IEC60601-1-8 Audible Alert Generator

Dependencies:   mbed

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Fri May 18 19:51:12 2012 +0000
Commit message:
First Release

Changed in this revision

IEC60601-1-8.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
IEC60601-1-8.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
commands.c Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
commands.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
main.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
mbed.bld Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
diff -r 000000000000 -r 07767204347b IEC60601-1-8.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/IEC60601-1-8.cpp	Fri May 18 19:51:12 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,430 @@
+ *  IEC601601-1-8 
+ *
+ *   This modules provides the IEC Medical Alert tones.
+ *
+ *
+ *   Copyright(C) 2007, NXP Semiconductor
+ *   All rights reserved.
+ *
+ *   Port to mbed 2012 (WH)
+ ****************************************************************/
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "IEC60601-1-8.h"
+#define DEBUG_ON       0           // Activate Testpins for timing 
+// Activate Testpins for timing 
+DigitalOut TimInt(p19);  
+DigitalOut SeqInt(p20);  
+#define AMPL           200         // Output Amplitude     
+#define PI             3.1415926
+#define FSAMPLE        25000       // Timer  Reload Frequency               
+// define rise and fall time of tones
+#define HP_RISE        12          // rise time setting for high priority tones (12 = ~20ms Tr)
+                                   //   decrease to make slower, increase to make faster
+#define HP_FALL        12          // fall time setting for high priority tones (12 = ~20ms Tf)
+                                   //   decrease to make slower, increase to make faster
+#define MP_RISE        8           // rise time setting for high priority tones (8 = ~30ms Tr)
+                                   //   decrease to make slower, increase to make faster
+#define MP_FALL        8           // fall time setting for high priority tones (8 = ~30ms Tf)
+                                   //   decrease to make slower, increase to make faster
+Note_Type const _TuneSequence [][5] = {{C4,C4,C4,C4,C4},           // general
+                                       {C5,B4,A4,G4,F4},           // oxygen
+                                       {C4,A4,F4,A4,F4},           // ventilation
+                                       {C4,E4,G4,G4,C5},           // cardiovascular
+                                       {C4,D4,E4,F4,G4},           // temperature
+                                       {C5,D4,G4,C5,D4},           // drug_delivery
+                                       {C4,Fsharp4,C4,C4,Fsharp4}, // perfusion
+                                       {C5,C4,C4,C5,C4},           // power_fail
+//                                      {E4,C4,0,0,0}};             // low_alarm
+                                       {E4,C4,C4,C4,C4}};          // low_alarm                                           
+float const _FreqArray[][5]= {{261.626,523.252,784.878,1046.50,1308.13},     // C4
+                              {293.67,587.34,881.01,1174.7,1468.3},          // D4
+                              {329.63,659.26,988.89,1318.52,1648.15},        // E4
+                              {349.23,698.46,1047.69,1396.9,1746.15},        // F4
+                              {369.99,739.98,1109.97,1479.96,1849.95},       // FSharp4
+                              {392.00,784.00,1176.0,1568.0,1960.0},          // G4
+                              {440.000,880.00,1320.0,1760.00,2200.00},       // A4
+                              {493.88,987.76,1481.64,1975.5,2469.4},         // B4
+                              {523.251,1046.50,1569.756,2093.00,2616.25}};   // C5
+unsigned char _ToneWeights[] = {255,255,255,255,255};    // used for test and  
+                                                         // adjusting harmonic levels
+struct wave _Waves[9][5];    // 'Waves' holds tone gen coefficients and variables
+                             // the coefficients are calculated during initialization.
+IEC60601::IEC60601() {
+    _InitDAC();     
+    _InitSequencer();
+    _InitToneCoefArray();
+    _ticker.attach_us(this, &IEC60601::_TimerInteruptHandler, 40);
+void IEC60601::TurnOnAlarm(Prio_Type priority, Alarm_Type alarm_type) {
+  _priority = priority;
+  _alarm_type = alarm_type;
+  _mscount = 0;    
+  _sequence = 1;
+void IEC60601::TurnOffAlarm(void) {
+  _sequence = 0;
+void IEC60601::TestAlarm(Note_Type active_note, int w0, int w1, int w2, int w3, int w4) {         
+  _priority = TEST;
+  _active_note = active_note;
+  _ToneWeights[0]= w0;
+  _ToneWeights[1]= w1;
+  _ToneWeights[2]= w2;
+  _ToneWeights[3]= w3;
+  _ToneWeights[4]= w4;
+  _mscount = 0;    
+  _sequence = 1;
+// This modules provides the note sequencers and envelope control 
+// functions for the alarm notes for the IEC Medical Alert tone demo.
