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API Documentation at this revision

Fri Jun 24 01:32:32 2022 +0000
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Changed in this revision

esp8266.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
esp8266.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- a/esp8266.cpp	Fri May 01 14:46:00 2015 +0000
+++ b/esp8266.cpp	Fri Jun 24 01:32:32 2022 +0000
@@ -1,302 +1,56 @@
 #include "esp8266.h"
 #include <algorithm>
 #include <cctype>
-// This file implements the methods described in the esp8266 header file
-// Copyright: Adhithya Rajasekaran
-// License: MIT License
+#include "wifi_example.h"
+#include "data_pc.h"
-/* General Note About ESP8266
-   ESP8266 is controlled by using AT commands sent via Serial. Most of the API
-   is implemented with AT commands. You can find the list of all AT commands at
-   https://nurdspace.nl/ESP8266 
-ESP8266::ESP8266(MODSERIAL *input, char* inputSSID, char* inputPassword){
-    /*
-     Inputs:
-         1. MODSERIAL* input - Pass in a reference to a MODSERIAL object. This MODSERIAL object should be connected to the
-            ESP8266 module's pins 3 and 4. MODSERIAL is used instead of regular serial because it has buffering capability.
-         2. char* inputSSID - Pass in a reference to a character array consisting of the SSID of the wireless network you
-            want to connect to. Currently the library assumes that you are passing in the correct SSID and won't do any error
-            checking. 
-         3. char* inputPassword - Pass in a reference to a character array consisting of the password/shared key of the wireless network you
-            want to connect to. Currently the library assumes that you are passing in the correct password and won't do any error
-            checking. 
-     TODO:
-        1. Error checking of SSIDs by calling listOfAccessPoints() method and checking if the inputSSID is in the output of
-           listOfAccessPoints() method. 
-        2. Error checking of passwords by trying to actually connect the access point  
-    */
-    wifi = input;
-    wifi->baud(115200); // This is the baud rate required to communicate the ESP8266 chip
-    connection_successful = false;
-    if(wiredCorrectly()){
-      //connection_successful = true;
-        if(joinAccessPoint(inputSSID,inputPassword)){
-             getMyIP();
-             string error = "ERROR";
-             if(ip != error){
-                connection_successful = true;      
-             }   
-        }
-    }
+void moshi(void)
+   wifi.printf("AT+CWMODE=3\r\n");
-string removeSpaces(string input)
+void mima(void)
-  input.erase(std::remove(input.begin(),input.end(),'\r'),input.end());
-  input.erase(std::remove(input.begin(),input.end(),'\n'),input.end());
-  return input;
+   wifi.printf("AT+CWJAP=\"%s\",\"%s\"\r\n","prc1","Prc123456");
-bool ESP8266::wiredCorrectly(){
-    // This method checks if the ESP8266 module is wired correctly. 
-    wifi->printf("AT\r\n");
-    wait(2);
-    char buf[20];
-    int counter = 0;
-    while(1){
-     if(wifi->readable()){
-        buf[counter] = wifi->getc();
-        counter = counter + 1;
-     }else{
-        wait(2);
-        if(!wifi->readable()){
-          break;   
-        }   
-     }   
-    }
-   string test(buf);
-   string actual_output = test.substr(0,counter);
-   printf(actual_output.c_str());
-   //delete[] buf;
-   printf("\n");
-   size_t found = actual_output.find("OK");
-   if (found!=std::string::npos){
-     if(reset() == true){
-       setMode(3);
-       return true;  
-     }else{
-       return false;   
-     }
-   }else{
-     return false;    
-   }
-bool ESP8266::reset(){
-   // This method resets the settings inside the ESP8266 chip
-    wifi->printf("AT+RST\r\n");
+void getMyIP(void)
+    {
+    wifi.printf("AT+CIFSR\r\n");
     char buf[2000];
     int counter = 0;
-     if(wifi->readable()){
-        buf[counter] = wifi->getc();
+     if(wifi.readable()){
+        buf[counter] = wifi.getc();
         counter = counter + 1;
-        if(!wifi->readable()){
-          break;   
-        }   
-     }   
-    }
-   string test(buf);
-   string actual_output = test.substr(0,counter);
-   printf(actual_output.c_str());
-   //delete[] buf;
-   printf("\n");
-   size_t found = actual_output.find("rst");
-   if (found!=std::string::npos){
-    return true;
-   }else{
-    return false;   
-   }
-char* ESP8266::firmwareVersion(){
-    // Incomplete Method. Just use for firmware debugging purposes
-    wifi->printf("AT+GMR\r\n");
-    wait(2);
-    char buf[2000];
-    int counter = 0;
-    while(1){
-     if(wifi->readable()){
-        buf[counter] = wifi->getc();
-        counter = counter + 1;
-     }else{
-        wait(2);
-        if(!wifi->readable()){
+        if(!wifi.readable()){
-   string test(buf);
-   string actual_output = test.substr(0,counter);
-   printf(actual_output.c_str());
-   //delete[] buf;
-   printf("\n");
-   const char* output = actual_output.c_str();
-   return (char*) output;
+   return ;
-void ESP8266::setMode(int val){
-    // ESP8266 is set to mode 3 which will allow it to act
-    // both as a client and server.
