Simple PID



File content as of revision 0:3ce55a50a6b3:

// Arduino PID Library Version 1.0.1 Modified Version for C++
// Platform Independent
// Revision: 1.1
// Description: The PID Controller module originally meant for Arduino made
// platform independent. Some small bugs present in the original Arduino source
// have been rectified as well.
// For a detailed explanation of the theory behind this library, go to:
// Revisions can be found here:
// Modified by: Trent Cleghorn , <>
// Copyright (C) Brett Beauregard , <>
//                                 GPLv3 License
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under 
// the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software 
// Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later 
// version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY 
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A 
// PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with 
// this program.  If not, see <>.

// Headers
#include "pid_controller.h"

// Macros and Globals
#define CONSTRAIN(x,lower,upper)    ((x)<(lower)?(lower):((x)>(upper)?(upper):(x)))

// Public Class Functions

PIDControl (float kp, float ki, float kd, float sampleTimeSeconds, float minOutput, 
            float maxOutput, PIDMode mode, PIDDirection controllerDirection)     	
    controllerDirection = controllerDirection;
    mode = mode;
    iTerm = 0.0f;
    input = 0.0f;
    lastInput = 0.0f;
    output = 0.0f;
    setpoint = 0.0f;
    if(sampleTimeSeconds > 0.0f)
        sampleTime = sampleTimeSeconds;
        // If the passed parameter was incorrect, set to 1 second
        sampleTime = 1.0f;
    PIDOutputLimitsSet(minOutput, maxOutput);
    PIDTuningsSet(kp, ki, kd);
bool PIDControl::
    float error, dInput;

    if(mode == MANUAL)
        return false;
    // The classic PID error term
    error = setpoint - input;
    // Compute the integral term separately ahead of time
    iTerm += alteredKi * error;
    // Constrain the integrator to make sure it does not exceed output bounds
    iTerm = CONSTRAIN(iTerm, outMin, outMax);
    // Take the "derivative on measurement" instead of "derivative on error"
    dInput = input - lastInput;
    // Run all the terms together to get the overall output
    output = alteredKp * error + iTerm - alteredKd * dInput;
    // Bound the output
    output = CONSTRAIN(output, outMin, outMax);
    // Make the current input the former input
    lastInput = input;
    return true;
void PIDControl::
PIDModeSet(PIDMode mode)                                                                                                                                       
    // If the mode changed from MANUAL to AUTOMATIC
    if(mode != mode && mode == AUTOMATIC)
        // Initialize a few PID parameters to new values
        iTerm = output;
        lastInput = input;
        // Constrain the integrator to make sure it does not exceed output bounds
        iTerm = CONSTRAIN(iTerm, outMin, outMax);
    mode = mode;

void PIDControl::
PIDOutputLimitsSet(float min, float max) 							  							  
    // Check if the parameters are valid
    if(min >= max)
    // Save the parameters
    outMin = min;
    outMax = max;
    // If in automatic, apply the new constraints
    if(mode == AUTOMATIC)
        output = CONSTRAIN(output, min, max);
        iTerm  = CONSTRAIN(iTerm,  min, max);

void PIDControl::
PIDTuningsSet(float kp, float ki, float kd)         	                                         
    // Check if the parameters are valid
    if(kp < 0.0f || ki < 0.0f || kd < 0.0f)
    // Save the parameters for displaying purposes
    dispKp = kp;
    dispKi = ki;
    dispKd = kd;
    // Alter the parameters for PID
    alteredKp = kp;
    alteredKi = ki * sampleTime;
    alteredKd = kd / sampleTime;
    // Apply reverse direction to the altered values if necessary
    if(controllerDirection == REVERSE)
        alteredKp = -(alteredKp);
        alteredKi = -(alteredKi);
        alteredKd = -(alteredKd);

void PIDControl::
PIDTuningKpSet(float kp)
    PIDTuningsSet(kp, dispKi, dispKd);

void PIDControl::
PIDTuningKiSet(float ki)
    PIDTuningsSet(dispKp, ki, dispKd);

void PIDControl::
PIDTuningKdSet(float kd)
    PIDTuningsSet(dispKp, dispKi, kd);

void PIDControl::
PIDControllerDirectionSet(PIDDirection controllerDirection)	  									  									  									  
    // If in automatic mode and the controller's sense of direction is reversed
    if(mode == AUTOMATIC && controllerDirection == REVERSE)
        // Reverse sense of direction of PID gain constants
        alteredKp = -(alteredKp);
        alteredKi = -(alteredKi);
        alteredKd = -(alteredKd);
    controllerDirection = controllerDirection;

void PIDControl::
PIDSampleTimeSet(float sampleTimeSeconds)                                                       									  									  									   
    float ratio;

    if(sampleTimeSeconds > 0.0f)
        // Find the ratio of change and apply to the altered values
        ratio = sampleTimeSeconds / sampleTime;
        alteredKi *= ratio;
        alteredKd /= ratio;
        // Save the new sampling time
        sampleTime = sampleTimeSeconds;