+void IEC60601::_InitSequencer(void) {
+  _envelope_on = false;
+  _envelope_off = false;
+void IEC60601::_TurnOnNote(void) {
+  _envelope = 0;          
+  _note_on = true;
+  _envelope_on = true;
+void IEC60601::_TurnOffNote(void) {
+  _note_on = false;
+void IEC60601::_HighPriSequence (void) {
+   switch (_mscount) {
+      case 1:
+        _active_note = _TuneSequence [_alarm_type][0];  // 1rst note of sequence
+        _note_level = 170;
+        _TurnOnNote();    
+        break;      
+      case 145:                       // 145 ms (trise + tduration)
+        _note_on = false;             // begin decay as note turns "off"    
+        break;
+      case 224:
+        _active_note = _TuneSequence [_alarm_type][1];  // 2nd note of sequence
+        _note_level = 255;
+        _TurnOnNote();
+        break;
+      case 368:
+        _note_on = false;             // begin decay as note turns "off"    
+        break;
+      case 447:
+        _active_note = _TuneSequence [_alarm_type][2];  // 3rd note of sequence
+        _note_level = 255;
+        _TurnOnNote();
+        break;
+      case 591:
+        _note_on = false;             // begin decay as note turns "off"    
+        break;
+      case 835:
+        _active_note = _TuneSequence [_alarm_type][3];  // 4th note of sequence
+        _note_level = 255;
+        _TurnOnNote();
+        break;
+      case 979:
+        _note_on = false;             // begin decay as note turns "off"    
+        break;
+      case 1058:
+        _active_note = _TuneSequence [_alarm_type][4];  // 5th note of sequence
+        _note_level = 255;
+        _TurnOnNote();
+        break;
+      case 1202:
+        _note_on = false;             // begin decay as note turns "off"    
+        break;
+      case 1250:                      // allows for fall time of envelope
+        if (_sequence == 2) {         // Done after one repeat 
+          _sequence = 0;
+          _mscount = 0;
+        }  
+        break;                  
+      case 1750:
+        if (_sequence == 1) {         // If this is the first time through, repeat
+          _sequence = 2;    
+        } 
+        _mscount = 0;
+        break;    
+   }
+void IEC60601::_MedPriSequence (void) {
+   switch (_mscount) {
+      case 1:
+        _active_note = _TuneSequence [_alarm_type][0];
+        _note_level = 170;
+        _TurnOnNote();    
+        break;    
+      case 221:                       // 221 ms (trise(30) + tduration(190)+ start(1))
+        _note_on = false;             // begin decay as note turns "off"    
+        break;
+      case 441:
+        _active_note = _TuneSequence [_alarm_type][1];  // 2nd note of sequence
+        _note_level = 255;
+        _TurnOnNote();
+        break;
+      case 661:
+        _note_on = false;             // begin decay as note turns "off"    
+        break;
+      case 881:
+        _active_note = _TuneSequence [_alarm_type][2];  // 3rd note of sequence
+        _note_level = 255;
+        _TurnOnNote();
+        break;
+      case 1101:
+        _note_on = false;             // begin decay as note turns "off"    
+        break;
+      case 1151:                      // allows for fall time of envelope 
+        _sequence = 0;                // Medium Prio does not repeat 
+        _mscount = 0;
+    }
+void IEC60601::_LowPriSequence (void) {
+   switch (_mscount) {
+      case 1:
+        _active_note = _TuneSequence [_alarm_type][0];
+        _note_level = 170;
+        _TurnOnNote();    
+        break;     
+      case 261:                       // 261 ms (trise(35) + tduration(225))
+        _note_on = false;             // begin decay as note turns "off"    
+        break;
+      case 521:
+        _active_note = _TuneSequence [_alarm_type][1];  // 2nd note of sequence
