
Dependencies:   mbed TrapezoidControl QEI

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Mon Sep 23 08:58:24 2019 +0000
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Changed in this revision

System/Process/Process.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
System/Process/Process.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- a/System/Process/Process.cpp	Sun Sep 22 00:53:45 2019 +0000
+++ b/System/Process/Process.cpp	Mon Sep 23 08:58:24 2019 +0000
@@ -104,9 +104,43 @@
     else return abs(pwmVal);
+void LedMode(int led)
+    /*
+    if(led/8>=1) {
+        POTENTIOMETER::dio[0]= 1;
+        led=led%8;
+    } else {
+        POTENTIOMETER::dio[0]= 0;
+    }
+    if(led/4>=1) {
+        POTENTIOMETER::dio[1]= 1;
+        led=led%4;
+    } else {
+        POTENTIOMETER::dio[1]= 0;
+    }
+    if(led/2>=1) {
+        POTENTIOMETER::dio[2]= 1;
+        led=led%2;
+    } else {
+        POTENTIOMETER::dio[2]= 0;
+    }
+    if(led/1>=1) {
+        POTENTIOMETER::dio[3]= 1;
+        led=led%1;
+    } else {
+        POTENTIOMETER::dio[3]= 0;
+    }
+    */
 int Twsh;
 bool UP_flag = false;
+bool SW_flag = false;
 bool Air_flag = false;
+bool zyouge;
 bool dz1=true;
 bool dz1i=false;
 bool dz2=true;
@@ -117,9 +151,11 @@
 bool dz4i=false;
 bool zone;
 bool through=false;
+bool counts=false;
 int mode =1;
 int cross=0;//十字数える用
+int cros=0;
 int count=100000;//wait代替え
@@ -246,9 +282,9 @@
         for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
             g[i] = LineHub::GetPara(i);
         //printf("1:%d 2:%d 3:%d 4:%d 5:%d 6:%d 7:%d 8:%d\n\r",g[0],g[1],g[2],g[3],g[4],g[5],g[6],g[7]);
 #ifdef USE_MU
         controller = CONTROLLER::Controller::GetData();
@@ -295,15 +331,17 @@
 static void Process0()
-    for(int i=0; i<=3; i++) {
-        if(i==0) {
-            POTENTIOMETER::dio[0]= 1;
-        } else {
-            POTENTIOMETER::dio[i]=0;
-        }
+    if(ThSW) {
+        Twsh=1;
+    } else {
+        Twsh=2;
+    POTENTIOMETER::dio[0]= 1;
+    POTENTIOMETER::dio[1]= 0;
+    POTENTIOMETER::dio[2]= 0;
+    POTENTIOMETER::dio[3]= 0;
     if(StertSW) {
-        if(ZoneSW) {
+        if(ZoneSW==false) {
             if(ThSW) {
             } else {
@@ -321,41 +359,61 @@
             current = 3;
-    if(UPSW) {
-        UP_flag = true;
+    if(DWSW) {
+        zyouge=true;
+    }
+    if(AIRSW) {
+        if(SW_flag==false) {
+            if(Air_flag==false) {
+                solenoid.solenoid3 = SOLENOID_ON;
+                Air_flag=true;
+                SW_flag=true;
+            } else {
+                solenoid.solenoid3 = SOLENOID_OFF;
+                Air_flag=false;
+                SW_flag=true;
+            }
+        }
+    } else {
+        SW_flag=false;
-    if(UP_flag) {
-        motor[MOTOR_0].dir = FOR;
-        motor[MOTOR_0].pwm = 100;
-        if (UPLS) {
-            motor[MOTOR_0].dir = BRAKE;
-            UP_flag = false;
-            Air_flag = true;
+    if(zyouge) {
+        if(Twsh==1) {
+            motor[MOTOR_0].pwm = 220;
+            motor[MOTOR_0].dir = FOR;
+            if(UPLS) {
+                motor[MOTOR_0].pwm = 100;
+                motor[MOTOR_0].dir = BRAKE;
+                zyouge=false;
+            }
+        }
+        if(Twsh==2) {
+            motor[MOTOR_0].pwm = 240;
+            motor[MOTOR_0].dir = FOR;
+            if(UPLS2) {
+                motor[MOTOR_0].pwm = 100;
+                motor[MOTOR_0].dir = BRAKE;
+                zyouge=false;
+            }
-    if(Air_flag) {
-        solenoid.solenoid2 = SOLENOID_ON;
-    }
 static void Process1()
-    for(int i=0; i<=3; i++) {
-        if(i==1) {
-            POTENTIOMETER::dio[1]=1;
-        } else {
-            POTENTIOMETER::dio[i]=0;
-        }
-    }
+    POTENTIOMETER::dio[0]= 0;
+    POTENTIOMETER::dio[1]= 1;
+    POTENTIOMETER::dio[2]= 0;
+    POTENTIOMETER::dio[3]= 0;
+    //LedMode(2);
+    Twsh=1;
     motor[TIRE_FR].dir = SetStatus(-omni[controller->AnalogL.Y][14-controller->AnalogL.X]     + curve[controller->AnalogR.X]);
     motor[TIRE_FL].dir = SetStatus(omni[controller->AnalogL.Y][controller->AnalogL.X]         + curve[controller->AnalogR.X]);
     motor[TIRE_BR].dir = SetStatus(-omni[14-controller->AnalogL.X][14-controller->AnalogL.Y]  + curve[controller->AnalogR.X]);
@@ -369,8 +427,12 @@
     if(controller->Button.UP||controller->Button.DOWN) {
         if(controller->Button.UP) {
-            motor[MOTOR_0].pwm = 110;
+            motor[MOTOR_0].pwm =200;
