Own fork of MbedSmartRestMain

Dependencies:   C027_Support C12832 LM75B MMA7660 MbedSmartRest mbed-rtos mbed

Fork of MbedSmartRestMain by Cumulocity Official

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00001 #ifndef REPORTTHREAD_H
00002 #define REPORTTHREAD_H
00003 #include "Operation.h"
00004 #include "SmartRestConf.h"
00005 #include "SmartRestSocket.h"
00006 #define OPERATION_DICT_SIZE 10
00008 class OperationDict
00009 {
00010 public:
00011         OperationDict(): count(0) {}
00012         const Operation& operator [](unsigned short i) const { return opl[i]; }
00013         Operation *set(long id, OperationState state) {
00014                 short i = count-1;
00015                 for (; i >= 0; --i) {
00016                         if (opl[i].identifier == id)
00017                                 break;
00018                 }
00019                 if (i >= 0) {
00020                         opl[i].identifier = id;
00021                         opl[i].state = state;
00022                         return &opl[i];
00023                 } else if (count < OPERATION_DICT_SIZE) {
00024                         i = count++;
00025                         opl[i].identifier = id;
00026                         opl[i].state = state;
00027                         return &opl[i];
00028                 } else
00029                         return NULL;
00030         }
00031         void clear() { count = 0; }
00032         bool full() const { return count >= OPERATION_DICT_SIZE; }
00033         unsigned short size() const { return count; }
00034         virtual ~OperationDict() {}
00035 private:
00036         unsigned short count;
00037         Operation opl[OPERATION_DICT_SIZE];
00038 };
00040 class ReportThread
00041 {
00042 public:
00043         ReportThread(OperationPool& pool) : ipool(pool), dict(), sock(),
00044                 thread(ReportThread::threadWrapper, this) {
00045                 strncpy(uri, "/s", sizeof(uri));
00046         }
00047         virtual ~ReportThread() { }
00048         void threadFunc();
00049         static void threadWrapper(const void *p) { ((ReportThread*)p)->threadFunc(); }
00050 private:
00051         char uri[4];
00052         OperationPool& ipool;
00053         OperationDict dict;
00054         char buf[SMARTREST_SIZE];
00055         char buf2[SMARTREST_BODY_SIZE];
00056         SmartRestSocket sock;
00057         Thread thread;
00058 };
00060 #endif /* REPORTTHREAD_H */