A reproduction of the 70's classic. Enjoy!

Dependencies:   NokiaLCD SDFileSystem SIgame mbed-rtos mbed wave_player

diff -r 000000000000 -r fcfeec8463fa main.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Thu Mar 07 02:59:24 2013 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,445 @@
+/***                                                         ***/
+/***  Space Invaders Simulator                               ***/
+/***                                                         ***/
+/***  ECE 4180 Developer Team: Space Pirates                 ***/
+/***     Members: David Gaspard, Zhe Cheng Lee               ***/
+/***                                                         ***/
+/*                                                             */
+/* Libaries                                                    */
+/*                                                             */
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "NokiaLCD.h"
+#include "SIgame.h"
+#include "rtos.h"
+#include "SDFileSystem.h"
+#include "wave_player.h"
+/*                                                             */
+/* Classes and Global Variables                                */
+/*                                                             */
+NokiaLCD lcd(p5, p7, p8, p9, NokiaLCD::LCD6610); // mosi, sclk, cs, rst, type
+DigitalIn button(p20); // Pushbutton for firing laser
+AnalogIn horiz(p15); // From joystick for steering ship
+SDFileSystem sd(p11, p12, p13, p14, "sd"); //SD card
+AnalogOut DACout(p18);//Speaker out
+wave_player waver(&DACout);//Wave player
+int state;
+int doneski;//done playing start music?
+       wave_old[NUM_ALIEN_ROWS][NUM_ALIEN_COLS];
+/*                                                             */
+/* Prototypes                                                  */
+/*                                                             */
+void start();
+int game();
+void lose();
+void win();
+void updateScreen(OBJECT ship, OBJECT ship_old, POINT ylaser, POINT ylaser_old,
+                  POINT elaser[], POINT elaser_old[], int lives_rem);
+void playstart(void const *args);
+void startmusic(void const *args);
+/*                                                             */
+/* Main program                                                */
+/*                                                             */
+int main()
+    doneski=0;//Variable to declare that start screen music thread
+              //was terminated
+    Thread thread(playstart);//Satrt the sound effect thread
+    Thread startmu(startmusic);//start the trigger fire thread
+    state = START;//Begin the game
+    button.mode(PullUp);//Pull up the pushbutton
+    while (1) { // Game loop
+        switch (state) {
+            case START:
+                start(); // Start game
+                state = GAME;
+                break;
+            case GAME:
+                startmu.terminate();
+                doneski=1;
+                state = game(); // Actual game
+                break;
+            case LOSE:
+                lose(); // Losing screen
+                state = START;
+                break;
+            case WIN:
+                win(); // Winning screen
+                state = START;
+                break;
+        }
+    }
+/*                                                             */
+/* Game-State Procedures                                       */
+/*                                                             */
+void start()
+    /******
+     * start
+     *     Starts up game
+     ******/
+    lcd.cls();
+    lcd.locate(0,4);
+    lcd.printf("SPACE INVADERS");
+    lcd.locate(0,10);
+    lcd.printf("PRESS BUTTON TO CONTINUE");
+    WAIT4FULLPUSH(button);
+int game()
+    /******
+     * game
+     *     Handles the main gameplay. Prepares for win state if player destroys all
+     *     aliens and lose state if player loses all lives
+     ******/
+    POINT ylaser, ylaser_old, elaser[ELASER_CAP], elaser_old[ELASER_CAP];
+    OBJECT ship, ship_old, *sh_alien, *frontline[NUM_ALIEN_COLS];
+    int time, lives_rem, als_rem, i;
+    float hper;
+    bool reach, left, lcancel;
+    // Set display screen
+    lcd.cls();
+    lcd.background(BLACK);
+    // Initialize
+    lives_rem = NUM_LIVES_START;
+    als_rem = NUM_ALIENS_START;
+    reach = left = lcancel = false;
+    time = 0;
+    summonWave(); // Starting locations of all alien
+    memcpy(wave_old, wave, sizeof(wave)); // Make copy for aliens' old locations
+    // Keep track of aliens in front of respective columns
+    for (i = 0; i < NUM_ALIEN_COLS; i++)
+        frontline[i] = &wave[NUM_ALIEN_ROWS][i];
+    // Set up laser structures
+    elaser[0].collide = elaser[1].collide = elaser[2].collide =
+            elaser_old[0].collide = elaser_old[1].collide = elaser_old[2].collide
+                                    = ylaser.collide = ylaser_old.collide = true; // No lasers on screen yet
+    // Enemy lasers are white
+    elaser[0].color = elaser[1].color = elaser[2].color = WHITE;
+    ylaser.color = GREEN; // Player's laser is green
+    // Set up player's ship
+    ship = startShip();
+    memcpy(&ship_old, &ship, sizeof(ship)); // Save copy for ship's old locations
+    // Game goes on until player loses all lives, destroy all aliens, or allow
+    // any alien to reach screen border on player's side
+    while (!reach && lives_rem > 0 && als_rem > 0) {
+        /* Laser Movement */
+        /******************/
+        // Player's laser is on screen
+        if (!(ylaser.collide)) {
+            if (ylaser.y >= 0)
+                (ylaser.y)-= 3; // Laser travels up to aliens' side
+            else
+                ylaser.collide = true; // Laser vanishes at top of screen
+        }
+        // Enemy lasers is on screen
+        for (i = 0; i < ELASER_CAP; i++) {
+            if (elaser[i].y < SCREENHEIGHT) // Enemy lasers travel down to player's side
+                (elaser[i].y)++;
+            else // Enemy laser vanishes at bottom of screen
+                elaser[i].collide = true;
+        }
+        /* Controls       */
+        /******************/
+        // Player firing laser
+        if (button && ylaser.collide) {
+            // Initialize laser's locations according to ship's
+            ylaser.y = ship.y - 1;
+            ylaser.x = ship.x + (ship.width >> 1);
+            // Can fire next laser after current hits top of screen or other objects
+            ylaser.collide = false;
+        }
+        // Player steering ship
+        hper = horiz; // Read joystick's horizontal position.