             motor[MOTOR_0].dir = FOR;
+            if(UPLS) {
+                motor[MOTOR_0].pwm = 0;
+                motor[MOTOR_0].dir = BRAKE;
+            }
         if(controller->Button.DOWN) {
             motor[MOTOR_0].pwm = 50;
@@ -380,20 +442,6 @@
         motor[MOTOR_0].pwm = 0;
         motor[MOTOR_0].dir = BRAKE;
-    if(controller->Button.X) {
-        if(dz1==true) {
-            if(dz1i==false) {
-                solenoid.solenoid1 = SOLENOID_ON;
-                dz1i=true;
-            } else {
-                solenoid.solenoid1 = SOLENOID_OFF;
-                dz1i=false;
-            }
-            dz1=false;
-        }
-    } else {
-        dz1=true;
-    }
     if(controller->Button.Y) {
         if(dz2==true) {
@@ -465,13 +513,11 @@
 static void Process2()
-    for(int i=0; i<=3; i++) {
-        if(i==2) {
-            POTENTIOMETER::dio[2]=1;
-        } else {
-            POTENTIOMETER::dio[i]=0;
-        }
-    }
+    POTENTIOMETER::dio[0]= 1;
+    POTENTIOMETER::dio[1]= 1;
+    POTENTIOMETER::dio[2]= 0;
+    POTENTIOMETER::dio[3]= 0;
+    //LedMode(3);
 //   printf("1:%d 2:%d 3:%d 4:%d 5:%d 6:%d 7:%d 8:%d\n\r",g[0],g[1],g[2],g[3],g[4],g[5],g[6],g[7]);
     if(mode==1) {//スタートゾーンから白線検知
@@ -486,23 +532,7 @@
         if(g[2]==0) {
-            mode=2;
-        }
-    } else if(mode==2) {//横移動
-        if(g[2]==0) {
-            count=100000;
-            cross=0;
-            mtc2=true;
-        } else {
-            motor[TIRE_FR].pwm = normal;
-            motor[TIRE_FR].dir = FOR;
-            motor[TIRE_FL].pwm = normal;
-            motor[TIRE_FL].dir = FOR;
-            motor[TIRE_BR].pwm = normal;
-            motor[TIRE_BR].dir = BACK;
-            motor[TIRE_BL].pwm = normal;
-            motor[TIRE_BL].dir = BACK;
     } else if(mode==3) { //横ライントレースから縦ライントレースへ
         motor[TIRE_FR].pwm = 0;
@@ -514,28 +544,24 @@
         motor[TIRE_BL].pwm = 0;
         motor[TIRE_BL].dir = FREE;
         if(g[0]==0) {
-            through=true;
+            mode=10;
+            count=100000;
-        if(through==true&&g[0]==255) {
-            through=false;
-            count=0;
-            mode=4;
+    } else if(mode==10) { //縦ライントレース
+        if(counts==false&&g[2]==0) {
+            cros++;
+            counts=true;
-    } else if(mode==4) { //横ライントレースから縦ライントレースへ
-        motor[TIRE_FR].pwm = normal;
-        motor[TIRE_FR].dir = BACK;
-        motor[TIRE_FL].pwm = normal;
-        motor[TIRE_FL].dir = BACK;
-        motor[TIRE_BR].pwm = normal;
-        motor[TIRE_BR].dir = FOR;
-        motor[TIRE_BL].pwm = normal;
-        motor[TIRE_BL].dir = FOR;
-        if(g[0]==0) {
+        if(counts==true&&g[2]==99) {
+            counts=false;
+        }
+        if(cros==Twsh) {
+            mode=11;
-            cross=0;
-            mode=10;
-        }
-    } else if(g[0]!=99&&mode==10) { //縦ライントレース
+            cros=0;
+        }//ゆっくりモードに入れなかった時の保険
         switch(g[0]) {
             case 98:
                 motor[TIRE_FR].pwm = normal;
@@ -546,14 +572,15 @@
                 motor[TIRE_BR].dir = BACK;
                 motor[TIRE_BL].pwm = normal;
                 motor[TIRE_BL].dir = FOR;
-                if(count>100000) {
+                mtc=true;
+                if(count>80000) {
-                mtc=true;
                 if(cross==Twsh) {
+                    cross=0;
             case 0:
@@ -677,27 +704,26 @@
         motor[TIRE_BL].pwm = 0;
         motor[TIRE_BL].dir = FREE;
         if(g[2]==0) {
-            through=true;
-        }
-        if(through==true&&g[2]==255) {
-            through=false;
-            mode=12;
-        }
-    } else if(mode==12) {
-        motor[TIRE_FR].pwm = normal;
-        motor[TIRE_FR].dir = FOR;
-        motor[TIRE_FL].pwm = normal;
-        motor[TIRE_FL].dir = BACK;
-        motor[TIRE_BR].pwm = normal;
-        motor[TIRE_BR].dir = FOR;
-        motor[TIRE_BL].pwm = normal;
-        motor[TIRE_BL].dir = BACK;
-        if(g[2]==0) {
     } else if(mode==20) {
+        if(counts==false&&g[0]==0) {
+            cros++;
+            counts=true;
+        }
+        if(counts==true&&g[0]==99) {
+            counts=false;
+        }
+        if(cros==2) {
+            mode=21;
+            count=0;
+            cros=0;
+        }//ゆっくりモードに入れなかった時の保険
         switch(g[2]) {
             case 98:
                 motor[TIRE_FR].pwm = normal;
@@ -708,12 +734,12 @@
                 motor[TIRE_BR].dir = BACK;
                 motor[TIRE_BL].pwm = normal;
                 motor[TIRE_BL].dir = BACK;