+        _note_level = 255;
+        _TurnOnNote();
+        break;
+      case 781:
+        _note_on = false;             // begin decay as note turns "off"    
+        break;
+      case 816:                       // Low Prio does not repeat  
+        _sequence = 0;
+        _mscount = 0;
+    }
+void IEC60601::_TestSequence (void) {
+   switch (_mscount) {
+      case 1:
+//      _active_note = _TuneSequence [_alarm_type][0];
+        _note_level = 255;
+        _TurnOnNote();    
+        break;
+      case 1000:             
+        _note_on = false;             // begin decay as note turns "off"    
+        break;
+      case 1035:
+         for (int i=0; i<5; i++) {    // Restore weights
+           _ToneWeights[i] = 255;
+         };
+        _sequence = 0;                // Test does not repeat  
+        _mscount = 0;
+        break;
+    }
+void IEC60601::_EnvelopeControl(void) {
+   if (_note_on) {
+        if (_envelope >= _note_level) {
+         _envelope = _note_level;
+     }
+     else {
+        if (_priority == HIGH) {
+            _envelope += HP_RISE;        // high priority risetime control
+        }
+        else {
+          _envelope += MP_RISE;          // Medium priority risetime control
+        }
+     }
+   }
+  else {
+      if (_envelope > 0) {
+        if (_priority == HIGH) {
+            _envelope -= HP_FALL;        // high priority falltime control
+        }
+        else {
+          _envelope -= MP_FALL;          // Medium priority falltime control
+        }
+      }
+  }
+  if ((_envelope <= 0) && (!_note_on) && (_envelope_on) ) {
+    _envelope = 0;
+    _envelope_off = true;              // synchronize with zero cross
+  }
+// This module generates multiple sine waves that are combined
+// to generate tones that contain a fundamental and 4 harmonics
+// per the IEC60601-1-8 Medical Alarm specification 
+void IEC60601::_InitDAC(void) { 
+    LPC_PINCON->PINSEL1  &= ~0x00300000;         // enable DAC P0.26
+    LPC_PINCON->PINSEL1  |=  0x00200000;         
+    LPC_PINCON->PINMODE1 &= ~0x00300000;         // disable Rs on P0.26
+    LPC_PINCON->PINMODE1 |=  0x00200000;         
+    LPC_DAC->DACR = 0x8000;                  // init DAC to half on voltage
+void IEC60601::_InitToneCoefArray(void) {      // generate the coefficients and init array for tones 
+  unsigned char n;
+  unsigned char j;
+  for (j=0;j<9;j++)                // Initialize all nine scale tones (C4-C5)
+  {
+     for (n=0;n<5;n++)             // fundamental and 4 harmonics for IEC60601-1-8
+     {
+        _Waves[j][n].coef = ((cos (2*PI*(float)(_FreqArray[j][n]/FSAMPLE)))* 32768) ;       // 2* taken out, put in final calc as a shift
+        _Waves[j][n].y1   = 0;
+        _Waves[j][n].y2   = ((sin (2*PI*(float)((_FreqArray[j][n]/FSAMPLE))) * AMPL * 32768));    // Try 8388608 (+8 bits) w/ long coef
+     }
+  }
+void IEC60601::_GenerateMultiTone (struct wave *t) {
+  long int y;
+  int i;
+  int env_weights;
+  long int output;
+  static long int output_old;
+  output = 0;                // clear output accumulator 
+  for (i=0; i<5; i++) {        // cycle through the 5 structures in the array
+    y = ((t->coef *(long long)(t->y1)>>14)) - t->y2;   // Goertzel Calculation
+    t->y2 = t->y1;                                     // store for next time
+    t->y1 = y;                                         // store for next time
+    env_weights = _envelope * _ToneWeights[i]>>8;
+    output += ((t->y1 * env_weights) >> 8);      // sum fundamental and harmonics
+    t++;                                      // increment structure pointer
+  }
+////  DAC->DACR = ((output >> 10) & 0xFFC0) + 0x8000;  // make unsigned and output to DAC
+///// Adapt to mbed !!!!
