This package includes the SharkSSL lite library and header files.

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00001 /*
00002  *     ____             _________                __                _     
00003  *    / __ \___  ____ _/ /_  __(_)___ ___  ___  / /   ____  ____ _(_)____
00004  *   / /_/ / _ \/ __ `/ / / / / / __ `__ \/ _ \/ /   / __ \/ __ `/ / ___/
00005  *  / _, _/  __/ /_/ / / / / / / / / / / /  __/ /___/ /_/ / /_/ / / /__  
00006  * /_/ |_|\___/\__,_/_/ /_/ /_/_/ /_/ /_/\___/_____/\____/\__, /_/\___/  
00007  *                                                       /____/          
00008  ****************************************************************************
00009  *                            HEADER
00010  *
00011  *   $Id: SingleList.h 3215 2013-11-29 14:43:17Z wini $
00012  *
00013  *   COPYRIGHT:  Real Time Logic, 2002
00014  *
00015  *   This software is copyrighted by and is the sole property of Real
00016  *   Time Logic LLC.  All rights, title, ownership, or other interests in
00017  *   the software remain the property of Real Time Logic LLC.  This
00018  *   software may only be used in accordance with the terms and
00019  *   conditions stipulated in the corresponding license agreement under
00020  *   which the software has been supplied.  Any unauthorized use,
00021  *   duplication, transmission, distribution, or disclosure of this
00022  *   software is expressly forbidden.
00023  *                                                                        
00024  *   This Copyright notice may not be removed or modified without prior
00025  *   written consent of Real Time Logic LLC.
00026  *                                                                         
00027  *   Real Time Logic LLC. reserves the right to modify this software
00028  *   without notice.
00029  *
00030  *     
00031  ****************************************************************************
00033         CONTENTS
00034         --------
00036         1  Description
00037         2  History of developmentDoubleLink
00038         3  Macros
00039         4  Include files
00040         5  types Constants Variables
00041         6  Function prototypes
00043  ****************************************************************************
00044  */
00045 #ifndef _SingleList_h
00046 #define _SingleList_h
00048 /*
00049  ****************************************************************************
00050  * 1  DESCRIPTION.
00051  ****************************************************************************
00052  *
00053  */
00055 /*
00056  ****************************************************************************
00057  *
00058  */
00060 /*
00061  ****************************************************************************
00062  * 3  MACROS.
00063  ****************************************************************************
00064  */
00066 /*
00067  ****************************************************************************
00068  * 4  INCLUDE FILES.
00069  ****************************************************************************
00070  */
00071 #include <TargConfig.h>
00074 /*
00075  ****************************************************************************
00077  ****************************************************************************
00078  */
00080 /*Forward declarations*/
00081 struct SingleList; 
00082 struct SingleListEnumerator;
00084 /*===========================================================================
00085  *
00086  *  Class:  SingleLink
00087  *---------------------------------------------------------------------------
00088  *  Description:
00089  *  Contains the link chain for the next element in the SingleList. Subclass
00090  *  o link for data stored in the SingleList.
00091  *  Note, o class contains no virtual destructor and the subclassed node
00092  *  will not be informed when the node is deleted.
00093  */
00094 typedef struct SingleLink
00095 {
00096 #ifdef __cplusplus
00097       SingleLink();
00098       SingleLink* getNext();
00099    private:
00100       friend struct SingleList;
00101       friend struct SingleListEnumerator;
00102 #endif
00103       struct SingleLink* next;
00104 } SingleLink;
00105 #define SingleLink_constructor(o) ((SingleLink*)(o))->next = 0
00106 #define SingleLink_getNext(o) ((SingleLink*)(o))->next
00107 #define SingleLink_isLinked(o) \
00108    (((SingleLink*)o)->next ? TRUE : FALSE) 
00110 #ifdef __cplusplus
00111 inline SingleLink::SingleLink() {SingleLink_constructor(this);}
00112 inline SingleLink* SingleLink::getNext() {return SingleLink_getNext(this);}
00113 #endif
00115 /*===========================================================================
00116  *
00117  *  Class:  SingleList
00118  *---------------------------------------------------------------------------
00119  *  Description:
00120  *   Contains nodes of type SingleLink.