-                if(count>70000) {
+                if(count>80000) {
-                if(cross==3) {
+                if(cross==2) {
@@ -840,37 +866,31 @@
         motor[TIRE_BL].pwm = 0;
         motor[TIRE_BL].dir = FREE;
         if(g[0]==0) {
-            through=true;
-        }
-        if(through==true&&g[0]==255) {
-            through=false;
-            mode=22;
-        }
-    } else if(mode==22) {
-        motor[TIRE_FR].pwm = normal;
-        motor[TIRE_FR].dir = BACK;
-        motor[TIRE_FL].pwm = normal;
-        motor[TIRE_FL].dir = BACK;
-        motor[TIRE_BR].pwm = normal;
-        motor[TIRE_BR].dir = FOR;
-        motor[TIRE_BL].pwm = normal;
-        motor[TIRE_BL].dir = FOR;
-        if(g[0]==0) {
-            solenoid.solenoid3 = SOLENOID_ON;
-            count=0;
-            cross=0;
+            cros=0;
+            zyouge=true;
+            if(Twsh==2) {
+                solenoid.solenoid2 = SOLENOID_ON;
+            }
     } else if(mode==30) {
+        if(counts==false&&g[3]==0) {
+            counts=false;
+            mode=31;
+            count=0;
+            cros=0;
+        }//ゆっくりモードに入れなかった時の保険
         switch(g[0]) {
             case 98:
-                motor[TIRE_FR].pwm = normal;
+                motor[TIRE_FR].pwm = 30;
                 motor[TIRE_FR].dir = BACK;
-                motor[TIRE_FL].pwm = normal;
+                motor[TIRE_FL].pwm = 30;
                 motor[TIRE_FL].dir = FOR;
-                motor[TIRE_BR].pwm = normal;
+                motor[TIRE_BR].pwm = 30;
                 motor[TIRE_BR].dir = BACK;
-                motor[TIRE_BL].pwm = normal;
+                motor[TIRE_BL].pwm = 30;
                 motor[TIRE_BL].dir = FOR;
                 if(count>100000) {
@@ -878,72 +898,74 @@
                 if(cross==1) {
-                    solenoid.solenoid3 = SOLENOID_OFF;
+                    if(Twsh==2) {
+                        solenoid.solenoid2 = SOLENOID_OFF;
+                    }
             case 0:
-                motor[TIRE_FR].pwm = fast;
+                motor[TIRE_FR].pwm = 60;
                 motor[TIRE_FR].dir = BACK;
-                motor[TIRE_FL].pwm = fast;
+                motor[TIRE_FL].pwm = 60;
                 motor[TIRE_FL].dir = FOR;
-                motor[TIRE_BR].pwm = fast;
+                motor[TIRE_BR].pwm = 60;
                 motor[TIRE_BR].dir = BACK;
-                motor[TIRE_BL].pwm = fast;
+                motor[TIRE_BL].pwm = 60;
                 motor[TIRE_BL].dir = FOR;
             case 255:
-                motor[TIRE_FR].pwm = fast;
+                motor[TIRE_FR].pwm = 60;
                 motor[TIRE_FR].dir = BACK;
-                motor[TIRE_FL].pwm = slow;
+                motor[TIRE_FL].pwm = 20;
                 motor[TIRE_FL].dir = FOR;
-                motor[TIRE_BR].pwm = slow;
+                motor[TIRE_BR].pwm = 20;
                 motor[TIRE_BR].dir = BACK;
-                motor[TIRE_BL].pwm = fast;
+                motor[TIRE_BL].pwm = 60;
                 motor[TIRE_BL].dir = FOR;
             case 253:
-                motor[TIRE_FR].pwm = slow;
+                motor[TIRE_FR].pwm = 20;
                 motor[TIRE_FR].dir = BACK;
                 motor[TIRE_FL].pwm = 0;
                 motor[TIRE_FL].dir = FREE;
                 motor[TIRE_BR].pwm = 0;
                 motor[TIRE_BR].dir = FREE;
-                motor[TIRE_BL].pwm = slow;
+                motor[TIRE_BL].pwm = 20;
                 motor[TIRE_BL].dir = FOR;
             case 254:
-                motor[TIRE_FR].pwm = normal;
+                motor[TIRE_FR].pwm = 30;
                 motor[TIRE_FR].dir = BACK;
                 motor[TIRE_FL].pwm = 0;
                 motor[TIRE_FL].dir = FREE;
                 motor[TIRE_BR].pwm = 0;
                 motor[TIRE_BR].dir = FREE;
-                motor[TIRE_BL].pwm = normal;
+                motor[TIRE_BL].pwm = 30;
                 motor[TIRE_BL].dir = FOR;
             case 1:
-                motor[TIRE_FR].pwm = slow;
+                motor[TIRE_FR].pwm = 20;
                 motor[TIRE_FR].dir = BACK;
-                motor[TIRE_FL].pwm = fast;
+                motor[TIRE_FL].pwm = 60;
                 motor[TIRE_FL].dir = FOR;
-                motor[TIRE_BR].pwm = fast;
+                motor[TIRE_BR].pwm = 60;
                 motor[TIRE_BR].dir = BACK;
-                motor[TIRE_BL].pwm = slow;
+                motor[TIRE_BL].pwm = 20;
                 motor[TIRE_BL].dir = FOR;