+  LPC_DAC->DACR = ((output >> 10) & 0xFFC0) + 0x8000;  // make unsigned and output to DAC
+  if ((output >= 0) && (output_old <= 0)) {  // zero crossing detect
+     if (_envelope_off && (!_note_on)) {
+        _envelope_on = false;      // sychronizes turn off with zero cross
+        _envelope_off = false;     // reset envelope flag 
+     }
+  }     
+  output_old = output;
+void IEC60601::_OutputTones(Note_Type note, unsigned char level) {
+  _note_level = level;                   
+  _GenerateMultiTone (&Waves[note][0]);
+void IEC60601::_TimerInteruptHandler (void){    
+  static int timeval = 0;
+// Activate Testpins for timing 
+    TimInt = 1;  
+    if (_envelope_on) {
+//Oude code 
+//      _OutputTones(_active_note, _note_level); // parameters are set in sequencer
+        _GenerateMultiTone (&_Waves[_active_note][0]);    // parameters set in sequencer     
+    }            
+    timeval++;
+    if (timeval == 25) {          // millisecond interval (@ 25 khz sample rate)
+        // Activate Testpins for timing 
+        SeqInt=1;  
+        if (_sequence != 0) {
+            switch (_priority) {
+                 case HIGH:
+                     _HighPriSequence();
+                    break;
+                 case MEDIUM:
+                     _MedPriSequence();
+                    break;
+                 case LOW:
+                     _LowPriSequence();
+                    break;
+                case TEST:
+                     _TestSequence();
+                    break;
+               }
+        }
+        timeval = 0;            // clear interval counter
+        _mscount++;             // increment ms counter
+        _EnvelopeControl();        
+        // Activate Testpins for timing 
+        SeqInt=0;  
+    }
+// Activate Testpins for timing 
+    TimInt = 0;  
diff -r 000000000000 -r 07767204347b IEC60601-1-8.h
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/IEC60601-1-8.h	Fri May 18 19:51:12 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+ *  IEC601601-1-8 
+ *
+ *   This modules provides the IEC Medical Alert tones.
+ *
+ *
+ *   Copyright(C) 2007, NXP Semiconductor
+ *   All rights reserved.
+ *
+ *   Port to mbed 2012 (WH)
+ ****************************************************************/
+#ifndef _IEC60601_1_8_H
+#define _IEC60601_1_8_H
+enum Note_Type  {C4=0,D4=1,E4=2,F4=3,Fsharp4=4,G4=5,A4=6,B4=7,C5=8};      // Can address array rows with notes
+                 TEMPERATURE=4, OXYGEN=5, DRUG_DELIVERY=6, POWER_FAIL=7, LOW_ALARM=8}; // Can tone_seq array rows with alarms
+enum Prio_Type  {HIGH, MEDIUM, LOW, TEST};
+struct wave  {                  // struct for Sine Wave Generator Signal   
+  short coef;                      // IIR filter coefficient                
+  long y1;                         // y[-1] value                            
+  long y2;                         // y[-2] value      
+class IEC60601 {
+  IEC60601();
+  void TurnOnAlarm(Prio_Type priority, Alarm_Type alarm_type);
+  void TurnOffAlarm(void); 
+  void TestAlarm(Note_Type active_note, int w0, int w1, int w2, int w3, int w4);           
+  void _InitSequencer(void);
+  void _InitDAC(void);   
+  void _InitToneCoefArray(void);
+  void _TimerInteruptHandler (void);      
+  void _GenerateMultiTone (struct wave *t);
+//  void _OutputTones(Note_Type note, unsigned char level);
+  void _TurnOnNote(void);
+  void _TurnOffNote(void);
+  void _EnvelopeControl(void);    
+  void _HighPriSequence (void);
+  void _MedPriSequence (void);
+  void _LowPriSequence (void);
+  void _TestSequence (void);
+  Alarm_Type _alarm_type;
+  Prio_Type _priority;
+  unsigned int _sequence;
+  unsigned int _mscount;
+  int _envelope;
+  Note_Type _active_note;
+  bool _note_on;
+  int _note_level;  
+  bool _envelope_on;    
+  bool _envelope_off;
+  Ticker _ticker;
diff -r 000000000000 -r 07767204347b commands.c
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/commands.c	Fri May 18 19:51:12 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,324 @@
+*  commands.c
+* This Module contains the command handler and menus for the 
+* Medical alert tone demo
+*   Copyright(C) 2007, NXP Semiconductor
+*   All rights reserved.     
