Test program running on MAX32625MBED. Control through USB Serial commands using a terminal emulator such as teraterm or putty.

Dependencies:   MaximTinyTester CmdLine MAX541 USBDevice

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Thu Feb 20 10:21:21 2020 +0000
Commit message:
digitalInOut menu %H %L %?

Changed in this revision

MAX11043/MAX11043.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
Test_Main_MAX11043.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- a/MAX11043/MAX11043.h	Thu Feb 20 01:16:25 2020 +0000
+++ b/MAX11043/MAX11043.h	Thu Feb 20 10:21:21 2020 +0000
@@ -183,17 +183,17 @@
  * // example code declare SPI interface
  * #if defined(TARGET_MAX32625MBED)
- * // TODO1: support SPI hardware-controlled CS instead of GPIO CS (mbed)
- * // 2020-02-19 attempting to improve SPI CS timing.
- * // Currently CS envelope is 23us (11.4us before SCLK and 8.6us after SCLK).
- * // MAX11043 slowest EOC rate is 9us.
- * // Trying to use SPI-controlled CS configuration. Not working yet.
+ * // SPI spi(SPI1_MOSI, SPI1_MISO, SPI1_SCK); // mosi, miso, sclk spi1 TARGET_MAX32625MBED: P1_1 P1_2 P1_0 Arduino 10-pin header D11 D12 D13 D10
+ * // DigitalOut spi_cs(SPI1_SS); // TARGET_MAX32625MBED: not connected
+ * // Support SPI hardware-controlled CS instead of GPIO CS (mbed)
+ * // 2020-02-19 MAX32625MBED GPIO CS envelope is 23us (11.4us before SCLK and 8.6us after SCLK).
+ * // 2020-02-19 MAX32625MBED SPI controlled CS envelope 4 channel read reduced to 4.2us (24MHz SCLK), 1.2us setup, 0us hold.
+ * // 2020-02-19 MAX11043 slowest EOC rate is 9us.
  * SPI spi(SPI1_MOSI, SPI1_MISO, SPI1_SCK, SPI1_SS); // mosi, miso, sclk spi1 TARGET_MAX32625MBED: P1_1 P1_2 P1_0 Arduino 10-pin header D11 D12 D13 D10
  * DigitalOut spi_cs(NC); // TARGET_MAX32625MBED: not connected
  * // PinName NC means NOT_CONNECTED; DigitalOut::is_connected() returns false
- * // compile/link but runtime error Assertion failed: obj->name != (PinName)NC
- * // so something is incorrectly trying to drive the CS pin, which is illegal since it's NC
- * // TODO: add m_cs_pin.is_connected() guard before writing m_cs_pin = m_SPI_cs_state
+ * // add m_cs_pin.is_connected() guard before writing m_cs_pin = m_SPI_cs_state
+ * // to avoid runtime error Assertion failed: obj->name != (PinName)NC
  * #elif defined(TARGET_MAX32600MBED)
  * SPI spi(SPI2_MOSI, SPI2_MISO, SPI2_SCK); // mosi, miso, sclk spi1 TARGET_MAX32600MBED: Arduino 10-pin header D11 D12 D13
  * DigitalOut spi_cs(SPI2_SS); // Generic: Arduino 10-pin header D10
--- a/Test_Main_MAX11043.cpp	Thu Feb 20 01:16:25 2020 +0000
+++ b/Test_Main_MAX11043.cpp	Thu Feb 20 10:21:21 2020 +0000
@@ -505,6 +505,460 @@
+// uncrustify-0.66.1 *INDENT-OFF*
+// Declare the DigitalInOut GPIO pins
+// Optional digitalInOut support. If there is only one it should be digitalInOut1.
