1166  * @param reset_after_print Bool variable to decide if whd_stats to be reset
1167  *
1168  * @return WHD_SUCCESS or Error code
1169  */
1170 extern uint32_t whd_print_stats(whd_driver_t whd_drv, whd_bool_t reset_after_print);
1172 /* @} */
1173 /* @} */
1175 #ifdef __cplusplus
1176 } /* extern "C" */
1177 #endif
1178 #endif /* ifndef INCLUDED_WHD_WIFI_H */
whd_result_t whd_arp_arpoe_get(whd_interface_t ifp, uint32_t *agent_enable)
Get ARP Offload Agent Enable from Device (WLAN)
whd_result_t whd_arp_version(whd_interface_t ifp, uint32_t *version)
Get version of Device (WLAN) Firmware.
uint32_t whd_wifi_get_ap_client_rssi(whd_interface_t ifp, int32_t *rssi, const whd_mac_t *client_mac)
Retrieve the associated STA's RSSI value.
uint32_t whd_wifi_set_passphrase(whd_interface_t ifp, const uint8_t *security_key, uint8_t key_length)
Set the passphrase.
uint32_t whd_wifi_leave(whd_interface_t ifp)
Disassociates from a Wi-Fi network.
Contains functions which allows WHD to pass received data to the network stack, to send an ethernet f...
whd_result_t whd_arp_stats_clear(whd_interface_t ifp)
Clear ARP Offload statistics in Device (WLAN)
uint32_t whd_bus_sdio_attach(whd_driver_t whd_driver, whd_sdio_config_t *whd_config, cyhal_sdio_t *sdio_obj)
Attach the WLAN Device to a specific SDIO bus.
Structure to store scan result parameters for each AP.
Definition: whd_types.h:711
whd_result_t whd_tko_get_FW_connect(whd_interface_t ifp, uint8_t index, whd_tko_connect_t *whd_connect, uint16_t buflen)
Return the stats associated with a filter.
Get/Set TKO intervals & retrys.
Definition: whd_wlioctl.h:3705
whd_result_t whd_arp_stats_print(whd_arp_stats_t *arp_stats, const char *title)
Print ARP Offload statistics NOTE: call whd_arp_stats_get(), then print them using this function...
uint32_t whd_wifi_get_powersave_mode(whd_interface_t ifp, uint32_t *value)
Get powersave mode on specified interface.
uint32_t whd_wifi_sae_password(whd_interface_t ifp, const uint8_t *security_key, uint8_t key_length)
Set the SAE password.
Provides abstract pointer type to act as instance for: driver, interface, buffer funcs, network funcs, resource funcs and bus funcs.
void whd_bus_sdio_detach(whd_driver_t whd_driver)
Detach the WLAN Device to a specific SDIO bus.
Structure for SDIO config parameters which can be set by application during whd power up...
Definition: whd_types.h:970
Structure for storing extended scan parameters.
Definition: whd_types.h:678
uint32_t whd_wifi_manage_custom_ie(whd_interface_t ifp, whd_custom_ie_action_t action, const uint8_t *oui, uint8_t subtype, const void *data, uint16_t length, uint16_t which_packets)
Manage the addition and removal of custom IEs.
uint32_t whd_wifi_get_bss_info(whd_interface_t ifp, wl_bss_info_t *bi)
Retrives the bss info.
uint32_t whd_wifi_set_up(whd_interface_t ifp)
Brings up the Wi-Fi core.
whd_result_t whd_arp_hostip_list_clear_id_string(whd_interface_t ifp, const char *ip_addr)
Clear One ARP Offload Host IP Identifier from Host IP List (mbed-style IP string) in Device (WLAN) ...
Structure for storing scan results.
Definition: whd_types.h:690
Enumeration of methods of scanning.
Definition: whd_types.h:219
uint32_t whd_wifi_enable_powersave(whd_interface_t ifp)
Enables powersave mode on specified interface without regard for throughput reduction.
Enumeration of Wi-Fi security modes.
Definition: whd_types.h:182
uint32_t whd_wifi_get_wifi_version(whd_interface_t ifp, char *version, uint8_t length)
Retrieves the WLAN firmware version.
Structure for storing a Service Set Identifier (i.e.
Definition: whd_types.h:393
uint32_t whd_wifi_get_channel(whd_interface_t ifp, uint32_t *channel)
Get the current channel on the WLAN radio.
whd_result_t whd_arp_features_set(whd_interface_t ifp, uint32_t features)
Set ARP Offload Feature Flags in Device (WLAN)
uint32_t whd_wifi_get_rssi(whd_interface_t ifp, int32_t *rssi)
Retrieve the latest RSSI value.
uint32_t whd_network_get_ifidx_from_ifp(whd_interface_t ifp, uint8_t *ifidx)
Retrieves the ifidx from interface pointer.
void(* whd_scan_result_callback_t)(whd_scan_result_t **result_ptr, void *user_data, whd_scan_status_t status)
Scan result callback function pointer type.