+        if (GOLEFT(hper) && ship.x > 0)
+            (ship.x)--; // Ship moves left/
+        if (GORIGHT(hper) && ship.x < SCREENWIDTH - 1)
+            (ship.x)++; // Ship moves right
+        /* Alien Activity */
+        /******************/
+        // Move wave of aliens. Update whether any alien reaches screen on
+        // player's side
+        reach = moveAlienWave(&left);
+        // Enemy aliens firing lasers. Aliens fire lasers only after certain
+        // time intervals or when one of their lasers canceled out with player's
+        if (time >= RELOAD_TIME || lcancel) {
+            // Choose random front alien to fire laser. Ignore any invalid ones
+            // (those in columns that were completely wiped out have been set to
+            // NULL)
+            while ((sh_alien = frontline[rand() / (RAND_MAX/i + 1)]) == NULL);
+            // Find enemy laser structure not in use for display
+            if (elaser[0].collide)
+                i = 0;
+            else if (elaser[1].collide)
+                i = 1;
+            else
+                i = 2;
+            // Initialize laser's location according to chosen alien's
+            elaser[i].y = sh_alien->y + 1;
+            elaser[i].x = sh_alien->x + (ALIEN_WIDTH >> 1);
+            elaser[i].collide = lcancel = false;
+            time = 0; // Reset time for next enemy laser fire
+        }
+        /* Collisions      */
+        /*******************/
+        // Cancel out player's laser and enemy laser should they connect
+        lcancel = twoLasersCollide(&ylaser, elaser);
+        // Kill alien if player's laser hits one
+        destroyAlien(&als_rem, &ylaser, frontline);
+        // Check for any enemy laser touching ship
+        for (i = 0; i < ELASER_CAP; i++) {
+            if (!(elaser[i].collide) && elaser[i].y >= ship.y && elaser[i].y <=
+                    ship.y + ship.height && elaser[i].x >= ship.x && elaser[i].x
+                    <= ship.x + ship.width) {
+                // Plyaer loses life if hit by laser
+                lives_rem--;
+                ship.killed = elaser[i].collide = true;
+            }
+        }
+        updateScreen(ship, ship_old, ylaser, ylaser_old, elaser, elaser_old,
+                     lives_rem); // Update gameplay screen
+        ship.killed = false;
+        time++; // Time passes
+        // Update old locations to current
+        memcpy(wave_old, wave, sizeof(wave));
+        memcpy(elaser_old, elaser, sizeof(elaser));
+        ylaser_old = ylaser;
+        ship_old = ship;
+    } // End of main gameplay loop
+    // Game's outcomes
+    if (als_rem) // Lost all lives or aliens reached your border
+        return LOSE;
+    else // Destroyed all aliens
+        return WIN;
+void win()
+    /******
+     * win
+     *     Displays congratulation screen and prompt player to replay
+     ******/
+    // Congratulation screen
+    lcd.cls();
+    lcd.locate(0,3);
+    lcd.printf("WELL DONE\n\rEARTHLING");
+    lcd.locate(0,6);
+    lcd.printf("THIS TIME YOU WIN");
+    wait(2);
+    // Prompt player to play game again
+    lcd.cls();
+    lcd.locate(0,10);
+    lcd.printf("PRESS BUTTON TO PLAY AGAIN");
+    WAIT4FULLPUSH(button);
+void lose()
+    /******
+     * lose
+     *     Displays game-over screen and prompts player to replay
+     ******/
+    // Game-over screen
+    lcd.cls();
+    lcd.locate(4,3);
+    lcd.printf("YOU SUCK");
+    wait(2);
+    // Prompt player to play game again
+    lcd.locate(0,10);
+    lcd.printf("PRESS BUTTON TO PLAY AGAIN");
+    WAIT4FULLPUSH(button);
+/*                                                             */
+/* Game-Drawing Funntion                                       */
+/*                                                             */
+void updateScreen(OBJECT ship, OBJECT ship_old, POINT ylaser, POINT ylaser_old,
+                  POINT elaser[], POINT elaser_old[], int lives_rem)
+    /******
+     * updateScreen
+     *     Updates game display on Nokia LCD screen
+     ******/
+    int r, c;
+    // Old locations are drawn with black to erase previous images in display
+    // when redrawing images
+    wait(0.02);
