U-Blox MAX-8 GPS

GNSS Receiver


Import libraryMAX8U

A driver for the MAX8U GPS by uBlox. Provides core functionality. Communicates through I2C.




The U-Blox MAX-8 is a capable GNSS receiver from U-Blox. It can receive from all four major GNSS constellations (though only one at a time), and provides a wealth of data outputs, including:

  • Position (latitude-longitude-height)
  • Velocity in each dimension
  • UTC time
  • Satellite info (fix quality, number of satellites, estimated position error)

The MAX-8 supports communication over UART, SPI, and I2C via U-Blox's custom UBX protcol. It also outputs standard NMEA protocol sentences over its serial port so it can be easily swapped with other GPS modules. While the MBed driver currently only supports I2C, it uses the UBX protocol so you can access the full set of commands and reports.

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