
Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Wed Sep 11 12:15:15 2019 +0000
Commit message:
commit to pass repo another account

Changed in this revision

bma220.cpp Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
bma220.h Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
bma220/bma220.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
bma220/bma220.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
main.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
mbed-os.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
thermistor/thermistor.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
thermistor/thermistor.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- a/bma220.cpp	Sun Aug 25 08:58:34 2019 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,192 +0,0 @@
-#include "bma220.h"
-I2C i2c(I2C_SDA, I2C_SCL);
-Serial dbug(USBTX, USBRX);
-    G[0].Ax=0; G[0].Ay=0; G[0].Az=0;
-bool BMA220::begin(void){
-    resetvalue=readRegister(SOFTRESET_REG); // change mode
-    if (resetvalue == 0xFF) {  // was in reset mode, is in operation mode now
-        resetvalue = readRegister(SOFTRESET_REG);  // sensor should be in reset mode now
-    }
-    if (resetvalue != 0x00) {
-        return false;
-    }
-    // sensor should be in reset mode
-    resetvalue = readRegister(SOFTRESET_REG);
-    if (resetvalue != 0xFF) {  // sensor was not in reset mode
-        return false;
-    }
-    return true;
-bool BMA220::set(uint8_t reg, uint8_t value){
-  char ach_i2c_data[2];
-  ach_i2c_data[0]=reg;
-  ach_i2c_data[1]=value;
-  if(i2c.write(BMA220_ADDR, ach_i2c_data, 2, false)==0)
-    return true;
-  else
-    return false;
-bool BMA220::read(uint8_t reg, uint8_t *pvalue){
-  char data=reg;
-  if(i2c.write(BMA220_ADDR, &data, 1, true)!=0)
-    return false;
-  if(i2c.read(BMA220_ADDR, &data, 1, false)==0)
-  {
-    *pvalue=(uint8_t) data;
-    return true;
-  }
-  else return false;
-void BMA220::setRegister(uint8_t reg, uint8_t value){
-  if(set(reg, value)){return;}
-  dbug.printf("Error: Register Not Set\n");
-int8_t BMA220::readRegister(uint8_t reg){
-  uint8_t pvalue;
-  char data=reg;
-  i2c.read(BMA220_ADDR, &data, 1);
-  pvalue=(uint8_t) data;
-  if(read(reg, &pvalue)){return pvalue;}
-  dbug.printf("Error: Register Not read\n");
-  return pvalue;
-void BMA220::readAcceleration(int sensitivity){
-    G[1].Ax=G[0].Ax; G[1].Ay=G[0].Ay; G[1].Az=G[0].Az;      //Acc After= Acc Before
-    this->Ax=((float)readRegister(XAXIS))/sensitivity;
-    this->Ay=((float)readRegister(YAXIS))/sensitivity;
-    this->Az=((float)readRegister(ZAXIS))/sensitivity;
-    // Calculate Roll and Pitch (rotation around X-axis, rotation around Y-axis)
-    // Pitch (rho) is defined as the angle of the X-axis relative to ground. Roll (phi) is defined as the angle of the Y-axis relative to the ground. Theta is the angle of the Z axis relative to gravity.”