00121  */
00122 typedef struct SingleList
00123 {
00124 #ifdef __cplusplus
00125       SingleList();
00126       void insertLast(SingleLink* link);
00127       SingleLink* removeFirst();
00128       SingleLink* peekFirst();
00129       bool isEmpty();
00130       bool isLast(SingleLink* link);
00131    private:
00132       friend struct SingleListEnumerator;
00133 #endif
00134       SingleLink link;   
00135       SingleLink* last;
00136 } SingleList;
00138 #define SingleList_insertLast(o, linkMA) do \
00139 { \
00140    baAssert((SingleLink*)(linkMA) != (SingleLink*)(o)); \
00141    baAssert(((SingleLink*)(linkMA))->next == 0); \
00142    (o)->last->next = (SingleLink*)(linkMA); \
00143    (o)->last = (SingleLink*)(linkMA); \
00144    ((SingleLink*)(linkMA))->next = (SingleLink*)(o); \
00145 } while(0)
00147 #define SingleList_peekFirst(o) ((o)-> == (SingleLink*)(o) ? 0 : (o)->
00149 #define SingleList_isEmpty(o) ((o)-> == (SingleLink*)(o))
00150 #define SingleList_isLast(o, n) ((n)->next == (SingleLink*)(o))
00152 #ifdef __cplusplus
00153 extern "C" {
00154 #endif
00155 BA_API void SingleList_constructor(SingleList* o);
00156 BA_API SingleLink* SingleList_removeFirst(SingleList* o);
00157 #ifdef __cplusplus
00158 }
00159 inline
00160 SingleList::SingleList() { SingleList_constructor(this); }
00161 inline void
00162 SingleList::insertLast(SingleLink* link) { SingleList_insertLast(this, link); }
00163 inline SingleLink*
00164 SingleList::peekFirst() { return SingleList_peekFirst(this); }
00165 inline bool
00166 SingleList::isEmpty() { return SingleList_isEmpty(this); }
00167 inline bool
00168 SingleList::isLast(SingleLink* link) { return SingleList_isLast(this,link); }
00169 inline SingleLink*
00170 SingleList::removeFirst() { return SingleList_removeFirst(this); }
00171 #endif
00173 /*===========================================================================
00174  *
00175  *  Class:  SingleListEnumerator
00176  *---------------------------------------------------------------------------
00177  *  Description:
00178  * Usage:
00179  *   SingleListEnumerator e(list);
00180  *   for(Slink* link = e.getElement() ; link ; link = e.nextElement())
00181  * or
00182  *   SingleListEnumerator e(list);
00183  *   Slink* link = e.getElement();
00184  *   while(link)
00185  *   {
00186  *      if(link bla bla)
00187  *         //Deletes current element and returns next element
00188  *         link = e.deleteElement(); 
00189  *      else
00190  *         link = e.nextElement();
00191  *   }
00192  */
00193 typedef struct SingleListEnumerator
00194 {
00195 #ifdef __cplusplus
00196       SingleListEnumerator(){}
00197       SingleListEnumerator(SingleList* list);
00198       SingleLink* getElement();
00199       SingleLink* nextElement();
00200       SingleLink* removeElement();
00201       int insertBefore(SingleLink* l);
00202    private:
00203 #endif
00204       SingleList* list;
00205       SingleLink* prevElement;
00206       SingleLink* curElement;
00207 } SingleListEnumerator;
00209 #define SingleListEnumerator_constructor(o, listMA) do \
00210 { \
00211    (o)->list = listMA; \
00212    (o)->prevElement = (SingleLink*)listMA; \
00213    (o)->curElement = SingleList_isEmpty(listMA) ? 0 : (o)->list->; \
00214 } while(0)
00216 #define SingleListEnumerator_getElement(o) (o)->curElement
00218 #define SingleListEnumerator_nextElement(o) \
00219    ((o)->curElement ? ( \
00220       (o)->prevElement = (o)->prevElement->next, \
00221       (o)->curElement = (o)->curElement == (o)->list->last ? 0 : (o)->curElement->next, \
00222       (o)->curElement \
00223     ) : 0)
00225 #ifdef __cplusplus
00226 extern "C" {
00227 #endif
00228 BA_API int SingleListEnumerator_insertBefore(
00229    SingleListEnumerator*, SingleLink*);
00230 BA_API SingleLink* SingleListEnumerator_removeElement(SingleListEnumerator* o);
00231 #ifdef __cplusplus
00232 }
00233 inline SingleListEnumerator::SingleListEnumerator(SingleList* list) {
00234    SingleListEnumerator_constructor(this, list); }
00235 inline SingleLink*
00236 SingleListEnumerator::removeElement() {
00237    return SingleListEnumerator_removeElement(this); }
00238 inline SingleLink*
00239 SingleListEnumerator::getElement() {return SingleListEnumerator_getElement(this);}
00240 inline SingleLink*
00241 SingleListEnumerator::nextElement() {return SingleListEnumerator_nextElement(this); }
00242 inline int SingleListEnumerator::insertBefore(SingleLink* l) {
00243    return SingleListEnumerator_insertBefore(this, l); }
00244 #endif
00247 #endif /*_SingleList_h*/
00250 #if defined(SingleListCode) && ! defined(SingleListCodeIncluded)
00251 #define SingleListCodeIncluded
00253 BA_API void
00254 SingleList_constructor(SingleList* o)
00255 {
00256    SingleLink_constructor((SingleLink*)o);
00257    o->last = ((SingleLink*)o);
00258    o->last->next = ((SingleLink*)o);
00259    o-> = ((SingleLink*)o);
00260 }
00263 BA_API int
00264 SingleListEnumerator_insertBefore(SingleListEnumerator* o, SingleLink* l)
00265 {
00266    if(l->next)
00267       return -1;
00269    if(SingleList_isEmpty(o->list))
00270       SingleList_insertLast(o->list, l);
00271    else
00272    {
00273       l->next = o->prevElement->next;
00274       o->prevElement->next = l;
00275    }
00276    o->prevElement = l;
00277    return 0;
00278 }
00281 BA_API SingleLink*
00282 SingleListEnumerator_removeElement(SingleListEnumerator* o)
00283 {
00284    if(o->curElement)
00285    {
00286       /*Store current position and iterate iterator*/
00287       SingleLink* cur = o->curElement;
00288       /*If element to remove is last element in list*/
00289       if(cur == o->list->last)
00290       {
00291          o->curElement = 0;
00292          o->list->last = o->prevElement;
00293          o->prevElement->next = (SingleLink*)o->list;
00294       }
00295       else
00296       {
00297          o->curElement =  o->curElement->next;
00298          o->prevElement->next = o->curElement;
00299       }
00300       cur->next = 0;
00301    }
00302    return o->curElement;
00303 }
00306 BA_API SingleLink*
00307 SingleList_removeFirst(SingleList* o)
00308 {
00309    SingleLink* link2Remove;
00310    link2Remove = o->;
00311    if(o-> == o->last)
00312    {
00313       if(o-> == (SingleLink*)o)
00314          return 0;
00315       o-> = o->last = (SingleLink*)o;
00316    }
00317    else
00318       o-> = o->>next;
00319    link2Remove->next = 0;
00320    return link2Remove;
00321 }
00323 #endif /* SingleListCode */