+// D) Digital High/Low/Input Pin
+#if defined(TARGET_MAX32630)
+//       +-------------[microUSB]-------------+
+//       | J1         MAX32630FTHR        J2  |
+//       | [ ] RST                    GND [ ] |
+//       | [ ] 3V3                    BAT+[ ] |
+//       | [ ] 1V8                  reset SW1 |
+//       | [ ] GND       J4               J3  |
+//       | [ ] AIN_0 1.2Vfs     (bat) SYS [ ] |
+//       | [ ] AIN_1 1.2Vfs           PWR [ ] |
+//       | [ ] AIN_2 1.2Vfs      +5V VBUS [ ] |
+//       | [ ] AIN_3 1.2Vfs   1-WIRE P4_0 [ ] | dig9
+// dig10 | [x] P5_7  SDA2        SRN P5_6 [ ] | dig8
+// dig11 | [x] P6_0  SCL2      SDIO3 P5_5 [ ] | dig7
+// dig12 | [x] P5_0  SCLK      SDIO2 P5_4 [ ] | dig6
+// dig13 | [x] P5_1  MOSI       SSEL P5_3 [x] | dig5
+// dig14 | [ ] P5_2  MISO        RTS P3_3 [ ] | dig4
+// dig15 | [ ] P3_0  RX          CTS P3_2 [ ] | dig3
+// dig0  | [ ] P3_1  TX          SCL P3_5 [x] | dig2
+//       | [ ] GND               SDA P3_4 [x] | dig1
+//       +------------------------------------+
+    #define HAS_digitalInOut0 1 // P3_1 TARGET_MAX32630 J1.15
+    #define HAS_digitalInOut1 1 // P3_4 TARGET_MAX32630 J3.12
+    #define HAS_digitalInOut2 1 // P3_5 TARGET_MAX32630 J3.11
+    #define HAS_digitalInOut3 1 // P3_2 TARGET_MAX32630 J3.10
+    #define HAS_digitalInOut4 1 // P3_3 TARGET_MAX32630 J3.9
+    #define HAS_digitalInOut5 1 // P5_3 TARGET_MAX32630 J3.8
+    #define HAS_digitalInOut6 1 // P5_4 TARGET_MAX32630 J3.7
+    #define HAS_digitalInOut7 1 // P5_5 TARGET_MAX32630 J3.6
+    #define HAS_digitalInOut8 1 // P5_6 TARGET_MAX32630 J3.5
+    #define HAS_digitalInOut9 1 // P4_0 TARGET_MAX32630 J3.4
+#if HAS_I2C
+// avoid resource conflict between P5_7, P6_0 I2C and DigitalInOut
+    #define HAS_digitalInOut10 0 // P5_7 TARGET_MAX32630 J1.9
+    #define HAS_digitalInOut11 0 // P6_0 TARGET_MAX32630 J1.10
+#else // HAS_I2C
+    #define HAS_digitalInOut10 1 // P5_7 TARGET_MAX32630 J1.9
+    #define HAS_digitalInOut11 1 // P6_0 TARGET_MAX32630 J1.10
+#endif // HAS_I2C
+#if HAS_SPI
+// avoid resource conflict between P5_0, P5_1, P5_2 SPI and DigitalInOut
+    #define HAS_digitalInOut12 0 // P5_0 TARGET_MAX32630 J1.11
+    #define HAS_digitalInOut13 0 // P5_1 TARGET_MAX32630 J1.12
+    #define HAS_digitalInOut14 0 // P5_2 TARGET_MAX32630 J1.13
+    #define HAS_digitalInOut15 0 // P3_0 TARGET_MAX32630 J1.14
+#else // HAS_SPI
+    #define HAS_digitalInOut12 1 // P5_0 TARGET_MAX32630 J1.11
+    #define HAS_digitalInOut13 1 // P5_1 TARGET_MAX32630 J1.12
+    #define HAS_digitalInOut14 1 // P5_2 TARGET_MAX32630 J1.13
+    #define HAS_digitalInOut15 1 // P3_0 TARGET_MAX32630 J1.14
+#endif // HAS_SPI
+#if HAS_digitalInOut0
+    DigitalInOut digitalInOut0(P3_1, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1); // P3_1 TARGET_MAX32630 J1.15
+#if HAS_digitalInOut1
+    DigitalInOut digitalInOut1(P3_4, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1); // P3_4 TARGET_MAX32630 J3.12
+#if HAS_digitalInOut2
+    DigitalInOut digitalInOut2(P3_5, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1); // P3_5 TARGET_MAX32630 J3.11
+#if HAS_digitalInOut3
+    DigitalInOut digitalInOut3(P3_2, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1); // P3_2 TARGET_MAX32630 J3.10
+#if HAS_digitalInOut4
+    DigitalInOut digitalInOut4(P3_3, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1); // P3_3 TARGET_MAX32630 J3.9
+#if HAS_digitalInOut5
+    DigitalInOut digitalInOut5(P5_3, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1); // P5_3 TARGET_MAX32630 J3.8
+#if HAS_digitalInOut6
+    DigitalInOut digitalInOut6(P5_4, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1); // P5_4 TARGET_MAX32630 J3.7
+#if HAS_digitalInOut7
+    DigitalInOut digitalInOut7(P5_5, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1); // P5_5 TARGET_MAX32630 J3.6
+#if HAS_digitalInOut8
+    DigitalInOut digitalInOut8(P5_6, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1); // P5_6 TARGET_MAX32630 J3.5