             case 3:
                 motor[TIRE_FR].pwm = 0;
                 motor[TIRE_FR].dir = FREE;
-                motor[TIRE_FL].pwm = slow;
+                motor[TIRE_FL].pwm = 20;
                 motor[TIRE_FL].dir = FOR;
-                motor[TIRE_BR].pwm = slow;
+                motor[TIRE_BR].pwm = 20;
                 motor[TIRE_BR].dir = BACK;
                 motor[TIRE_BL].pwm = 0;
                 motor[TIRE_BL].dir = FREE;
@@ -952,9 +974,9 @@
             case 2:
                 motor[TIRE_FR].pwm = 0;
                 motor[TIRE_FR].dir = FREE;
-                motor[TIRE_FL].pwm = normal;
+                motor[TIRE_FL].pwm = 30;
                 motor[TIRE_FL].dir = FOR;
-                motor[TIRE_BR].pwm = normal;
+                motor[TIRE_BR].pwm = 30;
                 motor[TIRE_BR].dir = BACK;
                 motor[TIRE_BL].pwm = 0;
                 motor[TIRE_BL].dir = FREE;
@@ -995,33 +1017,34 @@
     } else if(mode==31) {
-        motor[TIRE_FR].pwm = 15;
+        motor[TIRE_FR].pwm = 30;
         motor[TIRE_FR].dir = BACK;
         motor[TIRE_FL].pwm = 0;
         motor[TIRE_FL].dir = FREE;
         motor[TIRE_BR].pwm = 0;
         motor[TIRE_BR].dir = FREE;
-        motor[TIRE_BL].pwm = 15;
+        motor[TIRE_BL].pwm = 30;
         motor[TIRE_BL].dir = FOR;
-        if(count>5000&&g[3]==0) {
+        if(g[3]==0) {
-            mode=32;
-        }
-    } else if(mode==32) {
-        motor[TIRE_FR].pwm = 15;
-        motor[TIRE_FR].dir = FOR;
-        motor[TIRE_FL].pwm = 15;
-        motor[TIRE_FL].dir = BACK;
-        motor[TIRE_BR].pwm = 15;
-        motor[TIRE_BR].dir = FOR;
-        motor[TIRE_BL].pwm = 15;
-        motor[TIRE_BL].dir = BACK;
-        if(count>5000&&g[3]==0) {
-            count=0;
-            cross=0;
     } else if(mode==40) {
+        if(counts==false&&g[0]==0) {
+            cros++;
+            counts=true;
+        }
+        if(counts==true&&g[0]==99) {
+            counts=false;
+        }
+        if(cros==2) {
+           // mode=41;
+            //count=0;
+            //cros=0;
+        }//ゆっくりモードに入れなかった時の保険
         switch(g[3]) {
             case 98:
                 motor[TIRE_FR].pwm = normal;
@@ -1032,12 +1055,12 @@
                 motor[TIRE_BR].dir = FOR;
                 motor[TIRE_BL].pwm = normal;
                 motor[TIRE_BL].dir = FOR;
-                if(count>30000) {
+                if(count>20000) {
-                if(cross==1) {
+                if(cross==3) {
@@ -1157,347 +1180,17 @@
     } else if(mode==41) {
         motor[TIRE_FR].pwm = 0;
         motor[TIRE_FR].dir = FREE;
-        motor[TIRE_FL].pwm = 15;
+        motor[TIRE_FL].pwm = 30;
         motor[TIRE_FL].dir = BACK;
-        motor[TIRE_BR].pwm = 15;
-        motor[TIRE_BR].dir = FOR;
-        motor[TIRE_BL].pwm = 0;
-        motor[TIRE_BL].dir = FREE;
-        if(count>5000&&g[1]==0) {
-            count=0;
-            mode=42;
-        }
-    } else if(mode==42) {
-        motor[TIRE_FR].pwm = 15;
-        motor[TIRE_FR].dir = FOR;
-        motor[TIRE_FL].pwm = 15;
-        motor[TIRE_FL].dir = FOR;
-        motor[TIRE_BR].pwm = 15;
-        motor[TIRE_BR].dir = BACK;
-        motor[TIRE_BL].pwm = 15;
-        motor[TIRE_BL].dir = BACK;
-        if(count>5000&&g[1]==0) {
-            count=0;
-            mode=50;
-        }
-    } else if(mode==50) {
-        switch(g[1]) {
-            case 98:
-                motor[TIRE_FR].pwm = normal;
-                motor[TIRE_FR].dir = FOR;
-                motor[TIRE_FL].pwm = normal;
-                motor[TIRE_FL].dir = BACK;
-                motor[TIRE_BR].pwm = normal;
-                motor[TIRE_BR].dir = FOR;
-                motor[TIRE_BL].pwm = normal;
-                motor[TIRE_BL].dir = BACK;
-                if(count>100000) {
-                    cross++;
-                    count=0;
-                }
-                mtc=true;
-                if(cross==1) {
-                    mode=51;
-                    count=0;
-                }
-                break;
-            case 0:
-                motor[TIRE_FR].pwm = fast;
-                motor[TIRE_FR].dir = FOR;
-                motor[TIRE_FL].pwm = fast;
-                motor[TIRE_FL].dir = BACK;
-                motor[TIRE_BR].pwm = fast;
-                motor[TIRE_BR].dir = FOR;
-                motor[TIRE_BL].pwm = fast;
-                motor[TIRE_BL].dir = BACK;
-                mtc=true;
-                break;
-            case 255:
