This app requires a Windows Form to send/receive commands. See GHI Electronics Codeshare..

Dependencies:   USBDevice mbed

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Sat Mar 07 11:09:27 2015 +0000
Commit message:
This app requires a Windows Form to send/receive commands.
; See GHI Electronics code share.

Changed in this revision

USBDevice.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
main.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
mbed.bld Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/USBDevice.lib	Sat Mar 07 11:09:27 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Sat Mar 07 11:09:27 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
+// Control characters are used so there is no restriction on text characters that can be used for serial messages.
+// Test for the control characters to reset the mBuino and for setting the PWM values
+//Use USB Library Device stack
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "USBSerial.h"
+#include <string>
+DigitalOut LED[] = {(LED1), (LED2), (LED3), (LED4), (LED5), (LED6), (LED7)};// declare 7 LEDs
+ //Virtual serial port over USB
+ USBSerial serial;
+ Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
+ DigitalOut led1(LED1);
+ DigitalOut led2(LED2);
+ DigitalOut led3(LED3);
+ DigitalOut led4(LED4);
+ DigitalOut led5(LED5);
+ DigitalOut led6(LED6);
+ DigitalOut led7(LED7);
+ pwmEdge.rise(&showEdgeHigh);
+ pwmEdge.fall(&showEdgeLow);
+ //Create interrupt input
+ InterruptIn pwmEdge(P0_21);
+ //create PWM outputs
+ PwmOut PWM1(P0_18);
+ PwmOut PWM2(P0_19);
+ PwmOut PWM3(P1_15);
+ //create output pin to display interrupt state event
+ DigitalOut led7(LED7);
+ float Period1;
+ float DutyCycle1;
+ float Period2;
+ float DutyCycle2;
+ float Period3;
+ float DutyCycle3;
+void onEdgeHigh() {
+    led7 = 1;
+void onEdgeLow() {
+    led7 = 0;
+int main() {
+    reset: //Here on Reset request..
+    for(int i = 0; i < 7; i++) // turn all led's off
+    {
+        LED[i].write(0);
+    }
+    //
+    //Display we have started...
+    for(int i = 0;i < 7;i++) {
+        LED[i].write(1);
+        wait(0.2);
+        LED[i].write(0);
+    }
+    for(int i = 6;i >= 0;i--) {
+        LED[i].write(1);
+        wait(0.2);
+        LED[i].write(0);
+    }
+    //Test 1kHz 70% (0.999 kHz)
+    Period1 = 0.01;
+    DutyCycle1 = 0.3;
+    //Test 1kHz 50% (0.999 kHz)
+    Period2 = 0.001;
+    DutyCycle2 = 0.5;
+    //Test 979.4 kHz
+    Period3 = 0.000001;
+    DutyCycle3 = 0.5; //51%
+    //Set some defaults
+    PWM1.period(Period1);
+    PWM1=DutyCycle1;
+    PWM2.period(Period2);
+    PWM2=DutyCycle2;
+    PWM3.period(Period3);
+    PWM3=DutyCycle3;
+    while(1)
+    {       
+        if(serial.readable()) {
+            //Control Characters are received as Decimal ASCII
+            char str[60];
+            serial.gets(str, 60);
+            serial.puts(str);
+            //Indicate we have received/returned data
+            LED[3].write(1);
+            wait(0.2);
+            LED[3].write(0);
+            //Get PWM (or other) to use and the value from string
+            //The first three characters tell us what PwmOut to use
+            //The remaining characters are the value to use
+            int len = strlen(str);
+            string s2 = string(str).substr(3, len - 3);
+            //serial.printf("s:  %s   Len: %d \r\n", str, len);
+            //Warning: Non-POD class type passed through ellipsis in "main.cpp"
+            //serial.printf("part:  %s \r\n", s2); //<< My original code causing error
+            //serial.printf("part:  %s \r\n", s2.c_str());  //<< taylorza provided this and saved my day
+            //Control Character 10 = DLE (P0_21)
+            //Interrupt input pin
+            if(str[0] == '1' && str[1] == '0') {
+                if(str[2] == '1') {
+                    pwmEdge.rise(&onEdgeHigh); //Event
+                }
+                else if(str[2] == '0') {
+                    pwmEdge.fall(&onEdgeLow); //Event
+                }
+                //Disable events
+                else if(str[2] == '2') {
+                    pwmEdge.rise(NULL);
+                    pwmEdge.fall(NULL);
+                }
+                //
+            }
+            //
+            //Control Character 18 = DC2 (PwmOut PWM1(P0_18))
+            else if(str[0] == '1' && str[1] == '8') {
+                if(str[2] == 'd') {
+                    DutyCycle1 = atof(s2.c_str());
+                    PWM1=DutyCycle1;
+                }
+                else if(str[2] == 'p') {
+                    Period1 = atof(s2.c_str());
+                    PWM1.period(Period1);
+                }
+                //
+            }
+            //
+            //Control Character 19 = DC3 (PwmOut PWM2(P0_19))
+            else if(str[0] == '1' && str[1] == '9') {
+                if(str[2] == 'd') {
+                    DutyCycle2 = atof(s2.c_str());
+                    PWM2=DutyCycle2;
+                }
+                else if(str[2] == 'p') {
+                    Period2 = atof(s2.c_str());
+                    PWM2.period(Period2);
+                }
+                //
+            }
+            //
+            //Control Character 20 = DC4 (PwmOut PWM3(P1_15))
+            else if(str[0] == '2' && str[1] == '0') {
+                if(str[2] == 'd') {
+                    DutyCycle3 = atof(s2.c_str());
+                    PWM3=DutyCycle3;
+                }
+                else if(str[2] == 'p') {
+                    Period3 = atof(s2.c_str());
+                    PWM3.period(Period3);
+                }
+                //
+            }
+            //
+            //Control Character 17 = DC1
+            //Reset the mBuino - (Assuming serial can read)
+            else if(str[0] == '1' && str[1] == '7') {
+                goto reset;
+            } //if
+        } //if serial.readable()      
+    } //while
+} //main
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mbed.bld	Sat Mar 07 11:09:27 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
\ No newline at end of file