Project with LCD and DS1820.

Fork of TextLCD by Wim Huiskamp

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Fri Aug 22 19:50:49 2014 +0000
Commit message:
Added support for controllers PCF2119 (native I2C) and SSD1803A, ST7036 (native I2C/SPI), added setContrast method (by JH1PJL) and setPower method for supported devices (eg ST7032i). Cleaned up Init method.

Changed in this revision

TextLCD.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
TextLCD.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- a/TextLCD.cpp	Sun Jun 29 14:55:50 2014 +0000
+++ b/TextLCD.cpp	Fri Aug 22 19:50:49 2014 +0000
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
  *               2014, v09: WH/EO, Added Class for Native SPI controllers such as ST7032 
  *               2014, v10: WH, Added Class for Native I2C controllers such as ST7032i, Added support for MCP23008 I2C portexpander, Added support for Adafruit module  
  *               2014, v11: WH, Added support for native I2C controllers such as PCF21XX, Improved the _initCtrl() method to deal with differences between all supported controllers  
+ *               2014, v12: WH, Added support for native I2C controller PCF2119 and native I2C/SPI controllers SSD1803, ST7036, added setContrast method (by JH1PJL) for supported devices (eg ST7032i) 
  * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
  * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
@@ -41,14 +42,20 @@
 /** Some sample User Defined Chars 5x7 dots */
-const char udc_ae[] = {0x00, 0x00, 0x1B, 0x05, 0x1F, 0x14, 0x1F, 0x00};  //æ
-const char udc_0e[] = {0x00, 0x00, 0x0E, 0x13, 0x15, 0x19, 0x0E, 0x00};  //ø
-const char udc_ao[] = {0x0E, 0x0A, 0x0E, 0x01, 0x0F, 0x11, 0x0F, 0x00};  //å
-const char udc_AE[] = {0x0F, 0x14, 0x14, 0x1F, 0x14, 0x14, 0x17, 0x00};  //Æ
-const char udc_0E[] = {0x0E, 0x13, 0x15, 0x15, 0x15, 0x19, 0x0E, 0x00};  //Ø
-const char udc_Ao[] = {0x0E, 0x0A, 0x0E, 0x11, 0x1F, 0x11, 0x11, 0x00};  //Å
-const char udc_PO[] = {0x04, 0x0A, 0x0A, 0x1F, 0x1B, 0x1B, 0x1F, 0x00};  //Padlock Open
-const char udc_PC[] = {0x1C, 0x10, 0x08, 0x1F, 0x1B, 0x1B, 0x1F, 0x00};  //Padlock Closed
+//const char udc_ae[] = {0x00, 0x00, 0x1B, 0x05, 0x1F, 0x14, 0x1F, 0x00};  //æ
+//const char udc_0e[] = {0x00, 0x00, 0x0E, 0x13, 0x15, 0x19, 0x0E, 0x00};  //ø
+//const char udc_ao[] = {0x0E, 0x0A, 0x0E, 0x01, 0x0F, 0x11, 0x0F, 0x00};  //å
+//const char udc_AE[] = {0x0F, 0x14, 0x14, 0x1F, 0x14, 0x14, 0x17, 0x00};  //Æ
+//const char udc_0E[] = {0x0E, 0x13, 0x15, 0x15, 0x15, 0x19, 0x0E, 0x00};  //Ø
+//const char udc_Ao[] = {0x0E, 0x0A, 0x0E, 0x11, 0x1F, 0x11, 0x11, 0x00};  //Å
+//const char udc_PO[] = {0x04, 0x0A, 0x0A, 0x1F, 0x1B, 0x1B, 0x1F, 0x00};  //Padlock Open
+//const char udc_PC[] = {0x1C, 0x10, 0x08, 0x1F, 0x1B, 0x1B, 0x1F, 0x00};  //Padlock Closed
+//const char udc_alpha[] = {0x00, 0x00, 0x0D, 0x12, 0x12, 0x12, 0x0D, 0x00};  //alpha
+//const char udc_ohm[]   = {0x0E, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11, 0x0A, 0x0A, 0x1B, 0x00};  //ohm
+//const char udc_sigma[] = {0x1F, 0x08, 0x04, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08, 0x1F, 0x00};  //sigma
+//const char udc_pi[]    = {0x1F, 0x0A, 0x0A, 0x0A, 0x0A, 0x0A, 0x0A, 0x00};  //pi
+//const char udc_root[]  = {0x07, 0x04, 0x04, 0x04, 0x14, 0x0C, 0x04, 0x00};  //root
 const char udc_0[]  = {0x18, 0x14, 0x12, 0x11, 0x12, 0x14, 0x18, 0x00};  // |>
 const char udc_1[]  = {0x03, 0x05, 0x09, 0x11, 0x09, 0x05, 0x03, 0x00};  // <|
@@ -91,6 +98,8 @@
 //const char udc_ch_dy[] =  {0x1f, 0x11, 0x11, 0x1f, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11, 0x1F};  // Day    (kana)
 //const char udc_ch_mi[] =  {0x0C, 0x0a, 0x11, 0x1f, 0x09, 0x09, 0x09, 0x13};  // minute (kana)
+const char udc_None[]    =  {0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}; 
+const char udc_All[]     =  {0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF}; 
 /** Create a TextLCD_Base interface
@@ -127,10 +136,10 @@
   _ctrl_idx=_LCDCtrl_0;          // Select primary controller  
   _initCtrl();                   // Init primary controller
-  // Reset Cursor location
-  _row=0;
-  _column=0;
+  // Clear whole display and Reset Cursor location
+  // Note: This will make sure that some 3-line displays that skip topline of a 4-line configuration 
+  //       are cleared and init cursor correctly.
+  cls();   
 /**  Init the LCD controller
@@ -139,7 +148,10 @@
   *  Note: some configurations are commented out because they have not yet been tested due to lack of hardware
 void TextLCD_Base::_initCtrl() {
+  int _bias_lines=0; // Set Bias and lines (Instr Set 1), temporary variable.
+  int _lines=0;      // Set lines (Ext Instr Set), temporary variable.
+//  int _function_x=0; // Set ext. function (Ext Instr Set), temporary variable.
     this->_setRS(false); // command mode
     wait_ms(20);         // Wait 20ms to ensure powered up
@@ -157,8 +169,8 @@
     // Device specific initialisations: DC/DC converter to generate VLCD or VLED, number of lines etc
     switch (_ctrl) {
       case KS0078:
           // Initialise Display configuration
           switch (_type) {
             case LCD8x1:         //8x1 is a regular 1 line display
@@ -167,126 +179,102 @@
             case LCD16x1:                                            
 //            case LCD20x1:
             case LCD24x1:
-              _writeCommand(0x20); // Function set 001 DL N RE(0) DH REV
-                                   //   DL=0  (4 bits bus)             
-                                   //    N=0  (1 line)                                   
-                                   //   RE=0  (Dis. Extended Regs, special mode for KS0078)
-                                   //   DH=0  (Disp shift=disable, special mode for KS0078)                                
-                                   //   REV=0 (Reverse=Normal, special mode for KS0078)
+              _function  = 0x02;    // Function set 001 DL N RE(0) DH REV (Std Regs)
+                                    //   DL=0  (4 bits bus)             
+                                    //    N=0  (1 line mode), N=1 (2 line mode)
+                                    //   RE=0  (Dis. Extended Regs, special mode for KS0078)
+                                    //   DH=1  (Disp shift enable, special mode for KS0078)                                
+                                    //   REV=0 (Reverse normal, special mode for KS0078)
+              _function_1 = 0x04;    // Function set 001 DL N RE(1) BE 0 (Ext Regs)
+                                    //   DL=0  (4 bits bus)             
+                                    //    N=0  (1 line mode), N=1 (2 line mode)
+                                    //   RE=1  (Ena Extended Regs, special mode for KS0078)
+                                    //   BE=0  (Blink Enable, CG/SEG RAM, special mode for KS0078)                                
+                                    //      0 
+              _function_x = 0x00;   // Ext Function set 0000 1 FW BW NW (Ext Regs)
+                                    //    NW=0  (1,2 line), NW=1 (4 Line, special mode for KS0078)                                
-//            case LCD12x3D:         // Special mode for KS0078            
-//            case LCD12x3D1:        // Special mode for KS0078            
-//            case LCD12x4D:         // Special mode for KS0078            
-//            case LCD16x3D:             
-//            case LCD16x4D:            
+//            case LCD12x3D:         // Special mode for KS0078 and PCF21XX            
+//            case LCD12x3D1:        // Special mode for KS0078 and PCF21XX            
+//            case LCD12x4D:         // Special mode for KS0078 and PCF21XX            
+//            case LCD16x3D:         // Special mode for KS0078             
+//            case LCD16x4D:         // Special mode for KS0078            
 //            case LCD24x3D:         // Special mode for KS0078
 //            case LCD24x3D1:        // Special mode for KS0078
             case LCD24x4D:         // Special mode for KS0078
-              _writeCommand(0x2A); // Function set 001 DL N RE(0) DH REV
-                                   //   DL=0  (4 bits bus)             
-                                   //    N=1  (Dont care for KS0078 in 4-line mode)
-                                   //   RE=0  (Dis. Extended Regs, special mode for KS0078)
-                                   //   DH=1  (Disp shift=enable, special mode for KS0078)                                
-                                   //   REV=0 (Reverse=Normal, special mode for KS0078)
+              _function  = 0x02;    // Function set 001 DL N RE(0) DH REV (Std Regs)
+                                    //   DL=0  (4 bits bus)             
+                                    //    N=0  (dont care for 4 line mode)              
+                                    //   RE=0  (Dis. Extended Regs, special mode for KS0078)
+                                    //   DH=1  (Disp shift enable, special mode for KS0078)                                
+                                    //   REV=0 (Reverse normal, special mode for KS0078)
+              _function_1 = 0x04;    // Function set 001 DL N RE(1) BE 0 (Ext Regs)
+                                    //   DL=0  (4 bits bus)             
+                                    //    N=0  (1 line mode), N=1 (2 line mode)
+                                    //   RE=1  (Ena Extended Regs, special mode for KS0078)
+                                    //   BE=0  (Blink Enable, CG/SEG RAM, special mode for KS0078)                                
+                                    //      0 
-              _writeCommand(0x2E); // Function set 001 DL N RE(1) BE 0
-                                   //   DL=0  (4 bits bus)             
-                                   //    N=1  (Dont care for KS0078 in 4-line mode)
-                                   //   RE=1  (Ena Extended Regs, special mode for KS0078)
-                                   //   BE=1  (Blink Enable, CG/SEG RAM, special mode for KS0078)                                
-                                   //    X=0 (Reverse, special mode for KS0078)
-              _writeCommand(0x09); // Ext Function set 0000 1 FW BW NW
-                                   //   FW=0  (5-dot font, special mode for KS0078)
-                                   //   BW=0  (Cur BW invert disable, special mode for KS0078)
-                                   //   NW=1  (4 Line, special mode for KS0078)                                
-              _writeCommand(0x2A); // Function set 001 DL N RE(0) DH REV
-                                   //   DL=0  (4 bits bus)             
-                                   //    N=1  (Dont care for KS0078 in 4 line mode)
-                                   //   RE=0  (Dis. Extended Regs, special mode for KS0078)
-                                   //   DH=1  (Disp shift enable, special mode for KS0078)                                
-                                   //   REV=0 (Reverse normal, special mode for KS0078)
+              _function_x = 0x01;   // Ext Function set 0000 1 FW BW NW (Ext Regs)
+                                    //    NW=0  (1,2 line), NW=1 (4 Line, special mode for KS0078)                                
               // All other LCD types are initialised as 2 Line displays (including LCD16x1C and LCD40x4)            
-              _writeCommand(0x28); // Function set 001 DL N RE(0) DH REV
-                                   //   DL=0  (4 bits bus)             
-                                   //   Note: 4 bit mode is ignored for native SPI and I2C devices                                                                    
-                                   //    N=1  (2 lines)                                   
-                                   //   RE=0  (Dis. Extended Regs, special mode for KS0078)
-                                   //   DH=0  (Disp shift=disable, special mode for KS0078)                                
-                                   //   REV=0 (Reverse=Normal, special mode for KS0078)
+              _function  = 0x0A;    // Function set 001 DL N RE(0) DH REV (Std Regs)
+                                    //   DL=0  (4 bits bus)             
+                                    //    N=1  (1 line mode), N=1 (2 line mode)
+                                    //   RE=0  (Dis. Extended Regs, special mode for KS0078)
+                                    //   DH=1  (Disp shift enable, special mode for KS0078)                                
+                                    //   REV=0 (Reverse normal, special mode for KS0078)
+              _function_1 = 0x0C;    // Function set 001 DL N RE(1) BE 0 (Ext Regs)
+                                    //   DL=0  (4 bits bus)             
+                                    //    N=1  (1 line mode), N=1 (2 line mode)
+                                    //   RE=1  (Ena Extended Regs, special mode for KS0078)
+                                    //   BE=0  (Blink Enable, CG/SEG RAM, special mode for KS0078)                                
+                                    //      0 
+              _function_x = 0x00;   // Ext Function set 0000 1 FW BW NW (Ext Regs)
+                                    //   NW=0  (1,2 line), NW=1 (4 Line, special mode for KS0078)                                
           } // switch type
+          // init special features
+          _writeCommand(0x20 | _function_1);// Function set 001 DL N RE(1) BE 0 (Ext Regs)
+                                           //   DL=0 (4 bits bus), DL=1 (8 bits mode)            
+                                           //    N=0 (1 line mode), N=1 (2 line mode)
+                                           //   RE=1 (Ena Extended Regs, special mode for KS0078)
+                                           //   BE=0 (Blink Enable/Disable, CG/SEG RAM, special mode for KS0078)                                
+                                           //      0 
+          _writeCommand(0x08 | _function_x); // Ext Function set 0000 1 FW BW NW (Ext Regs)
+                                           //   FW=0  (5-dot font, special mode for KS0078)
+                                           //   BW=0  (Cur BW invert disable, special mode for KS0078)
+                                           //   NW=0  (1,2 Line), NW=1 (4 line, special mode for KS0078)                                
+          _writeCommand(0x10);             // Scroll/Shift set 0001 DS/HS4 DS/HS3 DS/HS2 DS/HS1 (Ext Regs)
+                                           //   Dotscroll/Display shift enable (Special mode for KS0078)
+          _writeCommand(0x80);             // Scroll Quantity set 1 0 SQ5 SQ4 SQ3 SQ2 SQ1 SQ0 (Ext Regs)
+                                           //   Scroll quantity (Special mode for KS0078)
+          _writeCommand(0x20 | _function); // Function set 001 DL N RE(0) DH REV (Std Regs)
+                                           //   DL=0  (4 bits bus), DL=1 (8 bits mode)             