-    wifi->printf("AT+CWMODE=3\r\n");
-    wait(2);
-    char buf[2000];
-    int counter = 0;
-    while(1){
-     if(wifi->readable()){
-        buf[counter] = wifi->getc();
-        counter = counter + 1;
-     }else{
-        wait(2);
-        if(!wifi->readable()){
-          break;   
-        }   
-     }   
-    }
-   string test(buf);
-   string actual_output = test.substr(0,counter);
-   printf(actual_output.c_str());
-   //delete[] buf;
-   printf("\n");
-bool ESP8266::checkConnection(){
-    return connection_successful;   
+void getMyIP(void)
+    wifi.printf("AT+CIFSR\r\n");
-bool ESP8266::gotAnIPAddress(){
-    wifi->printf("AT+CIFSR\r\n");
-    wait(2);
-    char buf[2000];
-    int counter = 0;
-    while(1){
-     if(wifi->readable()){
-        buf[counter] = wifi->getc();
-        counter = counter + 1;
-     }else{
-        wait(2);
-        if(!wifi->readable()){
-          break;   
-        }   
-     }   
-    }
-   string test(buf);
-   string actual_output = test.substr(0,counter);
-   printf(actual_output.c_str());
-   //delete[] buf;
-   printf("\n");
-   size_t found = actual_output.find("ERROR");
-   if (found!=std::string::npos){
-    return false;
-   }else{
-    return true;   
-   }
-bool ESP8266::joinAccessPoint(char *inputSSID, char *inputPassword){
-    // This method establishes connection with the requested access point
-    // All authentication methods are supported (WEP, WPA)
-    wifi->printf("AT+CWJAP=\"%s\",\"%s\"\r\n",inputSSID,inputPassword);
-    wait(7);
-    char buf[2000];
-    int counter = 0;
-    while(1){
-     if(wifi->readable()){
-        buf[counter] = wifi->getc();
-        counter = counter + 1;
-     }else{
-        wait(2);
-        if(!wifi->readable()){
-          break;   
-        }   
-     }   
-    }
-   string test(buf);
-   string actual_output = test.substr(0,counter);
-   printf(actual_output.c_str());
-   //delete[] buf;
-   printf("\n");
-   if(gotAnIPAddress() == true){
-     return true;   
-   }else{
-     return false;   
-   }
-string ESP8266::getMyIP(){
-    // Fetches the assigned IP address of the module
-    wifi->printf("AT+CIFSR\r\n");
-    wait(2);
-    char buf[2000];
-    int counter = 0;
-    while(1){
-     if(wifi->readable()){
-        buf[counter] = wifi->getc();
-        counter = counter + 1;
-     }else{
-        wait(2);
-        if(!wifi->readable()){
-          break;   
-        }   
-     }   
+void lianjie(void)
+   wifi.printf("AT+CIPMUX=0\r\n");
-   string test(buf);
-   string actual_output = test.substr(0,counter);
-   printf(actual_output.c_str());
-   string s = actual_output;
-   //delete[] buf;
-   s.erase( remove_if( s.begin(), s.end(),std::isspace ), s.end() );
-   string ip_address = s.substr(8,s.length());
-   string error = "ERROR";
-   if(ip_address == error){
-     ip = error;
-   }else{
-     ip = ip_address;
-   }
-   return ip;
-bool ESP8266::checkSSID(string inputSSID){
-    // This method checks the presence of the input SSID
-    // with all the SSIDs that the ESP8266 chip detects
-    wifi->printf("AT+CWLAP\r\n");
-    wait(10);
-    char buf[2000];
-    int counter = 0;
-    while(1){
-     if(wifi->readable()){
-        buf[counter] = wifi->getc();
-        counter = counter + 1;
-     }else{
-        wait(2);
-        if(!wifi->readable()){
-          break;   
-        }   
-     }   
-    }
-   string test(buf);
-   string actual_output = test.substr(0,counter);
-   printf(inputSSID.c_str());
-   printf(actual_output.c_str());
-   wait(5);
-   size_t found = actual_output.find(inputSSID);
-   printf("I am here");
-   if (found!=std::string::npos){
-     return false;
-   }else{
-     return true;   
-   }
-   //delete[] buf;
\ No newline at end of file
+void UDP(void)
+   wifi.printf("AT+CIPSTART=\"%s\",\"%s\",%d,%d,%d\r\n","UDP","",8585,8585,0);
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/esp8266.h	Fri May 01 14:46:00 2015 +0000
+++ b/esp8266.h	Fri Jun 24 01:32:32 2022 +0000
@@ -10,27 +10,14 @@
 #include "mbed.h"
 #include <string>
-#include "MODSERIAL.h"
+#include "wifi_example.h"
+void moshi();
+void mima();
-class ESP8266{
- private:  
-   char *ssid;
-   char *password;
-   string ip;
-   bool connection_successful;
-   MODSERIAL *wifi;
-   char* sendCmd(char* cmd);
-   char* firmwareVersion();
-   bool reset();
-   void setMode(int modeVal);
-   bool wiredCorrectly();
-   bool joinAccessPoint(char *inputSSID, char *inputPassword);
-   bool gotAnIPAddress();
-   bool checkSSID(string inputSSID);
- public:
-   ESP8266(MODSERIAL *input, char* inputSSID, char* inputPassword);
-   bool checkConnection();
-   string listAccessPoints();
-   bool disconnect();
-   string getMyIP();
\ No newline at end of file
+void getMyIP();
+void lianjie();
+void UDP();
\ No newline at end of file