A project that creates falling asteroids at random positions along the top of the screen for a space ship at the bottom to shoot, using a Nokia N5110 LCD, joystick and pushbuttons - A revised name from my earlier project L2_2645

Dependencies:   DebounceIn N5110 PowerControl mbed

Fork of L2_2645_project by Louis Wray

Auto generated API documentation and code listings for Space_Teroid_Game


Asteroid Class created for Asteroids
Bullet Class created for bullet fired
Ship Class created for user component ship


main.cpp [code] Program implementation
main.h [code] Header file containing functions prototypes, defines and global variables


button Button input pin from joystick
buttonP Creates interrupt in for other functions
buttonS Creates interrupt in for shooting function
buzzer Buzzer output pin from pwm
lcd Creates object for display
LocalFileSystem Defines a local filesystem
myled GPIO for on board mbed LED1
randomPin Analog input to seed random function
serial Serial connection established
xPot Analog input from potentiometer reading x position
yPot Analog input from potentiometer reading y position