-    int r= atan(Ay / sqrt(pow(Ax, 2) + pow(Az, 2)))*180/PI;
-    int p= atan(Ax / sqrt(pow(Ay, 2) + pow(Az, 2)))*180/PI;
-    int t=atan(sqrt(pow(Ax, 2) + pow(Ay, 2))/Az)*180/PI;
-    // Low-pass filter
-    this->roll=r;//(0.94*this->roll)+0.06*r;
-    this->pitch=p;//(0.94*this->pitch)+0.06*p;
-    this->theta=t;//(0.94*this->theta)+0.06*t;
-    G[0].Ax=Ax; G[0].Ay=Ay; G[0].Az=Az;     //Acc Before=Present Acc
-    FallDetection();
-void BMA220::FallDetection(){
-    Calculate_Q1();
-    Calculate_Q2();
-    Calculate_Q3();
-    /*Serial.println("Q0: ");
-    display(Quanterion_2_Matrix(this->Q[0]));
-    Serial.println("Q1: ");
-    display(Quanterion_2_Matrix(this->Q[1]));
-    Serial.println("Q2: ");
-    display(Quanterion_2_Matrix(this->Q[2]));*/
-    std::vector<std::vector<float> > Q;
-    Q.resize(4, std::vector<float>(4));
-    Q=MatrixMult(MatrixMult(Quanterion_2_Matrix(this->Q[0]), Quanterion_2_Matrix(this->Q[1])), Quanterion_2_Matrix(this->Q[2]));
-    this->Q_result1.q0=Q[0][0]; this->Q_result1.q1=Q[1][0]; this->Q_result1.q2=Q[2][0]; this->Q_result1.q3=Q[3][0]; 
-    this->Q_result2.q0=Q[3][3]; this->Q_result2.q1=-1*Q[2][3]; this->Q_result2.q2=Q[1][3]; this->Q_result2.q3=-1*Q[0][3]; 
-    //result1.display();
-    //result2.display();
-void BMA220::Calculate_Q1(){
-    float theta1=atan(G[0].Az/ sqrt(pow(G[0].Ax, 2) + pow(G[0].Ay, 2)))*180/PI;
-    float sin_alpha=(-1*(G[0].Ay/ sqrt(pow(G[0].Ax, 2) + pow(G[0].Ay, 2))))*180/PI;
-    float cos_alpha=(G[0].Ax/ sqrt(pow(G[0].Ax, 2) + pow(G[0].Ay, 2)))*180/PI;
-    this->Q[0].q0=cos(theta1/2);
-    this->Q[0].q1=sin(theta1/2)*sin_alpha;
-    this->Q[0].q2=sin(theta1/2)*cos_alpha;
-    this->Q[0].q3=0;
-void BMA220::Calculate_Q2(){
-    float theta2=(atan((2*G[1].Ay)/G[1].Ax)-atan((2*G[0].Ay)/G[0].Ax))*180/PI;
-    this->Q[1].q0=cos(theta2/2);
-    this->Q[1].q1=0;
-    this->Q[1].q2=0;
-    this->Q[1].q3=sin(theta2/2);
-void BMA220::Calculate_Q3(){
-    float theta3=-1*atan(G[1].Az/ sqrt(pow(G[1].Ax, 2) + pow(G[1].Ay, 2)))*180/PI;
-    float sin_beta=(-1*(G[1].Ay/ sqrt(pow(G[1].Ax, 2) + pow(G[1].Ay, 2))))*180/PI;
-    float cos_beta=(G[1].Ax/ sqrt(pow(G[1].Ax, 2) + pow(G[1].Ay, 2)))*180/PI;
-    this->Q[2].q0=cos(theta3/2);
-    this->Q[2].q1=sin(theta3/2)*sin_beta;
-    this->Q[2].q2=sin(theta3/2)*cos_beta;
-    this->Q[2].q3=0;
-std::vector<std::vector<float> > BMA220::Quanterion_2_Matrix(const Quanterion &Q){
-    std::vector<std::vector<float> > result;
-    result.resize(4, std::vector<float>(4));
-    result[0][0]=Q.q0; result[0][1]=-1*Q.q1; result[0][2]=-1*Q.q2; result[0][3]=-1*Q.q3; 
-    result[1][0]=Q.q1; result[1][1]=Q.q0; result[1][2]=-1*Q.q3; result[1][3]=-1*Q.q2; 
-    result[2][0]=Q.q2; result[2][1]=Q.q3; result[2][2]=Q.q0; result[2][3]=-1*Q.q1;
-    result[3][0]=Q.q3; result[3][1]=-1*Q.q2; result[3][2]=Q.q1; result[3][3]=Q.q0;  
-    return result;
-float BMA220::getAcceleration_X() const{
-    return Ax;
-float BMA220::getAcceleration_Y() const{
-    return Ay;
-float BMA220::getAcceleration_Z() const{
-    return Az;
-float BMA220::getPitch() const{
-    return pitch;
-float BMA220::getRoll() const{
-    return roll;
-float BMA220::getTheta() const{
-    return theta;
-float BMA220::getMag() const{
-    return  sqrt(pow(Ax, 2) + pow(Ay, 2)+ pow(Az, 2));
-void BMA220::reset(void) {;
-    resetvalue = readRegister(SOFTRESET_REG);
-    if (resetvalue == 0x00){
-    // BMA220 is in reset mode now. Reading soft reset register
-    // again, brings the sensor back to operation mode.
