Originally from Donal's blog article. http://mbed.org/users/donalm/code/BLE_Health_Thermometer_Blog/ Changed low freq. clock source from XTAL to IRC.

Dependents:   BLE_Health_Thermometer_IRC BLE_RCBController_micono_test BLE_konashi_PIO_test BLE_ADT7410_TMP102_Sample ... more

Fork of BLE_API_Native_blog by Donal Morrissey

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GAP Event Decoder

GAP Event Decoder

Decoder for serialized GAP events from nRF51822. More...


void ble_rpc_gap_evt_length_decode (uint8_t event_id, uint16_t *p_event_length)
 Function for decoding the length of a BLE GAP event.
void ble_rpc_gap_evt_packet_decode (ble_evt_t *p_ble_evt, uint8_t const *const p_packet)
 Function for decoding a BLE GAP event.

Detailed Description

Decoder for serialized GAP events from nRF51822.

This file contains declarations of functions used for decoding GAP event packets received from the Connectivity Chip.

Function Documentation

void ble_rpc_gap_evt_length_decode ( uint8_t  event_id,
uint16_t *  p_event_length 

Function for decoding the length of a BLE GAP event.

[in]event_idEvent Id for the event to length decode.
[out]p_event_lengthThe pointer for storing the decoded event length.
void ble_rpc_gap_evt_packet_decode ( ble_evt_t p_ble_evt,
uint8_t const *const   p_packet 

Function for decoding a BLE GAP event.

[out]p_ble_evtThe pointer for storing the decoded event.
[in]p_packetThe pointer to the encoded event.