
Dependencies:   mbed

Fork of FINAL_PROJECT_4180 by Gedeon Nyengele

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/FPScanner.h	Mon Apr 25 00:36:32 2016 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,262 @@
+    FPScanner.h v1.0 - Library for controlling the GT-511C3 Finger Print Scanner (FPS)
+    Created by Josh Hawley, July 23rd 2013
+    Licensed for non-commercial use, must include this license message
+    basically, Feel free to hack away at it, but just give me credit for my work =)
+    TLDR; Wil Wheaton's Law
+#ifndef FPScanner_H
+#define FPScanner_H
+#include "mbed.h"
+typedef uint8_t byte;
+typedef uint16_t word;
+class Command_Packet
+    public:
+        class Commands
+        {
+            public:
+                enum Commands_Enum
+                {
+                    NotSet              = 0x00,     // Default value for enum. Scanner will return error if sent this.
+                    Open                = 0x01,     // Open Initialization
+                    Close               = 0x02,     // Close Termination
+                    UsbInternalCheck    = 0x03,     // UsbInternalCheck Check if the connected USB device is valid
+                    ChangeEBaudRate     = 0x04,     // ChangeBaudrate Change UART baud rate
+                    SetIAPMode          = 0x05,     // SetIAPMode Enter IAP Mode In this mode, FW Upgrade is available
+                    CmosLed             = 0x12,     // CmosLed Control CMOS LED
+                    GetEnrollCount      = 0x20,     // Get enrolled fingerprint count
+                    CheckEnrolled       = 0x21,     // Check whether the specified ID is already enrolled
+                    EnrollStart         = 0x22,     // Start an enrollment
+                    Enroll1             = 0x23,     // Make 1st template for an enrollment
+                    Enroll2             = 0x24,     // Make 2nd template for an enrollment
+                    Enroll3             = 0x25,     // Make 3rd template for an enrollment, merge three templates into one template, save merged template to the database
+                    IsPressFinger       = 0x26,     // Check if a finger is placed on the sensor
+                    DeleteID            = 0x40,     // Delete the fingerprint with the specified ID
+                    DeleteAll           = 0x41,     // Delete all fingerprints from the database
+                    Verify1_1           = 0x50,     // Verification of the capture fingerprint image with the specified ID
+                    Identify1_N         = 0x51,     // Identification of the capture fingerprint image with the database
+                    VerifyTemplate1_1   = 0x52,     // Verification of a fingerprint template with the specified ID
+                    IdentifyTemplate1_N = 0x53,     // Identification of a fingerprint template with the database
+                    CaptureFinger       = 0x60,     // Capture a fingerprint image(256x256) from the sensor
+                    MakeTemplate        = 0x61,     // Make template for transmission
+                    GetImage            = 0x62,     // Download the captured fingerprint image(256x256)
+                    GetRawImage         = 0x63,     // Capture & Download raw fingerprint image(320x240)
+                    GetTemplate         = 0x70,     // Download the template of the specified ID
+                    SetTemplate         = 0x71,     // Upload the template of the specified ID
+                    GetDatabaseStart    = 0x72,     // Start database download, obsolete
+                    GetDatabaseEnd      = 0x73,     // End database download, obsolete
+                    UpgradeFirmware     = 0x80,     // Not supported
+                    UpgradeISOCDImage   = 0x81,     // Not supported
+                    Ack                 = 0x30,     // Acknowledge.