+#if HAS_digitalInOut9
+    DigitalInOut digitalInOut9(P4_0, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1); // P4_0 TARGET_MAX32630 J3.4
+#if HAS_digitalInOut10
+    DigitalInOut digitalInOut10(P5_7, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1); // P5_7 TARGET_MAX32630 J1.9
+#if HAS_digitalInOut11
+    DigitalInOut digitalInOut11(P6_0, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1); // P6_0 TARGET_MAX32630 J1.10
+#if HAS_digitalInOut12
+    DigitalInOut digitalInOut12(P5_0, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1); // P5_0 TARGET_MAX32630 J1.11
+#if HAS_digitalInOut13
+    DigitalInOut digitalInOut13(P5_1, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1); // P5_1 TARGET_MAX32630 J1.12
+#if HAS_digitalInOut14
+    DigitalInOut digitalInOut14(P5_2, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1); // P5_2 TARGET_MAX32630 J1.13
+#if HAS_digitalInOut15
+    DigitalInOut digitalInOut15(P3_0, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1); // P3_0 TARGET_MAX32630 J1.14
+#elif defined(TARGET_MAX32625MBED)
+// TARGET=MAX32625MBED ARM Cortex-M4F 96MHz 512kB Flash 160kB SRAM
+//             +-------------------------------------+
+//             |   MAX32625MBED Arduino UNO header   |
+//             |                                     |
+//             |                           A5/SCL[ ] |   P1_7 dig15
+//             |                           A4/SDA[ ] |   P1_6 dig14
+//             |                         AREF=N/C[ ] |
+//             |                              GND[ ] |
+//             | [ ]N/C                    SCK/13[ ] |   P1_0 dig13
+//             | [ ]IOREF=3V3             MISO/12[ ] |   P1_2 dig12
+//             | [ ]RST                   MOSI/11[ ]~|   P1_1 dig11
+//             | [ ]3V3                     CS/10[ ]~|   P1_3 dig10
+//             | [ ]5V0                         9[ ]~|   P1_5 dig9
+//             | [ ]GND                         8[ ] |   P1_4 dig8
+//             | [ ]GND                              |
+//             | [ ]Vin                         7[ ] |   P0_7 dig7
+//             |                                6[ ]~|   P0_6 dig6
+//       AIN_0 | [ ]A0                          5[ ]~|   P0_5 dig5
+//       AIN_1 | [ ]A1                          4[ ] |   P0_4 dig4
+//       AIN_2 | [ ]A2                     INT1/3[ ]~|   P0_3 dig3
+//       AIN_3 | [ ]A3                     INT0/2[ ] |   P0_2 dig2
+// dig16  P3_4 | [ ]A4/SDA  RST SCK MISO     TX>1[ ] |   P0_1 dig1
+// dig17  P3_5 | [ ]A5/SCL  [ ] [ ] [ ]      RX<0[ ] |   P0_0 dig0
+//             |            [ ] [ ] [ ]              |
+//             |  UNO_R3    GND MOSI 5V  ____________/
+//              \_______________________/
+    #define HAS_digitalInOut0 1 // P0_0 TARGET_MAX32625MBED D0
+    #define HAS_digitalInOut1 1 // P0_1 TARGET_MAX32625MBED D1
+    #define HAS_digitalInOut2 0 // P0_2 TARGET_MAX32625MBED D2 -- MAX11131 EOC DigitalIn
+    #define HAS_digitalInOut2 1 // P0_2 TARGET_MAX32625MBED D2
+    #define HAS_digitalInOut3 1 // P0_3 TARGET_MAX32625MBED D3
+    #define HAS_digitalInOut4 1 // P0_4 TARGET_MAX32625MBED D4
+    #define HAS_digitalInOut5 1 // P0_5 TARGET_MAX32625MBED D5
+    #define HAS_digitalInOut6 1 // P0_6 TARGET_MAX32625MBED D6
+    #define HAS_digitalInOut7 1 // P0_7 TARGET_MAX32625MBED D7
+    #define HAS_digitalInOut8 1 // P1_4 TARGET_MAX32625MBED D8
+    #define HAS_digitalInOut9 0 // P1_5 TARGET_MAX32625MBED D9 -- MAX11131 CNVST DigitalOut
+    #define HAS_digitalInOut9 1 // P1_5 TARGET_MAX32625MBED D9
+#if HAS_SPI
+// avoid resource conflict between P5_0, P5_1, P5_2 SPI and DigitalInOut
+    #define HAS_digitalInOut10 0 // P1_3 TARGET_MAX32635MBED CS/10
+    #define HAS_digitalInOut11 0 // P1_1 TARGET_MAX32635MBED MOSI/11
+    #define HAS_digitalInOut12 0 // P1_2 TARGET_MAX32635MBED MISO/12
