Use MPU9250 with nRF51822

Dependencies:   eMPL_MPU

Fork of Seeed_Tiny_BLE_Flash by Darren Huang


get 9dof data from mpu9250 default tip

2015-12-10, by yihui [Thu, 10 Dec 2015 08:00:18 +0000] rev 5

get 9dof data from mpu9250

try to add flash on tiny ble

2015-11-13, by SOTB_DA [Fri, 13 Nov 2015 08:22:27 +0000] rev 4

try to add flash on tiny ble

update ble libraries

2015-11-05, by yihui [Thu, 05 Nov 2015 06:58:30 +0000] rev 3

update ble libraries

able to recover from i2c bus fault

2015-11-05, by yihui [Thu, 05 Nov 2015 02:46:37 +0000] rev 2

able to recover from i2c bus fault

update libraries; ; delete nRF51822/nordic-sdk/components/gpiote/app_gpiote.c to solve GPIOTE_IRQHandler multiply defined issue. temperarily change nRF51822 library to folder

2015-04-22, by yihui [Wed, 22 Apr 2015 07:47:17 +0000] rev 1

update libraries; ; delete nRF51822/nordic-sdk/components/gpiote/app_gpiote.c to solve GPIOTE_IRQHandler multiply defined issue. temperarily change nRF51822 library to folder


2015-02-07, by yihui [Sat, 07 Feb 2015 08:13:51 +0000] rev 0