+                                           //    N=0  (1 line mode), N=1 (2 line mode)
+                                           //   RE=0  (Dis. Extended Regs, special mode for KS0078)
+                                           //   DH=1  (Disp shift enable/disable, special mode for KS0078)                                
+                                           //   REV=0 (Reverse/Normal, special mode for KS0078)
           break; // case KS0078 Controller
       case ST7032_3V3:
           // ST7032 controller: Initialise Voltage booster for VLCD. VDD=3V3
-          // Initialise Display configuration
-          switch (_type) {
-            case LCD8x1:         //8x1 is a regular 1 line display
-            case LCD8x2B:        //8x2B is a special case of 16x1
-//            case LCD12x1:                                
-            case LCD16x1:                                            
-//            case LCD20x1:                    
-            case LCD24x1:                    
-              _writeCommand(0x21);    //FUNCTION SET 4 bit, N=0 1-line display mode, 5*7dot, Select Instruction Set = 1
-                                      //Note: 4 bit mode is ignored for native SPI and I2C devices
-              _writeCommand(0x1C);    //Internal OSC frequency adjustment Framefreq=183HZ, bias will be 1/4 
-              _writeCommand(0x73);    //Contrast control low byte
-              _writeCommand(0x57);    //booster circuit is turned on. /ICON display off. /Contrast control high byte
-              wait_ms(10);            // Wait 10ms to ensure powered up
-              _writeCommand(0x6C);    //Follower control
-              wait_ms(10);            // Wait 10ms to ensure powered up
-              _writeCommand(0x20);    //FUNCTION SET 4 bit, N=0 1-line display mode, 5*7dot, Return to Instruction Set = 0                  
-                                      //Note: 4 bit mode is ignored for native SPI and I2C devices                                                                          
-              break;  
-            case LCD12x3D:            // Special mode for PCF2116
-            case LCD12x3D1:           // Special mode for PCF2116
-            case LCD12x4D:            // Special mode for PCF2116
-            case LCD24x4D:            // Special mode for KS0078
-              error("Error: LCD Controller type does not support this Display type\n\r"); 
-              break;  
-            default:
-              // All other LCD types are initialised as 2 Line displays        
-              _writeCommand(0x29);    //FUNCTION SET 4 bit, N=1 2-line display mode, 5*7dot, Select Instruction Set = 1
-                                      //Note: 4 bit mode is ignored for native SPI and I2C devices
-              _writeCommand(0x1C);    //Internal OSC frequency adjustment Framefreq=183HZ, bias will be 1/4 
-              _writeCommand(0x73);    //Contrast control low byte
-              _writeCommand(0x57);    //booster circuit is turned on. /ICON display off. /Contrast control high byte
-              wait_ms(10);            // Wait 10ms to ensure powered up
-              _writeCommand(0x6C);    //Follower control
-              wait_ms(10);            // Wait 10ms to ensure powered up
-              _writeCommand(0x28);    //FUNCTION SET 4 bit, N=1 2-line display mode, 5*7dot, Return to Instruction Set = 0                  
-                                      //Note: 4 bit mode is ignored for native SPI and I2C devices                                                                          
-          } // switch type    
-          break; // case ST7032_3V3 Controller
       case ST7032_5V:
-          // ST7032 controller: Disable Voltage booster for VLCD. VDD=5V      
+          // ST7032 controller: Disable Voltage booster for VLCD. VDD=5V
           // Initialise Display configuration
           switch (_type) {
@@ -295,56 +283,135 @@
 //            case LCD12x1:                                
             case LCD16x1:                                            
 //            case LCD20x1:                    
-            case LCD24x1:                    
-              _writeCommand(0x21);    //FUNCTION SET 4 bit, N=0 1-line display mode, 5*7dot, Select Instruction Set = 1
-                                      //Note: 4 bit mode is ignored for native SPI and I2C devices
-              _writeCommand(0x1C);    //Internal OSC frequency adjustment Framefreq=183HZ, bias will be 1/4 
-              _writeCommand(0x73);    //Contrast control low byte
+            case LCD24x1:
+              _function = 0x00;       // FUNCTION SET 0 0 1 DL=0 (4 bit), N=0 (1-line display mode), F=0 (5*7dot), 0, IS
+                                      // Note: 4 bit mode is ignored for native SPI and I2C devices
+                                      // Saved to allow switch between Instruction sets at later time
+              break;  
-              _writeCommand(0x53);    //booster circuit is turned off. /ICON display off. /Contrast control high byte
-              wait_ms(10);            // Wait 10ms to ensure powered up
-              _writeCommand(0x6C);    //Follower control
-              wait_ms(10);            // Wait 10ms to ensure powered up
-              _writeCommand(0x20);    //FUNCTION SET 4 bit, N=0 1-line display mode, 5*7dot, Return to Instruction Set = 0                  
-                                      //Note: 4 bit mode is ignored for native SPI and I2C devices                                                                          
+            case LCD12x3D:            // Special mode for KS0078 and PCF21XX
+            case LCD12x3D1:           // Special mode for KS0078 and PCF21XX
+            case LCD12x4D:            // Special mode for KS0078 and PCF21XX
+            case LCD24x4D:            // Special mode for KS0078
+              error("Error: LCD Controller type does not support this Display type\n\r"); 
-            case LCD12x3D:            // Special mode for PCF2116
-            case LCD12x3D1:           // Special mode for PCF2116
+            default:
+              // All other LCD types are initialised as 2 Line displays        
+              _function = 0x08;       // FUNCTION SET 0 0 1 DL=0 (4 bit), N=1 (2-line display mode), F=0 (5*7dot), 0, IS              
+                                      // Note: 4 bit mode is ignored for native SPI and I2C devices
+                                      // Saved to allow switch between Instruction sets at later time
+              break;                                                                        
+          } // switch type    
+          // init special features 
+          _writeCommand(0x20 | _function | 0x01);           // Set function,  0 0 1 DL N F 0 IS=1 Select Instruction Set = 1              
+          _writeCommand(0x1C);                              // Internal OSC frequency adjustment Framefreq=183HZ, Bias will be 1/4 (IS=1)
+          _contrast = LCD_ST7032_CONTRAST;              
+          _writeCommand(0x70 | (_contrast & 0x0F));         // Set Contrast Low bits, 0 1 1 1 C3 C2 C1 C0 (IS=1)
+          if (_ctrl == ST7032_3V3) {
+            _icon_power = 0x04;                             // Icon display off, Booster circuit is turned on  (IS=1)
+                                                            // Saved to allow contrast change at later time
+          }
+          else { 
+            _icon_power = 0x00;                             // Icon display off, Booster circuit is turned off  (IS=1)
+                                                            // Saved to allow contrast change at later time
+          }
+          _writeCommand(0x50 | _icon_power | ((_contrast >> 4) & 0x03));  // Set Icon, Booster and Contrast High bits, 0 1 0 1 Ion Bon C5 C4 (IS=1)
+          wait_ms(10);            // Wait 10ms to ensure powered up
+          _writeCommand(0x68 | (LCD_ST7032_RAB & 0x07));      // Voltage follower, 0 1 1 0 FOn=1, Ampl ratio Rab2=1, Rab1=0, Rab0=0  (IS=1)
+          wait_ms(10);            // Wait 10ms to ensure powered up
+          _writeCommand(0x20 | _function);                  // Select Instruction Set = 0
+          break; // case ST7032_3V3 Controller
+                 // case ST7032_5V Controller
+      case ST7036_3V3:
+          // ST7036 controller: Initialise Voltage booster for VLCD. VDD=3V3
+          // Note: supports 1,2 (LCD_T_A) or 3 lines (LCD_T_G)
+      case ST7036_5V:
+          // ST7036 controller: Disable Voltage booster for VLCD. VDD=5V
+          // Note: supports 1,2 (LCD_T_A) or 3 lines (LCD_T_G)
+          // Initialise Display configuration
+          switch (_type) {
+            case LCD8x1:         //8x1 is a regular 1 line display
+            case LCD8x2B:        //8x2D is a special case of 16x1
+//            case LCD12x1:                                
+            case LCD16x1:   
+            case LCD24x1:                                                                         
+              _function = 0x00;     // Set function, 0 0 1 DL=0 (4-bit Databus), N=0 (1 Line), DH=0 (5x7font), IS2, IS1 (Select Instruction Set)
+                                    // Note: 4 bit mode is ignored for native SPI and I2C devices
+                                    // Saved to allow switch between Instruction sets at later time
+              _bias_lines = 0x04;   // Bias: 1/5, 1 or 2-Lines LCD 
+              break;  
+//            case LCD12x3G:          // Special mode for ST7036
+            case LCD16x3G:          // Special mode for ST7036
+              _function = 0x08;     // Set function, 0 0 1 DL=0 (4-bit Databus), N=1 (2 Line), DH=0 (5x7font), IS2,IS1 (Select Instruction Set)              
+                                    // Note: 4 bit mode is ignored for native SPI and I2C devices
+                                    // Saved to allow switch between Instruction sets at later time
+              _bias_lines = 0x05;   // Bias: 1/5, 3-Lines LCD           
+              break;  
+//            case LCD12x3D1:           // Special mode for KS0078 and PCF21XX
+//            case LCD16x3D1:           // Special mode for SSD1803
             case LCD12x4D:            // Special mode for PCF2116
             case LCD24x4D:            // Special mode for KS0078
               error("Error: LCD Controller type does not support this Display type\n\r"); 
-              // All other LCD types are initialised as 2 Line displays        
-              _writeCommand(0x29);    //FUNCTION SET 4 bit, N=1 2-line display mode, 5*7dot, Select Instruction Set = 1
-                                      //Note: 4 bit mode is ignored for native SPI and I2C devices
+              // All other LCD types are initialised as 2 Line displays (including LCD16x1C and LCD40x4)       
+              _function = 0x08;     // Set function, 0 0 1 DL=0 (4-bit Databus), N=1 (2 Line), DH=0 (5x7font), IS2,IS1 (Select Instruction Set)
+                                    // Note: 4 bit mode is ignored for native SPI and I2C devices
+                                    // Saved to allow switch between Instruction sets at later time
+              _bias_lines = 0x04;   // Bias: 1/5, 1 or 2-Lines LCD 
+              break;                
+          } // switch type
-              _writeCommand(0x1C);    //Internal OSC frequency adjustment Framefreq=183HZ, bias will be 1/4 
+          // init special features 
+          _writeCommand(0x20 | _function | 0x01);   // Set function, IS2,IS1 = 01 (Select Instruction Set = 1)
+          _writeCommand(0x10 | _bias_lines);        // Set Bias and 1,2 or 3 lines (Instr Set 1)
-              _writeCommand(0x73);    //Contrast control low byte
-              _writeCommand(0x53);    //booster circuit is turned off. /ICON display off. /Contrast control high byte
-              wait_ms(10);            // Wait 10ms to ensure powered up
+          _contrast = LCD_ST7036_CONTRAST;
+          _writeCommand(0x70 | (_contrast & 0x0F)); // Set Contrast, 0 1 1 1 C3 C2 C1 C0 (Instr Set 1)
+          if (_ctrl == ST7036_3V3) {
+            _icon_power = 0x04;                       // Set Icon, Booster, Contrast High bits, 0 1 0 1 Ion=0 Bon=1 C5 C4 (Instr Set 1)
+                                                      // Saved to allow contrast change at later time
+          } 
+          else {
+            _icon_power = 0x00;                       // Set Icon, Booster, Contrast High bits, 0 1 0 1 Ion=0 Bon=0 C5 C4 (Instr Set 1)             
+          }
-              _writeCommand(0x6C);    //Follower control
-              wait_ms(10);            // Wait 10ms to ensure powered up
-              _writeCommand(0x28);    //FUNCTION SET 4 bit, N=1 2-line display mode, 5*7dot, Return to Instruction Set = 0                  
-                                      //Note: 4 bit mode is ignored for native SPI and I2C devices                                                                          
-          } // switch type    
-          break; // case ST7032_5V Controller
+          _writeCommand(0x50 | _icon_power | ((_contrast >> 4) & 0x03));   // Set Contrast C5, C4 (Instr Set 1)
+          wait_ms(10);            // Wait 10ms to ensure powered up
+          _writeCommand(0x68 | (LCD_ST7036_RAB & 0x07));  // Voltagefollower On = 1, Ampl ratio Rab2, Rab1, Rab0 = 1 0 1 (Instr Set 1)
+          wait_ms(10);            // Wait 10ms to ensure powered up
-      case ST7036:
-          // ST7036 controller: Initialise Voltage booster for VLCD. VDD=5V
-          // Note: supports 1,2 or 3 lines
+          _writeCommand(0x20 | _function);          // Set function, IS2,IS1 = 00 (Select Instruction Set = 0)
+          break; // case ST7036_3V3 Controller
+                 // case ST7036_5V Controller
+      case SSD1803_3V3:
+          // SSD1803 controller: Initialise Voltage booster for VLCD. VDD=3V3
+          // Note: supports 1,2, 3 or 4 lines
+//      case SSD1803_5V:
+          // SSD1803 controller: No Voltage booster for VLCD. VDD=5V
           // Initialise Display configuration
           switch (_type) {
             case LCD8x1:         //8x1 is a regular 1 line display
@@ -352,102 +419,167 @@
 //            case LCD12x1:                                
             case LCD16x1:   
             case LCD24x1:                                                                         
-              _writeCommand(0x21);    // 4-bit Databus, N=0 1 Line, DH=0 5x7font, IS2,IS1 = 01 Select Instruction Set = 1
-              wait_ms(30);            // > 26,3ms 
-              _writeCommand(0x14);    // Bias: 1/5, 1 or 2-Lines LCD 
-//              _writeCommand(0x15);    // Bias: 1/5, 3-Lines LCD           
-              wait_ms(30);            // > 26,3ms
-              _writeCommand(0x55);    // Icon off, Booster on, Set Contrast C5, C4
-              wait_ms(30);            // > 26,3ms
-              _writeCommand(0x6D);    // Voltagefollower On, Ampl ratio Rab2, Rab1, Rab0
-              wait_ms(200);           // > 200ms!