-    resetvalue = readRegister(SOFTRESET_REG);
-    }
--- a/bma220.h	Sun Aug 25 08:58:34 2019 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,153 +0,0 @@
-#include "mbed.h"
-#include <vector>
-#include <math.h>
-#define BMA220_ADDR     0x0A // I2C Address of the sensor
-#define XAXIS           0x04 // x-axis acceleration value register
-#define YAXIS           0x06 // y-axis acceleration value register
-#define ZAXIS           0x08 // z-axis acceleration value register
-#define SLOPE_REG       0x12 // slope detection parameter
-#define INTRP_MODE_REG  0x1A // interrupt selection
-#define SLEEP_REG       0x1E // sleep enable and duration
-#define SOFTRESET_REG   0x32 // softreset (triggered by reading)
-#define SENSITIVITY_REG 0x22 // sensitivity selection
-#define FILTER_REG      0x20 // filter selection
-#define CHIPID_REG      0x00 // chip id
-#define REVISIONID_REG  0x02 // revision id
-#define INTRP_RES_REG   0x1C // interrupt reset, latch mode
-#define SENS_2g         0x00 // Empfindlichkeit: +- 2g
-#define SENS_4g         0x01 // Empfindlichkeit: +- 4g
-#define SENS_8g         0x02 // Empfindlichkeit: +- 8g
-#define SENS_16g        0x03 // Empfindlichkeit: +- 16g
-#define FILTER_32Hz     0x05 // cutoff frequency: 32 Hz
-#define FILTER_64Hz     0x04 // cutoff frequency: 64 Hz
-#define FILTER_125Hz    0x03 // cutoff frequency: 125 Hz
-#define FILTER_250Hz    0x02 // cutoff frequency: 250 Hz
-#define FILTER_500Hz    0x01 // cutoff frequency: 500 Hz
-#define FILTER_1kHz     0x00 // cutoff frequency: 1 kHz
-#define LATCH_0s        0x80 // reset interrupt controller, latch time 0s
-#define LATCH_025s      0x90 // reset interrupt controller, latch time 0.25s
-#define LATCH_05s       0xA0 // reset interrupt controller, latch time 0.5s
-#define LATCH_1s        0xB0 // reset interrupt controller, latch time 1s
-#define LATCH_2s        0xC0 // reset interrupt controller, latch time 2s
-#define LATCH_4s        0xD0 // reset interrupt controller, latch time 4s
-#define LATCH_8s        0xE0 // reset interrupt controller, latch time 8s
-#define LATCH_PERM      0xF0 // reset interrupt controller, latch permanently
-#define SLEEP_2ms       0b01000000 // sleep enabled, 2 ms
-#define SLEEP_10ms      0b01001000 // sleep enabled, 10 ms
-#define SLEEP_25ms      0b01010000 // sleep enabled, 25 ms
-#define SLEEP_50ms      0b01011000 // sleep enabled, 50 ms
-#define SLEEP_100ms     0b01100000 // sleep enabled, 100 ms
-#define SLEEP_500ms     0b01101000 // sleep enabled, 500 ms
-#define SLEEP_1s        0b01110000 // sleep enabled, 1 s
-#define SLEEP_2s        0b01111000 // sleep enabled, 2 s
-#define SLOPEDETECT     0x38 // select envelope slope detection
-#define SLOPEPAR1       0x0D // slope detection parameter: threshold: 0011, duration: 01
-#define ONEBYTE         0x01 // read one byte
-#define PI 3.1415926535897932384626433832795
-template<typename T>
-std::vector<std::vector<float> > MatrixMult(const std::vector<std::vector<T> > Matrix1, const std::vector<std::vector<T> > Matrix2){
-    if((int)Matrix1[0].size()!=(int)Matrix2.size()){
-        //pc.printf("Wrong Matrix Size\n");
-        return Matrix1;
-    }
-    std::vector<std::vector<float> > result;
-    result.resize(Matrix1.size(), std::vector<float>(Matrix2[0].size()));
-    for (int i=0; i<(int)Matrix1.size(); i++){
-        for (int j = 0; j<(int)Matrix2[0].size(); j++){
-            result[i][j]=0;
-            for (int k = 0; k<(int)Matrix1[0].size(); k++){
-                result[i][j]+=((float)Matrix1[i][k])*((float)Matrix2[k][j]);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    return result;
-/*template<typename T>
-void display(std::vector<std::vector<T> > A){
-    for (int i=0; i<(int)A.size(); i++){
-        for (int j=0; j<(int)A[0].size(); j++){
