MMA7361L interface

Dependents:   MMA7361L_Example ARLISS2012_Hidaka

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00001 #ifndef MMA7361L_H
00002 #define MMA7361L_H
00004 #include "mbed.h"
00006 /**
00007  * MMA7361L accelerometer
00008  */
00009 class MMA7361L {
00010 public:
00011     /**
00012      * Creates an MMA7361L accelerometer interface, connected to the specified pins
00013      *
00014      * @param xoutPin xout pin
00015      * @param youtPin yout pin
00016      * @param zoutPin zout pin
00017      * @param zeroGDetectPin 0G detect pin
00018      * @param gSelectPin select 1.5G/6G pin
00019      * @param nSleepPin ~sleep pin
00020      *
00021      */
00022     MMA7361L(PinName xoutPin, PinName youtPin, PinName zoutPin, PinName zeroGDetectPin = NC, PinName gSelectPin = NC, PinName sleepPin = NC);
00024     /**
00025     * Scale enumeration declaration
00026     */
00027     enum Scale {
00029         /**
00030          * 1.5G mode
00031          */
00032         SCALE_1_5G,
00034         /**
00035          * 6G mode
00036          */
00037         SCALE_6G
00038     };
00040     /**
00041      * Gets the current total acceleration
00042      *
00043      * @param forceRead true to read the device, false to use cache whenever appropriate
00044      * @returns total acceleration in g
00045      */
00046     float getAccel(bool forceRead = false);
00048     /**
00049      * Gets the current acceleration along the X axis
00050      *
00051      * @param forceRead true to read the device, false to use cache whenever appropriate
00052      * @returns acceleration along the X axis
00053      */
00054     float getAccelX(bool forceRead = false);
00056     /**
00057      * Gets the current acceleration along the Y axis
00058      *
00059      * @param forceRead true to read the device, false to use cache whenever appropriate
00060      * @returns acceleration along the Y axis
00061      */
00062     float getAccelY(bool forceRead = false);
00064     /**
00065      * Gets the current acceleration along the Z axis
00066      *
00067      * @param forceRead true to read the device, false to use cache whenever appropriate
00068      * @returns acceleration along the Z axis
00069      */
00070     float getAccelZ(bool forceRead = false);
00072     /**
00073      * Computes the inclination of the X axis
00074      *
00075      * @param forceRead true to read the device, false to use cache whenever appropriate
00076      * @returns the inclination of the X axis
00077      */
00078     float getTiltX(bool forceRead = false);
00080     /**
00081      * Computes the inclination of the Y axis
00082      *
00083      * @param forceRead true to read the device, false to use cache whenever appropriate
00084      * @returns the inclination of the Y axis
00085      */
00086     float getTiltY(bool forceRead = false);
00088     /**
00089      * Computes the inclination of the Z axis
00090      *
00091      * @param forceRead true to read the device, false to use cache whenever appropriate
00092      * @returns the inclination of the Z axis
00093      */
00094     float getTiltZ(bool forceRead = false);
00096     /**
00097      * Specifies the scale to use
00098      *
00099      * @param scale SCALE_1_5G (for 1.5G) or SCALE_6G (for 6G)
00100      */
00101     void setScale(Scale scale);
00103     /**
00104      * Sets sleep mode
00105      *
00106      * @param on true to activate sleep mode, false to resume normal operation
00107      */
00108     void setSleep(bool on);
00110     /**
00111      * Tests whether 0G is detected
00112      *
00113      * @returns true if 0G is detected, false otherwise
00114      */
00115     bool zeroGDetected();
00117     /**
00118      * Sets fucntion to be called when 0G is detected
00119      *
00120      * @param func pointer to a function called when 0G is detected, 0 to reset as none
00121      */
00122     void setZeroGDetectListener(void (*func)(void));
00124     /**
00125      * Sets member fucntion to be called when 0G is detected
00126      *
00127      * @param t pointer to the object to call the member function on
00128      * @param func pointer to the member function to be called when 0G is detected, 0 to reset as none
00129      */
00130     template<typename T>
00131     void setZeroGDetectListener(T* t, void (T::*func)(void));
00133     /**
00134     * Prints instance info for debugging
00135     */
00136     void printInfo();
00138     /**
00139      * Sets calibration info
00140      *
00141      * @param scale scale for calibration
00142      * @param minX min X value when the X axis is vertical and stable under 1g
00143      * @param maxX max X value when the X axis is vertical and stable under 1g
00144      * @param minY min Y value when the Y axis is vertical and stable under 1g
00145      * @param maxY max Y value when the Y axis is vertical and stable under 1g
00146      * @param minZ min Z value when the Z axis is vertical and stable under 1g
00147      * @param maxZ max Z value when the Z axis is vertical and stable under 1g
00148      */
00150     void calibrate(Scale scale, float minX, float maxX, float minY, float maxY, float minZ, float maxZ);
00152 private:
00153     enum {
00154         ACCEL = 1 << 0,
00155         ACCEL_X = 1 << 1,
00156         ACCEL_Y = 1 << 2,
00157         ACCEL_Z = 1 << 3,
00158         TILT_X = 1 << 4,
00159         TILT_Y = 1 << 5,
00160         TILT_Z = 1 << 6
00161     };
00163     AnalogIn xout, yout, zout;
00164     InterruptIn zeroGDetect;
00165     DigitalOut gSelect;
00166     DigitalOut nSleep;
00167     bool zeroGDetectEnabled;
00168     bool gSelectEnabled;
00169     bool sleepEnabled;
00170     Scale scale;
00171     float ratio;
00172     float accelX, accelY, accelZ;
00173     int flags;
00174     struct Calibration {
00175         float minX, maxX;
00176         float minY, maxY;
00177         float minZ, maxZ;
00178     } calib[2];
00180     void prepare(int type, bool forceRead);
00181     float calibrate(float value, int type, Scale scale);
00182 };
00184 #endif