-              _writeCommand(0x78);    // Set Contrast C3, C2, C1, C0
-              wait_ms(30);            // > 26,3ms
-              _writeCommand(0x20);    // Return to Instruction Set = 0
-              wait_ms(50);      
+              _function = 0x00;     //  Set function 0 0 1 DL N DH RE(0) IS 
+                                    //  Saved to allow switch between Instruction sets at later time
+                                    //    DL=0 4-bit Databus,
+                                    //         Note: 4 bit mode is ignored for native SPI and I2C devices
+                                    //     N=0 1 Line / 3 Line
+                                    //    DH=0 Double Height disable 
+                                    //    IS=0
+             _function_1 = 0x00;     // Set function, 0 0 1 DL N BE RE(1) REV
+                                    //  Saved to allow switch between Instruction sets at later time
+                                    //    DL=0 4-bit Databus,
+                                    //         Note: 4 bit mode is ignored for native SPI and I2C devices
+                                    //     N=0 1 Line / 3 Line
+                                    //    BE=0 Blink Enable off, special feature of SSD1803
+                                    //   REV=0 Reverse off, special feature of SSD1803            
+              _lines = 0x00;        // Ext function set 0 0 0 0 1 FW BW NW 
+                                    //    NW=0 1-Line LCD (N=0)
-//            case LCD12x3:                                            
-            case LCD16x3:                                            
-              _writeCommand(0x29);    // 4-bit Databus, N=1 2 Line, DH=0 5x7font, IS2,IS1 = 01 Select Instruction Set = 1
-              wait_ms(30);            // > 26,3ms 
-//              _writeCommand(0x14);    // Bias: 1/5, 1 or 2-Lines LCD 
-              _writeCommand(0x15);    // Bias: 1/5, 3-Lines LCD           
-              wait_ms(30);            // > 26,3ms
-              _writeCommand(0x55);    // Icon off, Booster on, Set Contrast C5, C4
-              wait_ms(30);            // > 26,3ms
-              _writeCommand(0x6D);    // Voltagefollower On, Ampl ratio Rab2, Rab1, Rab0
-              wait_ms(200);           // > 200ms!
-              _writeCommand(0x78);    // Set Contrast C3, C2, C1, C0
-              wait_ms(30);            // > 26,3ms
-              _writeCommand(0x28);    // Return to Instruction Set = 0
-              wait_ms(50);      
+            case LCD12x3D:          // Special mode for KS0078, ST7036 and PCF21XX                                  
+//            case LCD12x3D1:           // Special mode for KS0078 and PCF21XX            
+            case LCD16x3D:          // Special mode for KS0078 and ST7036
+//            case LCD16x3D1:           // Special mode for SSD1803
+//            case LCD20x3D:            // Special mode for SSD1803
+              _function = 0x00;     //  Set function 0 0 1 DL N DH RE(0) IS 
+                                    //  Saved to allow switch between Instruction sets at later time
+                                    //    DL=0 4-bit Databus,
+                                    //         Note: 4 bit mode is ignored for native SPI and I2C devices
+                                    //     N=0 1 Line / 3 Line
+                                    //    DH=0 Double Height disable 
+                                    //    IS=0
+             _function_1 = 0x00;     // Set function, 0 0 1 DL N BE RE(1) REV
+                                    //  Saved to allow switch between Instruction sets at later time
+                                    //    DL=0 4-bit Databus,
+                                    //         Note: 4 bit mode is ignored for native SPI and I2C devices
+                                    //     N=0 1 Line / 3 Line
+                                    //    BE=0 Blink Enable off, special feature of SSD1803
+                                    //   REV=0 Reverse off, special feature of SSD1803            
+              _lines = 0x00;        // Ext function set 0 0 0 0 1 FW BW NW 
+                                    //    NW=1 3-Line LCD (N=0)
-            case LCD12x3D:            // Special mode for PCF2116
-            case LCD12x3D1:           // Special mode for PCF2116
-            case LCD12x4D:            // Special mode for PCF2116
-            case LCD24x4D:            // Special mode for KS0078
+            case LCD20x4D:          // Special mode for SSD1803
+              _function = 0x08;     //  Set function 0 0 1 DL N DH RE(0) IS 
+                                    //  Saved to allow switch between Instruction sets at later time
+                                    //    DL=0 4-bit Databus,
+                                    //         Note: 4 bit mode is ignored for native SPI and I2C devices
+                                    //     N=1 4 Line
+                                    //    DH=0 Double Height disable 
+                                    //    IS=0
+             _function_1 = 0x08;     // Set function, 0 0 1 DL N BE RE(1) REV
+                                    //  Saved to allow switch between Instruction sets at later time
+                                    //    DL=0 4-bit Databus,
+                                    //         Note: 4 bit mode is ignored for native SPI and I2C devices
+                                    //     N=1 4 Line
+                                    //    BE=0 Blink Enable off, special feature of SSD1803
+                                    //   REV=0 Reverse off, special feature of SSD1803            
+              _lines = 0x01;        // Ext function set 0 0 0 0 1 FW BW NW 
+                                    //    NW=1 4-Line LCD (N=1)
+              break;  
+            case LCD24x4D:          // Special mode for KS0078
               error("Error: LCD Controller type does not support this Display type\n\r"); 
               // All other LCD types are initialised as 2 Line displays (including LCD16x1C and LCD40x4)       
-              _writeCommand(0x29);    // 4-bit Databus, N=1 2 Line, DH=0 5x7font, IS2,IS1 = 01 Select Instruction Set = 1              
-              wait_ms(30);            // > 26,3ms 
-              _writeCommand(0x14);    // Bias: 1/5, 2-Lines LCD 
-//             _writeCommand(0x15);    // Bias: 1/5, 3-Lines LCD           
-              wait_ms(30);            // > 26,3ms
-              _writeCommand(0x55);    // Icon off, Booster on, Set Contrast C5, C4
-              wait_ms(30);            // > 26,3ms
-              _writeCommand(0x6D);    // Voltagefollower On, Ampl ratio Rab2, Rab1, Rab0
-              wait_ms(200);           // > 200ms!
-              _writeCommand(0x78);    // Set Contrast C3, C2, C1, C0
-              wait_ms(30);            // > 26,3ms
-              _writeCommand(0x28);    // Return to Instruction Set = 0
-              wait_ms(50);      
-          } // switch type
+              _function = 0x08;     //  Set function 0 0 1 DL N DH RE(0) IS 
+                                    //  Saved to allow switch between Instruction sets at later time
+                                    //    DL=0 4-bit Databus,
+                                    //         Note: 4 bit mode is ignored for native SPI and I2C devices
+                                    //     N=1 2 line / 4 Line
+                                    //    DH=0 Double Height disable 
+                                    //    IS=0
-          break; // case ST7036 Controller
+             _function_1 = 0x08;     // Set function, 0 0 1 DL N BE RE(1) REV
+                                    //  Saved to allow switch between Instruction sets at later time
+                                    //    DL=0 4-bit Databus,
+                                    //         Note: 4 bit mode is ignored for native SPI and I2C devices
+                                    //     N=1 2 line / 4 Line
+                                    //    BE=0 Blink Enable off, special feature of SSD1803
+                                    //   REV=0 Reverse off, special feature of SSD1803            
+              _lines = 0x00;        // Ext function set 0 0 0 0 1 FW BW NW 
+                                    //    NW=0 2-Line LCD (N=1)
+              break;                
+          } // switch type
+          // init special features 
+          _writeCommand(0x20 | _function_1 | 0x02);  // Set function, 0 0 1 DL N BE RE(1) REV 
+                                                    // Select Extended Instruction Set
+          _writeCommand(0x10);                      // Double Height and Bias, 0 0 0 1 UD2=0, UD1=0, BS1=0 Bias 1/5, DH=0 (Ext Instr Set)
+          _writeCommand(0x08 | _lines);             // Set ext function 0 0 0 0 1 FW BW NW 1,2,3 or 4 lines (Ext Instr Set)
+          _writeCommand(0x06);                      // Set ext entry mode, 0 0 0 0 0 1 BDC=1 COM1-31, BDS=0 SEG100-1 "Bottom View" (Ext Instr Set)
+//          _writeCommand(0x04);                      // Set ext entry mode, 0 0 0 0 0 1 BDC=0 COM31-1, BDS=0 SEG100-1 "Top View" (Ext Instr Set)          
+//          _writeCommand(0x76);                      // Set TC Control, 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 (Ext Instr Set)
+//          _writeData(0x02);                         // Set TC data,    0 0 0 0 0 TC2,TC1,TC0 = 0 1 0 (Ext Instr Set)
+          _writeCommand(0x20 | _function | 0x01);   // Set function, 0 0 1 DL N DH RE(0) IS=1 Select Instruction Set 1
+                                                    // Select Std Instr set, Select IS=1  
+          _contrast = LCD_SSD1_CONTRAST;
+          _writeCommand(0x70 | (_contrast & 0x0F)); // Set Contrast 0 1 1 1 C3, C2, C1, C0 (Instr Set 1)
+          _icon_power = 0x04;                       // Icon off, Booster on (Instr Set 1)
+                                                    // Saved to allow contrast change at later time
+          _writeCommand(0x50 | _icon_power | ((_contrast >> 4) & 0x03));   // Set Power, Icon and Contrast, 0 1 0 1 Ion Bon C5 C4 (Instr Set 1)
+          wait_ms(10);            // Wait 10ms to ensure powered up
+          _writeCommand(0x68 | (LCD_SSD1_RAB & 0x07));  // Set Voltagefollower 0 1 1 0 Don = 1, Ampl ratio Rab2, Rab1, Rab0 = 1 1 0  (Instr Set 1)
+          wait_ms(10);            // Wait 10ms to ensure powered up
+          _writeCommand(0x20 | _function_1 | 0x02); // Set function, 0 0 1 DL N BE RE(1) REV 
+                                                    // Select Extended Instruction Set 1
+          _writeCommand(0x10);                      // Shift/Scroll enable, 0 0 0 1 DS4/HS4 DS3/HS3 DS2/HS2 DS1/HS1  (Ext Instr Set 1)
+          _writeCommand(0x20 | _function);          // Set function, 0 0 1 DL N DH RE(0) IS=0 Select Instruction Set 0
+                                                    // Select Std Instr set, Select IS=0
+          break; // case SSD1803 Controller
+      // Note1: The PCF21XX family of controllers has several types that dont have an onboard voltage generator for V-LCD.
+      //        You must supply this LCD voltage externally and not try to enable VGen. 
+      // Note2: The early versions of PCF2116 controllers (eg PCF2116C) can not generate sufficiently negative voltage for the LCD at a VDD of 3V3. 
+      //        You must supply this voltage externally and not enable VGen or you must use a higher VDD (e.g. 5V) and enable VGen.
+      //        More recent versions of the controller (eg PCF2116K) have an improved VGen that will work with 3V3.
+      // Note3: See datasheet, PCF2116 and other types provide a V0 pin to control the LCD contrast voltage that is provided by VGen. This pins allows 
+      //        contrast control similar to that of pin 3 on the standard 14pin LCD module connector.
+      //        You can disable VGen by connecting Vo to VDD. VLCD will then be used directly as LCD voltage.
+      // Note4: PCF2113 and PCF2119 are different wrt to VLCD generator! There is no V0 pin. The contrast voltage is software controlled by setting the VA and VB registers.
+      //        Vgen is automatically switched off when the contrast voltage VA or VB is set to 0x00. Note that certain limits apply to allowed values for VA and VB.                    
+      // Note5: See datasheet, members of the PCF21XX family support different numbers of rows/columns. Not all can support 3 or 4 rows.
+      // Note6: See datasheet, the PCF21XX-C and PCF21XX-K use a non-standard character set. This may result is strange looking text when not corrected..
       case PCF2113_3V3:
-          // PCF2113 controller: Initialise Voltage booster for VLCD. VDD=3V3
-          // Note1: The PCF21XX family of controllers has several types that dont have an onboard voltage generator for V-LCD.
-          //        You must supply this LCD voltage externally and not enable VGen.
-          // Note2: The early versions of PCF2116 controllers (eg PCF2116C) can not generate sufficiently negative voltage for the LCD at a VDD of 3V3. 
-          //        You must supply this voltage externally and not enable VGen or you must use a higher VDD (e.g. 5V) and enable VGen.
-          //        More recent versions of the controller (eg PCF2116K) have an improved VGen that will work with 3V3.