-            pc.printf("%i", A[i][j]);
-            pc.printf("\t");
-        }
-        pc.printf("\n");
-    }
-struct Acceleration{
-    float Ax, Ay, Az;
-struct Quanterion{
-    float q0, q1, q2, q3, angle;
-    /*void display(){
-        Angle();
-        pc.printf("%f+ %fi+ %fj+ %fk \t ANgle is: %f",q0, q1, q2, q3, angle);
-    }*/
-    void Angle(){
-        angle=2*atan(sqrt(pow(q1, 2) + pow(q2, 2)+ pow(q3, 2))/q0)*180/PI;
-    }
-class BMA220{
-    private:
-        float Ax, Ay, Az, pitch, roll, theta;
-        uint8_t resetvalue;
-        Acceleration G[2];
-        Quanterion Q[3];
-        void Calculate_Q1();
-        void Calculate_Q2();
-        void Calculate_Q3();
-        std::vector<std::vector<float> > Quanterion_2_Matrix(const Quanterion &Q);
-    public:
-        BMA220();
-        bool begin(void);
-        bool set(uint8_t reg, uint8_t value);
-        bool read(uint8_t reg, uint8_t *pvalue);
-        void setRegister(uint8_t reg, uint8_t value);
-        int8_t readRegister(uint8_t reg);
-        void readAcceleration(int sensitivity);
-        float getAcceleration_X() const;
-        float getAcceleration_Y() const;
-        float getAcceleration_Z() const;
-        float getPitch() const;
-        float getRoll() const;
-        float getTheta() const;
-        float getMag() const;
-        void reset(void);
-        void FallDetection();
-        Quanterion Q_result1, Q_result2;
-        /*uint8_t reset(void);
-        uint8_t chipID(void);
-        uint8_t revisionID(void);*/
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/bma220/bma220.cpp	Wed Sep 11 12:15:15 2019 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
+#include "bma220.h"
+Serial dbug(USBTX, USBRX);
+BMA220::BMA220(I2C *_i2c)
+    i2c = _i2c;
+    G[0].Ax = 0;
+    G[0].Ay = 0;
+    G[0].Az = 0;
+    i2c = new I2C(I2C_SDA, I2C_SCL);
+    i2c->frequency(400000);
+    G[0].Ax = 0;
+    G[0].Ay = 0;
+    G[0].Az = 0;
+bool BMA220::begin(void)
+    uint8_t chip_id = readRegister(CHIPID_REG);
+    printf("chip_id : %x\n", chip_id);
+    if(chip_id != 0xDD) {
+        dbug.printf("Chip ID is not valid\n");
+        return false;
+    }
+    dbug.printf("Chip ID is valid\n");
+    resetvalue = readRegister(SOFTRESET_REG); // change mode
+    if (resetvalue == 0xFF) {  // was in reset mode, is in operation mode now
+        resetvalue = readRegister(SOFTRESET_REG);  // sensor should be in reset mode now
+    }
+    if (resetvalue != 0x00) {
+        return false;
+    }
+    // sensor should be in reset mode
+    resetvalue = readRegister(SOFTRESET_REG);
+    if (resetvalue != 0xFF) {  // sensor was not in reset mode
+        return false;
+    }
+    return true;
+void BMA220::setRegister(uint8_t reg, uint8_t value)
+    char data[2];
+    data[0] = reg;
+    data[1] = value;
+    i2c->write(BMA220_ADDR, data, 2, false);    
+uint8_t BMA220::readRegister(uint8_t reg)
+    char buffer_out[1];
+    char buffer_in[1];
+    buffer_in[0] = 0x0;
+    buffer_out[0] = reg;
+    i2c->write(BMA220_ADDR, buffer_out, 1, true);
+    i2c->read(BMA220_ADDR, buffer_in, 1,false);
+    return (uint8_t)buffer_in[0];
+void BMA220::readAcceleration(int sensitivity)
+    G[1].Ax = G[0].Ax;
+    G[1].Ay = G[0].Ay;
+    G[1].Az = G[0].Az;      //Acc After= Acc Before
+    this->Ax = ((float)readRegister(XAXIS))/sensitivity;
+    this->Ay = ((float)readRegister(YAXIS))/sensitivity;
+    this->Az = ((float)readRegister(ZAXIS))/sensitivity;
+    // Calculate Roll and Pitch (rotation around X-axis, rotation around Y-axis)
+    // Pitch (rho) is defined as the angle of the X-axis relative to ground. Roll (phi) is defined as the angle of the Y-axis relative to the ground. Theta is the angle of the Z axis relative to gravity.”