+    #define HAS_digitalInOut13 0 // P1_0 TARGET_MAX32635MBED SCK/13
+#else // HAS_SPI
+    #define HAS_digitalInOut10 1 // P1_3 TARGET_MAX32635MBED CS/10
+    #define HAS_digitalInOut11 1 // P1_1 TARGET_MAX32635MBED MOSI/11
+    #define HAS_digitalInOut12 1 // P1_2 TARGET_MAX32635MBED MISO/12
+    #define HAS_digitalInOut13 1 // P1_0 TARGET_MAX32635MBED SCK/13
+#endif // HAS_SPI
+#if HAS_I2C
+// avoid resource conflict between P5_7, P6_0 I2C and DigitalInOut
+    #define HAS_digitalInOut14 0 // P1_6 TARGET_MAX32635MBED A4/SDA (10pin digital connector)
+    #define HAS_digitalInOut15 0 // P1_7 TARGET_MAX32635MBED A5/SCL (10pin digital connector)
+    #define HAS_digitalInOut16 0 // P3_4 TARGET_MAX32635MBED A4/SDA (6pin analog connector)
+    #define HAS_digitalInOut17 0 // P3_5 TARGET_MAX32635MBED A5/SCL (6pin analog connector)
+#else // HAS_I2C
+    #define HAS_digitalInOut14 1 // P1_6 TARGET_MAX32635MBED A4/SDA (10pin digital connector)
+    #define HAS_digitalInOut15 1 // P1_7 TARGET_MAX32635MBED A5/SCL (10pin digital connector)
+    #define HAS_digitalInOut16 1 // P3_4 TARGET_MAX32635MBED A4/SDA (6pin analog connector)
+    #define HAS_digitalInOut17 1 // P3_5 TARGET_MAX32635MBED A5/SCL (6pin analog connector)
+#endif // HAS_I2C
+#if HAS_digitalInOut0
+    DigitalInOut digitalInOut0(P0_0, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1); // P0_0 TARGET_MAX32625MBED D0
+#if HAS_digitalInOut1
+    DigitalInOut digitalInOut1(P0_1, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1); // P0_1 TARGET_MAX32625MBED D1
+#if HAS_digitalInOut2
+    DigitalInOut digitalInOut2(P0_2, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1); // P0_2 TARGET_MAX32625MBED D2
+#if HAS_digitalInOut3
+    DigitalInOut digitalInOut3(P0_3, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1); // P0_3 TARGET_MAX32625MBED D3
+#if HAS_digitalInOut4
+    DigitalInOut digitalInOut4(P0_4, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1); // P0_4 TARGET_MAX32625MBED D4
+#if HAS_digitalInOut5
+    DigitalInOut digitalInOut5(P0_5, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1); // P0_5 TARGET_MAX32625MBED D5
+#if HAS_digitalInOut6
+    DigitalInOut digitalInOut6(P0_6, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1); // P0_6 TARGET_MAX32625MBED D6
+#if HAS_digitalInOut7
+    DigitalInOut digitalInOut7(P0_7, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1); // P0_7 TARGET_MAX32625MBED D7
+#if HAS_digitalInOut8
+    DigitalInOut digitalInOut8(P1_4, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1); // P1_4 TARGET_MAX32625MBED D8
+#if HAS_digitalInOut9
+    DigitalInOut digitalInOut9(P1_5, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1); // P1_5 TARGET_MAX32625MBED D9
+#if HAS_digitalInOut10
+    DigitalInOut digitalInOut10(P1_3, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1); // P1_3 TARGET_MAX32635MBED CS/10
+#if HAS_digitalInOut11
+    DigitalInOut digitalInOut11(P1_1, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1); // P1_1 TARGET_MAX32635MBED MOSI/11
+#if HAS_digitalInOut12
+    DigitalInOut digitalInOut12(P1_2, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1); // P1_2 TARGET_MAX32635MBED MISO/12
+#if HAS_digitalInOut13
+    DigitalInOut digitalInOut13(P1_0, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1); // P1_0 TARGET_MAX32635MBED SCK/13
+#if HAS_digitalInOut14
+    // Ensure that the unused I2C pins do not interfere with analog inputs A4 and A5
+    // DigitalInOut mode can be one of PullUp, PullDown, PullNone, OpenDrain
+    DigitalInOut digitalInOut14(P1_6, PIN_INPUT, OpenDrain, 1); // P1_6 TARGET_MAX32635MBED A4/SDA (10pin digital connector)
+#if HAS_digitalInOut15
+    // Ensure that the unused I2C pins do not interfere with analog inputs A4 and A5
+    DigitalInOut digitalInOut15(P1_7, PIN_INPUT, OpenDrain, 1); // P1_7 TARGET_MAX32635MBED A5/SCL (10pin digital connector)
+#if HAS_digitalInOut16