+*   Port to mbed 2012 (WH)
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "commands.h"
+#include "IEC60601-1-8.h"
+//Externals from main
+extern Serial pc;
+extern bool running;
+extern IEC60601 IEC_Alarm;
+State_Type cmd_state;
+unsigned char proc_cmd;
+// Menus
+void MainMenu(void) {
+        pc.printf ("Main Commands:\n\r");
+        pc.printf ("Press '0' to Exit\n\r");            
+        pc.printf ("Press '1' for High Priority Alarm Menu\n\r");
+        pc.printf ("Press '2' for Medium Priority Alarm Menu\n\r");
+        pc.printf ("Press '3' for Low Priority Alarm Menu\n\r");
+        pc.printf ("Press '4' for Test Menu\n\r");
+        pc.printf ("Enter Command Number: ");        
+void HPMenu(void) {
+        pc.printf ("High Priority Commands:\n\r");
+        pc.printf (" 0 - Exit High Priority Commands\n\r");        
+        pc.printf (" 1 - High Priority General Alarm\n\r");
+        pc.printf (" 2 - High Priority Cardiac Alarm\n\r");        
+        pc.printf (" 3 - High Priority Artificial Perfusion Alarm\n\r");
+        pc.printf (" 4 - High Priority Ventilation Alarm\n\r");
+        pc.printf (" 5 - High Priority Temperature Alarm\n\r");
+        pc.printf (" 6 - High Priority Oxygen Alarm\n\r");
+        pc.printf (" 7 - High Priority Drug Delivery Alarm\n\r");
+        pc.printf (" 8 - High Priority Equipment/Supply Failure Alarm\n\r");
+        pc.printf ("Enter Command Number: ");
+void MPMenu(void) {
+        pc.printf ("Medium Priority Commands:\n\r");
+        pc.printf (" 0 - Exit Medium Priority Commands\n\r");                        
+        pc.printf (" 1 - Medium Priority General Alarm\n\r");
+        pc.printf (" 2 - Medium Priority Cardiac Alarm\n\r");        
+        pc.printf (" 3 - Medium Priority Artificial Perfusion Alarm\n\r");
+        pc.printf (" 4 - Medium Priority Ventilation Alarm\n\r");
+        pc.printf (" 5 - Medium Priority Temperature Alarm\n\r");
+        pc.printf (" 6 - Medium Priority Oxygen Alarm\n\r");
+        pc.printf (" 7 - Medium Priority Drug Delivery Alarm\n\r");
+        pc.printf (" 8 - Medium Priority Equipment/Supply Failure Alarm\n\r");
+        pc.printf ("Enter Command Number: ");
+void LPMenu(void) {
+        pc.printf ("Low Priority Commands:\n\r");
+        pc.printf (" 0 - Exit Low Priority Commands\n\r");                
+        pc.printf (" 1 - Low Priority General Alarm\n\r");
+        pc.printf ("Enter Command Number: ");
+void TSTMenu(void) {
+        pc.printf ("Test Commands:\n\r");
+        pc.printf (" 0 - Exit Test Commands\n\r");        
+        pc.printf (" 1 - Sound Low Multi-Tone\n\r");
+        pc.printf (" 2 - Sound High Multi-Tone\n\r");
+        pc.printf (" 3 - Sound Low Single Tone\n\r");
+        pc.printf (" 4 - Sound High Single Tone\n\r");
+        pc.printf (" 5 - Reset Test Settings\n\r");
+        pc.printf ("Enter Command Number: ");
+void ShowMenu() {
+  switch (cmd_state) {
+    case MAIN_STATE:
+        MainMenu();
+        break;
+    case HI_PRI_STATE:
+        HPMenu();           
+        break;
+    case MED_PRI_STATE:
+        MPMenu();
+        break;
+    case LO_PRI_STATE:
+        LPMenu();           
+        break;
+    case TST_STATE:
+        TSTMenu();           
+        break;
+    default:
+        break;
+  }
+void MainCommnds(char command) {
+       switch (command) {
+         case '0':
+            pc.printf("Done\n\r");                    
+            running = false;        
+            break;
+         case '1':
+            cmd_state = HI_PRI_STATE;
+            break;
+         case '2':
+            cmd_state = MED_PRI_STATE;         
+            break;
+         case '3':
+            cmd_state = LO_PRI_STATE;         
+            break;
+         case '4':
+            cmd_state = TST_STATE;         
+            break;
+         default:
+            break;          
+        }
+void HPCommnds(char command) {
+    switch (command)
+    {
+       case '0':
+         cmd_state = MAIN_STATE;                  
+         break;       