+                    Nack                = 0x31      // Non-acknowledge
+            };
+        };
+        Commands::Commands_Enum Command;
+        byte Parameter[4];                              // Parameter 4 bytes, changes meaning depending on command                          
+        byte* GetPacketBytes();                         // returns the bytes to be transmitted
+        void ParameterFromInt(int i);
+        Command_Packet();
+    private: 
+        static const byte COMMAND_START_CODE_1 = 0x55;  // Static byte to mark the beginning of a command packet    -   never changes
+        static const byte COMMAND_START_CODE_2 = 0xAA;  // Static byte to mark the beginning of a command packet    -   never changes
+        static const byte COMMAND_DEVICE_ID_1 = 0x01;   // Device ID Byte 1 (lesser byte)                           -   theoretically never changes
+        static const byte COMMAND_DEVICE_ID_2 = 0x00;   // Device ID Byte 2 (greater byte)                          -   theoretically never changes
+        byte command[2];                                // Command 2 bytes
+        word _CalculateChecksum();                      // Checksum is calculated using byte addition
+        byte GetHighByte(word w);                       
+        byte GetLowByte(word w);
+    Response_Packet represents the returned data from the finger print scanner 
+class Response_Packet
+    public:
+        class ErrorCodes
+        {
+            public:
+                enum Errors_Enum
+                {
+                    NO_ERROR                    = 0x0000,   // Default value. no error
+                    NACK_TIMEOUT                = 0x1001,   // Obsolete, capture timeout
+                    NACK_INVALID_BAUDRATE       = 0x1002,   // Obsolete, Invalid serial baud rate
+                    NACK_INVALID_POS            = 0x1003,   // The specified ID is not between 0~199
+                    NACK_IS_NOT_USED            = 0x1004,   // The specified ID is not used
+                    NACK_IS_ALREADY_USED        = 0x1005,   // The specified ID is already used
+                    NACK_COMM_ERR               = 0x1006,   // Communication Error
+                    NACK_VERIFY_FAILED          = 0x1007,   // 1:1 Verification Failure
+                    NACK_IDENTIFY_FAILED        = 0x1008,   // 1:N Identification Failure
+                    NACK_DB_IS_FULL             = 0x1009,   // The database is full
+                    NACK_DB_IS_EMPTY            = 0x100A,   // The database is empty
+                    NACK_TURN_ERR               = 0x100B,   // Obsolete, Invalid order of the enrollment (The order was not as: EnrollStart -> Enroll1 -> Enroll2 -> Enroll3)
+                    NACK_BAD_FINGER             = 0x100C,   // Too bad fingerprint
+                    NACK_ENROLL_FAILED          = 0x100D,   // Enrollment Failure
+                    NACK_IS_NOT_SUPPORTED       = 0x100E,   // The specified command is not supported
+                    NACK_DEV_ERR                = 0x100F,   // Device Error, especially if Crypto-Chip is trouble
+                    NACK_CAPTURE_CANCELED       = 0x1010,   // Obsolete, The capturing is canceled
+                    NACK_INVALID_PARAM          = 0x1011,   // Invalid parameter
+                    NACK_FINGER_IS_NOT_PRESSED  = 0x1012,   // Finger is not pressed
+                    INVALID                     = 0XFFFF    // Used when parsing fails
+                };
+                static Errors_Enum ParseFromBytes(byte high, byte low);
+        };
+        Response_Packet(byte* buffer);
+        ErrorCodes::Errors_Enum Error;
+        byte RawBytes[12];
+        byte ParameterBytes[4];
+        byte ResponseBytes[2];
+        bool ACK;
+        static const byte COMMAND_START_CODE_1 = 0x55;  // Static byte to mark the beginning of a command packet    -   never changes
+        static const byte COMMAND_START_CODE_2 = 0xAA;  // Static byte to mark the beginning of a command packet    -   never changes
+        static const byte COMMAND_DEVICE_ID_1 = 0x01;   // Device ID Byte 1 (lesser byte)                           -   theoretically never changes
+        static const byte COMMAND_DEVICE_ID_2 = 0x00;   // Device ID Byte 2 (greater byte)                          -   theoretically never changes
