smart ball test board code

Dependencies:   nrf51-sdk

Fork of nRF51822 by Nordic Semiconductor

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File Index

File List

Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
ansi_escape.h [code]TBD
assertion.h [code]TBD
binary.h [code]
ble_error.h [code]Error Header
btle.cpp [code]
btle.h [code]
btle_advertising.cpp [code]
btle_advertising.h [code]
btle_discovery.cpp [code]
btle_discovery.h [code]
btle_gap.cpp [code]
btle_gap.h [code]
btle_security.cpp [code]
btle_security.h [code]
common.h [code]
compiler.h [code]GCC Header
custom_helper.cpp [code]
custom_helper.h [code]
nRF5xCharacteristicDescriptorDiscoverer.cpp [code]
nRF5xCharacteristicDescriptorDiscoverer.h [code]
nRF5xDiscoveredCharacteristic.cpp [code]
nRF5xDiscoveredCharacteristic.h [code]
nRF5xGap.cpp [code]
nRF5xGap.h [code]
nRF5xGattClient.cpp [code]
nRF5xGattClient.h [code]
nRF5xGattServer.cpp [code]
nRF5xGattServer.h [code]
nRF5xn.cpp [code]
nRF5xn.h [code]
nRF5xSecurityManager.h [code]
nRF5xServiceDiscovery.cpp [code]
nRF5xServiceDiscovery.h [code]
projectconfig.h [code]