-                motor[TIRE_FR].pwm = fast;
-                motor[TIRE_FR].dir = FOR;
-                motor[TIRE_FL].pwm = slow;
-                motor[TIRE_FL].dir = BACK;
-                motor[TIRE_BR].pwm = slow;
-                motor[TIRE_BR].dir = FOR;
-                motor[TIRE_BL].pwm = fast;
-                motor[TIRE_BL].dir = BACK;
-                mtc=true;
-                break;
-            case 253:
-                motor[TIRE_FR].pwm = slow;
-                motor[TIRE_FR].dir = FOR;
-                motor[TIRE_FL].pwm = 0;
-                motor[TIRE_FL].dir = FREE;
-                motor[TIRE_BR].pwm = 0;
-                motor[TIRE_BR].dir = FREE;
-                motor[TIRE_BL].pwm = slow;
-                motor[TIRE_BL].dir = BACK;
-                mtc=true;
-                break;
-            case 254:
-                motor[TIRE_FR].pwm = normal;
-                motor[TIRE_FR].dir = FOR;
-                motor[TIRE_FL].pwm = 0;
-                motor[TIRE_FL].dir = FREE;
-                motor[TIRE_BR].pwm = 0;
-                motor[TIRE_BR].dir = FREE;
-                motor[TIRE_BL].pwm = normal;
-                motor[TIRE_BL].dir = BACK;
-                mtc=true;
-                break;
-            case 1:
-                motor[TIRE_FR].pwm = slow;
-                motor[TIRE_FR].dir = FOR;
-                motor[TIRE_FL].pwm = fast;
-                motor[TIRE_FL].dir = BACK;
-                motor[TIRE_BR].pwm = fast;
-                motor[TIRE_BR].dir = FOR;
-                motor[TIRE_BL].pwm = slow;
-                motor[TIRE_BL].dir = BACK;
-                mtc=true;
-                break;
-            case 3:
-                motor[TIRE_FR].pwm = 0;
-                motor[TIRE_FR].dir = FREE;
-                motor[TIRE_FL].pwm = slow;
-                motor[TIRE_FL].dir = BACK;
-                motor[TIRE_BR].pwm = slow;
-                motor[TIRE_BR].dir = FOR;
-                motor[TIRE_BL].pwm = 0;
-                motor[TIRE_BL].dir = FREE;
-                mtc=true;
-                break;
-            case 2:
-                motor[TIRE_FR].pwm = 0;
-                motor[TIRE_FR].dir = FREE;
-                motor[TIRE_FL].pwm = normal;
-                motor[TIRE_FL].dir = BACK;
-                motor[TIRE_BR].pwm = normal;
-                motor[TIRE_BR].dir = FOR;
-                motor[TIRE_BL].pwm = 0;
-                motor[TIRE_BL].dir = FREE;
-                mtc=true;
-                break;
-        }
-        if(g[1]!=98&&mtc==true) {
-            switch(g[0]) {
-                case 0:
-                    mtc=false;
-                    break;
-                case 255:
-                    motor[TIRE_FL].pwm += 5;
-                    mtc=false;
-                    break;
-                case 253:
-                    motor[TIRE_FL].pwm += 10;
-                    mtc=false;
-                    break;
-                case 254:
-                    motor[TIRE_FL].pwm += 20;
-                    motor[TIRE_FR].pwm = 0;
-                    mtc=false;
-                    break;
-                case 1:
-                    motor[TIRE_FR].pwm += 5;
-                    mtc=false;
-                    break;
-                case 3:
-                    motor[TIRE_FR].pwm += 10;
-                    mtc=false;
-                    break;
-                case 2:
-                    motor[TIRE_FR].pwm += 20;
-                    motor[TIRE_FL].pwm = 0;
-                    mtc=false;
-                    break;
-            }
-        }
-    } else if(mode==51) {
-        motor[TIRE_FR].pwm = 0;
-        motor[TIRE_FR].dir = FREE;
-        motor[TIRE_FL].pwm = 15;
-        motor[TIRE_FL].dir = BACK;
-        motor[TIRE_BR].pwm = 15;
+        motor[TIRE_BR].pwm = 30;
         motor[TIRE_BR].dir = FOR;
         motor[TIRE_BL].pwm = 0;
         motor[TIRE_BL].dir = FREE;
-        if(count>5000&&g[3]==0) {
-            count=0;
-            mode=52;
-        }
-    } else if(mode==52) {
-        motor[TIRE_FR].pwm = 15;
-        motor[TIRE_FR].dir = BACK;
-        motor[TIRE_FL].pwm = 15;
-        motor[TIRE_FL].dir = FOR;
-        motor[TIRE_BR].pwm = 15;
-        motor[TIRE_BR].dir = BACK;
-        motor[TIRE_BL].pwm = 15;
-        motor[TIRE_BL].dir = FOR;
-        if(count>5000&&g[3]==0) {
-            count=0;
-            cross=0;
-            mode=60;
-        }
-    } else if(mode==60) {
-        switch(g[3]) {
-            case 98:
-                motor[TIRE_FR].pwm = normal;