+       case '1':          
+         pc.printf ("High Priority General Alarm\n\r");
+         IEC_Alarm.TurnOnAlarm(HIGH, GENERAL);
+         break;
+       case '2':          
+         pc.printf ("High Priority Cardiac Alarm\n\r");
+         IEC_Alarm.TurnOnAlarm(HIGH, CARDIOVASCULAR);         
+         break;
+       case '3':           
+         pc.printf ("High Priority Artificial Perfusion Alarm\n\r");
+         IEC_Alarm.TurnOnAlarm(HIGH, PERFUSION);                  
+         break;
+       case '4':          
+         pc.printf ("High Priority Ventilation Alarm\n\r");
+         IEC_Alarm.TurnOnAlarm(HIGH, VENTILATION);
+         break;
+       case '5':          
+         pc.printf ("High Priority Temperature Alarm\n\r");
+         IEC_Alarm.TurnOnAlarm(HIGH, TEMPERATURE);
+         break;
+       case '6':           
+         pc.printf ("High Priority Oxygen Alarm\n\r"); 
+         IEC_Alarm.TurnOnAlarm(HIGH, OXYGEN);
+         break;
+       case '7':         
+         pc.printf ("High Priority Drug Delivery Alarm\n\r");
+         IEC_Alarm.TurnOnAlarm(HIGH, DRUG_DELIVERY);
+         break;
+       case '8':    
+         pc.printf ("High Priority Equipment/Supply Failure Alarm\n\r");
+         IEC_Alarm.TurnOnAlarm(HIGH, POWER_FAIL);
+         break;      
+       default:
+         pc.printf ("Command not supported\n\r");
+         break;     
+       }
+void MPCommnds(char command) {
+    switch (command)
+    {
+       case '0':
+         cmd_state = MAIN_STATE;         
+         break;         
+       case '1':          
+         pc.printf ("Medium Priority General Alarm\n\r");
+         IEC_Alarm.TurnOnAlarm(MEDIUM, GENERAL);
+         break;
+       case '2':          
+         pc.printf ("Medium Priority Cardiac Alarm\n\r");
+         IEC_Alarm.TurnOnAlarm(MEDIUM, CARDIOVASCULAR);
+         break;
+       case '3':           
+         pc.printf ("Medium Priority Artificial Perfusion Alarm\n\r");
+         IEC_Alarm.TurnOnAlarm(MEDIUM, PERFUSION);
+         break;
+       case '4':          
+         pc.printf ("Medium Priority Ventilation Alarm\n\r");
+         IEC_Alarm.TurnOnAlarm(MEDIUM, VENTILATION);
+         break;
+       case '5':          
+         pc.printf ("Medium Priority Temperature Alarm\n\r");
+         IEC_Alarm.TurnOnAlarm(MEDIUM, TEMPERATURE);
+         break;
+       case '6':           
+         pc.printf ("Medium Priority Oxygen Alarm\n\r"); 
+         IEC_Alarm.TurnOnAlarm(MEDIUM, OXYGEN);
+         break;
+       case '7':           
+         pc.printf ("Medium Priority Drug Delivery Alarm\n\r");
+         IEC_Alarm.TurnOnAlarm(MEDIUM, DRUG_DELIVERY);
+         break;
+       case '8':    
+         pc.printf ("Medium Priority Equipment/Supply Failure Alarm\n\r");
+         IEC_Alarm.TurnOnAlarm(MEDIUM, POWER_FAIL);
+         break;      
+       default:
+         pc.printf ("Command not supported\n\r");
+         break;     
+       }
+void LPCommnds(char command)
+    switch (command) {
+       case '0':
+         cmd_state = MAIN_STATE;
+         break;       
+       case '1':          
+         pc.printf ("Low Priority Alarm\n\r");
+         IEC_Alarm.TurnOnAlarm(LOW, LOW_ALARM);
+         break;
+       default:
+         pc.printf ("Command not supported\n\r");
+         break;     
+       }
+void TestCommnds(char command) {
+    switch (command) {
+       case '0':
+         cmd_state = MAIN_STATE;
+         IEC_Alarm.TestAlarm(C4, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255);       // make sure weightfactors are reset                    
+         break;           
+       case '1':          
+         pc.printf ("Sound Low Multi Tone\n\r");
+         IEC_Alarm.TestAlarm(C4, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255);         
+         break;
+       case '2':          
+         pc.printf ("Sound High Multi Tone\n\r");
+         IEC_Alarm.TestAlarm(C5, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255);                  
+         break;
+       case '3':           