+    // Ensure that the unused I2C pins do not interfere with analog inputs A4 and A5
+    // DigitalInOut mode can be one of PullUp, PullDown, PullNone, OpenDrain
+    // PullUp-->3.4V, PullDown-->1.7V, PullNone-->3.5V, OpenDrain-->0.00V
+    DigitalInOut digitalInOut16(P3_4, PIN_INPUT, OpenDrain, 0); // P3_4 TARGET_MAX32635MBED A4/SDA (6pin analog connector)
+#if HAS_digitalInOut17
+    // Ensure that the unused I2C pins do not interfere with analog inputs A4 and A5
+    DigitalInOut digitalInOut17(P3_5, PIN_INPUT, OpenDrain, 0); // P3_5 TARGET_MAX32635MBED A5/SCL (6pin analog connector)
+#elif defined(TARGET_NUCLEO_F446RE) || defined(TARGET_NUCLEO_F401RE)
+    #define HAS_digitalInOut0 0 // P0_0 TARGET_MAX32625MBED D0
+    #define HAS_digitalInOut1 0 // P0_1 TARGET_MAX32625MBED D1
+    #define HAS_digitalInOut2 0 // P0_2 TARGET_MAX32625MBED D2 -- MAX11131 EOC DigitalIn
+    #define HAS_digitalInOut2 1 // P0_2 TARGET_MAX32625MBED D2
+    #define HAS_digitalInOut3 1 // P0_3 TARGET_MAX32625MBED D3
+    #define HAS_digitalInOut4 1 // P0_4 TARGET_MAX32625MBED D4
+    #define HAS_digitalInOut5 1 // P0_5 TARGET_MAX32625MBED D5
+    #define HAS_digitalInOut6 1 // P0_6 TARGET_MAX32625MBED D6
+    #define HAS_digitalInOut7 1 // P0_7 TARGET_MAX32625MBED D7
+    #define HAS_digitalInOut8 0 // P1_4 TARGET_MAX32625MBED D8 -- MAX5715 CLRb DigitalOut
+    #define HAS_digitalInOut8 1 // P1_4 TARGET_MAX32625MBED D8
+    #define HAS_digitalInOut9 0 // P1_5 TARGET_MAX32625MBED D9 -- MAX5715 LDACb DigitalOut
+    #define HAS_digitalInOut9 0 // P1_5 TARGET_MAX32625MBED D9 -- MAX11131 CNVST DigitalOut
+    #define HAS_digitalInOut9 1 // P1_5 TARGET_MAX32625MBED D9
+#if HAS_SPI
+// avoid resource conflict between P5_0, P5_1, P5_2 SPI and DigitalInOut
+    // Arduino digital pin D10 SPI function is CS/10
+    // Arduino digital pin D11 SPI function is MOSI/11
+    // Arduino digital pin D12 SPI function is MISO/12
+    // Arduino digital pin D13 SPI function is SCK/13
+    #define HAS_digitalInOut10 0
+    #define HAS_digitalInOut11 0
+    #define HAS_digitalInOut12 0
+    #define HAS_digitalInOut13 0
+#else // HAS_SPI
+    #define HAS_digitalInOut10 1
+    #define HAS_digitalInOut11 1
+    #define HAS_digitalInOut12 1
+    #define HAS_digitalInOut13 1
+#endif // HAS_SPI
+#if HAS_I2C
+// avoid resource conflict between P5_7, P6_0 I2C and DigitalInOut
+    // Arduino digital pin D14 I2C function is A4/SDA (10pin digital connector)
+    // Arduino digital pin D15 I2C function is A5/SCL (10pin digital connector)
+    // Arduino digital pin D16 I2C function is A4/SDA (6pin analog connector)
+    // Arduino digital pin D17 I2C function is A5/SCL (6pin analog connector)
+    #define HAS_digitalInOut14 0
+    #define HAS_digitalInOut15 0
+    #define HAS_digitalInOut16 0
+    #define HAS_digitalInOut17 0
+#else // HAS_I2C
+    #define HAS_digitalInOut14 1
+    #define HAS_digitalInOut15 1
+    #define HAS_digitalInOut16 0
+    #define HAS_digitalInOut17 0
+#endif // HAS_I2C
+#if HAS_digitalInOut0
+    DigitalInOut digitalInOut0(D0, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1);
+#if HAS_digitalInOut1
+    DigitalInOut digitalInOut1(D1, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1);
+#if HAS_digitalInOut2
+    DigitalInOut digitalInOut2(D2, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1);
+#if HAS_digitalInOut3
+    DigitalInOut digitalInOut3(D3, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1);
+#if HAS_digitalInOut4
+    DigitalInOut digitalInOut4(D4, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1);
+#if HAS_digitalInOut5
+    DigitalInOut digitalInOut5(D5, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1);
+#if HAS_digitalInOut6
+    DigitalInOut digitalInOut6(D6, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1);
+#if HAS_digitalInOut7
+    DigitalInOut digitalInOut7(D7, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1);
+#if HAS_digitalInOut8