-          // Note3: See datasheet, members of the PCF21XX family support different numbers of rows/columns. Not all can support 3 or 4 rows.
-          // Note4: See datasheet, you can also disable VGen by connecting Vo to VDD. VLCD will then be used directly as LCD voltage.
-          // Note5: PCF2113 is different wrt to VLCD generator !           
-          // Note6: See datasheet, the PCF21XX-C and PCF21XX-K use a non-standard character set. This may result is strange text when not corrected..
+          // PCF2113 controller: Initialise Voltage booster for VLCD. VDD=3V3. VA and VB control contrast.
           // Initialise Display configuration
           switch (_type) {
 //            case LCD12x1:                                
+//              _function = 0x02;       // FUNCTION SET DL=0 4 bit, 0, M=0 1-line/12 chars display mode, SL=1
+                                      // Note: 4 bit mode is ignored for I2C mode
             case LCD24x1:                    
-              _writeCommand(0x21);    //FUNCTION SET 4 bit, M=0 1-line/24 chars display mode, extended IS
-                                      //Note: 4 bit mode is ignored for I2C mode              
-              _writeCommand(0x9F);    //Set VLCD A : VGen for Chars and Icons
-              _writeCommand(0xDF);    //Set VLCD B : VGen for Icons Only
-              _writeCommand(0x20);    //FUNCTION SET 4 bit, M=0 1-line/24 chars display mode
-//              _writeCommand(0x24);    //FUNCTION SET 4 bit, M=1 2-line/12 chars display mode, standard IS
-              wait_ms(10);            // Wait 10ms to ensure powered up                                                    
+              _function = 0x00;       // FUNCTION SET DL=0 4 bit, 0, M=0 1-line/24 chars display mode, SL=0            
+                                      // Note: 4 bit mode is ignored for I2C mode
 //Tested OK for PCF2113
-//Note: PCF2113 is different wrt to VLCD generator ! 
             case LCD12x2:                    
-              _writeCommand(0x21);    //FUNCTION SET 4 bit, M=0 1-line/24 chars display mode, extended IS
-                                      //Note: 4 bit mode is ignored for I2C mode              
-              _writeCommand(0x9F);    //Set VLCD A : VGen for Chars and Icons
-              _writeCommand(0xDF);    //Set VLCD B : VGen for Icons Only
-//              _writeCommand(0x20);    //FUNCTION SET 4 bit, M=0 1-line/24 chars display mode
-              _writeCommand(0x24);    //FUNCTION SET 4 bit, M=1 2-line/12 chars display mode, standard IS
-              wait_ms(10);            // Wait 10ms to ensure powered up                                                    
+              _function = 0x04;       // FUNCTION SET DL=0 4 bit, 0, M=1 2-line/12 chars display mode, SL=0            
@@ -456,35 +588,47 @@
           } // switch type    
+          // Init special features
+          _writeCommand(0x20 | _function | 0x01);           // Set function, Select Instruction Set = 1              
+          _writeCommand(0x04);    // DISP CONF SET (Instr. Set 1)   0000 0, 1, P=0, Q=0 
+          _writeCommand(0x10);    // TEMP CTRL SET (Instr. Set 1)   0001 0, 0, TC1=0, TC2=0
+//          _writeCommand(0x42);    // HV GEN (Instr. Set 1)          0100 S1=1, S2=0 (2x multiplier)
+          _writeCommand(0x40 | (LCD_PCF2_S12 & 0x03));    // HV GEN (Instr. Set 1)          0100 S1=1, S2=0 (2x multiplier)
+          _contrast = LCD_PCF2_CONTRAST;              
+          _writeCommand(0x80 | 0x00 | (_contrast & 0x3F));      // VLCD_set (Instr. Set 1)    V=0, VA=contrast
+          _writeCommand(0x80 | 0x40 | (_contrast & 0x3F));      // VLCD_set (Instr. Set 1)    V=1, VB=contrast
+          wait_ms(10);            // Wait 10ms to ensure powered up
+          _writeCommand(0x02);    // SCRN CONF (Instr. Set 1)    L=0
+          _writeCommand(0x08);    // ICON CONF (Instr. Set 1)    IM=0 (Char mode) IB=0 (no icon blink) DM=0 (no direct mode)
+          _writeCommand(0x20 | _function);                  // Select Instruction Set = 0             
           break; // case PCF2113_3V3 Controller
+//      case PCF2113_5V:
+          // PCF2113 controller: No Voltage generator for VLCD. VDD=5V. Contrast voltage controlled by VA or VB.
       case PCF2116_3V3:
-          // PCF2116 controller: Initialise Voltage booster for VLCD. VDD=3V3
-          // Note1: The PCF21XX family of controllers has several types that dont have an onboard voltage generator for V-LCD.
-          //        You must supply this LCD voltage externally and not enable VGen.
-          // Note2: The early versions of PCF2116 controllers (eg PCF2116C) can not generate sufficiently negative voltage for the LCD at a VDD of 3V3. 
-          //        You must supply this voltage externally and not enable VGen or you must use a higher VDD (e.g. 5V) and enable VGen.
-          //        More recent versions of the controller (eg PCF2116K) have an improved VGen that will work with 3V3.
-          // Note3: See datasheet, members of the PCF21XX family support different numbers of rows/columns. Not all can support 3 or 4 rows.
-          // Note4: See datasheet, you can also disable VGen by connecting Vo to VDD. VLCD will then be used directly as LCD voltage.
-          // Note5: PCF2113 is different wrt to VLCD generator !           
-          // Note6: See datasheet, the PCF21XX-C and PCF21XX-K use a non-standard character set. This may result is strange text when not corrected..
+          // PCF2116 controller: Voltage generator for VLCD. VDD=5V. V0 controls contrast voltage.                 
           // Initialise Display configuration
           switch (_type) {
 //            case LCD12x1:
 //            case LCD12x2:                                                                            
             case LCD24x1:                    
-              _writeCommand(0x22);    //FUNCTION SET 4 bit, N=0/M=0 1-line/24 chars display mode, G=1 VGen on                               
+              _writeCommand(0x22);    //FUNCTION SET 4 bit, N/M=0 1-line/24 chars display mode, G=1 Vgen on 
                                       //Note: 4 bit mode is ignored for I2C mode
               wait_ms(10);            // Wait 10ms to ensure powered up                                                    
-            case LCD12x3D:                                
-            case LCD12x3D1:                                
-            case LCD12x4D:
+            case LCD12x3D:            // Special mode for KS0078 and PCF21XX                            
+            case LCD12x3D1:           // Special mode for PCF21XX                     
+            case LCD12x4D:            // Special mode for PCF21XX:
               _writeCommand(0x2E);    //FUNCTION SET 4 bit, N=1/M=1 4-line/12 chars display mode, G=1 VGen on                               
                                       //Note: 4 bit mode is ignored for I2C mode              
               wait_ms(10);            // Wait 10ms to ensure powered up                                                    
@@ -494,7 +638,8 @@
               _writeCommand(0x2A);    //FUNCTION SET 4 bit, N=1/M=0 2-line/24 chars display mode, G=1 VGen on
                                       //Note: 4 bit mode is ignored for I2C mode
               wait_ms(10);            // Wait 10ms to ensure powered up   
+              break;  
               error("Error: LCD Controller type does not support this Display type\n\r"); 
@@ -503,8 +648,105 @@
           break; // case PCF2116_3V3 Controller
-//      case PCF21XX_5V:
-          // PCF21XX controller: No Voltage generator for VLCD. VDD=5V
+//Experimental for cellphone 3-line display, SA=0x74, No Ack supported, Character set C or K, DL = 8 bit, N=0,M=1 (reserved mode !!), external VLCD -2V5
+      case PCF2116_5V:
+          // PCF2116 controller: No Voltage generator for VLCD. VDD=5V. V0 controls contrast voltage.                           
+          // Initialise Display configuration
+          switch (_type) {
+//            case LCD12x1:
+//            case LCD12x2:                                                                            
+//            case LCD24x1:                    
+//              _writeCommand(0x20);    //FUNCTION SET 4 bit, N/M=0 1-line/24 chars display mode 
+                                      //Note: 4 bit mode is ignored for I2C mode
+//              wait_ms(10);            // Wait 10ms to ensure powered up                                                    
+//              break;  
+            case LCD12x3D:            // Special mode for KS0078 and PCF21XX                            
+            case LCD12x3D1:           // Special mode for PCF21XX                     
+            case LCD12x4D:            // Special mode for PCF21XX:
+//              _writeCommand(0x34);    //FUNCTION SET 8 bit, N=0/M=1 4-line/12 chars display mode      OK
+//              _writeCommand(0x24);    //FUNCTION SET 4 bit, N=0/M=1 4-line/12 chars display mode      OK                                            
+              _writeCommand(0x2C);    //FUNCTION SET 4 bit, N=1/M=1 4-line/12 chars display mode        OK                                                   
+                                      //Note: 4 bit mode is ignored for I2C mode              
+              wait_ms(10);            // Wait 10ms to ensure powered up                                                    
+              break;  
+//            case LCD24x2:
+//              _writeCommand(0x28);    //FUNCTION SET 4 bit, N=1/M=0 2-line/24 chars display mode
+                                      //Note: 4 bit mode is ignored for I2C mode
+//              wait_ms(10);            // Wait 10ms to ensure powered up   
+//              break;  
+            default:
+              error("Error: LCD Controller type does not support this Display type\n\r"); 
+              break;  
+          } // switch type    
+          break; // case PCF2116_5V Controller
+      case PCF2119_3V3:
+          // PCF2119 controller: Initialise Voltage booster for VLCD. VDD=3V3. VA and VB control contrast.
+          // Note1: See datasheet, the PCF2119 supports icons and provides separate constrast control for Icons and characters.
+          // Note2: Vgen is switched off when the contrast voltage VA or VB is set to 0x00.
+//POR or Hardware Reset should be applied
+          wait_ms(10);            // Wait 10ms to ensure powered up   
+          // Initialise Display configuration
+          switch (_type) {
+            case LCD8x1:
+//            case LCD12x1:
+            case LCD16x1:           
+              _function = 0x02;       // FUNCTION SET DL=0 4 bit, 0 , M=0 1-line/16 chars display mode, SL=1
+                                      // Note: 4 bit mode is ignored for I2C mode
+              break;  
+            case LCD24x1:                    
+//            case LCD32x1:                                
+              _function = 0x00;       // FUNCTION SET DL=0 4 bit, 0 , M=0 1-line/32 chars display mode, SL=0
+                                      // Note: 4 bit mode is ignored for I2C mode
+              break;  
+            case LCD8x2:
+//            case LCD12x2:            
+            case LCD16x2:
+              _function = 0x04;       // FUNCTION SET DL=0 4 bit, 0, M=1 2-line/16 chars display mode, SL=0
+                                      // Note: 4 bit mode is ignored for I2C mode
+              break;  
+            default:
+              error("Error: LCD Controller type does not support this Display type\n\r"); 
+              break;  
+          } // switch type    
+          // Init special features 
+          _writeCommand(0x20 | _function | 0x01);           // Set function, Select Instruction Set = 1              
+          _writeCommand(0x04);    // DISP CONF SET (Instr. Set 1)   0000, 0, 1, P=0, Q=0 
+          _writeCommand(0x10);    // TEMP CTRL SET (Instr. Set 1)   0001, 0, 0, TC1=0, TC2=0
+//          _writeCommand(0x42);    // HV GEN (Instr. Set 1)          0100, 0, 0, S1=1, S2=0 (2x multiplier)
+          _writeCommand(0x40 | (LCD_PCF2_S12 & 0x03));      // HV GEN (Instr. Set 1)          0100, 0, 0, S1=1, S2=0 (2x multiplier)
+          _contrast = LCD_PCF2_CONTRAST;              
+          _writeCommand(0x80 | 0x00 | (_contrast & 0x3F));      // VLCD_set (Instr. Set 1)    V=0, VA=contrast
+          _writeCommand(0x80 | 0x40 | (_contrast & 0x3F));      // VLCD_set (Instr. Set 1)    V=1, VB=contrast
+          wait_ms(10);            // Wait 10ms to ensure powered up
+          _writeCommand(0x02);    // SCRN CONF (Instr. Set 1)    L=0
+          _writeCommand(0x08);    // ICON CONF (Instr. Set 1)    IM=0 (Char mode) IB=0 (no icon blink) DM=0 (no direct mode)
+          _writeCommand(0x20 | _function);                  // Select Instruction Set = 0
+          break; // case PCF2119_3V3 Controller
+//      case PCF2119_5V:
+          // PCF2119 controller: No Voltage booster for VLCD. VDD=3V3. VA and VB control contrast.
+          // Note1: See datasheet, the PCF2119 supports icons and provides separate constrast control for Icons and characters.