+        int IntFromParameter();
+    private: 
+        bool CheckParsing(byte b, byte propervalue, byte alternatevalue);
+        word CalculateChecksum(byte* buffer, int length);
+        byte GetHighByte(word w);                       
+        byte GetLowByte(word w);
+    Object for controlling the GT-511C3 Finger Print Scanner (FPS)
+class FPScanner
+ public:
+    // Creates a new object to interface with the fingerprint scanner
+    FPScanner(PinName tx, PinName rx);
+    //Initialises the device and gets ready for commands
+    void Open();
+    // Does not actually do anything (according to the datasheet)
+    // I implemented open, so had to do closed too... lol
+    void Close();
+    // Turns on or off the LED backlight
+    // LED must be on to see fingerprints
+    // Parameter: true turns on the backlight, false turns it off
+    // Returns: True if successful, false if not
+    bool SetLED(bool on);
+    // Changes the baud rate of the connection
+    // Parameter: 9600 - 115200
+    // Returns: True if success, false if invalid baud
+    // NOTE: Untested (don't have a logic level changer and a voltage divider is too slow)
+    bool ChangeBaudRate(int baud);
+    // Gets the number of enrolled fingerprints
+    // Return: The total number of enrolled fingerprints
+    int GetEnrollCount();
+    // checks to see if the ID number is in use or not
+    // Parameter: 0-199
+    // Return: True if the ID number is enrolled, false if not
+    bool CheckEnrolled(int id);
+    // Starts the Enrollment Process
+    // Parameter: 0-199
+    // Return:
+    //  0 - ACK
+    //  1 - Database is full
+    //  2 - Invalid Position
+    //  3 - Position(ID) is already used
+    int EnrollStart(int id);
+    // Gets the first scan of an enrollment
+    // Return: 
+    //  0 - ACK
+    //  1 - Enroll Failed
+    //  2 - Bad finger
+    //  3 - ID in use
+    int Enroll1();
+    // Gets the Second scan of an enrollment
+    // Return: 
+    //  0 - ACK
+    //  1 - Enroll Failed
+    //  2 - Bad finger
+    //  3 - ID in use
+    int Enroll2();
+    // Gets the Third scan of an enrollment
+    // Finishes Enrollment
+    // Return: 
+    //  0 - ACK
+    //  1 - Enroll Failed
+    //  2 - Bad finger
+    //  3 - ID in use
+    int Enroll3();
+    // Checks to see if a finger is pressed on the FPS
+    // Return: true if finger pressed, false if not
+    bool IsPressFinger();
+    // Deletes the specified ID (enrollment) from the database
+    // Returns: true if successful, false if position invalid
+    bool DeleteID(int ID);
+    // Deletes all IDs (enrollments) from the database
+    // Returns: true if successful, false if db is empty
+    bool DeleteAll();
+    // Checks the currently pressed finger against a specific ID
+    // Parameter: 0-199 (id number to be checked)
+    // Returns:
+    //  0 - Verified OK (the correct finger)
+    //  1 - Invalid Position
+    //  2 - ID is not in use
+    //  3 - Verified FALSE (not the correct finger)
+    int Verify1_1(int id);
+    // Checks the currently pressed finger against all enrolled fingerprints
+    // Returns:
+    //  0-199: Verified against the specified ID (found, and here is the ID number)
+    //  200: Failed to find the fingerprint in the database
+    int Identify1_N();
+    // Captures the currently pressed finger into onboard ram
+    // Parameter: true for high quality image(slower), false for low quality image (faster)
+    // Generally, use high quality for enrollment, and low quality for verification/identification
+    // Returns: True if ok, false if no finger pressed
+    bool CaptureFinger(bool highquality);
+    // resets the Data_Packet class, and gets ready to download
+    // Not implemented due to memory restrictions on the arduino
+    // may revisit this if I find a need for it
+    //void StartDataDownload();
+    // Returns the next data packet 
+    // Not implemented due to memory restrictions on the arduino
+    // may revisit this if I find a need for it
+    //Data_Packet GetNextDataPacket();
+     void SendCommand(byte cmd[], int length);
+     Response_Packet* GetResponse();
+     PinName pin_RX,pin_TX;
+     Serial _serial;
+#endif  //  FPScanner_H