+    DigitalInOut digitalInOut8(D8, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1);
+#if HAS_digitalInOut9
+    DigitalInOut digitalInOut9(D9, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1);
+#if HAS_digitalInOut10
+    // Arduino digital pin D10 SPI function is CS/10
+    DigitalInOut digitalInOut10(D10, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1);
+#if HAS_digitalInOut11
+    // Arduino digital pin D11 SPI function is MOSI/11
+    DigitalInOut digitalInOut11(D11, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1);
+#if HAS_digitalInOut12
+    // Arduino digital pin D12 SPI function is MISO/12
+    DigitalInOut digitalInOut12(D12, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1);
+#if HAS_digitalInOut13
+    // Arduino digital pin D13 SPI function is SCK/13
+    DigitalInOut digitalInOut13(D13, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1);
+#if HAS_digitalInOut14
+    // Arduino digital pin D14 I2C function is A4/SDA (10pin digital connector)
+    DigitalInOut digitalInOut14(D14, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1);
+#if HAS_digitalInOut15
+    // Arduino digital pin D15 I2C function is A5/SCL (10pin digital connector)
+    DigitalInOut digitalInOut15(D15, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1);
+#if HAS_digitalInOut16
+    // Arduino digital pin D16 I2C function is A4/SDA (6pin analog connector)
+    DigitalInOut digitalInOut16(D16, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1);
+#if HAS_digitalInOut17
+    // Arduino digital pin D17 I2C function is A5/SCL (6pin analog connector)
+    DigitalInOut digitalInOut17(D17, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1);
+#elif defined(TARGET_LPC1768)
+    #define HAS_digitalInOut0 1
+    #define HAS_digitalInOut1 1
+    #define HAS_digitalInOut2 1
+    #define HAS_digitalInOut3 1
+    #define HAS_digitalInOut4 1
+    #define HAS_digitalInOut5 1
+    #define HAS_digitalInOut6 1
+    #define HAS_digitalInOut7 1
+    #define HAS_digitalInOut8 1
+    #define HAS_digitalInOut9 1
+//    #define HAS_digitalInOut10 1
+//    #define HAS_digitalInOut11 1
+//    #define HAS_digitalInOut12 1
+//    #define HAS_digitalInOut13 1
+//    #define HAS_digitalInOut14 1
+//    #define HAS_digitalInOut15 1
+#if HAS_digitalInOut0
+    DigitalInOut digitalInOut0(p5, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1); // TARGET_LPC1768 P0.9/I2STX_SDA/MOSI1/MAT2.3
+#if HAS_digitalInOut1
+    DigitalInOut digitalInOut1(p6, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1); // TARGET_LPC1768 P0.8/I2STX_WS/MISO1/MAT2.2
+#if HAS_digitalInOut2
+    DigitalInOut digitalInOut2(p7, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1); // TARGET_LPC1768 P0.7/I2STX_CLK/SCK1/MAT2.1
+#if HAS_digitalInOut3
+    DigitalInOut digitalInOut3(p8, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1); // TARGET_LPC1768 P0.6/I2SRX_SDA/SSEL1/MAT2.0
+#if HAS_digitalInOut4
+    DigitalInOut digitalInOut4(p9, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1); // TARGET_LPC1768 P0.0/CAN_RX1/TXD3/SDA1
+#if HAS_digitalInOut5
+    DigitalInOut digitalInOut5(p10, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1); // TARGET_LPC1768 P0.1/CAN_TX1/RXD3/SCL1
+#if HAS_digitalInOut6
+    DigitalInOut digitalInOut6(p11, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1); // TARGET_LPC1768 P0.18/DCD1/MOSI0/MOSI1
+#if HAS_digitalInOut7
+    DigitalInOut digitalInOut7(p12, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1); // TARGET_LPC1768 P0.17/CTS1/MISO0/MISO
+#if HAS_digitalInOut8
+    DigitalInOut digitalInOut8(p13, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1); // TARGET_LPC1768 P0.15/TXD1/SCK0/SCK
+#if HAS_digitalInOut9
+    DigitalInOut digitalInOut9(p14, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1); // TARGET_LPC1768 P0.16/RXD1/SSEL0/SSEL
+    //
+    // these pins support analog input analogIn0 .. analogIn5