-                motor[TIRE_FR].dir = BACK;
-                motor[TIRE_FL].pwm = normal;
-                motor[TIRE_FL].dir = BACK;
-                motor[TIRE_BR].pwm = normal;
-                motor[TIRE_BR].dir = FOR;
-                motor[TIRE_BL].pwm = normal;
-                motor[TIRE_BL].dir = FOR;
-                if(count>50000) {
-                    cross++;
-                    count=0;
-                }
-                mtc2=true;
-                if(cross==2) {
-                    mode=61;
-                    count=0;
-                    cross=0;
-                }
-                break;
-            case 0:
-                motor[TIRE_FR].pwm = fast;
-                motor[TIRE_FR].dir = BACK;
-                motor[TIRE_FL].pwm = fast;
-                motor[TIRE_FL].dir = BACK;
-                motor[TIRE_BR].pwm = fast;
-                motor[TIRE_BR].dir = FOR;
-                motor[TIRE_BL].pwm = fast;
-                motor[TIRE_BL].dir = FOR;
-                mtc2=true;
-                break;
-            case 255:
-                motor[TIRE_FR].pwm = slow;
-                motor[TIRE_FR].dir = BACK;
-                motor[TIRE_FL].pwm = fast;
-                motor[TIRE_FL].dir = BACK;
-                motor[TIRE_BR].pwm = fast;
-                motor[TIRE_BR].dir = FOR;
-                motor[TIRE_BL].pwm = slow;
-                motor[TIRE_BL].dir = FOR;
-                mtc2=true;
-                break;
-            case 253:
-                motor[TIRE_FR].pwm = 0;
-                motor[TIRE_FR].dir = FREE;
-                motor[TIRE_FL].pwm = slow;
-                motor[TIRE_FL].dir = BACK;
-                motor[TIRE_BR].pwm = slow;
-                motor[TIRE_BR].dir = FOR;
-                motor[TIRE_BL].pwm = 0;
-                motor[TIRE_BL].dir = FREE;
-                mtc2=true;
-                break;
-            case 254:
-                motor[TIRE_FR].pwm = 0;
-                motor[TIRE_FR].dir = FREE;
-                motor[TIRE_FL].pwm = normal;
-                motor[TIRE_FL].dir = BACK;
-                motor[TIRE_BR].pwm = normal;
-                motor[TIRE_BR].dir = FOR;
-                motor[TIRE_BL].pwm = 0;
-                motor[TIRE_BL].dir = FREE;
-                mtc2=true;
-                break;
-            case 1:
-                motor[TIRE_FR].pwm = fast;
-                motor[TIRE_FR].dir = BACK;
-                motor[TIRE_FL].pwm = slow;
-                motor[TIRE_FL].dir = BACK;
-                motor[TIRE_BR].pwm = slow;
-                motor[TIRE_BR].dir = FOR;
-                motor[TIRE_BL].pwm = fast;
-                motor[TIRE_BL].dir = FOR;
-                mtc2=true;
-                break;
-            case 3:
-                motor[TIRE_FR].pwm = slow;
-                motor[TIRE_FR].dir = BACK;
-                motor[TIRE_FL].pwm = 0;
-                motor[TIRE_FL].dir = FREE;
-                motor[TIRE_BR].pwm = 0;
-                motor[TIRE_BR].dir = FREE;
-                motor[TIRE_BL].pwm = slow;
-                motor[TIRE_BL].dir = FOR;
-                mtc2=true;
-                break;
-            case 2:
-                motor[TIRE_FR].pwm = normal;
-                motor[TIRE_FR].dir = BACK;
-                motor[TIRE_FL].pwm = 0;
-                motor[TIRE_FL].dir = FREE;
-                motor[TIRE_BR].pwm = 0;
-                motor[TIRE_BR].dir = FREE;
-                motor[TIRE_BL].pwm = normal;
-                motor[TIRE_BL].dir = FOR;
-                mtc2=true;
-                break;
-        }
-        if(g[2]!=98&&mtc2==true) {
-            switch(g[2]) {
-                case 0:
-                    mtc2=false;
-                    break;
-                case 255:
-                    motor[TIRE_FL].pwm += 5;
-                    mtc2=false;
-                    break;
-                case 253:
-                    motor[TIRE_FL].pwm += 10;
-                    mtc2=false;
-                    break;
-                case 254:
-                    motor[TIRE_FL].pwm += 20;
-                    motor[TIRE_BL].pwm = 0;
-                    mtc2=false;
-                    break;
-                case 1:
-                    motor[TIRE_BL].pwm += 5;
-                    mtc2=false;
-                    break;
-                case 3:
-                    motor[TIRE_BL].pwm += 10;
-                    mtc2=false;
-                    break;
-                case 2:
-                    motor[TIRE_BL].pwm += 20;