+    // Redraw surviving aliens from their positions
+    for (c = 0; c < NUM_ALIEN_COLS; c++) {
+        for (r = 0; r < NUM_ALIEN_ROWS; r++) {
+            lcd.fill(wave_old[r][c].x, wave_old[r][c].y, wave_old[r][c].width,
+                     wave_old[r][c].height, BLACK);
+            // Aliens as white rectangles
+            if (!(wave[r][c].killed)) // Don't draw destroyed aliens
+                lcd.fill(wave[r][c].x, wave[r][c].y, wave[r][c].width,
+                         wave[r][c].height, wave[r][c].color);
+        }
+    }
+    // Redraw enemy lasers as single white pixels
+    for (c = 0; c < ELASER_CAP; c++) {
+        lcd.pixel(elaser_old[c].x, elaser_old[c].y, BLACK);
+        lcd.pixel(elaser_old[c].x+1, elaser_old[c].y, BLACK);
+        lcd.pixel(elaser_old[c].x, elaser_old[c].y+1, BLACK);
+        lcd.pixel(elaser_old[c].x+1, elaser_old[c].y+1, BLACK);
+        // Don't draw lasers that hit bottom screen border or other objects
+        if (!(elaser[c].collide)) {
+            lcd.pixel(elaser[c].x, elaser[c].y, elaser[c].color);
+            lcd.pixel(elaser[c].x+1, elaser[c].y, elaser[c].color);
+            lcd.pixel(elaser[c].x, elaser[c].y+1, elaser[c].color);
+            lcd.pixel(elaser[c].x+1, elaser[c].y+1, elaser[c].color);
+        }
+    }
+    // Redraw player's laser as single green pixel. Check that laser doesn't
+    // hit top screen border or other objects
+    lcd.pixel(ylaser_old.x, ylaser_old.y, BLACK);
+    lcd.pixel(ylaser_old.x+1, ylaser_old.y, BLACK);
+    lcd.pixel(ylaser_old.x, ylaser_old.y+1, BLACK);
+    lcd.pixel(ylaser_old.x+1, ylaser_old.y+1, BLACK);
+    if (!(ylaser.collide))
+        lcd.pixel(ylaser.x, ylaser.y, ylaser.color);
+        lcd.pixel(ylaser.x+1, ylaser.y, ylaser.color);
+        lcd.pixel(ylaser.x, ylaser.y+1, ylaser.color);
+        lcd.pixel(ylaser.x+1, ylaser.y+1, ylaser.color);
+    if (ship.killed) { // Ship is destroyed from being hit by laser
+        lcd.locate(0,15);
+        lcd.printf("LIVES: %d", lives_rem);
+        wait(2); // Game pauses for few seconds before player uses next life
+        lcd.cls(); // Clear lives message
+    }
+    // Redraw player's ship as green rectangle
+    lcd.fill(ship_old.x, ship_old.y, ship_old.width, ship_old.height, BLACK);
+    lcd.fill(ship.x, ship.y, ship.width, ship.height, ship.color);
+/*                                                             */
+/* This function plays the lose/win screen music and generates */
+/* the firing sound effect                                     */
+/*                                                             */
+void playstart(void const *args)//Th
+{   //Depending on the state of the game,
+    //queue either screen music or play sound effect upon fire
+    while(true) {
+        FILE *wave_file;
+        //At the start screen, do nothing
+        while(state==START) {
+            Thread::wait(50);
+        }
+        //wait 500ms after start screen music has been cutoff before
+        //continuing to avoid conflicts
+        while(!doneski) {
+            Thread::wait(500);
+        }
+        //While in the game, play firing sound when the player fires
+        while(state==GAME) {
+            if(button) {
+                wave_file=fopen("/sd/mample4.wav","r");
+                waver.play(wave_file);
+                fclose(wave_file);
+            }
+        }
+        //Play losing screen music
+        while(state==LOSE) {
+            wave_file=fopen("/sd/mample3.wav","r");
+            waver.play(wave_file);
+            fclose(wave_file);
+        }
+        //Play winning screen music
+        while(state==WIN) {
+            wave_file=fopen("/sd/mample3.wav","r");
+            waver.play(wave_file);
+            fclose(wave_file);
+        }
+    }
+/*                                                             */
+/* startmusic() plays the start screen music                   */
+/*                                                             */
+void startmusic(void const *args)
+    FILE *wave_file;
+    wave_file=fopen("/sd/mample2.wav","r");
+    waver.play(wave_file);
+    fclose(wave_file);
\ No newline at end of file