An analog clock for LPC1768 or LPC1114 with Sharp Memory LCD and DS1307
Dependencies: Adafruit_SHARP_Memory_Display RTC-DS1307 mbed
Analog Clock
This is a small example of an analog clock based on a TinyRTC (DS1307) for LPC1768 and LPC1114. The clock is displayed on a small (96x96) Sharp Memory LCD. The TinyRTC is something like that (a simple DS1307 with some capacitors and a crystal does the job too): The RTC-lib created by Henry Leinen is used and the algorithm for calculation the clock-hands is based on input from
initial version
2015-12-06, by worstcase_ffm [Sun, 06 Dec 2015 15:28:18 +0000] rev 0
initial version