+    int r = atan(Ay / sqrt(pow(Ax, 2) + pow(Az, 2))) * 180 / PI;
+    int p = atan(Ax / sqrt(pow(Ay, 2) + pow(Az, 2))) * 180 / PI;
+    int t = atan(sqrt(pow(Ax, 2) + pow(Ay, 2)) / Az) * 180 / PI;
+    // Low-pass filter
+    this->roll = r;//(0.94*this->roll)+0.06*r;
+    this->pitch = p;//(0.94*this->pitch)+0.06*p;
+    this->theta = t;//(0.94*this->theta)+0.06*t;
+    G[0].Ax = Ax;
+    G[0].Ay = Ay;
+    G[0].Az = Az;     //Acc Before=Present Acc
+    FallDetection();
+void BMA220::FallDetection()
+    Calculate_Q1();
+    Calculate_Q2();
+    Calculate_Q3();
+    /*Serial.println("Q0: ");
+    display(Quanterion_2_Matrix(this->Q[0]));
+    Serial.println("Q1: ");
+    display(Quanterion_2_Matrix(this->Q[1]));
+    Serial.println("Q2: ");
+    display(Quanterion_2_Matrix(this->Q[2]));*/
+    std::vector<std::vector<float> > Q;
+    Q.resize(4, std::vector<float>(4));
+    Q=MatrixMult(MatrixMult(Quanterion_2_Matrix(this->Q[0]), Quanterion_2_Matrix(this->Q[1])), Quanterion_2_Matrix(this->Q[2]));
+    this->Q_result1.q0 = Q[0][0];
+    this->Q_result1.q1 = Q[1][0];
+    this->Q_result1.q2 = Q[2][0];
+    this->Q_result1.q3 = Q[3][0];
+    this->Q_result2.q0 = Q[3][3];
+    this->Q_result2.q1 = -1 * Q[2][3];
+    this->Q_result2.q2 = Q[1][3];
+    this->Q_result2.q3 = -1 * Q[0][3];
+    //result1.display();
+    //result2.display();
+void BMA220::Calculate_Q1()
+    float theta1 = atan(G[0].Az / sqrt(pow(G[0].Ax, 2) + pow(G[0].Ay, 2))) * 180 / PI;
+    float sin_alpha = (-1* (G[0].Ay / sqrt(pow(G[0].Ax, 2) + pow(G[0].Ay, 2)))) * 180 / PI;
+    float cos_alpha = (G[0].Ax / sqrt(pow(G[0].Ax, 2) + pow(G[0].Ay, 2))) * 180 / PI;
+    this->Q[0].q0 = cos(theta1 / 2);
+    this->Q[0].q1 = sin(theta1 / 2) * sin_alpha;
+    this->Q[0].q2 = sin(theta1 / 2) * cos_alpha;
+    this->Q[0].q3 = 0;
+void BMA220::Calculate_Q2()
+    float theta2 = (atan((2 * G[1].Ay) / G[1].Ax) - atan((2 * G[0].Ay) / G[0].Ax)) * 180 / PI;
+    this->Q[1].q0 = cos(theta2 / 2);
+    this->Q[1].q1 = 0;
+    this->Q[1].q2 = 0;
+    this->Q[1].q3 = sin(theta2 / 2);
+void BMA220::Calculate_Q3()
+       float theta3 = -1 * atan(G[1].Az / sqrt(pow(G[1].Ax, 2) + pow(G[1].Ay, 2))) * 180 / PI;
+       float sin_beta = (-1 * (G[1].Ay / sqrt(pow(G[1].Ax, 2) + pow(G[1].Ay, 2)))) * 180 / PI;
+       float cos_beta = (G[1].Ax / sqrt(pow(G[1].Ax, 2) + pow(G[1].Ay, 2))) * 180 / PI;
+       this->Q[2].q0 = cos(theta3 / 2);
+       this->Q[2].q1 = sin(theta3 / 2) * sin_beta;
+       this->Q[2].q2 = sin(theta3 / 2) * cos_beta;
+       this->Q[2].q3 = 0;
+std::vector<std::vector<float> > BMA220::Quanterion_2_Matrix(const Quanterion &Q)
+    std::vector<std::vector<float> > result;
+    result.resize(4, std::vector<float>(4));
+    result[0][0] = Q.q0;
+    result[0][1] = -1 * Q.q1;
+    result[0][2] = -1 * Q.q2;
+    result[0][3] = -1 * Q.q3;
+    result[1][0] = Q.q1;
+    result[1][1] = Q.q0;
+    result[1][2] = -1 * Q.q3;
+    result[1][3] = -1 * Q.q2;
+    result[2][0] = Q.q2;
+    result[2][1] = Q.q3;
+    result[2][2] = Q.q0;
+    result[2][3] = -1 * Q.q1;
+    result[3][0] = Q.q3;
+    result[3][1] = -1 * Q.q2;
+    result[3][2] = Q.q1;
+    result[3][3] = Q.q0;