Definition: whd_wifi_api.h:197
uint32_t whd_wifi_stop_scan(whd_interface_t ifp)
Abort a previously issued scan.
uint32_t whd_add_secondary_interface(whd_driver_t whd_drv, whd_mac_t *mac_addr, whd_interface_t *ifpp)
Creates a secondary interface.
uint32_t whd_wifi_set_ioctl_value(whd_interface_t ifp, uint32_t ioctl, uint32_t value)
Sends an IOCTL command - CDC_SET IOCTL value.
uint32_t whd_init(whd_driver_t *whd_driver_ptr, whd_init_config_t *whd_init_config, whd_resource_source_t *resource_ops, whd_buffer_funcs_t *buffer_ops, whd_netif_funcs_t *network_ops)
Initialize an instance of the WHD driver.
whd_result_t whd_pf_get_packet_filter_mask_and_pattern(whd_interface_t ifp, uint8_t filter_id, uint32_t max_size, uint8_t *mask, uint8_t *pattern, uint32_t *size_out)
Filters are implemented in WLAN subsystem as a bit pattern and matching bit mask that are applied to ...
whd_result_t whd_arp_arpoe_set(whd_interface_t ifp, uint32_t agent_enable)
Set ARP Offload Agent Enable in Device (WLAN) Set Enable/Disable of ARP Offload Agent.
Boolean values.
Definition: whd_types.h:162
uint32_t whd_wifi_get_acparams(whd_interface_t ifp, whd_edcf_ac_param_t *acp)
Retrieve the latest STA EDCF AC parameters.
Defines common data types used with WHD.
Callback< R(ArgTs...)> callback(R(*func)(ArgTs...)=nullptr) noexcept
Create a callback class with type inferred from the arguments.
Definition: Callback.h:678
Structure for storing 802.11 powersave listen interval values See whd_wifi_get_listen_interval for m...
Definition: whd_types.h:766
uint32_t whd_wifi_is_ready_to_transceive(whd_interface_t ifp)
Determines if a particular interface is ready to transceive ethernet packets.
uint32_t whd_wifi_deauth_sta(whd_interface_t ifp, whd_mac_t *mac, whd_dot11_reason_code_t reason)
Deauthenticates a STA which may or may not be associated to SoftAP.
whd_result_t whd_tko_get_status(whd_interface_t ifp, whd_tko_status_t *tko_status)
Return the tko status for all indexes.
whd_result_t whd_tko_toggle(whd_interface_t ifp, whd_bool_t enable)
Return the stats associated with a filter.
uint32_t whd_wifi_enable_powersave_with_throughput(whd_interface_t ifp, uint16_t return_to_sleep_delay)
Enables powersave mode on specified interface while attempting to maximise throughput.
uint32_t whd_wifi_unregister_multicast_address(whd_interface_t ifp, const whd_mac_t *mac)
Unregisters interest in a multicast address.
Structure for storing a MAC address (Wi-Fi Media Access Control address).
Definition: whd_types.h:385
whd_result_t whd_arp_cache_clear(whd_interface_t ifp)
Clear ARP Offload cache in Device (WLAN)
uint32_t whd_wifi_get_clm_version(whd_interface_t ifp, char *version, uint8_t length)
Retrieves the WLAN CLM version.
uint32_t whd_wifi_get_mac_address(whd_interface_t ifp, whd_mac_t *mac)
Retrieves the current Media Access Control (MAC) address (or Ethernet hardware address) of the 802...
uint32_t whd_wifi_print_whd_log(whd_driver_t whd_drv)
To print whd log information.
uint32_t whd_result_t
WHD result is specified as uint32_t value.
Definition: whd_types.h:776
uint32_t whd_wifi_get_associated_client_list(whd_interface_t ifp, void *client_list_buffer, uint16_t buffer_length)
Gets the current number of active connections.
whd_result_t whd_tko_param(whd_interface_t ifp, whd_tko_retry_t *whd_tko_retry, int set)
Set/Get TKO retry & interval parameters.
uint32_t whd_wifi_join_specific(whd_interface_t ifp, const whd_scan_result_t *ap, const uint8_t *security_key, uint8_t key_length)
Joins a specific Wi-Fi network.
whd_result_t whd_arp_hostip_list_add_string(whd_interface_t ifp, const char *ip_addr)
Add One ARP Offload Host IP Identifier to HostIP List (mbed-style IP string) to Device (WLAN) ...
Structure for coex config parameters which can be set by application.
