right and left move at the same time

Dependencies:   mbed robot

Auto generated API documentation and code listings for George_Slave_BOTHMOVE


Ec Increment型encoder用class
SerialHalfDuplex A serial port (UART) for communication with other devices using Half-Duplex, allowing transmit and receive on a single shared transmit and receive line


debug.cpp [code]
debug.h [code] デバッグ(teraterm表示)用のファイルです.DEBUG(引数);と打つとデバッグされます
EC.cpp [code]
EC.h [code]
KondoServo.cpp [code]
KondoServo.h [code]
main.cpp [code]
pin.h [code]
SerialHalfDuplex.cpp [code]
SerialHalfDuplex.h [code]