+    return result;
+float BMA220::getAcceleration_X() const
+    return Ax;
+float BMA220::getAcceleration_Y() const
+    return Ay;
+float BMA220::getAcceleration_Z() const
+    return Az;
+float BMA220::getPitch() const
+    return pitch;
+float BMA220::getRoll() const
+    return roll;
+float BMA220::getTheta() const
+    return theta;
+float BMA220::getMag() const
+    return  sqrt(pow(Ax, 2) + pow(Ay, 2)+ pow(Az, 2));
+void BMA220::reset(void)
+    ;
+    resetvalue = readRegister(SOFTRESET_REG);
+    if (resetvalue == 0x00) {
+        // BMA220 is in reset mode now. Reading soft reset register
+        // again, brings the sensor back to operation mode.
+        resetvalue = readRegister(SOFTRESET_REG);
+    }
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/bma220/bma220.h	Wed Sep 11 12:15:15 2019 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include <vector>
+#include <math.h>
+#define BMA220_ADDR     0x14 // I2C Address of the sensor          
+#define XAXIS           0x04 // x-axis acceleration value register
+#define YAXIS           0x06 // y-axis acceleration value register
+#define ZAXIS           0x08 // z-axis acceleration value register
+#define SLOPE_REG       0x12 // slope detection parameter
+#define INTRP_MODE_REG  0x1A // interrupt selection
+#define SLEEP_REG       0x1E // sleep enable and duration
+#define SOFTRESET_REG   0x32 // softreset (triggered by reading)
+#define SENSITIVITY_REG 0x22 // sensitivity selection
+#define FILTER_REG      0x20 // filter selection
+#define CHIPID_REG      0x00 // chip id
+#define REVISIONID_REG  0x02 // revision id
+#define INTRP_RES_REG   0x1C // interrupt reset, latch mode
+#define SENS_2g         0x00 // Empfindlichkeit: +- 2g
+#define SENS_4g         0x01 // Empfindlichkeit: +- 4g
+#define SENS_8g         0x02 // Empfindlichkeit: +- 8g
+#define SENS_16g        0x03 // Empfindlichkeit: +- 16g
+#define FILTER_32Hz     0x05 // cutoff frequency: 32 Hz
+#define FILTER_64Hz     0x04 // cutoff frequency: 64 Hz
+#define FILTER_125Hz    0x03 // cutoff frequency: 125 Hz
+#define FILTER_250Hz    0x02 // cutoff frequency: 250 Hz
+#define FILTER_500Hz    0x01 // cutoff frequency: 500 Hz
+#define FILTER_1kHz     0x00 // cutoff frequency: 1 kHz
+#define LATCH_0s        0x80 // reset interrupt controller, latch time 0s
+#define LATCH_025s      0x90 // reset interrupt controller, latch time 0.25s
+#define LATCH_05s       0xA0 // reset interrupt controller, latch time 0.5s
+#define LATCH_1s        0xB0 // reset interrupt controller, latch time 1s
+#define LATCH_2s        0xC0 // reset interrupt controller, latch time 2s
+#define LATCH_4s        0xD0 // reset interrupt controller, latch time 4s
+#define LATCH_8s        0xE0 // reset interrupt controller, latch time 8s
+#define LATCH_PERM      0xF0 // reset interrupt controller, latch permanently
+#define SLEEP_2ms       0b01000000 // sleep enabled, 2 ms
+#define SLEEP_10ms      0b01001000 // sleep enabled, 10 ms
+#define SLEEP_25ms      0b01010000 // sleep enabled, 25 ms
+#define SLEEP_50ms      0b01011000 // sleep enabled, 50 ms
+#define SLEEP_100ms     0b01100000 // sleep enabled, 100 ms