+          // Note2: Vgen is switched off when the contrast voltage VA or VB is set to 0x00.                     
       case WS0010:         
@@ -519,9 +761,9 @@
                            //  PWR = 1 (DC/DC On/Off)
 //@Todo: This may be needed to enable a warm reboot
-          //_writeCommand(0x13);   // DC/DC off              
+          //_writeCommand(0x13);   // Char mode, DC/DC off              
           //wait_ms(10);           // Wait 10ms to ensure powered down                  
-          _writeCommand(0x17);   // DC/DC on        
+          _writeCommand(0x17);   // Char mode, DC/DC on        
           wait_ms(10);           // Wait 10ms to ensure powered up        
           // Initialise Display configuration
@@ -538,9 +780,9 @@
                                    //  FT=00 (00 = Engl/Jap, 01 = WestEur1, 10 = Engl/Russian, 11 = WestEur2
-            case LCD12x3D:            // Special mode for PCF2116
-            case LCD12x3D1:           // Special mode for PCF2116
-            case LCD12x4D:            // Special mode for PCF2116
+            case LCD12x3D:            // Special mode for KS0078 and PCF21XX                            
+            case LCD12x3D1:           // Special mode for PCF21XX                     
+            case LCD12x4D:            // Special mode for PCF21XX:
             case LCD24x4D:            // Special mode for KS0078
               error("Error: LCD Controller type does not support this Display type\n\r"); 
@@ -553,14 +795,13 @@
                                    //   F=0  (5x7 dots font)
                                    //  FT=00 (00 = Engl/Jap, 01 = WestEur1, 10 = Engl/Russian, 11 = WestEur2
            } // switch type
-           break; // case WS0100 Controller
+           break; // case WS0010 Controller
-          // Devices fully compatible to HD44780 that do not use any DC/DC Voltage converters but external VLCD
+          // Devices fully compatible to HD44780 that do not use any DC/DC Voltage converters but external VLCD, no icons etc
           // Initialise Display configuration
           switch (_type) {
@@ -571,30 +812,33 @@
 //            case LCD20x1:                                                        
             case LCD24x1:
 //            case LCD40x1:            
-              _writeCommand(0x20); // Function set 001 DL N F - -
+              _function = 0x00;    // Function set 001 DL N F - -
                                    //  DL=0 (4 bits bus)             
                                    //   N=0 (1 line)
                                    //   F=0 (5x7 dots font)
+              _writeCommand(0x20 | _function);             
-//            case LCD12x3D:            // Special mode for PCF2116
-//            case LCD12x3D1:           // Special mode for PCF2116
-//            case LCD12x4D:            // Special mode for PCF2116
+            case LCD12x3D:            // Special mode for KS0078 and PCF21XX                            
+            case LCD12x3D1:           // Special mode for KS0078 and PCF21XX                     
+            case LCD12x4D:            // Special mode for KS0078 and PCF21XX:
+            case LCD16x3D:            // Special mode for KS0078 and ST7036
+//            case LCD16x3D1:           // Special mode for KS0078
 //            case LCD24x3D:            // Special mode for KS0078
+//            case LCD24x3D1:           // Special mode for KS0078            
             case LCD24x4D:            // Special mode for KS0078
               error("Error: LCD Controller type does not support this Display type\n\r"); 
             // All other LCD types are initialised as 2 Line displays (including LCD16x1C and LCD40x4)
-              _writeCommand(0x28); // Function set 001 DL N F - -
+              _function = 0x08;    // Function set 001 DL N F - -
                                    //  DL=0 (4 bits bus)
                                    //  Note: 4 bit mode is ignored for native SPI and I2C devices                                 
                                    //   N=1 (2 lines)
                                    //   F=0 (5x7 dots font, only option for 2 line display)
-                                   //    -  (Don't care)                                
+                                   //    -  (Don't care)
+              _writeCommand(0x20 | _function);                         
           } // switch type
@@ -604,9 +848,9 @@
     // Controller general initialisations                                          
-    _writeCommand(0x01); // cls, and set cursor to 0
-    wait_ms(10);         // The CLS command takes 1.64 ms.
-                         // Since we are not using the Busy flag, Lets be safe and take 10 ms  
+//    _writeCommand(0x01); // cls, and set cursor to 0
+//    wait_ms(10);         // The CLS command takes 1.64 ms.
+//                         // Since we are not using the Busy flag, Lets be safe and take 10 ms  
     _writeCommand(0x02); // Return Home 
                          //   Cursor Home, DDRAM Address to Origin
@@ -658,7 +902,7 @@
   setAddress(0, 0);  // Reset Cursor location
-                     // Note: this is needed because some displays (eg PCF21XX) don't use line 0 in the '3 Line' mode.   
+                     // Note: This is needed because some displays (eg PCF21XX) don't use line 0 in the '3 Line' mode.   
 /** Locate cursor to a screen column and row
@@ -673,8 +917,7 @@
    //   switch controllers for LCD40x4 if needed
    //   switch cursor for LCD40x4 if needed
    //   set the new memory address to show cursor at correct location
-   setAddress(column, row);
+   setAddress(column, row);      
@@ -735,7 +978,6 @@
 // Enable is Low
 // Write a byte using the 4-bit interface
 void TextLCD_Base::_writeByte(int value) {
@@ -753,7 +995,6 @@
     wait_us(1); // Datahold time
 // Enable is Low
 // Write a command byte to the LCD controller
@@ -777,37 +1018,9 @@
-#if (0)
-// This is the original _address() method.
+// This replaces the original _address() method.
 // It is confusing since it returns the memoryaddress or-ed with the set memorycommand 0x80.
 // Left it in here for compatibility with older code. New applications should use getAddress() instead.
-int TextLCD_Base::_address(int column, int row) {
-    switch (_type) {
-        case LCD20x4:
-            switch (row) {
-                case 0:
-                    return 0x80 + column;
-                case 1:
-                    return 0xc0 + column;
-                case 2:
-                    return 0x94 + column;
-                case 3:
-                    return 0xd4 + column;
-            }
-        case LCD16x2B:
-            return 0x80 + (row * 40) + column;
-        case LCD16x2:
-        case LCD20x2:
-        default:
-            return 0x80 + (row * 0x40) + column;
-    }
-// This replaces the original _address() method.
-// Left it in here for compatibility with older code. New applications should use getAddress() instead.
 int TextLCD_Base::_address(int column, int row) {
   return 0x80 | getAddress(column, row);
@@ -821,7 +1034,6 @@
    * @param row     The vertical position from the top, indexed from 0
    * @param return  The memoryaddress of screen column and row location
-   *  Note: some configurations are commented out because they have not yet been tested due to lack of hardware   
 int TextLCD_Base::getAddress(int column, int row) {
@@ -855,10 +1067,17 @@
         case LCD_T_C:
           // LCD16x1C is a special layout of LCD8x2
-          if (column<8) 
+          if (column < 8) 
             return 0x00 + column;                        
             return 0x40 + (column - 8);                        
+          if (column < (_nr_cols >> 1)) 
+            return 0x00 + column;                        
+          else   
+            return 0x40 + (column - (_nr_cols >> 1));                        
 // Not sure about this one, seems wrong.
 // Left in for compatibility with original library
@@ -867,7 +1086,7 @@
         case LCD_T_D:
-          //Alternate addressing mode for 3 and 4 row displays (except 40x4). Used by PCF21XX, KS0078
+          //Alternate addressing mode for 3 and 4 row displays (except 40x4). Used by PCF21XX, KS0078, ST7036, SSD1803
           //The 4 available rows start at a hardcoded address.                    
           //Displays top rows when less than four are used.
           switch (row) {
@@ -885,7 +1104,7 @@
         case LCD_T_D1:
-          //Alternate addressing mode for 3 row displays. Used by PCF21XX, KS0078
+          //Alternate addressing mode for 3 row displays. Used by PCF21XX, KS0078, SSD1803
           //The 4 available rows start at a hardcoded address.                              
           //Skips top row of 4 row display and starts display at row 1
           switch (row) {
@@ -936,10 +1155,43 @@
             return 0x00 + ((row-2) * 0x40) + column;          
+        case LCD_T_F:
+          //Alternate addressing mode for 3 row displays.
+          //The first half of 3rd row continues from 1st row, the second half continues from 2nd row.                              
+          switch (row) {
+            case 0:
+              return 0x00 + column;
+            case 1:
+              return 0x40 + column;
+            case 2:
+              if (column < (_nr_cols >> 1)) // check first or second half of line
+                return (0x00 + _nr_cols + column);                        
+              else   
+                return (0x40 + _nr_cols + (column - (_nr_cols >> 1)));                        
+            // Should never get here.
+            default:            
+              return 0x00;                    
+          }
+        case LCD_T_G:
+          //Alternate addressing mode for 3 row displays. Used by ST7036
+          switch (row) {
+            case 0:
+              return 0x00 + column;
+            case 1:
+              return 0x10 + column;
+            case 2:
+              return 0x20 + column;
+            // Should never get here.
+            default:            
+              return 0x00;                    
+            }
         // Should never get here.
             return 0x00;        
-    }
+    } // switch _addr_mode
@@ -1132,6 +1384,146 @@
   _writeCommand(0x80 | addr);  
+/** Set Contrast
+  * setContrast method is supported by some compatible devices (eg ST7032i) that have onboard LCD voltage generation
+  * Initial code for ST70XX imported from fork by JH1PJL
+  *
+  * @param unsigned char c   contrast data (6 significant bits, valid range 0..63, Value 0 will disable the Vgen)  
+  * @return none
+  */
+//@TODO Add support for 40x4 dual controller
+void TextLCD_Base::setContrast(unsigned char c) {
+// Function set mode stored during Init. Make sure we dont accidentally switch between 1-line and 2-line mode!
+// Icon/Booster mode stored during Init. Make sure we dont accidentally change this!
+  _contrast = c & 0x3F; // Sanity check
+  switch (_ctrl) {
+    case PCF2113_3V3 :  
+    case PCF2119_3V3 :  
+       if (_contrast <  5) _contrast = 0;  // See datasheet. Sanity check for PCF2113/PCF2119
+       if (_contrast > 55) _contrast = 55;
+       _writeCommand(0x20 | _function | 0x01);               // Set function, Select Instruction Set = 1              
+       _writeCommand(0x80 | 0x00 | (_contrast & 0x3F));      // VLCD_set (Instr. Set 1)    V=0, VA=contrast
+       _writeCommand(0x80 | 0x40 | (_contrast & 0x3F));      // VLCD_set (Instr. Set 1)    V=1, VB=contrast
+       _writeCommand(0x20 | _function);                      // Select Instruction Set = 0
+       break;
+    case ST7032_3V3 :  
+    case ST7032_5V :      
+    case ST7036_3V3 :      
+//    case ST7036_5V :          
+    case SSD1803_3V3 :      
+      _writeCommand(0x20 | _function | 0x01);                        // Select Instruction Set = 1
+      _writeCommand(0x70 | (_contrast & 0x0F));                      // Contrast Low bits
+      _writeCommand(0x50 | _icon_power | ((_contrast >> 4) & 0x03)); // Contrast High bits 
+      _writeCommand(0x20 | _function);                               // Select Instruction Set = 0
+      break;
+ #if(0)
+ //not yet tested
+    case PT6314 :
+      // Only 2 significant bits
+      //   0x00 = 100%
+      //   0x01 =  75%
+      //   0x02 =  50%
+      //   0x03 =  25%                
+      _writeCommand(0x20 | _function | ((~_contrast) >> 4));        // Invert and shift to use 2 MSBs     
+      break;
+ #endif
+    default:  
+      //Unsupported feature for other controllers
+      break;
+  } // end switch  
+/** Set Power
+  * setPower method is supported by some compatible devices (eg SSD1803) that have power down modes
+  *
+  * @param bool powerOn  Power on/off   
+  * @return none
+  */
+//@TODO Add support for 40x4 dual controller  
+void TextLCD_Base::setPower(bool powerOn) {
+  static int _tmp_contrast = LCD_DEF_CONTRAST;
+  if (powerOn) {
+    // Switch on  
+    setMode(DispOn);       
+    // Try to set contrast=0
+    _tmp_contrast = _contrast;   // Temp. save current contrast         
+    setContrast(0);              // Contrast 0  
+    // Controllers that supports specific Power Down mode
+    switch (_ctrl) {
+//    case PCF2113_3V3 :  
+//    case PCF2119_3V3 :  
+//    case ST7032_3V3 :  
+//    case ST7032_5V :      
+      case SSD1803_3V3 :      
+//      case SSD1803_5V :            
+        _writeCommand(0x20 | _function_1 | 0x02);                      // Select Ext Instr Set
+        _writeCommand(0x03);                                           // Power Down
+        _writeCommand(0x20 | _function);                               // Select Std Instr Set
+        break;
+      case KS0078:
+        break;
+      default:  
+        //Unsupported feature for other controllers
+        break;              
+    } // end switch  
+  }  
+  else {
+    // Switch off        
+    setMode(DispOff);       
+    // Try to restore contrast
+    setContrast(_tmp_contrast);  // Contrast
+    // Controllers that support specific Power Down mode
+    switch (_ctrl) {
+//    case PCF2113_3V3 :  
+//    case PCF2119_3V3 :  
+//    case ST7032_3V3 :  
+//    case ST7032_5V :      
+      case SSD1803_3V3 :      
+//      case SSD1803_5V :            
+        _writeCommand(0x20 | _function_1 | 0x02);                      // Select Ext Instr Set
+        _writeCommand(0x02);                                           // Power On
+        _writeCommand(0x20 | _function);                               // Select Std Instr Set
+        break;
+      case KS0078:
+        break;
+      default:  
+        //Unsupported feature for other controllers
+        break;              
+    } // end switch  
+  }
 //--------- End TextLCD_Base -----------
@@ -1268,7 +1660,7 @@
   // Setup the I2C bus
   // The max bitrate for PCF8574 is 100kbit, the max bitrate for MCP23008 is 400kbit, 
-//  _i2c->frequency(100000);
+  _i2c->frequency(100000);
 #if (MCP23008==1)
   // MCP23008 portexpander Init
@@ -1457,14 +1849,22 @@
 TextLCD_I2C_N::TextLCD_I2C_N(I2C *i2c, char deviceAddress, LCDType type, PinName bl, LCDCtrl ctrl) : 
                                TextLCD_Base(type, ctrl), 
-                               _i2c(i2c){
+//                               _i2c(i2c){
+                                 _i2c(i2c), _ps(p20) {      
+  // Init PS
+  wait_us(500);
+  _ps = 0;
+  wait_us(250);
   _slaveAddress = deviceAddress & 0xFE;
   // Setup the I2C bus
   // The max bitrate for ST7032i is 400kbit, lets stick to default here
-//  _i2c->frequency(50000);
   // The hardware Backlight pin is optional. Test and make sure whether it exists or not to prevent illegal access.
   if (bl != NC) {
@@ -1539,7 +1939,17 @@
   char data[] = {_controlbyte, value};
+//Controllers that support ACK
   _i2c->write(_slaveAddress, data, 2); 
+//Controllers that dont support ACK
+  _i2c->start(); 
+  _i2c->write(_slaveAddress);   
+  _i2c->write(data[0]); 
+  _i2c->write(data[1]);     
+  _i2c->stop();   
 //-------- End TextLCD_I2C_N ------------
@@ -1559,6 +1969,9 @@
                          _cs(cs) {      
+  // Init cs
+  _setCS(true);  
   // Setup the spi for 8 bit data, low steady state clock,
   // rising edge capture, with a 500KHz or 1MHz clock rate  
@@ -1711,6 +2124,9 @@
                              _rs(rs) {      
+  // Init CS
+  _cs = 1;
   // Setup the spi for 8 bit data, low steady state clock,
   // rising edge capture, with a 500KHz or 1MHz clock rate  
@@ -1773,7 +2189,7 @@
 //Code checked out on logic analyser. Not yet tested on hardware..