Definition: whd_types.h:1018
uint32_t whd_wifi_start_ap(whd_interface_t ifp)
Start the infrastructure WiFi network (SoftAP) using the parameter set by whd_wifi_init_ap() and opti...
uint32_t whd_wifi_enable_supplicant(whd_interface_t ifp, whd_security_t auth_type)
Enable WHD internal supplicant.
uint32_t whd_wifi_init_ap(whd_interface_t ifp, whd_ssid_t *ssid, whd_security_t auth_type, const uint8_t *security_key, uint8_t key_length, uint8_t channel)
Initialises an infrastructure WiFi network (SoftAP)
whd_result_t whd_pf_enable_packet_filter(whd_interface_t ifp, uint8_t filter_id)
After a filter has been added it can be enabled or disabled as needed.
uint32_t whd_wifi_scan_synch(whd_interface_t ifp, whd_sync_scan_result_t *scan_result, uint32_t count)
Initiates a scan to search for 802.11 networks.
uint32_t whd_wifi_read_wlan_log(whd_driver_t whd_drv, char *buffer, uint32_t buffer_size)
To print whd log information.
whd_result_t whd_pf_add_packet_filter(whd_interface_t ifp, const whd_packet_filter_t *settings)
A filter must be added (e.g.
uint32_t whd_wifi_set_listen_interval(whd_interface_t ifp, uint8_t listen_interval, whd_listen_interval_time_unit_t time_unit)
Sets the 802.11 powersave listen interval for a Wi-Fi client, and communicates the listen interval to...
uint32_t whd_wifi_off(whd_interface_t ifp)
Turn off the Wi-Fi device.
uint32_t whd_wifi_set_down(whd_interface_t ifp)
Bring down the Wi-Fi core.
uint32_t whd_wifi_disable_powersave(whd_interface_t ifp)
Disables 802.11 power save mode on specified interface.
uint32_t whd_wifi_register_multicast_address(whd_interface_t ifp, const whd_mac_t *mac)
Registers interest in a multicast address.
whd_result_t whd_arp_hostip_list_add(whd_interface_t ifp, uint32_t *host_ipv4_list, uint32_t count)
Add ARP Offload Host IP Identifier(s) to HostIP List to Device (WLAN)
Enumeration of listen interval time unit types.
Definition: whd_types.h:263
uint32_t whd_wifi_ap_set_dtim_interval(whd_interface_t ifp, uint16_t interval)
Set the DTIM interval.
uint32_t whd_print_stats(whd_driver_t whd_drv, whd_bool_t reset_after_print)
Prints WHD stats.
Structure describing a packet filter list item.
Definition: whd_types.h:1037
Structure for storing WHD init configurations.
Definition: whd.h:70
uint32_t whd_wifi_ap_get_max_assoc(whd_interface_t ifp, uint32_t *max_assoc)
Get the maximum number of associations supported by AP interfaces.
whd_result_t whd_pf_disable_packet_filter(whd_interface_t ifp, uint8_t filter_id)
After a filter has been added it can be enabled or disabled as needed.
whd_result_t whd_arp_peerage_get(whd_interface_t ifp, uint32_t *seconds)
Get ARP Offload Peer Age from Device (WLAN) Length of time in seconds before aging out an entry in th...
whd_result_t whd_arp_peerage_set(whd_interface_t ifp, uint32_t seconds)
Set ARP Offload Peer Age in Device (WLAN) Length of time in seconds before aging out an entry in the ...
uint32_t whd_deinit(whd_interface_t ifp)
Shutdown this instance of the wifi driver, freeing all used resources.
whd_result_t whd_arp_hostip_list_clear_id(whd_interface_t ifp, uint32_t ipv4_addr)
Clear One ARP Offload Host IP Identifier from Host IP List in Device (WLAN)
uint32_t whd_wifi_scan(whd_interface_t ifp, whd_scan_type_t scan_type, whd_bss_type_t bss_type, const whd_ssid_t *optional_ssid, const whd_mac_t *optional_mac, const uint16_t *optional_channel_list, const whd_scan_extended_params_t *optional_extended_params, whd_scan_result_callback_t callback, whd_scan_result_t *result_ptr, void *user_data)
Initiates a scan to search for 802.11 networks.
whd_result_t whd_arp_features_get(whd_interface_t ifp, uint32_t *features)
Get ARP Offload Feature Flags from Device (WLAN)
whd_result_t whd_pf_remove_packet_filter(whd_interface_t ifp, uint8_t filter_id)
Remove a previously added filter.
uint32_t whd_wifi_get_ioctl_value(whd_interface_t ifp, uint32_t ioctl, uint32_t *value)
Sends an IOCTL command - CDC_GET IOCTL value.