+#define SLEEP_500ms     0b01101000 // sleep enabled, 500 ms
+#define SLEEP_1s        0b01110000 // sleep enabled, 1 s
+#define SLEEP_2s        0b01111000 // sleep enabled, 2 s
+#define SLOPEDETECT     0x38 // select envelope slope detection
+#define SLOPEPAR1       0x0D // slope detection parameter: threshold: 0011, duration: 01
+#define ONEBYTE         0x01 // read one byte
+#define PI 3.1415926535897932384626433832795
+template<typename T>
+std::vector<std::vector<float> > MatrixMult(const std::vector<std::vector<T> > Matrix1, const std::vector<std::vector<T> > Matrix2){
+    if((int)Matrix1[0].size()!=(int)Matrix2.size()){
+        //pc.printf("Wrong Matrix Size\n");
+        return Matrix1;
+    }
+    std::vector<std::vector<float> > result;
+    result.resize(Matrix1.size(), std::vector<float>(Matrix2[0].size()));
+    for (int i=0; i<(int)Matrix1.size(); i++){
+        for (int j = 0; j<(int)Matrix2[0].size(); j++){
+            result[i][j]=0;
+            for (int k = 0; k<(int)Matrix1[0].size(); k++){
+                result[i][j]+=((float)Matrix1[i][k])*((float)Matrix2[k][j]);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return result;
+/*template<typename T>
+void display(std::vector<std::vector<T> > A){
+    for (int i=0; i<(int)A.size(); i++){
+        for (int j=0; j<(int)A[0].size(); j++){
+            pc.printf("%i", A[i][j]);
+            pc.printf("\t");
+        }
+        pc.printf("\n");
+    }
+struct Acceleration{
+    float Ax, Ay, Az;
+struct Quanterion{
+    float q0, q1, q2, q3, angle;
+    /*void display(){
+        Angle();
+        pc.printf("%f+ %fi+ %fj+ %fk \t Angle is: %f",q0, q1, q2, q3, angle);
+    }*/
+    void Angle(){
+        angle = 2 * atan(sqrt(pow(q1, 2) + pow(q2, 2)+ pow(q3, 2)) / q0) * 180 / PI;
+    }
+class BMA220{
+    private:
+        I2C *i2c;
+        float Ax, Ay, Az, pitch, roll, theta;
+        uint8_t resetvalue;
+        Acceleration G[2];
+        Quanterion Q[3];
+        void Calculate_Q1();
+        void Calculate_Q2();
+        void Calculate_Q3();
+        std::vector<std::vector<float> > Quanterion_2_Matrix(const Quanterion &Q);
+    public:
+        BMA220();
+        BMA220(I2C *_i2c);
+        bool begin(void);
+        bool set(uint8_t reg, uint8_t value);
+        bool read(uint8_t reg, uint8_t *pvalue);
+        void setRegister(uint8_t reg, uint8_t value);
+        uint8_t readRegister(uint8_t reg);
+        void readAcceleration(int sensitivity);
+        float getAcceleration_X() const;
+        float getAcceleration_Y() const;
+        float getAcceleration_Z() const;
+        float getPitch() const;
+        float getRoll() const;
+        float getTheta() const;
+        float getMag() const;
+        void reset(void);
+        void FallDetection();
+        Quanterion Q_result1, Q_result2;
+        /*uint8_t reset(void);
+        uint8_t chipID(void);
+        uint8_t revisionID(void);*/
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/main.cpp	Sun Aug 25 08:58:34 2019 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Wed Sep 11 12:15:15 2019 +0000
@@ -1,20 +1,25 @@
-#include <bma220.h>