-                    motor[TIRE_FL].pwm = 0;
-                    mtc2=false;
-                    break;
-            }
-        }
-    } else if(mode==61) {
-        motor[TIRE_FR].pwm = 0;
-        motor[TIRE_FR].dir = FREE;
-        motor[TIRE_FL].pwm = 15;
-        motor[TIRE_FL].dir = BACK;
-        motor[TIRE_BR].pwm = 15;
-        motor[TIRE_BR].dir = FOR;
-        motor[TIRE_BL].pwm = 0;
-        motor[TIRE_BL].dir = FREE;
-        if(count>5000&&g[1]==0) {
-            count=0;
-            mode=62;
-        }
-    } else if(mode==62) {
-        motor[TIRE_FR].pwm = 15;
-        motor[TIRE_FR].dir = FOR;
-        motor[TIRE_FL].pwm = 15;
-        motor[TIRE_FL].dir = FOR;
-        motor[TIRE_BR].pwm = 15;
-        motor[TIRE_BR].dir = BACK;
-        motor[TIRE_BL].pwm = 15;
-        motor[TIRE_BL].dir = BACK;
-        if(count>5000&&g[1]==0) {
+        if(g[1]==0) {
     } else if(mode==70) {
         switch(g[1]) {
             case 99:
@@ -1627,13 +1320,13 @@
     } else if(mode==100) {
-        motor[TIRE_FR].pwm = slow;
+        motor[TIRE_FR].pwm = 20;
         motor[TIRE_FR].dir = FOR;
-        motor[TIRE_FL].pwm = slow;
+        motor[TIRE_FL].pwm = 20;
         motor[TIRE_FL].dir = BACK;
         motor[TIRE_BR].pwm = 23;
         motor[TIRE_BR].dir = FOR;
-        motor[TIRE_BL].pwm = slow;
+        motor[TIRE_BL].pwm = 20;
         motor[TIRE_BL].dir = BACK;
     } else {
         motor[TIRE_FR].pwm = 0;
@@ -1652,13 +1345,10 @@
 static void Process3()
-    for(int i=0; i<=3; i++) {
-        if(i==3) {
-            POTENTIOMETER::dio[3]=1;
-        } else {
-            POTENTIOMETER::dio[i]=0;
-        }
-    }
+    POTENTIOMETER::dio[0]= 0;
+    POTENTIOMETER::dio[1]= 0;
+    POTENTIOMETER::dio[2]= 1;
+    POTENTIOMETER::dio[3]= 0;
     if(mode==1) {//スタートゾーンから白線検知
         motor[TIRE_FR].pwm = normal;
         motor[TIRE_FR].dir = FOR;
@@ -1673,23 +1363,7 @@
-    } else if(mode==2) {//横移動
-        if(g[2]==0) {
-            count=100000;
-            cross=0;
-            mode=3;
-            mtc2=true;
-        } else {
-            motor[TIRE_FR].pwm = normal;
-            motor[TIRE_FR].dir = FOR;
-            motor[TIRE_FL].pwm = normal;
-            motor[TIRE_FL].dir = FOR;
-            motor[TIRE_BR].pwm = normal;
-            motor[TIRE_BR].dir = BACK;
-            motor[TIRE_BL].pwm = normal;
-            motor[TIRE_BL].dir = BACK;
-        }
-    } else if(mode==3) { //横ライントレースから縦ライントレースへ
+    } else if(mode==2) { //横ライントレースから縦ライントレースへ
         motor[TIRE_FR].pwm = 0;
         motor[TIRE_FR].dir = FOR;
         motor[TIRE_FL].pwm = slow;
@@ -1698,24 +1372,10 @@
         motor[TIRE_BR].dir = FREE;
         motor[TIRE_BL].pwm = 0;
         motor[TIRE_BL].dir = BACK;
-        if(count>100000&&g[0]==0) {
+        if(g[0]==0) {
-    } else if(mode==4) { //横ライントレースから縦ライントレースへ
-        motor[TIRE_FR].pwm = 15;
-        motor[TIRE_FR].dir = BACK;
-        motor[TIRE_FL].pwm = 15;
-        motor[TIRE_FL].dir = BACK;
-        motor[TIRE_BR].pwm = 15;
-        motor[TIRE_BR].dir = FOR;
-        motor[TIRE_BL].pwm = 15;
-        motor[TIRE_BL].dir = FOR;
-        if(count>30000&&g[0]==0) {
-            count=0;
-            cross=0;
-            mode=10;
-        }
     } else if(g[1]!=99&&mode==10) { //縦ライントレース
         switch(g[1]) {
             case 98:
@@ -1851,28 +1511,14 @@
     } else if(mode==11) {
         motor[TIRE_FR].pwm = 0;
         motor[TIRE_FR].dir = FOR;
-        motor[TIRE_FL].pwm = 15;
+        motor[TIRE_FL].pwm = 30;
         motor[TIRE_FL].dir = FREE;
-        motor[TIRE_BR].pwm = 15;
+        motor[TIRE_BR].pwm = 30;
         motor[TIRE_BR].dir = FREE;
         motor[TIRE_BL].pwm = 0;
         motor[TIRE_BL].dir = BACK;
-        if(count>5000&&g[2]==0) {
+        if(g[2]==0) {
-            mode=12;
-        }
-    } else if(mode==12) {
-        motor[TIRE_FR].pwm = 15;
-        motor[TIRE_FR].dir = BACK;
-        motor[TIRE_FL].pwm = 15;
-        motor[TIRE_FL].dir = FOR;
-        motor[TIRE_BR].pwm = 15;
-        motor[TIRE_BR].dir = BACK;
-        motor[TIRE_BL].pwm = 15;
-        motor[TIRE_BL].dir = FOR;
-        if(count>10000&&g[2]==0) {
-            count=0;
-            cross=0;
     } else if(mode==20) {
@@ -2011,28 +1657,14 @@
     } else if(mode==21) {
         motor[TIRE_FR].pwm = 0;
         motor[TIRE_FR].dir = FOR;
-        motor[TIRE_FL].pwm = 15;
+        motor[TIRE_FL].pwm = 30;
         motor[TIRE_FL].dir = FREE;
-        motor[TIRE_BR].pwm = 15;
+        motor[TIRE_BR].pwm = 30;