+    //DigitalInOut digitalInOut_(p15, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1); // TARGET_LPC1768 P0.23/AD0.0/I2SRX_CLK/CAP3.0
+    //DigitalInOut digitalInOut_(p16, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1); // TARGET_LPC1768 P0.24/AD0.1/I2SRX_WS/CAP3.1
+    //DigitalInOut digitalInOut_(p17, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1); // TARGET_LPC1768 P0.25/AD0.2/I2SRX_SDA/TXD3
+    //DigitalInOut digitalInOut_(p18, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1); // TARGET_LPC1768 P0.26/AD0.3/AOUT/RXD3
+    //DigitalInOut digitalInOut_(p19, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1); // TARGET_LPC1768 P1.30/VBUS/AD0.4
+    //DigitalInOut digitalInOut_(p20, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1); // TARGET_LPC1768 P1.31/SCK1/AD0.5
+    //
+    // these pins support PWM pwmDriver1 .. pwmDriver6
+    //DigitalInOut digitalInOut_(p21, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1); // TARGET_LPC1768 P2.5/PWM1.6/DTR1/TRACEDATA0
+    //DigitalInOut digitalInOut_(p22, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1); // TARGET_LPC1768 P2.4/PWM1.5/DSR1/TRACEDATA1
+    //DigitalInOut digitalInOut_(p23, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1); // TARGET_LPC1768 P2.3/PWM1.4/DCD1/TRACEDATA2
+    //DigitalInOut digitalInOut_(p24, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1); // TARGET_LPC1768 P2.2/PWM1.3/CTS1/TRACEDATA3
+    //DigitalInOut digitalInOut_(p25, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1); // TARGET_LPC1768 P2.1/PWM1.2/RXD1
+    //DigitalInOut digitalInOut_(p26, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1); // TARGET_LPC1768 P2.0/PWM1.1/TXD1/TRACECLK
+    //
+    // these could be additional digitalInOut pins
+#if HAS_digitalInOut10
+    DigitalInOut digitalInOut10(p27, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1); // TARGET_LPC1768 P0.11/RXD2/SCL2/MAT3.1
+#if HAS_digitalInOut11
+    DigitalInOut digitalInOut11(p28, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1); // TARGET_LPC1768 P0.10/TXD2/SDA2/MAT3.0
+#if HAS_digitalInOut12
+    DigitalInOut digitalInOut12(p29, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1); // TARGET_LPC1768 P0.5/I2SRX_WS/CAN_TX2/CAP2.1
+#if HAS_digitalInOut13
+    DigitalInOut digitalInOut13(p30, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1); // TARGET_LPC1768 P0.4/I2SRX_CLK/CAN_RX2/CAP2.0
+#if HAS_digitalInOut14
+    DigitalInOut digitalInOut14(___, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1);
+#if HAS_digitalInOut15
+    DigitalInOut digitalInOut15(___, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1);
+    // unknown target
+// uncrustify-0.66.1 *INDENT-ON*
+#if HAS_digitalInOut0 || HAS_digitalInOut1 \
+    || HAS_digitalInOut2 || HAS_digitalInOut3 \
+    || HAS_digitalInOut4 || HAS_digitalInOut5 \
+    || HAS_digitalInOut6 || HAS_digitalInOut7 \
+    || HAS_digitalInOut8 || HAS_digitalInOut9 \
+    || HAS_digitalInOut10 || HAS_digitalInOut11 \
+    || HAS_digitalInOut12 || HAS_digitalInOut13 \
+    || HAS_digitalInOut14 || HAS_digitalInOut15 \
+    || HAS_digitalInOut16 || HAS_digitalInOut17
+#define HAS_digitalInOuts 1
 // uncrustify-0.66.1 *INDENT-OFF*
@@ -856,6 +1310,132 @@
 #define HAS_analogIns 1
+// DigitalInOut pin resource: print the pin index names to serial
+#if HAS_digitalInOuts
+void list_digitalInOutPins(Stream& serialStream)
+#if HAS_digitalInOut0
+    serialStream.printf(" 0");
+#if HAS_digitalInOut1
+    serialStream.printf(" 1");
+#if HAS_digitalInOut2
+    serialStream.printf(" 2");
+#if HAS_digitalInOut3
+    serialStream.printf(" 3");
+#if HAS_digitalInOut4
+    serialStream.printf(" 4");
+#if HAS_digitalInOut5
+    serialStream.printf(" 5");
+#if HAS_digitalInOut6
+    serialStream.printf(" 6");
+#if HAS_digitalInOut7
+    serialStream.printf(" 7");
+#if HAS_digitalInOut8
+    serialStream.printf(" 8");
+#if HAS_digitalInOut9
+    serialStream.printf(" 9");
+#if HAS_digitalInOut10