 //-------- Start TextLCD_SPI_N_3_9 --------
@@ -1789,11 +2205,22 @@
 TextLCD_SPI_N_3_9::TextLCD_SPI_N_3_9(SPI *spi, PinName cs, LCDType type, PinName bl, LCDCtrl ctrl) :
                                      TextLCD_Base(type, ctrl), 
-                                     _cs(cs) {      
+//                                     _cs(cs) {      
+                                     _cs(cs), _ps(p20) {      
+  // Init PS
+  wait_us(500);
+  _ps = 0;
+  wait_us(250);
+  // Init CS
+  _cs = 1;
   // Setup the spi for 9 bit data, low steady state clock,
   // rising edge capture, with a 500KHz or 1MHz clock rate  
-  _spi->format(9,0);
+//  _spi->format(9,0);
+  _spi->format(9,3);  
   // The hardware Backlight pin is optional. Test and make sure whether it exists or not to prevent illegal access.
@@ -1866,9 +2293,7 @@
-//Code checked out on logic analyser. Not yet tested on hardware..
 //------- Start TextLCD_SPI_N_3_10 --------
  /** Create a TextLCD interface using a controller with a native SPI3 10 bits interface
@@ -1884,6 +2309,9 @@
                                        _cs(cs) {      
+  // Init CS
+  _cs = 1;
   // Setup the spi for 10 bit data, low steady state clock,
   // rising edge capture, with a 500KHz or 1MHz clock rate  
@@ -1957,4 +2385,213 @@
 //------- End TextLCD_SPI_N_3_10 ----------
+//Code to be checked out on logic analyser. Not yet tested on hardware..
+//------- Start TextLCD_SPI_N_3_16 --------
+ /** Create a TextLCD interface using a controller with a native SPI3 16 bits interface
+   *
+   * @param spi             SPI Bus
+   * @param cs              chip select pin (active low)
+   * @param type            Sets the panel size/addressing mode (default = LCD16x2)
+   * @param bl              Backlight control line (optional, default = NC)  
+   * @param ctrl            LCD controller (default = PT6314) 
+   */       
+TextLCD_SPI_N_3_16::TextLCD_SPI_N_3_16(SPI *spi, PinName cs, LCDType type, PinName bl, LCDCtrl ctrl) :
+                                       TextLCD_Base(type, ctrl), 
+                                       _spi(spi),        
+                                       _cs(cs) {      
+  // Init CS
+  _cs = 1;
+  // Setup the spi for 8 bit data, low steady state clock,
+  // rising edge capture, with a 500KHz or 1MHz clock rate  
+  _spi->format(8,0);
+  _spi->frequency(1000000);    
+  // The hardware Backlight pin is optional. Test and make sure whether it exists or not to prevent illegal access.
+  if (bl != NC) {
+    _bl = new DigitalOut(bl);   //Construct new pin 
+    _bl->write(0);              //Deactivate    
+  }
+  else {
+    // No Hardware Backlight pin       
+    _bl = NULL;                 //Construct dummy pin     
+  }  
+  //Sanity check
+  if (_ctrl & LCD_C_SPI3_16) {
+    _init();      
+  }
+  else {
+    error("Error: LCD Controller type does not support native SPI3 16 bits interface\n\r");           
+  }
+TextLCD_SPI_N_3_16::~TextLCD_SPI_N_3_16() {
+   if (_bl != NULL) {delete _bl;}  // BL pin
+// Not used in this mode
+void TextLCD_SPI_N_3_16::_setEnable(bool value) {
+// Set RS pin
+// Used for mbed pins, I2C bus expander or SPI shiftregister
+void TextLCD_SPI_N_3_16::_setRS(bool value) {
+// The 16bit mode is split in 2 bytes. The first byte is for synchronisation and controlbits. The controlbits define the meaning of the next byte.
+// The 8 actual bits represent either a data or a command byte.
+//   b15 b14 b13 b12 b11 b10  b9  b8 - b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 
+//     1   1   1   1   1  RW  RS   0   d7 d6 d5 d4 d3 d2 d1 d0
+//   RS=1 means that next byte is data, RS=0 means that next byte is command
+//   RW=0 means that next byte is writen, RW=1 means that next byte is read (not used in this lib)
+  if (value) {
+    _controlbyte = 0xFA; // Next byte is data
+  }
+  else {
+    _controlbyte = 0xF8; // Next byte is command
+  }  
+// Set BL pin
+void TextLCD_SPI_N_3_16::_setBL(bool value) {
+    if (_bl) {
+        _bl->write(value);   
+    }    
+// Not used in this mode
+void TextLCD_SPI_N_3_16::_setData(int value) {
+// Write a byte using SPI3 16 bits mode
+void TextLCD_SPI_N_3_16::_writeByte(int value) {
+    _cs = 0;
+    wait_us(1);
+    _spi->write(_controlbyte);
+    _spi->write(value);     
+    wait_us(1);
+    _cs = 1;
+//------- End TextLCD_SPI_N_3_16 ----------
+//Code to be checked out on logic analyser. Not yet tested on hardware..
+//------- Start TextLCD_SPI_N_3_24 --------
+ /** Create a TextLCD interface using a controller with a native SPI3 24 bits interface
+   *
+   * @param spi             SPI Bus
+   * @param cs              chip select pin (active low)
+   * @param type            Sets the panel size/addressing mode (default = LCD16x2)
+   * @param bl              Backlight control line (optional, default = NC)  
+   * @param ctrl            LCD controller (default = SSD1803) 
+   */       
+TextLCD_SPI_N_3_24::TextLCD_SPI_N_3_24(SPI *spi, PinName cs, LCDType type, PinName bl, LCDCtrl ctrl) :
+                                       TextLCD_Base(type, ctrl), 
+                                       _spi(spi),        
+                                       _cs(cs) {      
+  // Init CS
+  _cs = 1;
+  // Setup the spi for 8 bit data, low steady state clock,
+  // rising edge capture, with a 500KHz or 1MHz clock rate  
+  _spi->format(8,0);
+  _spi->frequency(1000000);    
+  // The hardware Backlight pin is optional. Test and make sure whether it exists or not to prevent illegal access.
+  if (bl != NC) {
+    _bl = new DigitalOut(bl);   //Construct new pin 
+    _bl->write(0);              //Deactivate    
+  }
+  else {
+    // No Hardware Backlight pin       
+    _bl = NULL;                 //Construct dummy pin     
+  }  
+  //Sanity check
+  if (_ctrl & LCD_C_SPI3_24) {
+    _init();      
+  }
+  else {
+    error("Error: LCD Controller type does not support native SPI3 24 bits interface\n\r");           
+  }
+TextLCD_SPI_N_3_24::~TextLCD_SPI_N_3_24() {
+   if (_bl != NULL) {delete _bl;}  // BL pin
+// Not used in this mode
+void TextLCD_SPI_N_3_24::_setEnable(bool value) {
+// Set RS pin
+// Used for mbed pins, I2C bus expander or SPI shiftregister
+void TextLCD_SPI_N_3_24::_setRS(bool value) {
+// The 24bit mode is split in 3 bytes. The first byte is for synchronisation and controlbits. The controlbits define the meaning of the next two bytes.
+// Each byte encodes 4 actual bits. The 8 actual bits represent either a data or a command byte.
+//   b23 b22 b21 b20 b19 b18 b17 b16 -  b15 b14 b13 b12 b11 b10 b9 b8 - b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 
+//     1   1   1   1   1  RW  RS   0     d0  d1  d2  d3   0   0  0  0   d4 d5 d6 d7  0  0  0  0
+//   RS=1 means that next byte is data, RS=0 means that next byte is command
+//   RW=0 means that next byte is writen, RW=1 means that next byte is read (not used in this lib)
+// Note: SPI3_24 expects LSB first. This is inconsistent with regular SPI convention (and hardware) that sends MSB first.
+  if (value) {
+    _controlbyte = 0xFA; // Next byte is data
+  }
+  else {
+    _controlbyte = 0xF8; // Next byte is command
+  }
+// Set BL pin
+void TextLCD_SPI_N_3_24::_setBL(bool value) {
+    if (_bl) {
+        _bl->write(value);   
+    }    
+// Not used in this mode
+void TextLCD_SPI_N_3_24::_setData(int value) {
+//Mapping table to flip the bits around cause SPI3_24 expects LSB first.
+const uint8_t map3_24[16] = {0x00, 0x80, 0x40, 0xC0, 0x20, 0xA0, 0x60, 0xE0, 0x10, 0x90, 0x50, 0xD0, 0x30, 0xB0, 0x70, 0xF0};
+// Write a byte using SPI3 24 bits mode
+void TextLCD_SPI_N_3_24::_writeByte(int value) {
+    _cs = 0;
+    wait_us(1);
+    _spi->write(_controlbyte);
+    //Map and send the LSB nibble
+    _spi->write( map3_24[value & 0x0F]);     
+    //Map and send the MSB nibble
+    _spi->write( map3_24[(value >> 4) & 0x0F]);     
+    wait_us(1);
+    _cs = 1;
+//------- End TextLCD_SPI_N_3_24 ----------
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/TextLCD.h	Sun Jun 29 14:55:50 2014 +0000
+++ b/TextLCD.h	Fri Aug 22 19:50:49 2014 +0000
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
  *               2014, v09: WH/EO, Added Class for Native SPI controllers such as ST7032 
  *               2014, v10: WH, Added Class for Native I2C controllers such as ST7032i, Added support for MCP23008 I2C portexpander, Added support for Adafruit module  
  *               2014, v11: WH, Added support for native I2C controllers such as PCF21XX, Improved the _initCtrl() method to deal with differences between all supported controllers  
+ *               2014, v12: WH, Added support for native I2C controller PCF2119 and native I2C/SPI controllers SSD1803, ST7036, added setContrast method (by JH1PJL) for supported devices (eg ST7032i) 
  * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
  * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
@@ -38,7 +39,7 @@
 /** A TextLCD interface for driving 4-bit HD44780-based LCDs
- * Currently supports 8x1, 8x2, 12x3, 12x4, 16x1, 16x2, 16x4, 20x2, 20x4, 24x1, 24x2, 24x4, 40x2 and 40x4 panels
+ * Currently supports 8x1, 8x2, 12x3, 12x4, 16x1, 16x2, 16x3, 16x4, 20x2, 20x4, 24x1, 24x2, 24x4, 40x2 and 40x4 panels
  * Interface options include direct mbed pins, I2C portexpander (PCF8474/PCF8574A or MCP23008) or SPI bus shiftregister (74595). 
  * Supports some controllers with native I2C or SP interface. Supports some controllers that provide internal DC/DC converters for VLCD or VLED. 
