Library for Princeton PT6301 VFD controller. Used in Futaba CIG VFD tubes.

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This is a library for the Princeton PT6301 VFD controller. The controller is used by Futaba 'Chip In Glass' (CIG) VFD tubes. The device supports upto 20 Grids of 5x7 matrix segments for 2 rows of characters (A and B). It also supports 1 additional segment for 2 rows (A and B). In addition to the internal character set, the PT6301 also supports 16 User Defined Characters.

The PT6301 has an SPI Serial interface. Control data consists of an 8-bit command and one or more data bytes. Command and data are sent LSB first and latched on rising edge of CLK. Idle CLK is high. Data address is auto incremented. Same for Icon and UDC addresses. The commands and data are transmitted during CE low and latched on rising CE edge.

The PT6301 has internal memory for all characters and icons. The content is automatically displayed on the tube. The memory consists of two banks (row A and row B) for character memory and two banks (row A and row B) for icon memory. Each of those banks is accessed by separate commands. However, these command do not support addressing individual locations in the memory. Memory updates always start at address 0 in the selected row A or B. Consequently, the whole displaymemory needs to be rewritten when any location (except for 0) is to be updated. The library therefor uses a local mirror memory to store the display content, update one or more characters in the mirror-memory as needed, and rewrite the whole displaymemory from the mirror-content. The write-back is performed by calling the 'refresh' method. Additional advantage of the mirror-memory is that we can also implement wrap-around and scrolling from row A to B for multi-line displays.

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