+         pc.printf ("Sound Low Single Tone\n\r");
+         IEC_Alarm.TestAlarm(C4, 255, 0, 0, 0, 0);                           
+         break;
+       case '4':          
+         pc.printf ("Sound High Single Tone\n\r");
+         IEC_Alarm.TestAlarm(C5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 255);                                    
+         break;
+       case '5':           
+         pc.printf ("Reset Test Settings\n\r");
+         IEC_Alarm.TestAlarm(C4, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255);                  
+         break;
+       default:
+         pc.printf ("Command not supported\n\r");
+         break;     
+       }
+void InitCommand(void) {
+    cmd_state = MAIN_STATE;  
+void DecodeCommand(char command) {
+  switch (cmd_state) {
+    case MAIN_STATE:
+//        pc.printf ("Main Commands:\n\r");
+        MainCommnds(command);
+        break;
+    case HI_PRI_STATE:
+//        pc.printf ("High Priority Commands:\n\r");
+        HPCommnds(command);
+        break;
+    case MED_PRI_STATE:
+//        pc.printf ("Medium Priority Commands:\n\r");
+        MPCommnds(command);
+        break;
+    case LO_PRI_STATE:
+//        pc.printf ("Low Priority Commands:\n\r");
+        LPCommnds(command);
+        break;
+    case TST_STATE:
+//        pc.printf ("Test Commands:\n\r");
+        TestCommnds(command);
+        break;
+    default:
+        break;
+  }
diff -r 000000000000 -r 07767204347b commands.h
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/commands.h	Fri May 18 19:51:12 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+ /****************************************************************
+ *   Commands.h -  exports from commands.c
+ *
+ *
+ *   Copyright(C) 2007, NXP Semiconductor
+ *   All rights reserved.
+ *
+ *   Port to mbed 2012 (WH)
+ ****************************************************************/
+#ifndef _COMMANDS_H
+#define _COMMANDS_H
+void ShowMenu(void);
+void InitCommand(void);
+void DecodeCommand(char command);
\ No newline at end of file
diff -r 000000000000 -r 07767204347b main.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Fri May 18 19:51:12 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+*   Tones_demo:                         
+*      This module contains the "main" function for the IEC60601-1-8 alarm tone                                                                      
+*      synthesizer. The main function initializes peripherals and variables and                                                           
+*      provides for a command test in the main loop to handle incoming commands.
+*   Copyright(C) 2007, NXP Semiconductor
+*   All rights reserved. 
+*   Port to mbed 2012 (WH)
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "commands.h"
+#include "IEC60601-1-8.h"
+IEC60601 IEC_Alarm;
+Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX); // tx, rx
+// Variables to control Audio generator
+bool running=true;
+char command;
+// Variables for Heartbeat and Status
+Ticker heartbeat;
+bool heartbeatflag=false;
+DigitalOut MyLed1(LED1);
+DigitalOut MyLed2(LED2);
+DigitalOut MyLed3(LED3);
+DigitalOut MyLed4(LED4);
+// Heartbeat monitor
+void pulse() {
+  MyLed4 = !MyLed4;                                          
+void heartbeat_start() {
+  heartbeat.attach(&pulse, 0.5);
+  heartbeatflag = true;
+void heartbeat_stop() {
+  heartbeat.detach();
+  heartbeatflag = false;
+int main() {
+    pc.printf("Hello World!\n\r");
+    heartbeat_start();
+    InitCommand();
+    ShowMenu();
+    while(running) {
+       if(pc.readable()) {        // poll for command          
+         command = pc.getc();       
+//         pc.printf("Command= %c \n\r", command);         
+         DecodeCommand(command);
+         ShowMenu();
+       } // if   
+    } //while 
+   pc.printf("Bye World!\n\r");                          
diff -r 000000000000 -r 07767204347b mbed.bld
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mbed.bld	Fri May 18 19:51:12 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@