@@ -204,9 +205,15 @@
 #define OLAT           0x0A
-/* ST7032I I2C slave address */
+/* ST7032i I2C slave address */
 #define ST7032_SA      0x7C
+/* ST7036i I2C slave address */
+#define ST7036_SA0     0x78
+#define ST7036_SA1     0x7A
+#define ST7036_SA2     0x7C
+#define ST7036_SA3     0x7E
 /* PCF21XX I2C slave address */
 #define PCF21XX_SA0    0x74
 #define PCF21XX_SA1    0x76
@@ -214,10 +221,24 @@
 /* AIP31068 I2C slave address */
 #define AIP31068_SA    0x7C
+/* SSD1803 I2C slave address */
+#define SSD1803_SA0    0x78
+#define SSD1803_SA1    0x7A
+/* US2066 I2C slave address */
+#define US2066_SA0     0x78
+#define US2066_SA1     0x7A
+//Some native I2C controllers dont support ACK. Set define to '0' to allow code to proceed even without ACK
+//#define LCD_I2C_ACK    0
+#define LCD_I2C_ACK    1
 /* LCD Type information on Rows, Columns and Variant. This information is encoded in
  * an int and used for the LCDType enumerators in order to simplify code maintenance */
 // Columns encoded in b7..b0
 #define LCD_T_COL_MSK  0x000000FF
+#define LCD_T_C6       0x00000006
 #define LCD_T_C8       0x00000008
 #define LCD_T_C10      0x0000000A
 #define LCD_T_C12      0x0000000C
@@ -236,37 +257,82 @@
 // Addressing mode encoded in b19..b16
 #define LCD_T_ADR_MSK  0x000F0000
-#define LCD_T_A        0x00000000  /*Mode A  (Default), 1, 2 or 4 line display           */
-#define LCD_T_B        0x00010000  /*Mode B,  Alternate 8x2 (actually 16x1 display)      */
-#define LCD_T_C        0x00020000  /*Mode C,  Alternate 16x1 (actually 8x2 display)      */
-#define LCD_T_D        0x00030000  /*Mode D,  Alternate 3 or 4 line display (12x4, 24x4) */
-#define LCD_T_D1       0x00040000  /*Mode D1, Alternate 3 or 4 line display (12x4, 24x4) */
-#define LCD_T_E        0x00050000  /*Mode E,  4x40 display (actually two 40x2)           */
+#define LCD_T_A        0x00000000  /*Mode A   Default 1, 2 or 4 line display                       */
+#define LCD_T_B        0x00010000  /*Mode B,  Alternate 8x2 (actually 16x1 display)                */
+#define LCD_T_C        0x00020000  /*Mode C,  Alternate 16x1 (actually 8x2 display)                */
+#define LCD_T_D        0x00030000  /*Mode D,  Alternate 3 or 4 line display (12x4, 20x4, 24x4)     */
+#define LCD_T_D1       0x00040000  /*Mode D1, Alternate 3 out of 4 line display (12x3, 20x3, 24x3) */
+#define LCD_T_E        0x00050000  /*Mode E,  40x4 display (actually two 40x2)                     */
+#define LCD_T_F        0x00060000  /*Mode F,  16x3 display (actually 24x2)                         */
+#define LCD_T_G        0x00070000  /*Mode G,  16x3 display                                         */
 /* LCD Ctrl information on interface support and features. This information is encoded in
  * an int and used for the LCDCtrl enumerators in order to simplify code maintenance */
 // Interface encoded in b31..b24
 #define LCD_C_BUS_MSK  0xFF000000
-#define LCD_C_PAR      0x01000000  /*Parallel 4 or 8 bit data, E pin                            */
+#define LCD_C_PAR      0x01000000  /*Parallel 4 or 8 bit data, E pin, RS pin, RW=GND            */
 #define LCD_C_SPI3_9   0x02000000  /*SPI 3 line (MOSI, SCL, CS pins),  9 bits (RS + 8 Data)     */
 #define LCD_C_SPI3_10  0x04000000  /*SPI 3 line (MOSI, SCL, CS pins), 10 bits (RS, RW + 8 Data) */
-#define LCD_C_SPI4     0x08000000  /*SPI 4 line (MOSI, SCL, CS, RS pin)                         */
-#define LCD_C_I2C      0x10000000  /*I2C (SDA, SCL pin)                                         */
+#define LCD_C_SPI3_16  0x08000000  /*SPI 3 line (MOSI, SCL, CS pins), 16 bits (RS, RW + 8 Data) */
+#define LCD_C_SPI3_24  0x10000000  /*SPI 3 line (MOSI, SCL, CS pins), 24 bits (RS, RW + 8 Data) */
+#define LCD_C_SPI4     0x20000000  /*SPI 4 line (MOSI, SCL, CS, RS pin), RS pin + 8 Data        */
+#define LCD_C_I2C      0x40000000  /*I2C (SDA, SCL pin), 8 control bits (Co, RS, RW) + 8 Data   */
 // Features encoded in b23..b16
 #define LCD_C_FTR_MSK  0x00FF0000 
 #define LCD_C_BST      0x00010000  /*Booster             */
-#define LCD_C_CTR      0x00010000  /*Contrast Control    */
-#define LCD_C_ICN      0x00020000  /*Icons               */
+#define LCD_C_CTR      0x00020000  /*Contrast Control    */
+#define LCD_C_ICN      0x00040000  /*Icons               */
+#define LCD_C_PDN      0x00080000  /*Power Down          */
+// Contrast setting, 5 significant bits (only supported for controllers with extended features)
+// Voltage Multiplier setting, 2 or 3 significant bits (only supported for controllers with extended features)
+#define LCD_DEF_CONTRAST    0x20
+//ST7032 EastRising display
+//ST7036 EA DOGM163 display
+//Contrast setting 5 significant bits
+//Voltage Multiplier setting 3 significant bits
+#define LCD_ST7032_CONTRAST 0x18
+#define LCD_ST7032_RAB      0x04
+#define LCD_ST7036_CONTRAST 0x28
+#define LCD_ST7036_RAB      0x04
+//SSD1803 EA DOGM204 display
+//Contrast setting 5 significant bits
+//Voltage Multiplier setting 3 significant bits
+#define LCD_SSD1_CONTRAST   0x28
+#define LCD_SSD1_RAB        0x06
+//PCF2113, PCF2119 display
+//Contrast setting 5 significant bits
+//Voltage Multiplier setting 2 significant bits
+#define LCD_PCF2_CONTRAST   0x20
+#define LCD_PCF2_S12        0x02
+//PT6314 VFD display
+//Contrast setting 2 significant bits
+#define LCD_PT63_CONTRAST   0x00
 /** Some sample User Defined Chars 5x7 dots */
-extern const char udc_ae[];      //æ
-extern const char udc_0e[];      //ø
-extern const char udc_ao[];      //å
-extern const char udc_AE[];      //Æ
-extern const char udc_0E[];      //Ø
-extern const char udc_Ao[];      //Å
-extern const char udc_PO[];      //Padlock Open
-extern const char udc_PC[];      //Padlock Closed
+//extern const char udc_ae[];      //æ
+//extern const char udc_0e[];      //ø
+//extern const char udc_ao[];      //å
+//extern const char udc_AE[];      //Æ
+//extern const char udc_0E[];      //Ø
+//extern const char udc_Ao[];      //Å
+//extern const char udc_PO[];      //Padlock Open
+//extern const char udc_PC[];      //Padlock Closed
+//extern const char udc_alpha[];  //alpha
+//extern const char udc_ohm[];    //ohm
+//extern const char udc_sigma[];  //sigma
+//extern const char udc_pi[];     //pi
+//extern const char udc_root[];   //root
 extern const char udc_0[];       // |>
 extern const char udc_1[];       // <|
@@ -308,6 +374,8 @@
 //extern const char udc_ch_mo[];   // Month  (kana)
 //extern const char udc_ch_dy[];   // Day    (kana)
 //extern const char udc_ch_mi[];   // minute (kana)
+extern const char udc_None[]; 
+extern const char udc_All[];
 /** A TextLCD interface for driving 4-bit HD44780-based LCDs
@@ -320,6 +388,8 @@
     /** LCD panel format */
     enum LCDType {
+//        LCD6x1     = (LCD_T_A | LCD_T_C6 | LCD_T_R1),     /**<  6x1 LCD panel */          
+//        LCD6x2     = (LCD_T_A | LCD_T_C6 | LCD_T_R2),     /**<  6x2 LCD panel */          
         LCD8x1     = (LCD_T_A | LCD_T_C8 | LCD_T_R1),     /**<  8x1 LCD panel */    
         LCD8x2     = (LCD_T_A | LCD_T_C8 | LCD_T_R2),     /**<  8x2 LCD panel */          
         LCD8x2B    = (LCD_T_D | LCD_T_C8 | LCD_T_R2),     /**<  8x2 LCD panel (actually 16x1) */                  
@@ -327,20 +397,34 @@
         LCD12x2    = (LCD_T_A | LCD_T_C12 | LCD_T_R2),    /**< 12x2 LCD panel */                          
         LCD12x3D   = (LCD_T_D | LCD_T_C12 | LCD_T_R3),    /**< 12x3 LCD panel, special mode PCF21XX */                                  
         LCD12x3D1  = (LCD_T_D1 | LCD_T_C12 | LCD_T_R3),   /**< 12x3 LCD panel, special mode PCF21XX */                                          
+//        LCD12x3G   = (LCD_T_G | LCD_T_C12 | LCD_T_R3),    /**< 12x3 LCD panel, special mode ST7036 */                                      
         LCD12x4    = (LCD_T_A | LCD_T_C12 | LCD_T_R4),    /**< 12x4 LCD panel */                  
         LCD12x4D   = (LCD_T_B | LCD_T_C12 | LCD_T_R4),    /**< 12x4 LCD panel, special mode PCF21XX */                                          
         LCD16x1    = (LCD_T_A | LCD_T_C16 | LCD_T_R1),    /**< 16x1 LCD panel */                  
         LCD16x1C   = (LCD_T_C | LCD_T_C16 | LCD_T_R1),    /**< 16x1 LCD panel (actually 8x2) */          
         LCD16x2    = (LCD_T_A | LCD_T_C16 | LCD_T_R2),    /**< 16x2 LCD panel (default) */
 //        LCD16x2B   = (LCD_T_B | LCD_T_C16 | LCD_T_R2),    /**< 16x2 LCD panel, alternate addressing, wrong.. */
-//        LCD16x3D   = (LCD_T_D | LCD_T_C16 | LCD_T_R3),    /**< 16x3 LCD panel, special mode ST7036 */                
+        LCD16x3D   = (LCD_T_D | LCD_T_C16 | LCD_T_R3),    /**< 16x3 LCD panel, special mode SSD1803 */                      
+//        LCD16x3D1  = (LCD_T_D1 | LCD_T_C16 | LCD_T_R3),   /**< 16x3 LCD panel, special mode SSD1803 */                
+        LCD16x3F   = (LCD_T_F | LCD_T_C16 | LCD_T_R3),    /**< 16x3 LCD panel (actually 24x2) */                
+        LCD16x3G   = (LCD_T_G | LCD_T_C16 | LCD_T_R3),    /**< 16x3 LCD panel, special mode ST7036 */                              
         LCD16x4    = (LCD_T_A | LCD_T_C16 | LCD_T_R4),    /**< 16x4 LCD panel */        
+//        LCD16x4D   = (LCD_T_D | LCD_T_C16 | LCD_T_R4),    /**< 16x4 LCD panel, special mode SSD1803 */                
 //        LCD20x1    = (LCD_T_A | LCD_T_C20 | LCD_T_R1),    /**< 20x1 LCD panel */
         LCD20x2    = (LCD_T_A | LCD_T_C20 | LCD_T_R2),    /**< 20x2 LCD panel */
+//        LCD20x3    = (LCD_T_A | LCD_T_C20 | LCD_T_R3),    /**< 20x3 LCD panel */                        
+//        LCD20x3D   = (LCD_T_D | LCD_T_C20 | LCD_T_R3),    /**< 20x3 LCD panel, special mode SSD1803 */                        
+//        LCD20x3D1  = (LCD_T_D1 | LCD_T_C20 | LCD_T_R3),   /**< 20x3 LCD panel, special mode SSD1803 */                        
         LCD20x4    = (LCD_T_A | LCD_T_C20 | LCD_T_R4),    /**< 20x4 LCD panel */
+        LCD20x4D   = (LCD_T_D | LCD_T_C20 | LCD_T_R4),    /**< 20x4 LCD panel, special mode SSD1803 */                        
         LCD24x1    = (LCD_T_A | LCD_T_C24 | LCD_T_R1),    /**< 24x1 LCD panel */        
         LCD24x2    = (LCD_T_A | LCD_T_C24 | LCD_T_R2),    /**< 24x2 LCD panel */        
+//        LCD24x3D   = (LCD_T_D | LCD_T_C24 | LCD_T_R3),    /**< 24x3 LCD panel */                
+//        LCD24x3D1  = (LCD_T_D | LCD_T_C24 | LCD_T_R3),    /**< 24x3 LCD panel */                        
         LCD24x4D   = (LCD_T_D | LCD_T_C24 | LCD_T_R4),    /**< 24x4 LCD panel, special mode KS0078 */                                                          
+//        LCD32x1    = (LCD_T_A | LCD_T_C32 | LCD_T_R1),    /**< 32x1 LCD panel */                
+//        LCD32x2    = (LCD_T_A | LCD_T_C32 | LCD_T_R2),    /**< 32x2 LCD panel */                        
+//        LCD32x4    = (LCD_T_A | LCD_T_C32 | LCD_T_R4),    /**< 32x4 LCD panel */                        
 //        LCD40x1    = (LCD_T_A | LCD_T_C40 | LCD_T_R1),    /**< 40x1 LCD panel */                        
         LCD40x2    = (LCD_T_A | LCD_T_C40 | LCD_T_R2),    /**< 40x2 LCD panel */                
         LCD40x4    = (LCD_T_E | LCD_T_C40 | LCD_T_R4)     /**< 40x4 LCD panel, Two controller version */                        
@@ -349,16 +433,23 @@
     /** LCD Controller Device */
     enum LCDCtrl {
-        HD44780     = 0,                                             /**<  HD44780 (default)                            */    
-        WS0010      = 1 | (LCD_C_SPI3_10 | LCD_C_BST),               /**<  WS0010  OLED Controller, 4/8 bit, SPI3       */    
-        ST7036      = 2 | (LCD_C_SPI4    | LCD_C_BST),               /**<  ST7036  3V3 with Booster, 4/8 bit, SPI4      */   
-        ST7032_3V3  = 3 | (LCD_C_SPI4    | LCD_C_I2C | LCD_C_BST),   /**<  ST7032  3V3 with Booster, 4/8 bit, SPI4, I2C */   
-        ST7032_5V   = 4 | (LCD_C_SPI4    | LCD_C_I2C),               /**<  ST7032  5V no Booster, 4/8 bit, SPI4, I2C    */           
-        KS0078      = 5,                                             /**<  KS0078  24x4 support, 4/8 bit                */                   
-        PCF2113_3V3 = 6 | (LCD_C_I2C     | LCD_C_BST),               /**<  PCF2113 3V3 with Booster, 4/8 bit, I2C       */                           
-        PCF2116_3V3 = 7 | (LCD_C_I2C     | LCD_C_BST),               /**<  PCF2116 3V3 with Booster, 4/8 bit, I2C       */                           