         motor[TIRE_BR].dir = FREE;
         motor[TIRE_BL].pwm = 0;
         motor[TIRE_BL].dir = BACK;
-        if(count>2000&&g[1]==0) {
+        if(g[1]==0) {
-            mode=22;
-        }
-    } else if(mode==22) {
-        motor[TIRE_FR].pwm = 15;
-        motor[TIRE_FR].dir = BACK;
-        motor[TIRE_FL].pwm = 15;
-        motor[TIRE_FL].dir = BACK;
-        motor[TIRE_BR].pwm = 15;
-        motor[TIRE_BR].dir = FOR;
-        motor[TIRE_BL].pwm = 15;
-        motor[TIRE_BL].dir = FOR;
-        if(count>5000&&g[1]==0) {
-            count=0;
-            cross=0;
     } else if(mode==30) {
@@ -2168,30 +1800,16 @@
     } else if(mode==31) {
-        motor[TIRE_FR].pwm = 15;
+        motor[TIRE_FR].pwm = 30;
         motor[TIRE_FR].dir = FREE;
         motor[TIRE_FL].pwm = 0;
         motor[TIRE_FL].dir = BACK;
         motor[TIRE_BR].pwm = 0;
         motor[TIRE_BR].dir = FOR;
-        motor[TIRE_BL].pwm = 15;
+        motor[TIRE_BL].pwm = 30;
         motor[TIRE_BL].dir = FREE;
-        if(count>5000&&g[3]==0) {
+        if(g[3]==0) {
-            mode=32;
-        }
-    } else if(mode==32) {
-        motor[TIRE_FR].pwm = 15;
-        motor[TIRE_FR].dir = BACK;
-        motor[TIRE_FL].pwm = 15;
-        motor[TIRE_FL].dir = FOR;
-        motor[TIRE_BR].pwm = 15;
-        motor[TIRE_BR].dir = BACK;
-        motor[TIRE_BL].pwm = 15;
-        motor[TIRE_BL].dir = FOR;
-        if(count>5000&&g[3]==0) {
-            count=0;
-            cross=0;
     } else if(mode==40) {
@@ -2336,20 +1954,7 @@
         motor[TIRE_BR].dir = FREE;
         motor[TIRE_BL].pwm = 0;
         motor[TIRE_BL].dir = FOR;
-        if(count>5000&&g[0]==0) {
-            count=0;
-            mode=42;
-        }
-    } else if(mode==42) {
-        motor[TIRE_FR].pwm = 15;
-        motor[TIRE_FR].dir = FOR;
-        motor[TIRE_FL].pwm = 15;
-        motor[TIRE_FL].dir = FOR;
-        motor[TIRE_BR].pwm = 15;
-        motor[TIRE_BR].dir = BACK;
-        motor[TIRE_BL].pwm = 15;
-        motor[TIRE_BL].dir = BACK;
-        if(count>5000&&g[0]==0) {
+        if(g[0]==0) {
@@ -2488,28 +2093,14 @@
     } else if(mode==51) {
         motor[TIRE_FR].pwm = 0;
         motor[TIRE_FR].dir = BACK;
-        motor[TIRE_FL].pwm = 15;
+        motor[TIRE_FL].pwm = 30;
         motor[TIRE_FL].dir = FREE;
-        motor[TIRE_BR].pwm = 15;
+        motor[TIRE_BR].pwm = 30;
         motor[TIRE_BR].dir = FREE;
         motor[TIRE_BL].pwm = 0;
         motor[TIRE_BL].dir = FOR;
-        if(count>5000&&g[3]==0) {
+        if(g[3]==0) {
-            mode=52;
-        }
-    } else if(mode==52) {
-        motor[TIRE_FR].pwm = 15;
-        motor[TIRE_FR].dir = FOR;
-        motor[TIRE_FL].pwm = 15;
-        motor[TIRE_FL].dir = BACK;
-        motor[TIRE_BR].pwm = 15;
-        motor[TIRE_BR].dir = FOR;
-        motor[TIRE_BL].pwm = 15;
-        motor[TIRE_BL].dir = BACK;
-        if(count>5000&&g[3]==0) {
-            count=0;
-            cross=0;
     } else if(mode==60) {
@@ -2648,26 +2239,13 @@
     } else if(mode==61) {
         motor[TIRE_FR].pwm = 0;
         motor[TIRE_FR].dir = BACK;
-        motor[TIRE_FL].pwm = 15;
+        motor[TIRE_FL].pwm = 30;
         motor[TIRE_FL].dir = FREE;
-        motor[TIRE_BR].pwm = 15;
+        motor[TIRE_BR].pwm = 30;
         motor[TIRE_BR].dir = FREE;
         motor[TIRE_BL].pwm = 0;
         motor[TIRE_BL].dir = FOR;
-        if(count>5000&&g[0]==0) {
-            count=0;
-            mode=62;
-        }
-    } else if(mode==62) {
-        motor[TIRE_FR].pwm = 15;
-        motor[TIRE_FR].dir = FOR;
-        motor[TIRE_FL].pwm = 15;
-        motor[TIRE_FL].dir = FOR;
-        motor[TIRE_BR].pwm = 15;
-        motor[TIRE_BR].dir = BACK;
-        motor[TIRE_BL].pwm = 15;
-        motor[TIRE_BL].dir = BACK;
-        if(count>5000&&g[0]==0) {
+        if(g[0]==0) {
--- a/System/Process/Process.h	Sun Sep 22 00:53:45 2019 +0000
+++ b/System/Process/Process.h	Mon Sep 23 08:58:24 2019 +0000
@@ -16,10 +16,13 @@
 #define MOTOR_0 4
 #define StertSW LimitSw::IsPressed(9) //スタートスイッチ
-#define ZoneSW  LimitSw::IsPressed(10) //赤・青ゾーン用スイッチ
+#define ZoneSW  LimitSw::IsPressed(6) //赤・青ゾーン用スイッチ
 #define ThSW    LimitSw::IsPressed(4) //シーツタオルスイッチ
-#define UPSW    LimitSw::IsPressed(2) //上下機構トリガー
-#define UPLS    LimitSw::IsPressed(5) //上下機構リミット
+#define DWSW    LimitSw::IsPressed(1) //上下機構トリガー
+#define AIRSW    LimitSw::IsPressed(2) //上下機構トリガー
+#define UPLS    LimitSw::IsPressed(8) //上下機構リミット1
+#define UPLS2    LimitSw::IsPressed(0) //上下機構リミット2
 typedef union