Simple Pong game on NokiaLCD with PS2

Dependencies:   mbed PS2 NokiaLCD

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00001 #include "mbed.h"
00002 #include "NokiaLCD.h"
00003 #include "PS2Keyboard.h"
00004 #include "ball.h"
00005 #include "paddle.h"
00007 // State enumerator
00008 typedef enum {
00010 } STATES;
00012 NokiaLCD lcd(p5, p7, p8, p9, NokiaLCD::LCD6610); // mosi, sclk, cs, rst, type
00014 PS2Keyboard ps2kb(p12, p11); // CLK, DAT
00016 DigitalIn sw2(p24);
00017 DigitalIn sw1(p25);
00019 PwmOut g(p21);
00020 PwmOut b(p22);
00021 PwmOut r(p23);
00023 // Button enumerator for PS/2 keyboard
00024 enum BUTTONS{
00025   UP = 0xe75,
00026   DOWN = 0xe72,
00027 };
00029 /* 
00030  * Subroutine drawScreen:
00031  * Description: Draws both paddles
00032  *  and the ball.
00033  */
00034 void drawScreen(Paddle paddle1, Paddle paddle2, Ball theBall, bool isBlack) {
00035   paddle1.draw(lcd, isBlack);
00036   paddle2.draw(lcd ,isBlack);
00037   theBall.draw(lcd ,isBlack);
00038 }
00040 /* 
00041  * Subroutine drawScores:
00042  * Description: Draws the scoreboard
00043  */
00044 void drawScores(Paddle paddle1, Paddle paddle2) {
00045   lcd.locate(7,0);
00046   lcd.putc('0' + paddle1.getScore());
00047   lcd.locate(9,0);
00048   lcd.putc('0' + paddle2.getScore());
00049   lcd.fill(66,0,2,130,0xFFFFFF);
00050   lcd.locate(7,15);
00051   lcd.putc('0' + paddle1.getLives());
00052   lcd.locate(9,15);
00053   lcd.putc('0' + paddle2.getLives());
00054 }
00056 int main() {
00057   PS2Keyboard::keyboard_event_t evt_kb; // Setup keyboard interrupt
00058   lcd.background(0x000000);
00059   lcd.cls();
00060   Paddle paddle1, paddle2;
00061   Ball theBall;
00062   int temp, count=0;
00063   drawScreen(paddle1, paddle2, theBall, false);
00064   drawScores(paddle1, paddle2);
00065   STATES state = RESET; // Initial state is RESET
00066   while(1) {
00067     switch(state) {
00068       case RESET: // Reset objects, draw the screen, state = PAUSE
00069         lcd.cls();
00070         paddle1 = Paddle(1,10,5,25,0xFFFFFF,paddle1.getLives(),paddle1.getScore());
00071         paddle2 = Paddle(125,3,5,25,0xFFFFFF,paddle2.getLives(),paddle2.getScore());
00072         theBall = Ball(6,25,5,5,0xFFFF00,1,1);
00073         drawScreen(paddle1, paddle2, theBall, false);
00074         drawScores(paddle1, paddle2);
00075         state = PAUSE;
00076         break;
00077       case PAUSE: // Set RGB LED to Red, wait for switch input
00078         r = 0;
00079         b = g = 1;
00080         if(!sw2) {
00081           while(!sw2);
00082           paddle2.setLives(3);
00083           paddle1.setLives(3);
00084           state = RESET;
00085           break;
00086         }
00087         if(!sw1) {
00088           while(!sw1);
00089           state = RUN;
00090         }
00091         break;
00092       case RUN: // Set RGB LED to Blue and run program
00093         r = g = 1;
00094         b = 0;
00095         if(!sw2) { // Reset if SW2 is pressed
00096           while(!sw2);
00097           paddle2.setLives(3);
00098           paddle1.setLives(3);
00099           state = RESET;
00100           break;
00101         }
00102         if(!sw1) { // Pause if SW1 is pressed
00103           while(!sw1);
00104           state = PAUSE;
00105           break;
00106         }
00107         if (ps2kb.processing(&evt_kb)) { // Executes if a key is pressed
00108           temp = evt_kb.scancode[0];
00109           for (int i = 1; i < evt_kb.length; i++) { // Parse keyboard input into a key
00110             temp <<= 4;
00111             temp |= evt_kb.scancode[i];
00112           }
00113           switch(temp) { // Use key enumerator to move paddle1
00114             case UP:
00115               if(paddle1.getY()>2)
00116                 paddle1.move(lcd, -2);
00117               break;
00118             case DOWN: 
00119               if(paddle1.getY()+paddle1.getHeight()<128)
00120                 paddle1.move(lcd, 2);
00121               break;
00122           }
00123         }
00124         if(count%2) // Only let CPU move once every 2 times through the loop
00125           paddle2.moveCPU(lcd, theBall.getY());
00126         if(++count==5) { // Only move the ball once every 5 times through the loop
00127           count = 0;
00128           if(theBall.hitP1((paddle1.getX()+paddle1.getWidth()), paddle1.getY(), paddle1.getHeight()))
00129             theBall.reverseX();
00130           if(theBall.hitP2(paddle2.getX(), paddle2.getY(), paddle2.getHeight()))
00131             theBall.reverseX();
00132           if(theBall.hitX()) { // If the ball hits one of the sides of the screen
00133             if(theBall.getX()<7) { // If the ball hit paddle1's side
00134               if(!paddle1.loseLife()) { // If paddle1 has no more lives
00135                 paddle1.setLives(3);
00136                 paddle2.setLives(3);
00137                 paddle2.addPoint();
00138               }
00139             }
00140             else if(theBall.getX()>120) { // If the ball hit paddle2's side
00141               if(!paddle2.loseLife()) { // If paddle2 has no more lives
00142                 paddle2.setLives(3);
00143                 paddle1.setLives(3);
00144                 paddle1.addPoint();
00145               }
00146             }
00147             theBall.reverseX();
00148             state = RESET; // Reset the objects
00149           }
00150           if(theBall.hitY()) 
00151             theBall.reverseY();
00152           theBall.move(lcd);
00153         }
00154         break;
00155     }
00156     drawScreen(paddle1, paddle2, theBall, false);
00157     drawScores(paddle1, paddle2);
00158   }
00159 }