XBee API operation library for mbed

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00001 #ifndef UK_AC_HERTS_SMARTLAB_XBEE_Address
00002 #define UK_AC_HERTS_SMARTLAB_XBEE_Address
00004 #include "mbed.h"
00006 /// XBee address class for both S1 and S2 hardware
00007 class Address
00008 {
00009 protected:
00010     /// total 10 bytes (IEEE 64 bits + 16 bits networ address)
00011     unsigned char value[10];
00012 public:
00013     /// Get the ZigBee broadcast address.
00014     static Address * BROADCAST_ZIGBEE;
00016     /// Get the XBee broadcast address.
00017     static Address * BROADCAST_XBEE;
00019     /**
00020     * Create empty address : 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x0000
00021     * this is the default ZigBee Coordinatior
00022     */
00023     Address();
00025     /**
00026     * Create address from existing byte aray value : 8 bytes of ieee + 2 bytes network
00027     * @param address64 8 bytes of IEEE address
00028     * @param NET16 value 2 bytes network address
00029     */
00030     Address(const unsigned char * address64, const unsigned char * NET16);
00032     /** Create address from existing byte array value ( 8 bytes of IEEE address + 2 bytes 16 bit network address)
00033     * @param addr 10 bytes leong : (0-7 bytes for IEEE address, 8-9 bytes for 16 bit network address)
00034     */
00035     Address(const unsigned char * addr);
00037     /** Create address from number value.
00038     * @param serialNumberHigh first four byts of IEEE address and this can be retrieved by 'SH' command (eg. 0x0013A200)
00039     * @param serialNumberLow last four byts of IEEE address and this can be retrieved by 'SL' command.
00040     * @param networkAddress a dynamic allocated value for XBee module, 0x0000 is reserved for the coordinator, and this can be retrieved by 'MY' command.
00041     */
00042     Address(long serialNumberHigh, long serialNumberLow, int networkAddress);
00044     /// Get the first 4 bytes of IEEE address
00045     unsigned long getSerialNumberHigh();
00047     /// Get the last 4 bytes of IEEE address
00048     unsigned long getSerialNumberLow();
00050     /// Get the 16 bit network address
00051     unsigned int getNetworkAddress();
00053     /// Set the first 4 bytes of IEEE address
00054     void setSerialNumberHigh(long SerialNumberHigh);
00056     /// Set the last 4 bytes of IEEE address
00057     void setSerialNumberLow(long SerialNumberLow);
00059     /// Set the 16 bit network address
00060     void setNetworkAddress(int NetworkAddress);
00062     /** Convert the device address to 10 bytes array.
00063     * @returns IEEE 64 bit address follow by 16 bit network address
00064     */
00065     const unsigned  char * getAddressValue();
00067     /// Compare two XBee addresses and check if both point to the same device.
00068     friend bool operator ==(const Address &a,const Address &b);
00070     /// Compare two XBee addresses and check if both point to the same device.
00071     friend bool operator !=(const Address &a,const Address &b);
00072 };
00074 #endif