-//        PCF2116_5V  = 8 | (LCD_C_I2C),                             /**<  PCF2116 5V no Booster, 4/8 bit, I2C          */        
-        AIP31068    = 9 | (LCD_C_SPI3_9  | LCD_C_I2C | LCD_C_BST)    /**<  AIP31068 I2C, SPI3                           */                           
+        HD44780     = 0 |  LCD_C_PAR,                                                                    /**<  HD44780 or full equivalent (default)         */    
+        WS0010      = 1 | (LCD_C_PAR | LCD_C_SPI3_10 | LCD_C_BST),                                       /**<  WS0010  OLED Controller, 4/8 bit, SPI3       */    
+        ST7036_3V3  = 2 | (LCD_C_PAR | LCD_C_SPI4    | LCD_C_I2C | LCD_C_BST | LCD_C_CTR),               /**<  ST7036  3V3 with Booster, 4/8 bit, SPI4, I2C */   
+        ST7036_5V   = 3 | (LCD_C_PAR | LCD_C_SPI4    | LCD_C_I2C | LCD_C_BST | LCD_C_CTR),               /**<  ST7036  5V no Booster, 4/8 bit, SPI4, I2C    */   
+        ST7032_3V3  = 4 | (LCD_C_PAR | LCD_C_SPI4    | LCD_C_I2C | LCD_C_BST | LCD_C_CTR),               /**<  ST7032  3V3 with Booster, 4/8 bit, SPI4, I2C */   
+        ST7032_5V   = 5 | (LCD_C_PAR | LCD_C_SPI4    | LCD_C_I2C | LCD_C_CTR),                           /**<  ST7032  5V no Booster, 4/8 bit, SPI4, I2C    */           
+        KS0078      = 6 | (LCD_C_PAR | LCD_C_SPI3_24),                                                   /**<  KS0078  24x4 support, 4/8 bit, SPI3          */                   
+        PCF2113_3V3 = 7 | (LCD_C_PAR | LCD_C_I2C     | LCD_C_BST | LCD_C_CTR),                           /**<  PCF2113 3V3 with Booster, 4/8 bit, I2C       */                           
+        PCF2116_3V3 = 8 | (LCD_C_PAR | LCD_C_I2C     | LCD_C_BST),                                       /**<  PCF2116 3V3 with Booster, 4/8 bit, I2C       */                           
+        PCF2116_5V  = 9 | (LCD_C_PAR | LCD_C_I2C),                                                       /**<  PCF2116 5V no Booster, 4/8 bit, I2C          */        
+        PCF2119_3V3 = 10 | (LCD_C_PAR | LCD_C_I2C     | LCD_C_BST | LCD_C_CTR),                          /**<  PCF2119 3V3 with Booster, 4/8 bit, I2C       */                           
+//        PCF2119_5V  = 11 | (LCD_C_PAR | LCD_C_I2C),                                                      /**<  PCF2119 5V no Booster, 4/8 bit, I2C          */
+        AIP31068    = 12 | (LCD_C_SPI3_9  | LCD_C_I2C | LCD_C_BST),                                      /**<  AIP31068 I2C, SPI3                           */                           
+        SSD1803_3V3 = 13 | (LCD_C_PAR | LCD_C_SPI3_24 | LCD_C_I2C | LCD_C_BST | LCD_C_CTR | LCD_C_PDN)   /**<  SSD1803 3V3 with Booster, 4/8 bit, I2C, SPI3 */
+//        SSD1803_5V  = 14 | (LCD_C_PAR | LCD_C_SPI3_24 | LCD_C_I2C | LCD_C_BST | LCD_C_CTR | LCD_C_PDN) /**<  SSD1803 3V3 with Booster, 4/8 bit, I2C, SPI3 */
+//        US2066_3V3  = 15 | (LCD_C_PAR | LCD_C_SPI3_24 | LCD_C_I2C | LCD_C_BST | LCD_C_CTR | LCD_C_PDN) /**<  US2066  3V3 with Booster, 4/8 bit, I2C, SPI3 */
+//        PT6314      = 16 | (LCD_C_PAR | LCD_C_SPI3_16 | LCD_C_CTR | LCD_C_PDN)                         /**<  PT6314  VFD, 4/8 bit, SPI3                   */
@@ -460,6 +551,25 @@
     void setUDC(unsigned char c, char *udc_data);
+    /** Set Contrast
+     * setContrast method is supported by some compatible devices (eg ST7032i) that have onboard LCD voltage generation
+     * Code imported from fork by JH1PJL
+     *
+     * @param unsigned char c   contrast data (6 significant bits, valid range 0..63, Value 0 will disable the Vgen)  
+     * @return none
+     */
+    void setContrast(unsigned char c = LCD_DEF_CONTRAST);
+    /** Set Power
+     * setPower method is supported by some compatible devices (eg SSD1803) that have power down modes
+     *
+     * @param bool powerOn  Power on/off   
+     * @return none
+     */
+    void setPower(bool powerOn = true);
 //    void _initCtrl();    
@@ -565,7 +675,15 @@
 // Cursor
     int _column;
     int _row;
-    LCDCursor _currentCursor;    
+    LCDCursor _currentCursor; 
+// Function mode saved to allow switch between Instruction sets after initialisation time 
+// Icon, Booster mode and contrast saved to allow contrast change at later time
+// Only available for controllers with added features
+    int _function, _function_1, _function_x;
+    int _icon_power;
+    int _contrast;    
 //--------- End TextLCD_Base -----------
@@ -606,7 +724,7 @@
     virtual void _setEnable(bool value);
 /** Implementation of pure Virtual Low level writes to LCD Bus (parallel)
-  * Set the RS pin ( 0 = Command, 1 = Data).
+  * Set the RS pin (0 = Command, 1 = Data).
     virtual void _setRS(bool value);  
@@ -661,7 +779,7 @@
     virtual void _setEnable(bool value);
 /** Implementation of pure Virtual Low level writes to LCD Bus (serial expander)
-  * Set the RS pin ( 0 = Command, 1 = Data).
+  * Set the RS pin (0 = Command, 1 = Data).
     virtual void _setRS(bool value);  
@@ -718,7 +836,7 @@
     virtual void _setEnable(bool value);
 /** Implementation of pure Virtual Low level writes to LCD Bus (serial expander)
-  * Set the RS pin ( 0 = Command, 1 = Data).
+  * Set the RS pin (0 = Command, 1 = Data).
     virtual void _setRS(bool value);  
@@ -779,7 +897,7 @@
     virtual void _setEnable(bool value);
 /** Implementation of pure Virtual Low level writes to LCD Bus (serial native)
-  * Set the RS pin ( 0 = Command, 1 = Data).
+  * Set the RS pin (0 = Command, 1 = Data).
     virtual void _setRS(bool value);  
@@ -809,7 +927,7 @@
 //---------- End TextLCD_SPI_N ------------
 //Code checked out on logic analyser. Not yet tested on hardware..
 //------- Start TextLCD_SPI_N_3_9 ---------
@@ -840,7 +958,135 @@
     virtual void _setEnable(bool value);
 /** Implementation of pure Virtual Low level writes to LCD Bus (serial native)
-  * Set the RS pin ( 0 = Command, 1 = Data).
+  * Set the RS pin (0 = Command, 1 = Data).
+  */   
+    virtual void _setRS(bool value);  
+/** Implementation of pure Virtual Low level writes to LCD Bus (serial native)
+  * Set the BL pin (0 = Backlight Off, 1 = Backlight On).
+  */   
+    virtual void _setBL(bool value);
+/** Implementation of pure Virtual Low level writes to LCD Bus (serial native)
+  * Set the databus value (4 bit).
+  */   
+    virtual void _setData(int value);
+/** Low level writes to LCD serial bus only (serial native)
+  */
+    virtual void _writeByte(int value);
+// SPI bus        
+    SPI *_spi;
+    DigitalOut _cs;    
+    DigitalOut _ps;    
+// controlbyte to select between data and command. Internal value for serial bus only
+    char _controlbyte;   
+    DigitalOut *_bl;    
+//-------- End TextLCD_SPI_N_3_9 ----------
+//------- Start TextLCD_SPI_N_3_10 ---------
+/** Create a TextLCD interface using a controller with native SPI3 10 bits interface
+  * Note: current mbed libs only support SPI 10 bit mode for NXP platforms
+  *
+  */
+class TextLCD_SPI_N_3_10 : public TextLCD_Base {    
+   /** Create a TextLCD interface using a controller with native SPI3 10 bits interface
+     * Note: current mbed libs only support SPI 10 bit mode for NXP platforms
+     *
+     * @param spi             SPI Bus
+     * @param cs              chip select pin (active low)
+     * @param type            Sets the panel size/addressing mode (default = LCD16x2)
+     * @param bl              Backlight control line (optional, default = NC)  
+     * @param ctrl            LCD controller (default = AIP31068)                     
+     */
+    TextLCD_SPI_N_3_10(SPI *spi, PinName cs, LCDType type = LCD16x2, PinName bl = NC, LCDCtrl ctrl = AIP31068);
+    virtual ~TextLCD_SPI_N_3_10(void);
+/** Implementation of pure Virtual Low level writes to LCD Bus (serial native)
+  * Set the Enable pin.
+  */
+    virtual void _setEnable(bool value);
+/** Implementation of pure Virtual Low level writes to LCD Bus (serial native)
+  * Set the RS pin (0 = Command, 1 = Data).
+  */   
+    virtual void _setRS(bool value);  
+/** Implementation of pure Virtual Low level writes to LCD Bus (serial native)
+  * Set the BL pin (0 = Backlight Off, 1 = Backlight On).
+  */   
+    virtual void _setBL(bool value);
+/** Implementation of pure Virtual Low level writes to LCD Bus (serial native)
+  * Set the databus value (4 bit).
+  */   
+    virtual void _setData(int value);
+/** Low level writes to LCD serial bus only (serial native)
+  */
+    virtual void _writeByte(int value);
+// SPI bus        
+    SPI *_spi;
+    DigitalOut _cs;    
+// controlbyte to select between data and command. Internal value for serial bus only
+    char _controlbyte;   
+    DigitalOut *_bl;    
+//-------- End TextLCD_SPI_N_3_10 ----------
+//Code not yet checked out on logic analyser. Not yet tested on hardware..
+//------- Start TextLCD_SPI_N_3_16 ---------
+/** Create a TextLCD interface using a controller with native SPI3 16 bits interface
+  *
+  */
+class TextLCD_SPI_N_3_16 : public TextLCD_Base {    
+   /** Create a TextLCD interface using a controller with native SPI3 16 bits interface
+     *
+     * @param spi             SPI Bus
+     * @param cs              chip select pin (active low)
+     * @param type            Sets the panel size/addressing mode (default = LCD16x2)
+     * @param bl              Backlight control line (optional, default = NC)  
+     * @param ctrl            LCD controller (default = PT6314)                     
+     */
+    TextLCD_SPI_N_3_16(SPI *spi, PinName cs, LCDType type = LCD16x2, PinName bl = NC, LCDCtrl ctrl = PT6314);
+    virtual ~TextLCD_SPI_N_3_16(void);
+/** Implementation of pure Virtual Low level writes to LCD Bus (serial native)
+  * Set the Enable pin.
+  */
+    virtual void _setEnable(bool value);
+/** Implementation of pure Virtual Low level writes to LCD Bus (serial native)
+  * Set the RS pin (0 = Command, 1 = Data).
     virtual void _setRS(bool value);  
@@ -869,32 +1115,31 @@
     DigitalOut *_bl;    
-//-------- End TextLCD_SPI_N_3_9 ----------
+//-------- End TextLCD_SPI_N_3_16 ----------
-//Code checked out on logic analyser. Not yet tested on hardware..
+//Code to be checked out on logic analyser. Not yet tested on hardware..
-//------- Start TextLCD_SPI_N_3_10 ---------
+//------- Start TextLCD_SPI_N_3_24 ---------
-/** Create a TextLCD interface using a controller with native SPI3 10 bits interface
-  * Note: current mbed libs only support SPI 10 bit mode for NXP platforms
+/** Create a TextLCD interface using a controller with native SPI3 24 bits interface
+  * Note: lib uses SPI 8 bit mode
-class TextLCD_SPI_N_3_10 : public TextLCD_Base {    
+class TextLCD_SPI_N_3_24 : public TextLCD_Base {    
-   /** Create a TextLCD interface using a controller with native SPI3 10 bits interface
-     * Note: current mbed libs only support SPI 10 bit mode for NXP platforms
+   /** Create a TextLCD interface using a controller with native SPI3 24 bits interface
+     * Note: lib uses SPI 8 bit mode
      * @param spi             SPI Bus
      * @param cs              chip select pin (active low)
      * @param type            Sets the panel size/addressing mode (default = LCD16x2)
      * @param bl              Backlight control line (optional, default = NC)  
-     * @param ctrl            LCD controller (default = AIP31068)                     
+     * @param ctrl            LCD controller (default = SSD1803)                     
-    TextLCD_SPI_N_3_10(SPI *spi, PinName cs, LCDType type = LCD16x2, PinName bl = NC, LCDCtrl ctrl = AIP31068);
-    virtual ~TextLCD_SPI_N_3_10(void);
+    TextLCD_SPI_N_3_24(SPI *spi, PinName cs, LCDType type = LCD16x2, PinName bl = NC, LCDCtrl ctrl = SSD1803_3V3);
+    virtual ~TextLCD_SPI_N_3_24(void);
@@ -904,7 +1149,7 @@
     virtual void _setEnable(bool value);
 /** Implementation of pure Virtual Low level writes to LCD Bus (serial native)
-  * Set the RS pin ( 0 = Command, 1 = Data).
+  * Set the RS pin (0 = Command, 1 = Data).
     virtual void _setRS(bool value);  
@@ -933,7 +1178,7 @@
     DigitalOut *_bl;    
-//-------- End TextLCD_SPI_N_3_10 ----------
+//-------- End TextLCD_SPI_N_3_24 ----------
@@ -990,6 +1235,11 @@
     DigitalOut *_bl;    
+    DigitalOut _ps;    
 //---------- End TextLCD_I2C_N ------------