+    serialStream.printf(" 10");
+#if HAS_digitalInOut11
+    serialStream.printf(" 11");
+#if HAS_digitalInOut12
+    serialStream.printf(" 12");
+#if HAS_digitalInOut13
+    serialStream.printf(" 13");
+#if HAS_digitalInOut14
+    serialStream.printf(" 14");
+#if HAS_digitalInOut15
+    serialStream.printf(" 15");
+#if HAS_digitalInOut16
+    serialStream.printf(" 16");
+#if HAS_digitalInOut17
+    serialStream.printf(" 17");
+// DigitalInOut pin resource: search index
+#if HAS_digitalInOuts
+DigitalInOut& find_digitalInOutPin(int cPinIndex)
+    switch (cPinIndex)
+    {
+        default: // default to the first defined digitalInOut pin
+#if HAS_digitalInOut0
+        case '0': case 0x00: return digitalInOut0;
+#if HAS_digitalInOut1
+        case '1': case 0x01: return digitalInOut1;
+#if HAS_digitalInOut2
+        case '2': case 0x02: return digitalInOut2;
+#if HAS_digitalInOut3
+        case '3': case 0x03: return digitalInOut3;
+#if HAS_digitalInOut4
+        case '4': case 0x04: return digitalInOut4;
+#if HAS_digitalInOut5
+        case '5': case 0x05: return digitalInOut5;
+#if HAS_digitalInOut6
+        case '6': case 0x06: return digitalInOut6;
+#if HAS_digitalInOut7
+        case '7': case 0x07: return digitalInOut7;
+#if HAS_digitalInOut8
+        case '8': case 0x08: return digitalInOut8;
+#if HAS_digitalInOut9
+        case '9': case 0x09: return digitalInOut9;
+#if HAS_digitalInOut10
+        case 'a': case 0x0a: return digitalInOut10;
+#if HAS_digitalInOut11
+        case 'b': case 0x0b: return digitalInOut11;
+#if HAS_digitalInOut12
+        case 'c': case 0x0c: return digitalInOut12;
+#if HAS_digitalInOut13
+        case 'd': case 0x0d: return digitalInOut13;
+#if HAS_digitalInOut14
+        case 'e': case 0x0e: return digitalInOut14;
+#if HAS_digitalInOut15
+        case 'f': case 0x0f: return digitalInOut15;
+#if HAS_digitalInOut16
+        case 'g': case 0x10: return digitalInOut16;
+#if HAS_digitalInOut17
+        case 'h': case 0x11: return digitalInOut17;
+    }
 // AnalogIn pin resource: search index
@@ -1115,17 +1695,17 @@
 // example code declare SPI interface
 #if defined(TARGET_MAX32625MBED)
-// TODO1: support SPI hardware-controlled CS instead of GPIO CS (mbed)
-// 2020-02-19 attempting to improve SPI CS timing.
-// Currently CS envelope is 23us (11.4us before SCLK and 8.6us after SCLK).
-// MAX11043 slowest EOC rate is 9us.
-// Trying to use SPI-controlled CS configuration. Not working yet.
+// SPI spi(SPI1_MOSI, SPI1_MISO, SPI1_SCK); // mosi, miso, sclk spi1 TARGET_MAX32625MBED: P1_1 P1_2 P1_0 Arduino 10-pin header D11 D12 D13 D10
+// DigitalOut spi_cs(SPI1_SS); // TARGET_MAX32625MBED: not connected
+// Support SPI hardware-controlled CS instead of GPIO CS (mbed)
+// 2020-02-19 MAX32625MBED GPIO CS envelope is 23us (11.4us before SCLK and 8.6us after SCLK).
+// 2020-02-19 MAX32625MBED SPI controlled CS envelope 4 channel read reduced to 4.2us (24MHz SCLK), 1.2us setup, 0us hold.
+// 2020-02-19 MAX11043 slowest EOC rate is 9us.
 SPI spi(SPI1_MOSI, SPI1_MISO, SPI1_SCK, SPI1_SS); // mosi, miso, sclk spi1 TARGET_MAX32625MBED: P1_1 P1_2 P1_0 Arduino 10-pin header D11 D12 D13 D10
 DigitalOut spi_cs(NC); // TARGET_MAX32625MBED: not connected
 // PinName NC means NOT_CONNECTED; DigitalOut::is_connected() returns false
-// compile/link but runtime error Assertion failed: obj->name != (PinName)NC
-// so something is incorrectly trying to drive the CS pin, which is illegal since it's NC
-// TODO: add m_cs_pin.is_connected() guard before writing m_cs_pin = m_SPI_cs_state
+// add m_cs_pin.is_connected() guard before writing m_cs_pin = m_SPI_cs_state
+// to avoid runtime error Assertion failed: obj->name != (PinName)NC
 #elif defined(TARGET_MAX32600MBED)
 SPI spi(SPI2_MOSI, SPI2_MISO, SPI2_SCK); // mosi, miso, sclk spi1 TARGET_MAX32600MBED: Arduino 10-pin header D11 D12 D13
 DigitalOut spi_cs(SPI2_SS); // Generic: Arduino 10-pin header D10