Originally from Donal's blog article. http://mbed.org/users/donalm/code/BLE_Health_Thermometer_Blog/ Changed low freq. clock source from XTAL to IRC.

Dependents:   BLE_Health_Thermometer_IRC BLE_RCBController_micono_test BLE_konashi_PIO_test BLE_ADT7410_TMP102_Sample ... more

Fork of BLE_API_Native_blog by Donal Morrissey


RevisionDateWhoCommit message
19:d84e7516652b 2014-06-11 ytsuboi Changed Low freq. clock source from XTAL to IRC default tip
18:f776bb9efb7a 2014-02-23 donalm Removed hw layer.
17:d5600677d532 2014-02-21 ktownsend Added GATT callback support
16:3e0a3bd292a4 2014-02-21 ktownsend Added GATT callback support (write/notify/indicate/etc.)
15:a854d49b3d25 2014-02-20 ktownsend Prototype functions for GattServerEvents
14:f3991f810e1b 2014-02-20 ktownsend Fixed bug in disconnect event handler
13:1800682b5703 2014-02-20 ktownsend Fixed Appearance in the GAP Service
12:d42122e07eb4 2014-02-19 ktownsend Removed unused files from 'nordic'
11:2eda55259984 2014-02-17 ktownsend Merged changes between branches
10:eb5f77205fb5 2014-02-17 ktownsend Removed unnecessary files
9:bbcea9b97272 2014-02-14 ktownsend Cleanup
8:b346eddb9346 2014-02-14 ktownsend Added experimental notify/indicate support to updateValue
7:98bd2ebda25e 2014-02-13 ktownsend Re-enabled interrupt handlers in app_timer
6:7b0f506036db 2014-02-13 ktownsend Removed unused interrupt in app_timer
5:2dca0528db6a 2014-02-10 ktownsend Renamed error.h to ble_error.h
4:2f1f20c755ed 2014-02-07 ktownsend Added nordic_global.h to solve conditional compilation issues
3:cb37056dbcc6 2014-02-06 ktownsend Renamed files to cpp and removed extra IRQ handlers
2:9363515cb887 2014-02-06 ktownsend Removed duplicate IRQ handlers
1:a5a1d2ad13dc 2014-02-06 ktownsend Removed duplicate IRQ handlers
0:4c3097c65247 2014-02-06 ktownsend Native mode drivers