Allows WHD to perform buffer related operations like, allocating, releasing, retrieving the current p...
whd_result_t whd_arp_hostip_list_get(whd_interface_t ifp, uint32_t count, uint32_t *host_ipv4_list, uint32_t *filled)
Get ARP Offload Host IP Identifiers from Device (WLAN)
Structure for storing scan status.
Definition: whd_types.h:272
uint32_t whd_network_get_bsscfgidx_from_ifp(whd_interface_t ifp, uint8_t *bsscfgidx)
Retrieves the bsscfgidx from interface pointer.
uint32_t whd_wifi_enable_sup_set_passphrase(whd_interface_t ifp, const uint8_t *security_key_psk, uint8_t psk_length, whd_security_t auth_type)
Enable WHD internal supplicant and set WPA2 passphrase in case of WPA3/WPA2 transition mode...
Enumeration of Dot11 Reason Codes.
Definition: whd_types.h:153
uint32_t whd_wifi_send_action_frame(whd_interface_t ifp, whd_af_params_t *af_params)
Send a pre-prepared action frame.
BSS(Basic Service Set) information structure.
Definition: whd_types.h:728
whd_result_t whd_arp_stats_get(whd_interface_t ifp, whd_arp_stats_t *stats)
Get ARP Offload statistics from Device (WLAN)
whd_result_t whd_arp_features_print(uint32_t features, const char *title)
Print ARP Offload Feature Flags in Human readable form to console.
uint32_t whd_wifi_get_bssid(whd_interface_t ifp, whd_mac_t *bssid)
Get the BSSID of the interface.
whd_result_t whd_tko_max_assoc(whd_interface_t ifp, uint8_t *max)
Return the stats associated with a filter.
whd_result_t whd_pf_get_packet_filter_stats(whd_interface_t ifp, uint8_t filter_id, whd_pkt_filter_stats_t *stats)
Return the stats associated with a filter.
whd_result_t whd_arp_hostip_list_clear(whd_interface_t ifp)
Clear all ARP Offload Host IP Identifier List.
Structure for SPI config parameters which can be set by application during whd power up...
Definition: whd_types.h:981
whd_result_t whd_wifi_clear_packet_filter_stats(whd_interface_t ifp, uint32_t filter_id)
Clear the packet filter stats associated with a filter id.
uint32_t whd_wifi_join(whd_interface_t ifp, const whd_ssid_t *ssid, whd_security_t auth_type, const uint8_t *security_key, uint8_t key_length)
Joins a Wi-Fi network.
uint32_t whd_bus_spi_attach(whd_driver_t whd_driver, whd_spi_config_t *whd_config, cyhal_spi_t *spi_obj)
Attach the WLAN Device to a specific SPI bus.
uint32_t whd_wifi_get_listen_interval(whd_interface_t ifp, whd_listen_interval_t *li)
Gets the current value of all beacon listen interval variables.
Enumeration of network types.
Definition: whd_types.h:231
void whd_bus_spi_detach(whd_driver_t whd_driver)
Detach the WLAN Device to a specific SPI bus.
uint32_t whd_wifi_get_iovar_buffer_with_param(whd_interface_t ifp, const char *iovar_name, void *param, uint32_t paramlen, uint8_t *out_buffer, uint32_t out_length)
Sends an IOVAR command.
uint32_t whd_wifi_get_ap_info(whd_interface_t ifp, whd_bss_info_t *ap_info, whd_security_t *security)
Retrieves AP information.
uint32_t whd_wifi_on(whd_driver_t whd_driver, whd_interface_t *ifpp)
Turn on the Wi-Fi device.
uint32_t whd_wifi_set_channel(whd_interface_t ifp, uint32_t channel)
Set the current channel on the WLAN radio.
Enumeration of custom IE(Information Element) management actions.
Definition: whd_types.h:253
uint32_t whd_wifi_get_ioctl_buffer(whd_interface_t ifp, uint32_t ioctl, uint8_t *out_buffer, uint16_t out_length)
Sends an IOCTL command - CDC_GET IOCTL buffer.
uint32_t whd_wifi_set_coex_config(whd_interface_t ifp, whd_coex_config_t *coex_config)
Set coex configuration.
uint32_t whd_wifi_ap_set_beacon_interval(whd_interface_t ifp, uint16_t interval)
Set the beacon interval.
uint32_t whd_wifi_set_ioctl_buffer(whd_interface_t ifp, uint32_t ioctl, void *buffer, uint16_t buffer_length)
Sends an IOCTL command - CDC_SET IOCTL buffer.
whd_result_t whd_wifi_toggle_packet_filter(whd_interface_t ifp, uint8_t filter_id, whd_bool_t enable)
After a filter has been added it can be enabled or disabled as needed.
Interface to a data source that provides external resources to the radio driver.
uint32_t whd_wifi_stop_ap(whd_interface_t ifp)
Stops an existing infrastructure WiFi network.
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