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "math.h"
+#include "bma220.h"
+#include "thermistor.h"
-BMA220 Sensor;
 Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
+AnalogIn ain(A0);
 void display(Quanterion Q){
-    pc.printf("%f+ %fi+ %fj+ %fk \t ANgle is: %f\n",Q.q0, Q.q1, Q.q2, Q.q3, Q.angle);
+    pc.printf("%f+ %fi+ %fj+ %fk \t Angle is: %f\n",Q.q0, Q.q1, Q.q2, Q.q3, Q.angle);
 int main() {
+    I2C i2c(I2C_SDA, I2C_SCL);
+    i2c.frequency(400000);
+    BMA220 Sensor(&i2c);
+    Thermistor thermistor(&ain);
     if (!Sensor.begin()) {
         pc.printf("No valid BMA220 sensor found, check wiring");
-        while (true){  // stop here, no reason to go on...
-            pc.printf("Nothing...\n");
-            wait(5);
-        }
     // Set sensor sensitivity to 4g
     Sensor.setRegister(SENSITIVITY_REG, SENS_2g);
@@ -44,9 +49,6 @@
-    //    pc.printf(Sensor.getRoll());
-    //    pc.printf("/");
-    //    pc.printf(Sensor.getPitch());
-    }
+    }   
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/mbed-os.lib	Sun Aug 25 08:58:34 2019 +0000
+++ b/mbed-os.lib	Wed Sep 11 12:15:15 2019 +0000
@@ -1,1 +1,1 @@
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/thermistor/thermistor.cpp	Wed Sep 11 12:15:15 2019 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "thermistor.h"
+Thermistor::Thermistor(AnalogIn *aIn)
+    _aIn = aIn;
+double Thermistor::getTemperature()
+    this->getResistance();
+    if(this->_resistance > RES_25C){
+        this->_temperature = (25.0 - ((this->_resistance - RES_25C) / RES_DIFF_PER_C));
+    } else if(this->_resistance < RES_25C){
+        this->_temperature = (25.0 + ((RES_25C - this->_resistance) / RES_DIFF_PER_C));
+    } else {
+        this->_temperature = 25.0;
+    }
+    printf("resistance : %f\n", _resistance);
+    return this->_temperature;
+void Thermistor::getResistance()
+    double sum = 0.0;
+    uint16_t adc_data[SAMPLE_COUNT], average;
+    int i = 0;
+    while(i < SAMPLE_COUNT) {
+        adc_data[i] = ((_aIn->read_u16() >> 4) & 0x0FFF);
+        sum += adc_data[i++];
+    }
+    average = sum / SAMPLE_COUNT;
+    this->_resistance = (((BALANCE_RES_S * 0x0FFF) / average)) - BALANCE_RES_S;
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/thermistor/thermistor.h	Wed Sep 11 12:15:15 2019 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+#define BALANCE_RES_S 1500.0
+#define SAMPLE_COUNT 100
+ /* Depends on the thermistor and the circuit
+  *
+  *                                   [V(in)]
+  *                                      |
+  *                       4.7 K(ohm)     |   1.5 K(ohm)
+  * [+5V]-----------+-----/\/\/\/\/\-----+---/\/\/\/\/\-----------[0V]
+  *                 |                    |
+  *                 +-----{/\/\/\/\}-----+
+  *                  THERMISTOR 4.7 K(ohm)
+  *
+  */
+#define RES_25C       2000.0
+#define RES_36C       1400.0
+#define RES_DIFF_PER_C  ((RES_25C - RES_36C)/11.0)
+class Thermistor{
+    public:
+        Thermistor(AnalogIn *aIn);
+        double getTemperature();
+    private:
+        void getResistance();
+        double _resistance, _temperature;
+        AnalogIn *_aIn;
\ No newline at end of file