Ultrathin 32x16 LED Matrix

The ultra light and ultra thin LED matrix panel is here for you. Several panels can be combined together to make a large display.



Repository: led_matrix


Import libraryLEDMatrix

LED matrix library for http://goo.gl/y6VnO6

2 comments on Ultrathin 32x16 LED Matrix:

06 Dec 2013

Do you have picture of multiple boards combined into 1? I am wondering how the edges being merged into one so that 1 large border-less board could be formed.

14 Dec 2013

HM Yoong wrote:

Do you have picture of multiple boards combined into 1? I am wondering how the edges being merged into one so that 1 large border-less board could be formed.

Extra structure is needed to merge two panel intro one. The top/bottom margin with number can be cut off. Have a look at http://www.instructables.com/id/Pixel-Shipped-Counter/.

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